public static String[] getNSServiceNameAndMessageNameArray( Definition wsdlDefinition, String serviceName, String portName, String bindingName, String opName) { Map<?, ?> services = wsdlDefinition.getServices(); Set<?> serviceKeys = services.keySet(); for (Iterator<?> it = serviceKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { QName serviceKey = (QName); if (serviceName != null && serviceKey.getLocalPart().contentEquals(serviceName)) { Service service = (Service) services.get(serviceKey); Map<?, ?> ports = service.getPorts(); Set<?> portKeys = ports.keySet(); for (Iterator<?> it2 = portKeys.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); ) { String portKey = (String); if (portName != null && portKey.contentEquals(portName)) { Port port = (Port) ports.get(portKey); Binding wsdlBinding = port.getBinding(); PortType portType = wsdlBinding.getPortType(); String ns = portType.getQName().getNamespaceURI(); List<?> operations = portType.getOperations(); for (Iterator<?> it3 = operations.iterator(); it3.hasNext(); ) { Operation operation = (Operation); if (opName != null && operation.getName().contentEquals(opName)) { return new String[] {ns, serviceName, portName}; } } } } } } return null; }
private XNode getXNode(Binding binding) { XDef xdef = new XDef(); xdef.setTargetNamespace(binding.getQName().getNamespaceURI()); XBinding bNode = new XBinding(); bNode.setName(binding.getQName().getLocalPart()); bNode.setParentNode(xdef); return bNode; }
@Test public void testLoadSnowboard_Bug_OP_851() throws WSDLException { URL wsdlUrl = ResourceUtils.getResourceWithAbsolutePackagePath("builder", "snowboard.wsdl"); SoapBuilder builder = new SoapBuilder(wsdlUrl); for (Object b : builder.getDefinition().getAllBindings().values()) { Binding binding = (Binding) b; for (BindingOperation op : (List<BindingOperation>) binding.getBindingOperations()) { OperationWrapper wrapper = SoapBuilder.getOperation(binding, op); assertNotNull(wrapper); } } }
private void convertPort(Port port) throws IOException { String comment = ""; String name = port.getName(); String protocol = "soap"; String location = "socket://localhost:80/"; if (port.getDocumentationElement() != null) { comment = port.getDocumentationElement().getNodeValue(); } List<ExtensibilityElement> extElements = port.getExtensibilityElements(); for (ExtensibilityElement element : extElements) { if (element instanceof SOAPAddress) { location = ((SOAPAddress) element).getLocationURI().toString(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder .append("soap {\n") .append("\t.wsdl = \"") .append(definition.getDocumentBaseURI()) .append("\";\n") .append("\t.wsdl.port = \"") .append(port.getName()) .append("\"\n}"); protocol = builder.toString(); } else if (element instanceof HTTPAddress) { location = ((HTTPAddress) element).getLocationURI().toString(); protocol = "http"; } } try { URI uri = new URI(location); uri = new URI( "socket", uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), (uri.getPort() < 1) ? 80 : uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment()); location = uri.toString(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Binding binding = port.getBinding(); PortType portType = binding.getPortType(); convertPortType(portType, binding); outputPorts.put( name, new OutputPort(name, location, protocol, portType.getQName().getLocalPart(), comment)); }
public static ExtensibilityElement getBindingExtension(Binding binding) { Collection bindings = new ArrayList(); CollectionsX.filter(bindings, binding.getExtensibilityElements(), HTTPBinding.class); CollectionsX.filter(bindings, binding.getExtensibilityElements(), SOAPBinding.class); CollectionsX.filter(bindings, binding.getExtensibilityElements(), SOAP12Binding.class); if (bindings.size() == 0) { return null; } else if (bindings.size() > 1) { // exception if multiple bindings found throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple bindings: " + binding.getQName()); } else { // retrieve the single element return (ExtensibilityElement) bindings.iterator().next(); } }
private void convertPortType(PortType portType, Binding binding) throws IOException { String comment = ""; if (portType.getDocumentationElement() != null) { comment = portType.getDocumentationElement().getNodeValue(); } Style style = Style.DOCUMENT; for (ExtensibilityElement element : (List<ExtensibilityElement>) binding.getExtensibilityElements()) { if (element instanceof SOAPBinding) { if ("rpc".equals(((SOAPBinding) element).getStyle())) { style = Style.RPC; } } else if (element instanceof HTTPBinding) { style = Style.HTTP; } } Interface iface = new Interface(portType.getQName().getLocalPart(), comment); List<Operation> operations = portType.getOperations(); for (Operation operation : operations) { if (operation.getOutput() == null) { iface.addOneWayOperation(convertOperation(operation, style)); } else { iface.addRequestResponseOperation(convertOperation(operation, style)); } } interfaces.put(, iface); }
private Map<QName, XNode> getBindings(Service service) { Map<QName, XNode> bindings = new HashMap<QName, XNode>(); if (service.getPorts().values().size() == 0) { throw new ToolException( "Service " + service.getQName() + " does not contain any usable ports"); } Collection<Port> ports = CastUtils.cast(service.getPorts().values()); for (Port port : ports) { Binding binding = port.getBinding(); bindings.put(binding.getQName(), getXNode(service, port)); if (WSDLConstants.NS_WSDL11.equals(binding.getQName().getNamespaceURI())) { throw new ToolException( "Binding " + binding.getQName().getLocalPart() + " namespace set improperly."); } } return bindings; }
public static EprMetaData getBindingForTypeId(String repId, Definition wsdlDef) { LOG.log( Level.FINE, "RepositoryId " + repId + ", wsdl namespace " + wsdlDef.getTargetNamespace()); EprMetaData ret = new EprMetaData(); Collection<Binding> bindings = CastUtils.cast(wsdlDef.getBindings().values()); for (Binding b : bindings) { List<?> extElements = b.getExtensibilityElements(); // Get the list of all extensibility elements for (Iterator<?> extIter = extElements.iterator(); extIter.hasNext(); ) { java.lang.Object element =; // Find a binding type so we can check against its repository ID if (element instanceof BindingType) { BindingType type = (BindingType) element; if (repId.equals(type.getRepositoryID())) { ret.setCandidateWsdlDef(wsdlDef); ret.setBinding(b); return ret; } } } } if (!ret.isValid()) { // recursivly check imports Iterator<?> importLists = wsdlDef.getImports().values().iterator(); while (importLists.hasNext()) { List<?> imports = (List<?>); for (java.lang.Object imp : imports) { if (imp instanceof Import) { Definition importDef = ((Import) imp).getDefinition(); LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Following import " + importDef.getDocumentBaseURI()); ret = getBindingForTypeId(repId, importDef); if (ret.isValid()) { return ret; } } } } } return ret; }
public static String getActionURL( Definition wsdlDefinition, String serviceName, String portName, String bindingName, String opName) { Map<?, ?> services = wsdlDefinition.getServices(); Set<?> serviceKeys = services.keySet(); for (Iterator<?> it = serviceKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { QName serviceKey = (QName); if (serviceName != null && serviceKey.getLocalPart().contentEquals(serviceName)) { Service service = (Service) services.get(serviceKey); Map<?, ?> ports = service.getPorts(); Set<?> portKeys = ports.keySet(); for (Iterator<?> it2 = portKeys.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); ) { String portKey = (String); if (portName != null && portKey.contentEquals(portName)) { Port port = (Port) ports.get(portKey); Binding wsdlBinding = port.getBinding(); List<?> operations = wsdlBinding.getBindingOperations(); for (Iterator<?> it3 = operations.iterator(); it3.hasNext(); ) { BindingOperation operation = (BindingOperation); if (opName != null && operation.getName().contentEquals(opName)) { List<?> attributesList = operation.getExtensibilityElements(); for (Iterator<?> it4 = attributesList.iterator(); it4.hasNext(); ) { Object test =; if (test instanceof SOAPOperation) { SOAPOperation soapOp = (SOAPOperation) test; return soapOp.getSoapActionURI(); } else if (test instanceof SOAP12Operation) { SOAP12Operation soapOp = (SOAP12Operation) test; return soapOp.getSoapActionURI(); } } } } } } } } return null; }
public static Binding getDefaultBinding(Object obj, Definition wsdlDef) { LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Getting binding for a default object reference"); Collection<Binding> bindings = CastUtils.cast(wsdlDef.getBindings().values()); for (Binding b : bindings) { List<?> extElements = b.getExtensibilityElements(); // Get the list of all extensibility elements for (Iterator<?> extIter = extElements.iterator(); extIter.hasNext(); ) { java.lang.Object element =; // Find a binding type so we can check against its repository ID if (element instanceof BindingType) { BindingType type = (BindingType) element; if (obj._is_a(type.getRepositoryID())) { return b; } } } } return null; }
// TODO: Should also check SoapHeader/SoapHeaderFault public boolean checkR2205() { Collection<Binding> bindings = CastUtils.cast(def.getBindings().values()); for (Binding binding : bindings) { if (!SOAPBindingUtil.isSOAPBinding(binding)) { System.err.println( "WSIBP Validator found <" + binding.getQName() + "> is NOT a SOAP binding"); continue; } if (binding.getPortType() == null) { // will error later continue; } for (Iterator<?> ite2 = binding.getPortType().getOperations().iterator(); ite2.hasNext(); ) { Operation operation = (Operation); Collection<Fault> faults = CastUtils.cast(operation.getFaults().values()); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(faults)) { continue; } for (Fault fault : faults) { Message message = fault.getMessage(); Collection<Part> parts = CastUtils.cast(message.getParts().values()); for (Part part : parts) { if (part.getElementName() == null) { addErrorMessage( getErrorPrefix("WSI-BP-1.0 R2205") + "In Message " + message.getQName() + ", part " + part.getName() + " must specify a 'element' attribute"); return false; } } } } } return true; }
public void createSoapRequest(MessageContext msgCtx, Element message, Operation op) throws AxisFault { if (op == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null operation"); } // The message can be null if the input message has no part if (op.getInput().getMessage().getParts().size() > 0 && message == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null message."); } if (msgCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null msgCtx"); } BindingOperation bop = binding.getBindingOperation(op.getName(), null, null); if (bop == null) { throw new OdeFault("BindingOperation not found."); } BindingInput bi = bop.getBindingInput(); if (bi == null) { throw new OdeFault("BindingInput not found."); } SOAPEnvelope soapEnv = msgCtx.getEnvelope(); if (soapEnv == null) { soapEnv = soapFactory.getDefaultEnvelope(); msgCtx.setEnvelope(soapEnv); } // createSoapHeaders(soapEnv, getSOAPHeaders(bi), op.getInput().getMessage(), message); SOAPBody soapBody = getSOAPBody(bi); if (soapBody != null) { org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPBody sb = soapEnv.getBody() == null ? soapFactory.createSOAPBody(soapEnv) : soapEnv.getBody(); createSoapBody(sb, soapBody, op.getInput().getMessage(), message, op.getName()); } }
private void collectValidationPointsForBindings() throws Exception { Map<QName, XNode> vBindingNodes = new HashMap<QName, XNode>(); for (Service service : services.values()) { vBindingNodes.putAll(getBindings(service)); } for (Map.Entry<QName, XNode> entry : vBindingNodes.entrySet()) { QName bName = entry.getKey(); Binding binding = this.definition.getBinding(bName); if (binding == null) { LOG.log( Level.SEVERE, bName.toString() + " is not correct, please check that the correct namespace is being used"); throw new Exception( bName.toString() + " is not correct, please check that the correct namespace is being used"); } XNode vBindingNode = getXNode(binding); vBindingNode.setFailurePoint(entry.getValue()); vNodes.add(vBindingNode); if (binding.getPortType() == null) { continue; } portTypeRefNames.add(binding.getPortType().getQName()); XNode vPortTypeNode = getXNode(binding.getPortType()); vPortTypeNode.setFailurePoint(vBindingNode); vNodes.add(vPortTypeNode); Collection<BindingOperation> bops = CastUtils.cast(binding.getBindingOperations()); for (BindingOperation bop : bops) { XNode vOpNode = getOperationXNode(vPortTypeNode, bop.getName()); XNode vBopNode = getOperationXNode(vBindingNode, bop.getName()); vOpNode.setFailurePoint(vBopNode); vNodes.add(vOpNode); if (bop.getBindingInput() != null) { String inName = bop.getBindingInput().getName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(inName)) { XNode vInputNode = getInputXNode(vOpNode, inName); vInputNode.setFailurePoint(getInputXNode(vBopNode, inName)); vNodes.add(vInputNode); } } if (bop.getBindingOutput() != null) { String outName = bop.getBindingOutput().getName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(outName)) { XNode vOutputNode = getOutputXNode(vOpNode, outName); vOutputNode.setFailurePoint(getOutputXNode(vBopNode, outName)); vNodes.add(vOutputNode); } } for (Iterator<?> iter1 = bop.getBindingFaults().keySet().iterator(); iter1.hasNext(); ) { String faultName = (String); XNode vFaultNode = getFaultXNode(vOpNode, faultName); vFaultNode.setFailurePoint(getFaultXNode(vBopNode, faultName)); vNodes.add(vFaultNode); } } } }
public boolean checkR2203And2204() { Collection<Binding> bindings = CastUtils.cast(def.getBindings().values()); for (Binding binding : bindings) { String style = SOAPBindingUtil.getCanonicalBindingStyle(binding); if (binding.getPortType() == null) { return true; } // for (Iterator<?> ite2 = binding.getPortType().getOperations().iterator(); ite2.hasNext(); ) { Operation operation = (Operation); BindingOperation bop = wsdlHelper.getBindingOperation(def, operation.getName()); if (operation.getInput() != null && operation.getInput().getMessage() != null) { Message inMess = operation.getInput().getMessage(); for (Iterator<?> ite3 = inMess.getParts().values().iterator(); ite3.hasNext(); ) { Part p = (Part); if ( && p.getTypeName() == null && !isHeaderPart(bop, p)) { addErrorMessage( "An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in its soapbind:body element(s), only to " + "wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined " + "using the type attribute."); return false; } if ( && p.getElementName() == null) { addErrorMessage( "A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in each of its soapbind:body element(s)," + "only to wsdl:part element(s)" + " that have been defined using the element attribute."); return false; } } } if (operation.getOutput() != null && operation.getOutput().getMessage() != null) { Message outMess = operation.getOutput().getMessage(); for (Iterator<?> ite3 = outMess.getParts().values().iterator(); ite3.hasNext(); ) { Part p = (Part); if (style.equalsIgnoreCase( && p.getTypeName() == null && !isHeaderPart(bop, p)) { addErrorMessage( "An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in its soapbind:body element(s), only to " + "wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined " + "using the type attribute."); return false; } if (style.equalsIgnoreCase( && p.getElementName() == null) { addErrorMessage( "A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, " + "in each of its soapbind:body element(s)," + "only to wsdl:part element(s)" + " that have been defined using the element attribute."); return false; } } } } } return true; }
/** * Build the WSDL model. * * @param abstractService collected Service information * @param prebuild XSD generator for type section * @return WSDL definition */ public Definition buildDefinition(AbstractService abstractService, XsdSchemaGenerator xsdgen) throws WSDLException, java.lang.Exception { String serviceName = helper.reformatOWLSSupportedByString(abstractService.getID()); String serviceDescription = abstractService.getDescription(); Map<String, Vector<AbstractServiceParameter>> mapInputs = new HashMap<String, Vector<AbstractServiceParameter>>(); Map<String, Vector<AbstractServiceParameter>> mapOutputs = new HashMap<String, Vector<AbstractServiceParameter>>(); Map<String, AtomicProcess> mapProcesses = new HashMap<String, AtomicProcess>(); System.out.println("[BUILD] Servicename: " + serviceName); System.out.println("[BUILD] description: " + serviceDescription); if (!this.validateServiceParameterTypes(abstractService)) { throw new Exception("Error in parameter list. Datatype not found."); } Vector<AtomicProcess> processes = abstractService.getProcesses(); Iterator<AtomicProcess> itA = processes.iterator(); while (itA.hasNext()) { AtomicProcess ap =; Vector<AbstractServiceParameter> inputParameter = ap.getInputParameter(); Vector<AbstractServiceParameter> outputParameter = ap.getOutputParameter(); String operationName = ap.getName(); // for (int i = 0; i < ap.getOutputParameter().size(); i++) { // String operationName = "get" // + ((AbstractServiceParameter) ap // .getOutputParameter().get(i)).getID(); System.out.println("[BUILD] Operation : " + operationName); // } mapInputs.put(operationName, inputParameter); mapOutputs.put(operationName, outputParameter); mapProcesses.put(operationName, ap); } WSDLFactory wsdlFactory = WSDLFactory.newInstance(); ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = wsdlFactory.newPopulatedExtensionRegistry(); Definition def = wsdlFactory.newDefinition(); SchemaSerializer schemaSer = new SchemaSerializer(); extensionRegistry.setDefaultSerializer(schemaSer); // // NAMESPACE // // e.g. "" int index = abstractService.getBase().lastIndexOf("."); String targetNS = abstractService.getBase().substring(0, index); if (OWLS2WSDLSettings.getInstance().getProperty("CHANGE_TNS").equals("yes")) { String tns_basepath = OWLS2WSDLSettings.getInstance().getProperty("TNS_BASEPATH"); targetNS = tns_basepath + serviceName; def.setQName(new QName(tns_basepath, serviceName)); // +"Service")); } else { def.setQName( new QName(abstractService.getBasePath(), serviceName)); // abstractService.getID())); } System.out.println("abstractService.getBase : " + abstractService.getBase()); System.out.println("abstractService.getBasePath: " + abstractService.getBasePath()); // def.setDocumentBaseURI("http://document/base"); def.setTargetNamespace(targetNS); def.addNamespace("tns", targetNS); def.addNamespace("intf", targetNS); def.addNamespace("impl", targetNS + "-impl"); def.addNamespace("", targetNS); def.addNamespace("xsd", ""); def.addNamespace("wsdl", ""); def.addNamespace("wsdlsoap", ""); def.addNamespace("SOAP-ENC", ""); def.addNamespace("apachesoap", ""); System.out.println("INFO: " + def.getQName().toString()); System.out.println("tns : " + def.getNamespace("tns" + serviceName)); // WA: xmlns:soapenc="" // WA: xmlns:wsdlsoap="" // // IMPORTS AND TYPES // /* * Import importsec = def.createImport(); importsec.setDefinition(def); * importsec.setLocationURI("locationURI"); * importsec.setNamespaceURI("nsURI"); def.addImport(importsec); */ // LESEN DES SCHEMAS AUS DATEISYSTEM // =========================================== // DOMParser domp = new DOMParser(); // try { // //domp.parse("file:/D:/development/xsd/generated.xsd"); // domp.parse("file:/D:/tmp/StEmilion.xsd"); // } // catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // // Document doc = domp.getDocument(); // Element element = doc.getDocumentElement(); // ============================================================================= Element element = null; try { // construct schema model for all parameter Iterator<Entry<String, Vector<AbstractServiceParameter>>> itAp = mapInputs.entrySet().iterator(); while (itAp.hasNext()) { for (Iterator<AbstractServiceParameter> it =; it.hasNext(); ) { AbstractServiceParameter param =; System.out.println("[BUILD] IN :" + param.getUri()); if (!this.isPrimitiveType(param.getUri())) { xsdgen.appendToSchema( AbstractDatatypeKB.getInstance().getAbstractDatatypeKBData().get(param.getUri())); System.out.println("[BUILD] added to type section."); } } } itAp = mapOutputs.entrySet().iterator(); while (itAp.hasNext()) { for (Iterator<AbstractServiceParameter> it =; it.hasNext(); ) { AbstractServiceParameter param =; System.out.println("[BUILD] OUT :" + param.getUri()); if (!this.isPrimitiveType(param.getUri())) { xsdgen.appendToSchema( AbstractDatatypeKB.getInstance().getAbstractDatatypeKBData().get(param.getUri())); System.out.println("[BUILD] added to type section."); } } } xsdgen.deleteObsoleteTypesFromSchema(); // org.jdom.Document jdoc = // XMLUtils.convertSchemaToElement(AbstractDatatypeKB.getInstance().getXmlSchemaElement("", // false, -1)).getDocument(); org.jdom.Document jdoc = XMLUtils.convertSchemaToElement(xsdgen.getSchema()).getDocument(); DOMOutputter w3cOutputter = new DOMOutputter(); Document doc = w3cOutputter.output(jdoc); element = doc.getDocumentElement(); NamedNodeMap attList = element.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attList.getLength(); i++) { Node n = element.getAttributes().item(i); if (n.getTextContent().equals("")) { element.removeAttributeNode((Attr) n); } } element.setAttribute("targetNamespace", targetNS); element.setAttribute("xmlns", targetNS); } catch (org.jdom.JDOMException jdome) { jdome.printStackTrace(); } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException saxe) { saxe.printStackTrace(); } catch ( ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } UnknownExtensibilityElement extensibilityElement = new UnknownExtensibilityElement(); extensibilityElement.setElement(element); extensibilityElement.setElementType(new QName(element.getNamespaceURI())); extensibilityElement.setRequired(Boolean.TRUE); // System.out.println("EXENSIBILITYELEMENT: "+extensibilityElement); Types types = def.getTypes(); types = def.createTypes(); types.addExtensibilityElement(extensibilityElement); def.setTypes(types); // Schema schema = new SchemaImpl(); // DOMParser domp = new DOMParser(); // try { // domp.parse("file:/D:/development/xsd/generated.xsd"); // Document doc = domp.getDocument(); // NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("xsd:schema"); // for(int i=0; i<nodes.getLength();i++) { // schema.setElement(doc.getDocumentElement()); // schema.setElementType(new QName(nodes.item(i).getNamespaceURI())); // schema.setDocumentBaseURI(nodes.item(i).getNamespaceURI()); // types.addExtensibilityElement(schema); // def.setTypes(types); // } // System.out.println("DOC1:"+doc.toString()); // System.out.println("NODES:"+nodes.getLength()); // } // catch(Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // //UnknownExtensibilityElement extensibilityElement = new // UnknownExtensibilityElement(); // // org.jdom.Element jdelem = XMLUtils.convertSchemaToElement(schema); // // System.out.println("JDOM ELEMENT: "+jdelem.toString()); //[email protected]%3e // // Schema schema = (Schema) // extensionRegistry.createExtension(javax.wsdl.Types, new // QName("", "schema")); // DocumentBuilderFactory factory = // DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // Document schemaDeclaration = builder.newDocument(); // //... (populate schemaDeclaration with elements and types) // schema.setDeclaration(schemaDeclaration); // types.addExtensibilityElement(schema); // (get-) Operation name // String operationName = "get"; // for (int i = 0; i < outputParameter.size(); i++) { // AbstractServiceParameter param = (AbstractServiceParameter) outputParameter // .get(i); // operationName += param.getID(); // } // // MESSAGES, PARTS // ================================================================= // description fehlt noch Service service = def.createService(); // service.setDocumentationElement() service.setQName(new QName(targetNS, serviceName + "Service")); SOAPBinding soapBinding = (SOAPBinding) extensionRegistry.createExtension( Binding.class, new QName("", "binding")); soapBinding.setTransportURI(""); soapBinding.setStyle("rpc"); SOAPBody body = (SOAPBody) extensionRegistry.createExtension( BindingInput.class, new QName("", "body")); body.setUse("literal"); ArrayList<String> listOfStyles = new ArrayList<String>(); listOfStyles.add(""); body.setEncodingStyles(listOfStyles); body.setNamespaceURI(targetNS); Binding binding = def.createBinding(); // == add PortType and Binding to WSDL defintion PortType portType = def.createPortType(); portType.setQName(new QName(targetNS, serviceName + "PortType")); // == Binding section binding.setQName(new QName(targetNS, serviceName + "Binding")); binding.addExtensibilityElement(soapBinding); BindingInput binding_input = def.createBindingInput(); // binding_input.setName("BINDING IN"); binding_input.addExtensibilityElement(body); BindingOutput binding_out = def.createBindingOutput(); // binding_out.setName("BINDING OUT"); binding_out.addExtensibilityElement(body); Iterator<Entry<String, Vector<AbstractServiceParameter>>> itOps = mapInputs.entrySet().iterator(); while (itOps.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Vector<AbstractServiceParameter>> op =; String operationName = op.getKey(); AtomicProcess ap = mapProcesses.get(operationName); Vector<AbstractServiceParameter> inputParameter = mapInputs.get(operationName); Vector<AbstractServiceParameter> outputParameter = mapOutputs.get(operationName); Message request = def.createMessage(); request.setQName(new QName(targetNS, operationName + "Request")); boolean duplicateInputs = false; boolean duplicateOutputs = false; if (ap.hasDuplicateInputParameter()) { duplicateInputs = true; } if (ap.hasDuplicateOutputParameter()) { duplicateOutputs = true; } for (int ipi = 0; ipi < inputParameter.size(); ipi++) { AbstractServiceParameter param = (AbstractServiceParameter) inputParameter.get(ipi); Part part = def.createPart(); if (duplicateInputs) { part.setName(param.getID() + String.valueOf(param.getPos())); } else { part.setName(param.getID()); } System.out.println("SET TYPE OF PART: " + param.toString()); if (param.isPrimitiveXsdType()) { part.setTypeName(new QName("", param.getTypeLocal())); } else { part.setTypeName(new QName(targetNS, param.getTypeRemote())); } request.addPart(part); } request.setUndefined(false); def.addMessage(request); Message response = def.createMessage(); response.setQName(new QName(targetNS, operationName + "Response")); for (int opi = 0; opi < outputParameter.size(); opi++) { AbstractServiceParameter param = (AbstractServiceParameter) outputParameter.get(opi); Part part = def.createPart(); if (duplicateOutputs) { part.setName(param.getID() + String.valueOf(param.getPos())); } else { part.setName(param.getID()); } System.out.println("SET TYPE OF PART: " + param.toString()); if (param.isPrimitiveXsdType()) { part.setTypeName(new QName("", param.getTypeLocal())); } else { part.setTypeName(new QName(targetNS, param.getTypeRemote())); } response.addPart(part); } response.setUndefined(false); def.addMessage(response); // // PORTTYPE, OPERATION // Input input = def.createInput(); input.setMessage(request); Output output = def.createOutput(); output.setMessage(response); // == build the wsdl operation + bindings for each owls output parameter Operation operation = def.createOperation(); // operation.setName(operationName); operation.setName(ap.getOperationName()); operation.setInput(input); operation.setOutput(output); operation.setUndefined(false); portType.addOperation(operation); portType.setUndefined(false); SOAPOperation soapOperation = (SOAPOperation) extensionRegistry.createExtension( BindingOperation.class, new QName("", "operation")); soapOperation.setSoapActionURI(""); // soapOperation.setStyle("document"); BindingOperation binding_op = def.createBindingOperation(); // binding_op.setName(operationName); binding_op.setName(ap.getOperationName()); binding_op.addExtensibilityElement(soapOperation); binding_op.setOperation(operation); binding_op.setBindingInput(binding_input); binding_op.setBindingOutput(binding_out); binding.addBindingOperation(binding_op); binding.setPortType(portType); binding.setUndefined(false); def.addBinding(binding); } def.addPortType(portType); // // SERVICE // SOAPAddress soapAddress = (SOAPAddress) extensionRegistry.createExtension( Port.class, new QName("", "address")); soapAddress.setLocationURI(targetNS); Port port = def.createPort(); port.setName(serviceName + "Port"); port.setBinding(binding); port.addExtensibilityElement(soapAddress); service.addPort(port); def.addService(service); return def; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void transferOperations(Binding binding, boolean createRequests) { // prepare for transfer of operations/requests List<BindingOperation> newOperations = new ArrayList<BindingOperation>(binding.getBindingOperations()); Map<String, WsdlOperation> oldOperations = new HashMap<String, WsdlOperation>(); for (int c = 0; c < operations.size(); c++) oldOperations.put(operations.get(c).getBindingOperationName(), operations.get(c)); // clear existing from both collections for (int c = 0; c < newOperations.size(); c++) { BindingOperation newOperation = newOperations.get(c); String bindingOperationName = newOperation.getName(); if (oldOperations.containsKey(bindingOperationName)) {"Synchronizing existing operation [" + bindingOperationName + "]"); WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = oldOperations.get(bindingOperationName); WsdlUtils.getAnonymous(wsdlOperation); wsdlOperation.initFromBindingOperation(newOperation); fireOperationUpdated(wsdlOperation); oldOperations.remove(bindingOperationName); newOperations.remove(c); c--; } } // remove leftover operations Iterator<String> i = oldOperations.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String name =; if (newOperations.size() > 0) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("none - delete operation"); for (int c = 0; c < newOperations.size(); c++) list.add(newOperations.get(c).getName()); String retval = (String) UISupport.prompt( "Binding operation [" + name + "] not found in new interface, select new\nbinding operation to map to", "Map Operation", list.toArray(), "none/cancel - delete operation"); int ix = retval == null ? -1 : list.indexOf(retval) - 1; // delete operation? if (ix < 0) { deleteOperation(name); } // change operation? else { BindingOperation newOperation = newOperations.get(ix); WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = oldOperations.get(name); wsdlOperation.initFromBindingOperation(newOperation); fireOperationUpdated(wsdlOperation); newOperations.remove(ix); } oldOperations.remove(name); } else { deleteOperation(name); oldOperations.remove(name); } i = oldOperations.keySet().iterator(); } // add leftover new operations if (newOperations.size() > 0) { for (int c = 0; c < newOperations.size(); c++) { BindingOperation newOperation = newOperations.get(c); WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = addNewOperation(newOperation); if (createRequests) { WsdlRequest request = wsdlOperation.addNewRequest("Request 1"); try { request.setRequestContent(wsdlOperation.createRequest(true)); } catch (Exception e) { SoapUI.logError(e); } } } } }