@Test public void itThrowsAn401() throws Exception { try { creds.buildSession(userDAO, "whee"); fail("should have thrown an auth challenge, but didn't"); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertThat(e.getResponse().getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode()); } }
@Test public void gettingAResourceByAnUnauthorizedUser() { denieAuthorizationToUsers(); try { getAt(aResourceURI(), getWebEntityClass()); fail("An unauthorized user shouldn't access the resource"); } catch (WebApplicationException ex) { int receivedStatus = ex.getResponse().getStatus(); int forbidden = Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode(); assertThat(receivedStatus, is(forbidden)); } }
@Test public void updateOfResourceByANonAuthorizedUser() { denieAuthorizationToUsers(); try { putAt(aResourceURI(), aResource()); fail("An unauthorized user shouldn't update a resource"); } catch (WebApplicationException ex) { int receivedStatus = ex.getResponse().getStatus(); int forbidden = Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode(); assertThat(receivedStatus, is(forbidden)); } }