public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { // are you editing? /*prepare the query*/ /*you have to change the query to adapt it to your table*/ if (col == 0) kolon = "english"; if (col == 1) kolon = "turkish"; String s = "update soz set " + kolon + " = '" + (String) value + "' where " + kolon + " = '" + ((String[]) cache.elementAt(row))[col] + "'"; System.out.println(s); /*excecute the query*/ try { statement.execute(s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Could not updated"); } ((String[]) cache.elementAt(row))[col] = (String) value; fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); // also update the table }
public boolean isValidUser() throws SQLException { CreateJDBCConnection jdbc = new CreateJDBCConnection(); Statement stmt = jdbc.getStatement(); stmt.execute("use jana;"); String sqlQuery = "select password from user_details where idno = '" + nameText.getText() + "';"; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQuery); while ( { if (rs.getString("password").equals(passText.getText())) return true; } return false; }
/** * _more_ * * @param sql _more_ * @return _more_ * @throws SQLException _more_ */ private Statement evaluate(String sql) throws SQLException { System.err.println("EVAL: " + sql); Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); return stmt; }
private void execute() { gResult.clear(); String sCmd = null; if (4096 <= ifHuge.length()) { sCmd = ifHuge; } else { sCmd = txtCommand.getText(); } if (sCmd.startsWith("-->>>TEST<<<--")) { testPerformance(); return; } String g[] = new String[1]; try { lTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); sStatement.execute(sCmd); int r = sStatement.getUpdateCount(); if (r == -1) { formatResultSet(sStatement.getResultSet()); } else { g[0] = "update count"; gResult.setHead(g); g[0] = "" + r; gResult.addRow(g); } lTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lTime; addToRecent(txtCommand.getText()); gResult.fireTableChanged(null); } catch (SQLException e) { lTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lTime; g[0] = "SQL Error"; gResult.setHead(g); String s = e.getMessage(); s += " / Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode(); s += " / State: " + e.getSQLState(); g[0] = s; gResult.addRow(g); gResult.fireTableChanged(null); } updateResult(); System.gc(); }