public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { switch (columnIndex) { case 0: return row.getId(); case 1: return row.getVal(); case 2: return row.getExtra(); } return null; }
public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { if (rowIndex >= getRowCount()) { return; } final Row row = myData.get(rowIndex); switch (columnIndex) { case NAME_TABLE_COLUMN: = (String) aValue; break; case EXPRESSION_TABLE_COLUMN: row.value = (TextWithImports) aValue; break; } }
/** * This function re-computes the total number of hours for the selected period. It is ran every * time the user edits a text field specifying the number of hours for a particular top-level * project. Percentage labels are also updated. */ private void recomputeTotal() { double total = 0; for (Row row : rows.values()) { try { row.hours = Double.parseDouble(row.hoursTF.getText()); total += row.hours; row.hoursTF.setForeground(normalColour); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { row.hoursTF.setForeground(errorColour); totalLabel.setText("ERROR"); totalLabel.setForeground(errorColour); return; } } totalLabel.setText(decimalFormat.format(total)); totalLabel.setForeground(normalColour); for (Row row : rows.values()) { String percentS = decimalFormat.format(total == 0 ? 0 : 100 * row.hours / total); row.percentL.setText("(" + percentS + "%)"); } pack(); }
private Dimension getLayoutSize(Container parent, boolean isPreferred) { // strategy: // this.minwidth = max(header.minwidth, (max(label.minwidth) + max(controls.minwidth))) // this.minheight = sum foreach row (header,control) (header.minheight or max(label.minheight, // control.minheight)) int n = parent.getComponentCount(); int w1 = 0, w2 = 0, wh = 0; Insets border = parent.getInsets(); int height = + border.bottom; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Row r = (Row) rows.get(i); height += r.getHeight(isPreferred); if (r instanceof HeaderRow) { wh = Math.max(wh, ((HeaderRow) r).getWidth(isPreferred)); } else { w1 = Math.max(w1, ((NormalRow) r).getLabelWidth(isPreferred)); w2 = Math.max(w1, ((NormalRow) r).getControlWidth(isPreferred)); } } wh = border.left + border.right + Math.max(wh, EXTRA + w1 + PADDING + w2); return new Dimension(wh, height); }