private void checkLogin() { // 对输入进行基本的合法非法判断 String id = idTxt.getText(); String passwd = String.valueOf(passwordTxt.getPassword()); ResultMessage idResult = Utility.checkInputValid(id, 4, 14, false); ResultMessage passwdResult = Utility.checkInputValid(passwd, 5, 14, false); if (idResult != ResultMessage.SUCCESS) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "输入的用户名" + idResult.toFriendlyString() + "!"); return; } else if (passwdResult != ResultMessage.SUCCESS) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "输入的密码" + passwdResult.toFriendlyString() + "!"); return; } // 登录验证 ResultMessage loginresult = loginController.login(usertype.getSelectedIndex(), id, passwd); if (loginresult == ResultMessage.SUCCESS) { new HomeUI(loginController); frame.dispose(); } else { if (loginresult == ResultMessage.WRONG_ID) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "用户名错误!"); idTxt.setText(""); passwordTxt.setText(""); } else if (loginresult == ResultMessage.WRONG_PASSWD) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "密码错误!"); passwordTxt.setText(""); } else { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "服务器未开启!"); } } }
private void checkQuit() { int result = MyOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "确认退出?", "系统提示", MyOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, MyOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (result == MyOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { System.exit(0); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { result = CANCEL_OPTION; String s = text.getText(); String t = text2.getText(); if (!(t.equals(""))) s += File.separator + t; File f = new File(s); if (f.isDirectory()) { if (f.list().length > 0) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "Folder not empty - cannot be deleted"); return; } } else { if (driver.curDiag.diagramIsOpen(s)) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "File cannot be deleted while open"); return; } } String u = f.isDirectory() ? "folder" : "file"; if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == MyOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( frame, "Do you want to delete this " + u + ": " + f.getName() + "?", "File/folder delete", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) { listHead = f.getParent(); f.delete(); // fullNodeName = listHead.getAbsolutePath(); // showFileNames(); text.setText(listHead); // panel.remove(listView); showList(); } frame.repaint(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String fileName = (String) MyOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame, "Enter new folder name", null); if (fileName != null) { String s = listHead; // String t = s; s += File.separator + fileName; File f = new File(s); boolean b = f.mkdirs(); if (!b) System.err.println("mkdirs did not succeed"); // panel.remove(listView); // fullNodeName = s; // showFileNames(); showList(); // selComp = text2; } repaint(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LinkedList<String> buildListFromJSON(String fileName) { int level = 0; File f = new File(fileName); String fileString; LinkedList<String> ll = new LinkedList<String>(); if (null == (fileString = driver.curDiag.readFile(f))) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "Unable to read file " + f.getName()); return null; } Integer errNo = new Integer(0); BabelParser2 bp = new BabelParser2(fileString, errNo); String label = null; String operand = null; HashMap<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Stack<String> lStack = new Stack<String>(); Stack<HashMap<String, Object>> hmStack = new Stack<HashMap<String, Object>>(); // we will ignore the array structure for now... while (true) { if (!bp.tb('o')) break; } do { if ('#', 'o')) { // assuming #-sign only in col.1 while (true) { if ('\r', 'o')) break; if ('\n', 'o')) break; bp.tu('o'); } continue; } if ('[', 'o')) { level++; continue; } if ('{', 'o')) { level++; if (label != null) { HashMap<String, Object> hm2 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put(label, hm2); hmStack.push(hm); hm = hm2; label = null; } continue; } if (']', 'o')) { level--; continue; } if ('}', 'o')) { level--; if (level > 0) hm = hmStack.pop(); continue; } if (':', 'o')) { label = operand; continue; } if ('"', 'o')) { while (true) { if ('"', 'o')) break; if ('\\', 'o')) { if (!('"'))) bp.w('\\'); continue; } bp.tu(); } operand = new String(bp.getOutStr()); bp.eraseOutput(); if (label != null) { hm.put(label, operand); label = null; } continue; } if (!(bp.tu('o'))) // tu only returns false at end of string break; // skip next character } while (level > 0); for (String k : hm.keySet()) { if (k.equals("noflo")) { HashMap<String, Object> m = (HashMap<String, Object>) hm.get(k); for (String k2 : m.keySet()) { if (k2.equals("graphs") && fCParms == driver.curDiag.fCPArr[DrawFBP.DIAGRAM] || k2.equals("components") && (fCParms == driver.curDiag.fCPArr[DrawFBP.GENCODE] || fCParms == driver.curDiag.fCPArr[DrawFBP.COMPONENT])) { HashMap<String, Object> m2 = (HashMap<String, Object>) m.get(k2); for (Object v : m2.values()) { ll.add((String) v); } } } } } if (ll.isEmpty()) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog( driver.frame, "No components or graphs in file: " + f.getName()); // return null; } return ll; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (selComp instanceof MyButton) { // ((MyButton) selComp).getAction().actionPerformed(new // ActionEvent(e, 0, "")); if (selComp == butOK) return; ((MyButton) selComp).doClick(); return; } if (selComp == text) { String u = text.getText(); File h = new File(u); if (!h.exists() || !h.isDirectory()) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog( driver.frame, "File " + u + " either doesn't exist or is not a directory"); return; } listHead = u; // panel.remove(listView); text.setBackground(vLightBlue); showList(); return; } if (selComp == text2) { // fullNodeName = text.getText() + File.separator // + text2.getText(); // if (!saveAs) processOK(); } if (!(selComp instanceof JList)) return; butNF.setEnabled(!inJarTree); butDel.setEnabled(!inJarTree); String s = ""; int rowNo = list.getSelectedIndex(); if (nodeNames.length == 0) return; if (rowNo == -1) return; s = nodeNames[rowNo]; File f = null; if ( /*s.startsWith("JavaFBP") &&*/ s.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) { butNF.setEnabled(false); butDel.setEnabled(false); // if (filter instanceof DrawFBP.JarFileFilter) if (fCParms == driver.curDiag.fCPArr[DrawFBP.JARFILE] || fCParms == driver.curDiag.fCPArr[DrawFBP.JHALL]) { processOK(); return; } // jarTree = buildJarFileTree(driver.javaFBPJarFile); jarTree = buildJarFileTree(s); inJarTree = true; butNF.setEnabled(!inJarTree); butDel.setEnabled(!inJarTree); currentNode = jarTree; text2.setText(""); if (0 >= currentNode.getChildCount()) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "Error in jar file"); return; } // listHead = driver.javaFBPJarFile + "!"; listHead = s + "!"; text.setText(listHead); // panel.remove(listView); showList(); } else if (!inJarTree) { if (s.equals("")) f = new File(listHead); else { // int i = listHead.lastIndexOf("package.json"); // if (i > -1) // listHead = listHead.substring(0, i - 1); f = new File(DrawFBP.makeAbsFileName(s, listHead)); } if (!f.exists()) { if (!saveAs /* || selComp == text2 && !(text2.equals("")) */) processOK(); else MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog( driver.frame, "File/folder does not exist: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); return; } if (f.isDirectory() || f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("package.json")) { listHead = f.getAbsolutePath(); // showFileNames(); // panel.remove(listView); showList(); } else // if (!saveAs) processOK(); } else { // inJarTree currentNode = findChild(currentNode, s); if (currentNode == null) return; if (currentNode.getChildCount() > 0) listHead = listHead + File.separator + s; if (0 < currentNode.getChildCount()) { // panel.remove(listView); showList(); } else // if (!saveAs) processOK(); } // } dialog.repaint(); frame.repaint(); }