@Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { x = me.getX(); y = me.getY(); altDown = me.isAltDown() || me.isAltGraphDown(); undo = (me.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3) || altDown; ctrlDown = me.isControlDown() || me.isMetaDown(); shiftDown = me.isShiftDown(); first = true; if (!oneShot) { if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer( delay, e -> { Point worldCoords = view.viewToWorld((int) x, (int) y); tick(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y, undo, first, 1.0f); view.updateStatusBar(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y); first = false; }); timer.setInitialDelay(0); timer.start(); // start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } else { Point worldCoords = view.viewToWorld((int) x, (int) y); tick(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y, undo, true, 1.0f); view.updateStatusBar(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y); Dimension dimension = getDimension(); if (dimension != null) { dimension.armSavePoint(); } logOperation(undo ? statisticsKeyUndo : statisticsKey); } }
/** * A chat room was selected. Opens the chat room in the chat window. * * @param e the <tt>MouseEvent</tt> instance containing details of the event that has just * occurred. */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // Select the object under the right button click. if ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK) != 0 || (e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0 || (e.isControlDown() && !e.isMetaDown())) { int ix = this.chatRoomList.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()); if (ix != -1) { this.chatRoomList.setRowSelectionInterval(ix, ix); } } Object o = this.chatRoomsTableModel.getValueAt(this.chatRoomList.getSelectedRow()); Point selectedCellPoint = e.getPoint(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(selectedCellPoint, chatRoomList); if ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0) { JPopupMenu rightButtonMenu; if (o instanceof ChatRoomWrapper) rightButtonMenu = new ChatRoomRightButtonMenu((ChatRoomWrapper) o); else return; rightButtonMenu.setInvoker(this); rightButtonMenu.setLocation(selectedCellPoint); rightButtonMenu.setVisible(true); } }
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { details = String.format("You clicked %d", e.getClickCount()); // isMetaDown() = what kind mouse is used now? one button or two // button or more? if (e.isMetaDown()) details += "with right mouse button"; else if (e.isAltDown()) details += "with center mouse button"; else details += "with left mouse"; statusBar.setText(details); }
/** Fires weapons when left mouse is pressed */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { int mx = evt.getX(); // x-coordinate where user clicked. int my = evt.getY(); // y-coordinate where user clicked. if (!pause) { if (!evt.isMetaDown()) { if (weapons[guntrack].equals("gun") && bshoot) { weaponList.add( new Bullet( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 7)); bshoot = false; ammo.useBullet(); bulletTime.restart(); } if (weapons[guntrack].equals("grenade") && gshoot) { weaponList.add( new Grenade( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 12)); gshoot = false; ammo.useGrenade(); grenadeTime.restart(); } if (weapons[guntrack].equals("laser") && lshoot) { weaponList.add( new Laser( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 20)); lshoot = false; ammo.useLaser(); laserTime.restart(); } if (weapons[guntrack].equals("shotgun") && sgshoot) { weaponList.add( new ShotGun( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 7, character.getX(), character.getY(), 25, 90, weaponList)); sgshoot = false; ammo.useShotgun(); shotgunTime.restart(); } } } }
@Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) { altDown = me.isAltDown() || me.isAltGraphDown(); ctrlDown = me.isControlDown() || me.isMetaDown(); shiftDown = me.isShiftDown(); }