/** Listener to handle button actions */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Check if the user changed the service filter option if (e.getSource() == service_box) { service_list.setEnabled(service_box.isSelected()); service_list.clearSelection(); remove_service_button.setEnabled(false); add_service_field.setEnabled(service_box.isSelected()); add_service_field.setText(""); add_service_button.setEnabled(false); } // Check if the user pressed the add service button if ((e.getSource() == add_service_button) || (e.getSource() == add_service_field)) { String text = add_service_field.getText(); if ((text != null) && (text.length() > 0)) { service_data.addElement(text); service_list.setListData(service_data); } add_service_field.setText(""); add_service_field.requestFocus(); } // Check if the user pressed the remove service button if (e.getSource() == remove_service_button) { Object[] sels = service_list.getSelectedValues(); for (int i = 0; i < sels.length; i++) { service_data.removeElement(sels[i]); } service_list.setListData(service_data); service_list.clearSelection(); } }
// サーバーから送られてきたメッセージの処理 public void reachedMessage(String name, String value) { // チャットルームのリストに変更が加えられた if (name.equals("rooms")) { if (value.equals("")) { roomList.setModel(new DefaultListModel()); } else { String[] rooms = value.split(" "); roomList.setListData(rooms); } } // ユーザーが入退室した else if (name.equals("users")) { if (value.equals("")) { userList.setModel(new DefaultListModel()); } else { String[] users = value.split(" "); userList.setListData(users); } } // メッセージが送られてきた else if (name.equals("msg")) { msgTextArea.append(value + "\n"); } // 処理に成功した else if (name.equals("successful")) { if (value.equals("setName")) msgTextArea.append(">名前を変更しました\n"); } // エラーが発生した else if (name.equals("error")) { msgTextArea.append("ERROR>" + value + "\n"); } }
public void update() { setLabels(); hallList.setListData(getHalls()); roomItemsList.setListData(getRoomItems()); Object[] items = (model.getPlayer().getItemList().toArray()); playerItemsList.setListData(items); if (model.playerDied()) endGame("You Lose!"); }
public void p(Object obj) throws Exception { col = (Collection) obj; if (col != null) { Vector vec = new Vector(col); if (!(col instanceof List)) Collections.sort(vec); list.setListData(vec); } else { list.setListData(new Vector()); } }
/** Requests and displays all packages older than the date in the text field */ private void buttonOldPackagesActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { queryTime.setTime(dateFormatter.parse(jTextDate.getText().replace("-", "") + "2359")); this.packages = DataAdapter.getOlderPackages(queryTime); jListPackages.setListData(new Vector(this.packages)); jButtonSetLost.setEnabled(this.packages.size() > 0); jButtonSetFound.setEnabled(false); jListScans.setListData(new Vector()); } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Invalid date entered"); } }
private void fetchAndSaveSelectedPaymentModes() { for (AmountInfo tempAI : vectAI) { vectPaymentModeIDs.add(tempAI.getPaymentMode()); vectPaymentModeNames.add(UsefulMethods.getPaymentModeString(tempAI.getPaymentMode())); } jList1.setListData(vectPaymentModeNames.toArray()); jList1.setListData(vectPaymentModeNames.toArray()); try { jList1.setSelectedIndex(0); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void updateSearch() { if (search.getText().length() > 0) { Vector<Person> subset = new Vector<Person>(); for (Person person : people) { if (person.fullName().contains(search.getText())) { subset.add(person); } } list.setListData(subset); } else { list.setListData(people); } }
/** Updates the Rating-Lists */ private void updateLists() { RatingComparator comperator = new RatingComparator(); Vector<Rating> personalVector = new Vector<Rating>(mPlugin.getDatabase().getPersonalRatings()); Collections.sort(personalVector, comperator); int index = mPersonalRatings.getSelectedIndex(); mPersonalRatings.setListData(personalVector); mPersonalRatings.setSelectedIndex(index); Vector<Rating> overallVector = new Vector<Rating>(mPlugin.getDatabase().getServerRatings()); Collections.sort(overallVector, comperator); index = mOverallRatings.getSelectedIndex(); mOverallRatings.setListData(overallVector); mOverallRatings.setSelectedIndex(index); }
/** Requests the list of all lost packages */ private void buttonShowLostActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { this.packages = DataAdapter.getLostPackages(); this.jListPackages.setListData(new Vector(this.packages)); jButtonSetLost.setEnabled(false); jButtonSetFound.setEnabled(this.packages.size() > 0); jListScans.setListData(new Vector()); }
/** * fill the Listbox with the list of games. Select the same game after filling that was selected * before if possible. */ private void fillGameList(Vector<Game> withGames) { int oldIndex = lbGames.getSelectedIndex(); // log.debug("list currently has "+lbGames.getModel().getSize()+" elements"); Object temp = null; if (oldIndex >= 0) { try { temp = lbGames.getSelectedValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } for (int i = 0; i < withGames.size(); i++) { lbGames.setListData(withGames); } btJoin.setEnabled((withGames.size() > 0)); btView.setEnabled((withGames.size() > 0)); if (oldIndex >= 0 && oldIndex < withGames.size()) { lbGames.setSelectedIndex(oldIndex); if (temp != null && !lbGames.getSelectedValue().equals(temp)) { lbGames.setSelectedIndex(-1); } } // log.debug("now it has "+lbGames.getModel().getSize()+" elements"); this.updateUI(); }
@Override public void run() { try { host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); s = new Socket(host, SERVER_PORT); output = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true); input = new Scanner(s.getInputStream()); output.println(name); while (!s.isClosed()) { if (input.hasNext()) { String msg = input.nextLine(); if (msg.contains("!%#&")) { String tmp = msg.substring(4); tmp = tmp.replace("[", ""); tmp = tmp.replace("]", ""); String[] users = tmp.split(", "); activelist.setListData(users); } else { history.append(msg + "\n"); } } } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Unable to connect to the server."); System.exit(0); } }
// FUNCTION TO GENERATE A STRING OF 10 ADDRESS REFERENCES public void autoGenerateString() { int random; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // RANDOMLY SELECT AN INDEX BETWEEN 0 AND 255 random = (int) (Math.random() * 256); // ADD THE ADDRESS AT THIS INDEX IN ARRAY addresses TO THE LIST OF ADDRESS REFERENCE STRINGS // listData[i] = addresses[random]; listData.add(addresses[random]); } // ADD THIS LIST TO THE LISTBOX addRefStrList.setListData(listData); // ENABLE THE Next BUTTON AND DISABLE Back BUTTON // moveStatus = 0; next.setEnabled(true); back.setEnabled(false); // UPDATE THE PROGRESS FIELD tProgress.setText( "We have automatically generated an address string of 10 addresses for you to work with." + "\nClick on \"Next\" to continue."); } // END FUNCTION autoGenerateString
/** Accepts button clicking */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { // close dialog and save changes to the region if (event.getSource() == okButton) { Terrain r = new Terrain(null); r.setBackground((String) terrain.getSelectedItem()); r.setName(nameField.getText()); r.setRate((Integer) eRateSpinner.getValue()); r.setFormations(formations); if (index == -1) parent.regions.add(r); else parent.regions.set(index, r); parent.regionList.setListData(parent.regions); parent.regionPane.setViewportView(parent.regionList); dispose(); } // close dialog without saving changes if (event.getSource() == cancelButton) dispose(); if (fList.getSelectedIndex() != -1) { // edit a formation if (event.getSource() == fEdtButton) new FormationDialog(this, fList.getSelectedIndex()); // remove a formation else if (event.getSource() == fRemButton) { formations.remove(fList.getSelectedIndex()); fList.setListData(formations); fPane.setViewportView(fList); } } // create a new formation if (event.getSource() == fAddButton) new FormationDialog(this); }
private void refreshList() { OWLModel owlModel = ((ImportWizard) getWizard()).getOWLModel(); Collection availOntologies = new LinkedHashSet(); for (Iterator it = owlModel.getRepositoryManager().getProjectRepositories().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Repository rep = (Repository) it.next(); availOntologies.addAll(new TreeSet(rep.getOntologies())); } for (Iterator it = owlModel.getRepositoryManager().getGlobalRepositories().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Repository rep = (Repository) it.next(); availOntologies.addAll(new TreeSet(rep.getOntologies())); } Collection importedOntologies = owlModel.getAllImports(); for (Iterator it = availOntologies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { URI uri = (URI) it.next(); if (importedOntologies.contains(uri.toString())) { it.remove(); } } try { availOntologies.remove(new URI(owlModel.getDefaultOWLOntology().getURI())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { System.err.print(e.getMessage()); } list.setListData(availOntologies.toArray()); }
/** update our data */ void updateData() { // find out which one is selected final int curSel = _myList.getSelectedIndex(); // create an object to put the data into final Vector<WorldLocationHolder> list = new Vector<WorldLocationHolder>(0, 1); if (getPath() != null) { final int len = getPath().size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final WorldLocation thisLoc = getPath().getLocationAt(i); final WorldLocationHolder holder = new WorldLocationHolder(thisLoc, i + 1); list.add(holder); } } // and put the data into the list _myList.setListData(list); // select the previous item if (curSel != -1 && curSel < _myPath.size()) _myList.setSelectedIndex(curSel); // update the list _myPlotter.update(); }
private void loadFile(String basename) { try { File wavFile = new File(wavDir, basename + db.getProp(db.WAVEXT)); if (!wavFile.exists()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("File " + wavFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); File labFile = new File(phoneLabDir, basename + db.getProp(db.LABEXT)); if (!labFile.exists()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("File " + labFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); // pm file is optional File pmFile = new File(pmDir, basename + db.getProp(PMEXT)); if (pmFile.exists()) { System.out.println("Loading pitchmarks file " + pmFile.getAbsolutePath()); pitchmarks = new ESTTextfileDoubleDataSource(pmFile).getAllData(); } else { System.out.println("Pitchmarks file " + pmFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); pitchmarks = null; } AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(wavFile); audioFormat = ais.getFormat(); samplingRate = (int) audioFormat.getSampleRate(); audioSignal = new AudioDoubleDataSource(ais).getAllData(); String file = FileUtils.getFileAsString(labFile, "ASCII"); String[] lines = file.split("\n"); labels.setListData(lines); saveFilename.setText(basename); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void GetTasksForAsset(Asset SelectedAsset) { AssetTasks.clear(); taskList.repaint(); ResultSet tasksOnAssetListResultSet = null; Statement statement; try { statement = connection.createStatement(); Asset asset = (Asset) assetList.getSelectedValue(); tasksOnAssetListResultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Task WHERE assetID = " + asset.getAssetID() + ";"); randSQL.loadAllUsers(); SetOfUsers allusers = randSQL.getAllUsers(); while (tasksOnAssetListResultSet.next()) { int taskID; int projectID; User responsible = null; int taskPriority; String status; String taskName; String taskType; taskID = tasksOnAssetListResultSet.getInt("taskID"); projectID = tasksOnAssetListResultSet.getInt("projectID"); for (int i = 0; i < allusers.size(); i++) { if (tasksOnAssetListResultSet.getInt("responsiblePerson") == allusers.get(i).getUserID()) ; { responsible = allusers.get(i); break; } } taskPriority = tasksOnAssetListResultSet.getInt("taskPriority"); status = tasksOnAssetListResultSet.getString("status"); taskName = tasksOnAssetListResultSet.getString("taskName"); taskType = tasksOnAssetListResultSet.getString("type"); Task newTask = new Task( taskID, responsible, taskName, taskPriority, status, projectID, asset, taskType); AssetTasks.add(newTask); taskList.setListData(AssetTasks); TasksListCellRenderer renderer = new TasksListCellRenderer(); // custom cell renderer to display property rather than // useless object.toString() taskList.setCellRenderer(renderer); } asset.setSetOfTasks(AssetTasks); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ManagerUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JComboBox cb = (JComboBox) evt.getSource(); String format = (String) cb.getSelectedItem(); if (format.equals("all formats")) { format = null; } fileList.setListData(findFiles(AUDIO_DIR, format)); }
public void removeFriendFromList(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ) { if (list.get(i).toString().equals(name)) list.remove(i); else i++; } copy2view(); list_fri.setListData(list_view.toArray()); }
/** * Reload the list of the connected clients and * show the dialog when the connection or the creation was successful. */ public void update(Observable source, final Object parameter) { if(parameter == ServerMng.UPDATE_LIST){ ConnectionInfo[] clients = model.getConnectedUsers(); if(clients != null) users.setListData(clients); else users.setListData(new String[] {""}); } else if( parameter == ServerMng.CONNECTED ) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setVisible(true); } }); Dispatcher.initialize( progress ); } }
@Override public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { if (e.getDocument() == wordInput.getDocument()) { searchList.setListData( wordPanel.getDic().getNextWords(wordInput.getText(), SEARCH_LIST_CAPACITY)); // searchList.setSelectedIndex(0); } }
void lookup(String text) { NodeList nl = DOMInfoExtractor.locateNodes(document, ".//text()[contains(.,'" + text + "')]"); System.out.println("find " + nl.getLength() + " items"); FoundItem[] fis = new FoundItem[nl.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { fis[i] = getFoundItem(nl.item(i), text); } foundList.setListData(fis); }
public static void fresh_taskname() { task_name = new String[Runner.count_task]; for (int i = 0; i < Runner.count_task; i++) { task_name[i] = Runner.task[i].get_taskname(); } jl_taskname.setListData(task_name); jl_taskname.setSelectedIndex(0); jta_taskdescription.setText(MainFrame.str_description[0]); }
public void addFriend2List(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ) { if (list.get(i).toString().equals(name)) return; else i++; } list.add(name); copy2view(); list_fri.setListData(list_view.toArray()); }
// 构造函数 public FindHelpList(final Vector<Point> test) { setContentPane(c1); setLayout(null); int pointsize; // 附近点的个数 if (test.size() <= 100) pointsize = 100; else pointsize = 101; temtest = new Vector<Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < pointsize; i++) temtest.add(test.elementAt(i)); // 把附近的100个点加入temtests容器中 word = new Vector<String>(); word.add("点击显示邻近的100个点和边"); for (int i = 1; i < pointsize; i++) word.add(test.elementAt(i).getName() + " NO." + i); // 把附近100个点的地名加入word容器中 list = new JList<String>(); list.setSelectionBackground(null); list.setForeground(Color.blue); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(list); // 创建滚动面板对象,设置显示内容为list scrollPane.setOpaque(false); scrollPane.getViewport().setOpaque(false); // list.setForeground(Color.WHITE); list.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); scrollPane.setLocation(0, 0); scrollPane.setSize(285, 470); add(scrollPane); list.setListData(word); // 将word加入list中 list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); // 为list添加监视器 list.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 int selectedIndex = list.getSelectedIndex(); // 获取选择地点的下标 if (selectedIndex < 0) return; Point selectedPoint = test.elementAt(selectedIndex); // 根据下表查找地点的坐标 try { new historyfile("searchname", selectedPoint.getNum(), 0); // 把该地点加入到历史记录 } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // int x=selectedPoint.getX(); // int y=selectedPoint.getY(); MainFrame.getMainFrame().setNearPointVec(temtest); // 设置附近一百个点是temtest里面的一百个点 MainFrame.getMainFrame().focusOnPoint(selectedPoint, false); // 定位到选择的点 MainFrame.getMainFrame().setShowNear(); // 显示附近的点 } } }); this.setSize(300, 500); this.setLocationRelativeTo(null); this.setTitle("NearPoint Search"); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); this.setVisible(true); }
private void populateImageData() { CharData currentChar = (CharData) charListBox.getSelectedValue(); if (currentChar == null) { imageListBox.setListData(new Object[0]); symField.setText(""); alignSelector.setValue(0); rulesBox.setText(""); alterBox.setText(""); return; } imageListBox.setListData(trainer.getCharSet().get(currentChar).keySet().toArray()); imageListBox.setSelectedIndex(0); symField.setText(currentChar.toString()); alignSelector.setValue(currentChar.getAlign()); rulesBox.setText(makeRuleString(currentChar.getMergeRules())); // alterBox.setText(makeAlternativesString(currentChar.getAlternatives())); }
@Override public void pageListener(Page page) { if (page != null) { middleButton.setEnabled(true); initButton.setEnabled(true); endButton.setEnabled(true); if (page.getPageType().equals(Page.START)) { initButton.setSelected(true); } else if (page.getPageType().equals(Page.MIDDLE)) { middleButton.setSelected(true); } else { endButton.setSelected(true); } textArea.setEnabled(true); textArea.setText(page.getContent()); choiceList.setListData(page.getChoices().toArray(new Choice[] {})); newButton.setEnabled(true); saveButton.setEnabled(true); currentPage = page; } else { middleButton.setSelected(true); textArea.setText(null); choiceList.setListData(new Choice[] {}); newButton.setEnabled(false); editButton.setEnabled(false); deleteButton.setEnabled(false); saveButton.setEnabled(false); middleButton.setEnabled(false); initButton.setEnabled(false); endButton.setEnabled(false); textArea.setEnabled(false); textArea.setText(null); currentPage = null; } }
/** Create the dialog. */ public AdministrarAutos() { setModal(true); setModalityType(ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); setResizable(false); setTitle("Administrar autos"); setBounds(100, 100, 450, 300); getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); contentPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); getContentPane().add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); contentPanel.add(list); list.setListData(SistemaCocheras.getSistemaCocheras().listarAutos()); JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel(); buttonPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); getContentPane().add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH); JButton okButton = new JButton("Modificar"); okButton.setActionCommand("Modificar"); buttonPane.add(okButton); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton); okButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { if (!list.isSelectionEmpty()) { // JDialog dialog = // AsociarAuto.getInstance().modificar(((AutoView)list.getSelectedValue()).getIdAuto()); // dialog.setVisible(true); // dialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { // @Override // public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { // list.removeAll(); // list.setListData(SistemaCocheras.getSistemaCocheras().listarClientes()); // } // }); } } catch (Exception e1) { showMessageDialog(null, e1.getMessage()); } } }); JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancelar"); cancelButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dispose(); } }); cancelButton.setActionCommand("Cancel"); buttonPane.add(cancelButton); setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); }
public void ApplicantEnd(String messageSeqNum) { // Now that all Applicants have been recieved // this function should takes care of displaying them. System.out.println("rjf PackageID: " + packageID); if (packageID.equals(messageSeqNum) && inProgress) { inProgress = false; jList1.setListData(appList); } }
private void update() { Vector<String> data = new Vector<String>(); Iterator<Template> i = templateMap.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Template template = i.next(); data.add(template.getName()); } templateList.setListData(data); repaint(); }