public void commit() { OnboardParameters.PIDParameters pp = new OnboardParameters.PIDParameters(); pp.p = ((Number) pField.getValue()).floatValue(); pp.i = ((Number) iField.getValue()).floatValue(); pp.d = ((Number) dField.getValue()).floatValue(); target.setPIDParameters(which, pp, toolIndex); }
/** Validates the options of the fields inputted. */ private void validateFields() { errorDisplay.removeAllErrors(); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); Iteration forName = IterationModel.getInstance().getIteration(boxName.getText().trim()); if (boxName.getText().trim().length() == 0) { errorDisplay.displayError(EMPTY_NAME_ERROR); } else if (forName != null && forName != displayIteration) { errorDisplay.displayError(INVALID_NAME_ERROR); } if (endDateBox.getText().trim().length() == 0 || endDateBox.getText().trim().length() == 0) { errorDisplay.displayError(DATES_REQ); } else if (((Date) startDateBox.getValue()).after((Date) endDateBox.getValue())) { errorDisplay.displayError(START_AFTER_END_ERROR); } else if (((Date) startDateBox.getValue()).before(cal.getTime())) { errorDisplay.displayError(PAST_ERROR); } else { Iteration conflicting = IterationModel.getInstance() .getConflictingIteration( (Date) startDateBox.getValue(), (Date) endDateBox.getValue()); if (conflicting != null && conflicting != displayIteration) { errorDisplay.displayError( OVERLAPPING_ERROR + " Overlaps with " + conflicting.getName() + "."); } } buttonAdd.setEnabled(!errorDisplay.hasErrors()); }
@Override public Object getValue() { try { field.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); Utils.showError(e); e.printStackTrace(); } if (value instanceof Number) { NumberConverter nc = new NumberConverter(true, field.getValue()) { @Override protected Class<?> getDefaultType() { return value.getClass(); } }; return value.getClass().cast(nc.convert(value.getClass(), field.getValue())); } else { return field.getValue(); } }
public void commit() { OnboardParameters.BackoffParameters bp = new OnboardParameters.BackoffParameters(); bp.forwardMs = ((Number) forwardMsField.getValue()).intValue(); bp.reverseMs = ((Number) reverseMsField.getValue()).intValue(); bp.stopMs = ((Number) stopMsField.getValue()).intValue(); bp.triggerMs = ((Number) triggerMsField.getValue()).intValue(); target.setBackoffParameters(bp, toolIndex); }
@Override public AbstractFormatter getFormatter(JFormattedTextField tf) { Double dx = 0.0; if (tf.getValue() != null && tf.getValue() instanceof Double) dx = Math.abs((Double) tf.getValue()); if (dx != 0 && (dx > 1000000.0 || dx < 0.001)) return scientific; else return decimal; }
public ToneMapper getSelectedToneMapper() { final ButtonModel model = toneMappingChoice.getSelection(); final double maxLum = ((Number) maxLumValue.getValue()).doubleValue(); if (model == wardTRButton.getModel()) { return new ImageUtil.WardTM(maxLum == 0 ? null : maxLum); } else if (model == reinhardTRButton.getModel()) { return new ImageUtil.ReinhardTM( ((Number) midpointValue.getValue()).doubleValue(), maxLum == 0 ? null : maxLum); } return ImageUtil.clampTM; }
/** Called when a field's "value" property changes. */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == amountField) { amount = ((Number) amountField.getValue()).doubleValue(); } else if (source == rateField) { rate = ((Number) rateField.getValue()).doubleValue(); } else if (source == numPeriodsField) { numPeriods = ((Number) numPeriodsField.getValue()).intValue(); } double payment = computePayment(amount, rate, numPeriods); paymentField.setValue(new Double(payment)); }
@Override public void setSettings() { ThreadPoolConfig threadPool = config.getProject().getExporter().getSystem().getThreadPool().getDefaultPool(); GmlIdLookupServerConfig geometry = config.getProject().getExporter().getSystem().getGmlIdLookupServer().getGeometry(); GmlIdLookupServerConfig feature = config.getProject().getExporter().getSystem().getGmlIdLookupServer().getFeature(); int minThreads = ((Number) expResMinThreadsText.getValue()).intValue(); int maxThreads = ((Number) expResMaxThreadsText.getValue()).intValue(); if (minThreads > maxThreads) { minThreads = maxThreads; expResMinThreadsText.setValue(minThreads); } threadPool.setMinThreads(minThreads); threadPool.setMaxThreads(maxThreads); geometry.setCacheSize(((Number) expResGeomCacheText.getValue()).intValue()); feature.setCacheSize(((Number) expResFeatCacheText.getValue()).intValue()); geometry.setPageFactor(((Number) expResGeomDrainText.getValue()).floatValue() / 100); feature.setPageFactor(((Number) expResFeatDrainText.getValue()).floatValue() / 100); geometry.setPartitions(((Number) expResGeomPartText.getValue()).intValue()); feature.setPartitions(((Number) expResFeatPartText.getValue()).intValue()); }
@Override public boolean isModified() { ThreadPoolConfig threadPool = config.getProject().getExporter().getSystem().getThreadPool().getDefaultPool(); GmlIdLookupServerConfig geometry = config.getProject().getExporter().getSystem().getGmlIdLookupServer().getGeometry(); GmlIdLookupServerConfig feature = config.getProject().getExporter().getSystem().getGmlIdLookupServer().getFeature(); try { expResMinThreadsText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { expResMaxThreadsText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { expResGeomCacheText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { expResGeomDrainText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { expResGeomPartText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { expResFeatCacheText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { expResFeatDrainText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { expResFeatPartText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } if (((Number) expResMinThreadsText.getValue()).intValue() != threadPool.getMinThreads()) return true; if (((Number) expResMaxThreadsText.getValue()).intValue() != threadPool.getMaxThreads()) return true; if (((Number) expResGeomCacheText.getValue()).intValue() != geometry.getCacheSize()) return true; if (((Number) expResGeomDrainText.getValue()).intValue() != (int) (geometry.getPageFactor() * 100)) return true; if (((Number) expResGeomPartText.getValue()).intValue() != geometry.getPartitions()) return true; if (((Number) expResFeatCacheText.getValue()).intValue() != feature.getCacheSize()) return true; if (((Number) expResFeatDrainText.getValue()).intValue() != (int) (feature.getPageFactor() * 100)) return true; if (((Number) expResFeatPartText.getValue()).intValue() != feature.getPartitions()) return true; return false; }
@Override public void applyOptions() { options.getOption(OptionsEnum.dim).set(((Integer) dimensionsSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); options .getOption(OptionsEnum.iter) .set(Integer.parseInt(this.numOfIterationsSpinner.getValue().toString())); options.getOption(OptionsEnum.autoStopIterating).set(autoStopIteratingCheckBox.isSelected()); options.getOption(OptionsEnum.initLayout).set(initialLayoutTextField.getText()); options.attrExponent = (Float) attractionExponentTextField.getValue(); options.repuExponent = (Float) repulsionExponentTextField.getValue(); options.gravitation = ((Number) gravitationTextField.getValue()).floatValue(); options.vertRepu = (repulsionTypeTextField.getSelectedIndex() == 1); options.noWeight = !weightedCheckbox.isSelected(); options.getOption(OptionsEnum.scalePos).set((Float) scaleTextField.getValue()); options.getOption(OptionsEnum.anim).set(animationCheckBox.isSelected()); }
/** * Lets the user know that the text they entered is bad. Returns true if the user elects to revert * to the last good value. Otherwise, returns false, indicating that the user wants to continue * editing. */ protected boolean userSaysRevert() { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); ftf.selectAll(); Object[] options = {"Editar", "Revertir"}; String mensaje = "El valor debe ser "; if (minimum != null && maximum != null) mensaje += "mayor a " + minimum + " y menor a " + maximum; else { if (minimum != null) mensaje += "mayor a " + minimum; if (maximum != null) mensaje += "menor a " + maximum; } int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ftf), mensaje + ".\n" + "¿Deseas editar el número " + "o revertir los cambios?", "Valor ingresado no válido", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, options[1]); if (answer == 1) { // Revert! ftf.setValue(ftf.getValue()); return true; } return false; }
@Override public void doApply() { super.doApply(); parametros.put("FECHA_INI", fechaInicial.getDate()); parametros.put("FECHA_FIN", fechaFinal.getDate()); String suc = String.valueOf(getSucursal()); if (todasLasSucursales.isSelected()) suc = "%"; if (suc.equals("6")) { parametros.put("EXI_SUCURSAL", " and X.SUCURSAL_ID in(6,11)"); } else if (suc.equals("9")) { parametros.put("EXI_SUCURSAL", " and X.SUCURSAL_ID in(9,14)"); } else { parametros.put("EXI_SUCURSAL", " and X.SUCURSAL_ID LIKE " + "\'" + suc + "\'"); } parametros.put("SUCURSAL", suc); parametros.put("LINEA", getLinea()); int order = getOrden(); parametros.put("ORDEN", String.valueOf(order)); parametros.put("FORMA", getForma()); parametros.put("MESES", getMeses()); parametros.put("FILTRO", getParam(filtrosBox).value); parametros.put("FILTRADO", getParam(filtrosBox).name); parametros.put("MESESF", (Double) mesesF.getValue()); parametros.put("DELINEA", getParam(filtro2Box).value); }
/** Updates the display iteration */ private void updateIteration() { String name = boxName.getText(); displayIteration.setName(name); displayIteration.setDateInterval((Date) startDateBox.getValue(), (Date) endDateBox.getValue()); if (vm == ViewMode.CREATING) { int id = IterationModel.getInstance().getNextID(); displayIteration.setId(id); IterationModel.getInstance().addIteration(displayIteration); } else { UpdateIterationController.getInstance().updateIteration(displayIteration); } forceRemove = true; ViewEventController.getInstance().removeTab(IterationPanel.this); }
/** * Moves piezo and slice together. Specify the factor by which the step size is multiplied by * (e.g. +/- 1). * * @param factor */ private void stepPiezoAndGalvo(double factor) { try { double piezoPos = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_); piezoPos += (factor * (Double) piezoDeltaField_.getValue()); positions_.setPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_, piezoPos, true); double galvoPos = computeGalvoFromPiezo(piezoPos); positions_.setPosition(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y, galvoPos, true); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } }
public ProblemDescriptors getParameters() { if (Utils.isEmpty(problemSizeEdit.getText()) || Utils.isEmpty(stockLengthEdit.getText()) || Utils.isEmpty(orderLengthLowerBoundEdit.getText()) || Utils.isEmpty(orderLengthUpperBoundEdit.getText()) || Utils.isEmpty(averageDemandEdit.getText())) { return null; } int problemSize = ((Number) problemSizeEdit.getValue()).intValue(); int stockLength = ((Number) stockLengthEdit.getValue()).intValue(); double orderLengthLowerBound = ((Number) orderLengthLowerBoundEdit.getValue()).doubleValue(); double orderLengthUpperBound = ((Number) orderLengthUpperBoundEdit.getValue()).doubleValue(); int averageDemand = ((Number) averageDemandEdit.getValue()).intValue(); ProblemDescriptors descriptors = new ProblemDescriptors( problemSize, stockLength, orderLengthLowerBound, orderLengthUpperBound, averageDemand); return descriptors; }
private int getPort() throws SettingsException { int port; try { port = ((Number) portTextField.getValue()).intValue(); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception x) { throw new SettingsException("Please specify a valid port number.", x); } return port; }
private int getMemoryLimit() throws SettingsException { int memoryLimit; try { memoryLimit = ((Number) memoryTextField.getValue()).intValue(); if (memoryLimit < 5) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception x) { throw new SettingsException("Please specify a valid memory limit.", x); } return memoryLimit; }
/** Performs "1-point" calibration updating the offset but not the slope. */ private void updateCalibrationOffset() { try { double rate = (Double) rateField_.getValue(); // bypass cached positions in positions_ in case they aren't current double currentScanner = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y); double currentPiezo = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_); double newOffset = currentPiezo - rate * currentScanner; offsetField_.setValue((Double) newOffset); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } }
protected void readSizeFromTextField() { int size = ((Number) sizetf.getValue()).intValue(); if (size == getParticlePicker().getSize()) return; if (!getParticlePicker().isValidSize(ParticlePickerJFrame.this, size)) { int prevsize = getParticlePicker().getSize(); sizetf.setText(Integer.toString(prevsize)); return; } updateSize(size); }
/** * Verify that a {@link javax.swing.JFormattedTextField} contains a positive integer. * * @param jc The {@link javax.swing.JFormattedTextField} with input to verify. * @return <code>true</code> if the {@link javax.swing.JFormattedTextField} contains a positive * integer, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ @Override public boolean verify(JComponent jc) { if (jc instanceof JFormattedTextField) { JFormattedTextField numberTextField = (JFormattedTextField) jc; if (this.notEmpty.verify(jc) && numberTextField.isEditValid()) { int cardNumber = ((Number) numberTextField.getValue()).intValue(); return cardNumber > 0; } } return false; }
/** * Checks whether anything changed and updates buttons as needed. * * @return boolean */ private boolean checkForChanges() { boolean nameChanged = false; boolean startChanged = false; boolean endChanged = false; if (vm == ViewMode.CREATING) { nameChanged = !boxName.getText().trim().equals(""); startChanged = !startDateBox.getText().equals(""); endChanged = !endDateBox.getText().equals(""); } else { nameChanged = !boxName.getText().equals(displayIteration.getName()); Date startDate = (Date) startDateBox.getValue(); Date endDate = (Date) endDateBox.getValue(); startChanged = !startDate.equals(displayIteration.getStart().getDate()); endChanged = !endDate.equals(displayIteration.getEnd().getDate()); } boolean anythingChanged = nameChanged || startChanged || endChanged; buttonAdd.setEnabled(buttonAdd.isEnabled() && anythingChanged); buttonUndoChanges.setEnabled(anythingChanged); return anythingChanged; }
@Override public boolean isModified() { DatabaseSrs refSys = srsComboBox.getSelectedItem(); try { sridText.commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { } if (((Number) sridText.getValue()).intValue() != refSys.getSrid()) return true; if (!gmlSrsNameText.getText().equals(refSys.getGMLSrsName())) return true; if (!descriptionText.getText().equals(refSys.getDescription())) return true; return false; }
@Override protected boolean updateModel() { Tax tax = (Tax) getBean(); String name = tfName.getText(); if (POSUtil.isBlankOrNull(name)) { MessageDialog.showError(com.floreantpos.POSConstants.NAME_REQUIRED); return false; } tax.setName(name); tax.setRate(new Double(tfRate.getValue().toString()).doubleValue()); return true; }
protected void save() { = nameField.getText(); try { costField.commitEdit(); data.cost = ((Long) costField.getValue()).intValue(); } catch (ParseException e) { data.cost = 0; } data.color = colorBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); data.text = charField.getText(); data.weight = Float.parseFloat(weightField.getText()); if (spellBox.getSelectedItem() != null) { data.spell = spellBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); } data.setPath(Editor.getStore().getActive().get("id")); }
private int getHttpsPort() throws SettingsException { if (!httpsPortCheckBox.isSelected()) { return 0; } int port; try { port = ((Number) httpsPortTextField.getValue()).intValue(); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception x) { throw new SettingsException("Please specify a valid https port number.", x); } return port; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == anul) { dispose(); } if (source == save) { Date now; GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); now = (Date) jdate.getValue(); cal.setTime(now); if (cal.compareTo(interviewer.getRelieveDay()) >= 0) { interviewer.setOutOfWorkTime(interviewer.getRelieveDay(), cal); int y1 = interviewer.getRelieveDay().get(Calendar.YEAR); // .toString(); int m1 = interviewer.getRelieveDay().get(Calendar.MONTH); int d1 = interviewer.getRelieveDay().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int y2 = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int m2 = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); int d2 = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String s = Integer.toString(d1) + "." + Integer.toString(m1 + 1) + "." + Integer.toString(y1) + " - " + Integer.toString(d2) + "." + Integer.toString(m2 + 1) + "." + Integer.toString(y2); interviewer.setRelieveDay(null); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Przywrócono ankietera"); active.setText("Ankieter jest aktywny"); listModel.addElement(s); // JList newJlist = new JList(getTimeOutWork(interviewer)); // workOutTime = newJlist; // SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); // System.out.println("dzien zwolnienia ankietera "+ interviewer.getRelieveDay().getTime()); dispose(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Data nieprawid³owa"); } } }
/** Metodo com a acaoo do botao OK. */ private void ok() { boolean valido = true; EcfPagamento pag = new EcfPagamento(); try { // recupera a barra String barra; if (txtBarra.getText().equals("") || txtBarra.getText().length() < 30) { throw new Exception(); } else { barra = txtBarra.getText(); } pag.setEcfPagamentoNsu(barra); // recupera o valor Double valor = Double.valueOf(txtValor.getValue().toString()); if (valor == 0.00 || valor.compareTo(total) > 0) { throw new Exception(); } pag.setEcfPagamentoValor(valor); // recupera o vencimento Date vencimento = Util.formataData(txtVencimento.getText(), "dd/MM/yyyy"); if (vencimento == null) { throw new Exception(); } pag.setEcfPagamentoData(vencimento); // seta os demais valores do pagamento pag.setEcfPagamentoGnf(0); pag.setEcfPagamentoValor(valor); pag.setEcfPagamentoNsu(barra); pag.setEcfPagamentoEstorno('N'); pag.setEcfVenda(Caixa.getInstancia().getVenda()); } catch (Exception ex) { valido = false; } // se valido procegue o processo if (valido) { setVisible(false); async.sucesso(pag); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Deve-se informar todos os dados, ou dados errados!", "Cheque", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }
@Override public boolean stopCellEditing() { JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent(); if (ftf.isEditValid()) { try { ftf.commitEdit(); } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) { // nothing to do } } else { if (!askEditOrRevert(ftf, null)) { return false; } else { ftf.setValue(ftf.getValue()); } } return super.stopCellEditing(); }
public void fieldChange2() { Double value = (Double) textField2.getValue(); log.debug("Changed isoFact to: " + value); if (value.isInfinite() || value.isNaN()) { value = 0.0; } Setting.getElement("/bat/isotope/calc/bg/error").setText(value.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < data.corrList.size(); i++) { data.corrList.get(i).isoErr = value; } data.calcAll(); // makeReg(); // dataSet = Func.getXY(data.get(dataType),null,x,y,x_multi,y_multi); // chart.getXYPlot().setDataset(0,dataSet); log.debug( "Isobar correction factor error set to: " + value + "-" + Setting.getDouble("/bat/isotope/calc/bg/error")); }
// Override to ensure that the value remains an Float. @Override public Object getCellEditorValue() { JFormattedTextField ftf1 = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent(); Object o = ftf1.getValue(); if (o instanceof Float) { return o; } else if (o instanceof Number) { return new Float(((Number) o).intValue()); } else { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("getCellEditorValue: o isn't a Number"); } try { return floatFormat.parseObject(o.toString()); } catch (ParseException exc) { System.err.println("getCellEditorValue: can't parse o: " + o); return null; } } }