public VncViewer(String[] argv) { applet = false; // Override defaults with command-line options for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) { if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-log")) { if (++i >= argv.length) usage(); System.err.println("Log setting: " + argv[i]); LogWriter.setLogParams(argv[i]); continue; } if (Configuration.setParam(argv[i])) continue; if (argv[i].charAt(0) == '-') { if (i + 1 < argv.length) { if (Configuration.setParam(argv[i].substring(1), argv[i + 1])) { i++; continue; } } usage(); } if (vncServerName.getValue() != null) usage(); vncServerName.setParam(argv[i]); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { // zoom to San Francisco downtown Configuration.setValue(AVKey.INITIAL_ALTITUDE, 34e3); Configuration.setValue(AVKey.INITIAL_LATITUDE, 37.9521d); Configuration.setValue(AVKey.INITIAL_LONGITUDE, -119.7761d); // Adjust configuration values before instantiation ApplicationTemplate.start("World Wind Terrain Intersections", AppFrame.class); }
public void save() { Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance(); Properties props = config.props; props.setProperty("mx",; props.setProperty("ms",; props.setProperty("ss",; props.setProperty("ext",; props.setProperty("clr", (clearLogs.cb.isSelected() ? "yes" : "no")); props.setProperty("ssl", (debugSSL.cb.isSelected() ? "yes" : "no")); props.setProperty("mon", (javaMonitor.cb.isSelected() ? "yes" : "no"));; }
public JungGraphObserver(String name) { = name; this.hyphadataPid = Configuration.getPid(PAR_HYPHADATA_PROTO); this.hyphalinkPid = Configuration.getPid(PAR_HYPHALINK_PROTO); this.mycocastPid = Configuration.getPid(PAR_MYCOCAST_PROTO); this.period = Configuration.getInt(name + "." + PAR_PERIOD); this.walkDelay = Configuration.getInt(name + "." + PAR_WALK_DELAY); mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); this.changeListeners = new HashSet<ChangeListener>(); visualizer = null; // HyphaData.addHyphaDataListener(this); // HyphaLink.addHyphaLinkListener(this); }
public CfgInfo(Configuration cfg, final String title) { this.cfg = cfg; this.title = title; bundledInjections.addAll(cfg.getDefaultInjections()); originalInjections = new ArrayList<BaseInjection>( ContainerUtil.concat( InjectorUtils.getActiveInjectionSupportIds(), new Function<String, Collection<? extends BaseInjection>>() { public Collection<? extends BaseInjection> fun(final String s) { List<BaseInjection> injections = CfgInfo.this.cfg instanceof Configuration.Prj ? ((Configuration.Prj) CfgInfo.this.cfg).getOwnInjections(s) : CfgInfo.this.cfg.getInjections(s); return ContainerUtil.findAll( injections, new Condition<BaseInjection>() { public boolean value(final BaseInjection injection) { String id = injection.getInjectedLanguageId(); return InjectedLanguage.findLanguageById(id) != null || ReferenceInjector.findById(id) != null; } }); } })); sortInjections(originalInjections); reset(); }
public ConfigurationDialog(Frame owner, boolean insideOOo, Configuration config) { this.owner = owner; this.insideOOo = insideOOo; this.original = config; this.config = original.copy(original); messages = JLanguageTool.getMessageBundle(); }
public void start() { vlog.debug("start called"); if (version == null || build == null) { ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); InputStream stream = cl.getResourceAsStream("com/tigervnc/vncviewer/timestamp"); try { Manifest manifest = new Manifest(stream); Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); version = attributes.getValue("Version"); build = attributes.getValue("Build"); } catch ( e) { } } nViewers++; if (firstApplet) { alwaysShowServerDialog.setParam(true); Configuration.readAppletParams(this); String host = getCodeBase().getHost(); if (vncServerName.getValue() == null && vncServerPort.getValue() != 0) { int port = vncServerPort.getValue(); vncServerName.setParam( host + ((port >= 5900 && port <= 5999) ? (":" + (port - 5900)) : ("::" + port))); } } thread = new Thread(this); thread.start(); }
public void loadConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { imagesList.clear(); String directory = configuration.getDirectory(); int maxSize = ImageHolder.coerceInteger(configuration.getMaxSize()); if (directory != null && !directory.isEmpty()) { File dir = new File(directory); File[] files = dir.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { String lowerName = name.toLowerCase(); return lowerName.endsWith(".jpg") || lowerName.endsWith(".png") || lowerName.endsWith(".gif"); } }); if (files != null && files.length > 0) { imagesList.ensureCapacity(files.length); for (File file : files) { if (file.isFile()) { imagesList.add(new ImageHolder(file, maxSize)); } } imagesList.trimToSize(); } } boolean useTimer = configuration.isUseTimer(); if (useTimer) { if (timer.isRunning()) { timer.restart(); } else { timer.start(); } } else { if (timer.isRunning()) { timer.stop(); } } for (Editor editor : editorsList) { loadImage(editor); } }
public void apply() { final List<BaseInjection> injectionList = getInjectionList(injectionInfos); cfg.replaceInjections(injectionList, originalInjections, true); originalInjections.clear(); originalInjections.addAll(injectionList); sortInjections(originalInjections); FileContentUtil.reparseOpenedFiles(); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == okButton) { if (original != null) { original.restoreState(config); } dialog.setVisible(false); } else if (e.getSource() == cancelButton) { dialog.setVisible(false); } }
private boolean getState(Rule rule) { boolean ret = true; if (config.getDisabledRuleIds().contains(rule.getId())) { ret = false; } if (config.getDisabledCategoryNames().contains(rule.getCategory().getName())) { ret = false; } if (rule.isDefaultOff() && !config.getEnabledRuleIds().contains(rule.getId())) { ret = false; } if (rule.isDefaultOff() && rule.getCategory().isDefaultOff() && config.getEnabledRuleIds().contains(rule.getId())) { config.getDisabledCategoryNames().remove(rule.getCategory().getName()); } return ret; }
private void addTemplate(SearchDialogFactory searchDialogFactory) { SearchDialog dialog = createDialog(searchDialogFactory);; if (!dialog.isOK()) return; Configuration configuration = dialog.getConfiguration(); if (configuration.getName() == null || configuration.getName().equals(SearchDialog.USER_DEFINED)) { String name = dialog.showSaveTemplateAsDialog(); if (name != null) { name = ConfigurationManager.findAppropriateName(myConfigurations, name, dialog.getProject()); } if (name == null) return; configuration.setName(name); } myConfigurations.add(configuration); configurationsChanged(dialog.getSearchContext()); }
private void run() { int port = Util.getInt(, config.port); if (port != config.port) { try { Element server = Util.getFirstNamedChild(config.configXML, "Server"); server.setAttribute("port", Integer.toString(port)); config.saveXML(); config.port = port; } catch (Exception unable) { }; } save(); if (!running) { runner = Util.startup(); Util.wait(500); running = runner.isAlive(); if (running) { monitor = new Monitor(runner); monitor.start(); } } setStatus(); }
private DefaultMutableTreeNode createTree(List<Rule> rules) { DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Rules"); String lastRule = null; TreeMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode> parents = new TreeMap<>(); for (final Rule rule : rules) { if (!parents.containsKey(rule.getCategory().getName())) { boolean enabled = true; if (config.getDisabledCategoryNames() != null && config.getDisabledCategoryNames().contains(rule.getCategory().getName())) { enabled = false; } DefaultMutableTreeNode categoryNode = new CategoryNode(rule.getCategory(), enabled); root.add(categoryNode); parents.put(rule.getCategory().getName(), categoryNode); } if (!rule.getId().equals(lastRule)) { RuleNode ruleNode = new RuleNode(rule, getState(rule)); parents.get(rule.getCategory().getName()).add(ruleNode); } lastRule = rule.getId(); } return root; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource().equals(launchBrowser)) { Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance(); String ip = Util.getIPAddress(); String protocol = "http" + (config.ssl ? "s" : ""); String url = protocol + "://" + ip + ":" + config.port; Util.openURL(url); } else if (event.getSource().equals(stop)) { Util.shutdown(); running = Util.isRunning(); setStatus(); } else if (event.getSource().equals(start)) { clearLogsDir(); run(); launchBrowser.requestFocusInWindow(); } }
public void start(String appConfigurationLocation, Dimension appSize) throws Exception { this.appTitle = Configuration.getStringValue(Constants.APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME); this.appSize = appSize; this.unitsFormat = new WWOUnitsFormat(); this.unitsFormat.setShowUTM(true); this.unitsFormat.setShowWGS84(true); this.appConfigurationLocation = appConfigurationLocation; final AppConfiguration appConfig = new AppConfiguration(); appConfig.initialize(this); appConfig.configure(this.appConfigurationLocation); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { redraw(); } }); }
public static void usage() { String usage = ("\nusage: vncviewer [options/parameters] " + "[host:displayNum] [options/parameters]\n" + " vncviewer [options/parameters] -listen [port] " + "[options/parameters]\n" + "\n" + "Options:\n" + " -log <level> configure logging level\n" + "\n" + "Parameters can be turned on with -<param> or off with " + "-<param>=0\n" + "Parameters which take a value can be specified as " + "-<param> <value>\n" + "Other valid forms are <param>=<value> -<param>=<value> " + "--<param>=<value>\n" + "Parameter names are case-insensitive. The parameters " + "are:\n\n" + Configuration.listParams()); System.err.print(usage); System.exit(1); }
public void setValuesFromConfig(Configuration configuration) { // replaceCriteriaEdit.putUserData(SubstitutionShortInfoHandler.CURRENT_CONFIGURATION_KEY, // configuration); if (configuration instanceof ReplaceConfiguration) { final ReplaceConfiguration config = (ReplaceConfiguration) configuration; final ReplaceOptions options = config.getOptions(); super.setValuesFromConfig(config); UIUtil.setContent( replaceCriteriaEdit, config.getOptions().getReplacement(), 0, replaceCriteriaEdit.getDocument().getTextLength(), searchContext.getProject()); shortenFQN.setSelected(options.isToShortenFQN()); formatAccordingToStyle.setSelected(options.isToReformatAccordingToStyle()); useStaticImport.setSelected(options.isToUseStaticImport()); ReplaceOptions newReplaceOptions = ((ReplaceConfiguration) model.getConfig()).getOptions(); newReplaceOptions.clearVariableDefinitions(); for (ReplacementVariableDefinition def : options.getReplacementVariableDefinitions()) { newReplaceOptions.addVariableDefinition((ReplacementVariableDefinition) def.clone()); } } else { super.setValuesFromConfig(configuration); UIUtil.setContent( replaceCriteriaEdit, configuration.getMatchOptions().getSearchPattern(), 0, replaceCriteriaEdit.getDocument().getTextLength(), searchContext.getProject()); } }
@Deprecated public void setRunServer(boolean serverMode) { config.setRunServer(serverMode); }
protected void saveToFile() { if (this.fileChooser == null) { this.fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); this.fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(Configuration.getUserHomeDirectory())); } this.fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Choose Directory to Place Airspaces"); this.fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); this.fileChooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); int status = this.fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null); if (status != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; final File dir = this.fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (dir == null) return; if (!dir.exists()) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored dir.mkdirs(); } final Iterable<AirspaceEntry> entries = this.getModel().getEntries(); Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { java.text.DecimalFormat f = new java.text.DecimalFormat("####"); f.setMinimumIntegerDigits(4); int counter = 0; for (AirspaceEntry entry : entries) { Airspace a = entry.getAirspace(); AirspaceAttributes currentAttribs = a.getAttributes(); a.setAttributes(entry.getAttributes()); String xmlString = a.getRestorableState(); if (xmlString != null) { try { PrintWriter of = new PrintWriter( new File( dir, a.getClass().getName() + "-" + entry.getName() + "-" + f.format(counter++) + ".xml")); of.write(xmlString); of.flush(); of.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } a.setAttributes(currentAttribs); } } finally { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { setEnabled(true); getApp().setCursor(null); getApp().getWwd().redraw(); } }); } } }); this.setEnabled(false); getApp().setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); t.start(); }
protected void openFromFile() { if (this.fileChooser == null) { this.fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); this.fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(Configuration.getUserHomeDirectory())); } this.fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Choose Airspace File Directory"); this.fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); this.fileChooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); int status = this.fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (status != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; final File dir = this.fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (dir == null) return; Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { final ArrayList<Airspace> airspaces = new ArrayList<Airspace>(); try { File[] files = dir.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.startsWith("gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces") && name.endsWith(".xml"); } }); for (File file : files) { String[] name = file.getName().split("-"); try { Class c = Class.forName(name[0]); Airspace airspace = (Airspace) c.newInstance(); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String s = input.readLine(); airspace.restoreState(s); airspaces.add(airspace); if (name.length >= 2) { airspace.setValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, name[1]); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } finally { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { setAirspaces(airspaces); setEnabled(true); getApp().setCursor(null); getApp().getWwd().redraw(); } }); } } }); this.setEnabled(false); getApp().setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); t.start(); }
@Deprecated public void setDisabledCategories(Set<String> categoryNames) { config.setDisabledCategoryNames(categoryNames); }
@Deprecated public int getServerPort() { return config.getServerPort(); }
@Deprecated public void setServerPort(int serverPort) { config.setServerPort(serverPort); }
@Deprecated public boolean getRunServer() { return config.getRunServer(); }
@Deprecated public boolean getUseGUIConfig() { return config.getUseGUIConfig(); }
@Deprecated public Set<String> getDisabledCategoryNames() { return config.getDisabledCategoryNames(); }
@Deprecated public void setMotherTongue(Language motherTongue) { config.setMotherTongue(motherTongue); }
@Deprecated public Language getMotherTongue() { return config.getMotherTongue(); }
@Deprecated public void setUseGUIConfig(boolean useGUIConfig) { config.setUseGUIConfig(useGUIConfig); }