コード例 #1
ファイル: ShapeIcon.java プロジェクト: feldmarshall/tracker
   * Paints the icon.
   * @param c the component on which it is painted
   * @param _g the graphics context
   * @param x the x coordinate of the icon
   * @param y the y coordinate of the icon
  public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics _g, int x, int y) {
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) _g;
    AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x + offsetX, y + offsetY);

    // save current graphics paint and clip
    Paint gPaint = g.getPaint();
    Shape gClip = g.getClip();

    // render shape(s)
    g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    g.clipRect(x, y, w, h);

    // paint shape, if any
    if (shape != null) {

    // paint decoration, if any
    if (decoration != null) {
    // restore graphics paint and clip
コード例 #2
ファイル: TextViewHybrid.java プロジェクト: zukov/Jpicedt
   * This implementation calls <code>super.hitTest</code> and returns the result if non-null (this
   * should be a HitInfo.Point), then returns a HitInfo.Interior if the mouse-click occured inside
   * the text bound (as defined by text layout)
   * @return a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event
  public HitInfo hitTest(PEMouseEvent e) {

    // from Bitmap:
    if (image != null) {
      if (getBounds().contains(e.getPicPoint())) {
        return new HitInfo.Interior((PicText) element, e);
      return null;

    // from TextLayout:
    if (!getBounds().contains(e.getPicPoint())) return null;

    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    // recompute textlayout b-box, but store it in a temporary field !
    Rectangle2D tb = textLayout.getBounds();
    Shape text_bounds = text2ModelTr.createTransformedShape(tb);
    if (text_bounds.contains(e.getPicPoint())) {
      // [SR:pending] for the hitInfo to be reliable, getPicPoint() should first be transformed by
      //              inverse text2ModelTr ! (especially when rotationAngle != 0)
      TextHitInfo thi =
              (float) (e.getPicPoint().x - strx),
              (float) (e.getPicPoint().y - stry)); // guaranteed to return a non-null thi
      return new HitInfo.Text((PicText) element, thi, e);
    // test hit on textlayout's bounding rectangle :
    // else if (bounds.contains(e.getPicPoint())) return new HitInfo.Interior(element,e);
    return null;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TextViewHybrid.java プロジェクト: zukov/Jpicedt
  /** Synchronizes bounding box with the model ; */
  protected void syncBounds() {
    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    // [pending] Il faut tenir compte de la rotation !

    Rectangle2D latexBB =
        null; // BB relative to latex dimensions (including rotation) (without frame)
    Rectangle2D textLayoutBB =
        null; // BB relative to textLayout dimensions (including rotation) (without frame)
    Rectangle2D textBB = null; // BB of the text (including rotation), without frame

    if (areDimensionsComputed) { // compute latexBB
      Rectangle2D nonRotated =
          new Rectangle2D.Double(
              te.getLeftX(), te.getBottomY(), te.getWidth(), te.getHeight() + te.getDepth());
      AffineTransform tr =
          new AffineTransform(); // maps Image coordinates to Model coordinates (see paint)
      tr.setToIdentity(); // reset
      PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
      tr.rotate(getRotation(), anchor.x, anchor.y); // rotate along P_ANCHOR !
      latexBB = tr.createTransformedShape(nonRotated).getBounds2D();

    if (image == null) { // compute textLayoutBB
      Rectangle2D nonRotated = textLayout.getBounds();
      textLayoutBB = text2ModelTr.createTransformedShape(nonRotated).getBounds2D();

    // use textLayoutBB or latexBB or their union
    if (image != null) textBB = latexBB;
    else {
      if (!areDimensionsComputed) textBB = textLayoutBB;
      else {
        textBB = latexBB.createUnion(textLayoutBB);

    // union with frame BB
    if (te.isFramed()) {
      super.syncBounds(); // update bounds of the frame if necessary
      Rectangle2D.union(super.bounds, textBB, this.bounds);
    } else this.bounds = textBB;
コード例 #4
ファイル: TextViewHybrid.java プロジェクト: zukov/Jpicedt
  * synchronize frame shape and location (TextLayout only) ; this is called by syncShape(), so that
  * subclasser might override easily when only rectangular shapes are availables.
 protected void syncFrame() {
   PicText te = (PicText) element;
   if (!te.isFramed()) {
   AffineTransform tr =
       new AffineTransform(); // maps Image coordinates to Model coordinates (see paint)
   tr.setToIdentity(); // reset
   PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
   tr.rotate(getRotation(), anchor.x, anchor.y); // rotate along P_ANCHOR !
   shape = tr.createTransformedShape(te.getShapeOfFrame());
コード例 #5
ファイル: SVGTextFigure.java プロジェクト: DevBoost/Reuseware
  private Shape getTextShape() {
    if (cachedTextShape == null) {
      String text = getText();
      if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
        text = " ";

      FontRenderContext frc = getFontRenderContext();
      HashMap<TextAttribute, Object> textAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();
      textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FONT, getFont());
      if (FONT_UNDERLINE.get(this)) {
        textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON);
      TextLayout textLayout = new TextLayout(text, textAttributes, frc);

      AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();
      tx.translate(coordinates[0].x, coordinates[0].y);
      switch (TEXT_ANCHOR.get(this)) {
        case END:
          tx.translate(-textLayout.getAdvance(), 0);
        case MIDDLE:
          tx.translate(-textLayout.getAdvance() / 2d, 0);
        case START:

      if (TRANSFORM.get(this) != null) {

      cachedTextShape = tx.createTransformedShape(textLayout.getOutline(tx));
      cachedTextShape = textLayout.getOutline(tx);
    return cachedTextShape;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MainPanel.java プロジェクト: mhcrnl/java-swing-tips
  public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    g2.translate(x, y);

    g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(BORDER_WIDTH));

    g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(SLIT_WIDTH));

    int n = SLIT_NUM + 1;
    int v = ICON_SIZE / n;
    int m = n * v;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
      int a = i * v;
      g2.drawLine(a, 0, a, m);
      g2.drawLine(0, a, m, a);

    // g2.drawLine(1 * v, 0 * v, 1 * v, 4 * v);
    // g2.drawLine(2 * v, 0 * v, 2 * v, 4 * v);
    // g2.drawLine(3 * v, 0 * v, 3 * v, 4 * v);
    // g2.drawLine(0 * v, 1 * v, 4 * v, 1 * v);
    // g2.drawLine(0 * v, 2 * v, 4 * v, 2 * v);
    // g2.drawLine(0 * v, 3 * v, 4 * v, 3 * v);

    Rectangle2D b = ARROW.getBounds();
    Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(b.getX() + b.getWidth() / 2d, b.getY() + b.getHeight() / 2d);
    AffineTransform toCenterAT =
        AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(ICON_SIZE / 2d - p.getX(), ICON_SIZE / 2d - p.getY());