コード例 #1
ファイル: JEditTextArea.java プロジェクト: zeph/grinder
   * Ensures that the specified line and offset is visible by scrolling the text area if necessary.
   * @param line The line to scroll to
   * @param offset The offset in the line to scroll to
   * @return True if scrolling was actually performed, false if the line and offset was already
   *     visible
  public boolean scrollTo(int line, int offset) {
    // visibleLines == 0 before the component is realized
    // we can't do any proper scrolling then, so we have
    // this hack...
    if (visibleLines == 0) {
      setFirstLine(Math.max(0, line - electricScroll));
      return true;

    int newFirstLine = firstLine;
    int newHorizontalOffset = horizontalOffset;

    if (line < firstLine + electricScroll) {
      newFirstLine = Math.max(0, line - electricScroll);
    } else if (line + electricScroll >= firstLine + visibleLines) {
      newFirstLine = (line - visibleLines) + electricScroll + 1;
      if (newFirstLine + visibleLines >= getLineCount())
        newFirstLine = getLineCount() - visibleLines;
      if (newFirstLine < 0) newFirstLine = 0;

    int x = _offsetToX(line, offset);
    int width = painter.getFontMetrics().charWidth('w');

    if (x < 0) {
      newHorizontalOffset = Math.min(0, horizontalOffset - x + width + 5);
    } else if (x + width >= painter.getWidth()) {
      newHorizontalOffset = horizontalOffset + (painter.getWidth() - x) - width - 5;

    return setOrigin(newFirstLine, newHorizontalOffset);
コード例 #2
ファイル: AquaCaret.java プロジェクト: FauxFaux/jdk9-jdk
   * Damages the area surrounding the caret to cause it to be repainted in a new location. If
   * paint() is reimplemented, this method should also be reimplemented. This method should update
   * the caret bounds (x, y, width, and height).
   * @param r the current location of the caret
   * @see #paint
  protected synchronized void damage(final Rectangle r) {
    if (r == null || fPainting) return;

    x = r.x - 4;
    y = r.y;
    width = 10;
    height = r.height;

    // Don't damage the border area.  We can't paint a partial border, so get the
    // intersection of the caret rectangle and the component less the border, if any.
    final Rectangle caretRect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
    final Border border = getComponent().getBorder();
    if (border != null) {
      final Rectangle alloc = getComponent().getBounds();
      alloc.x = alloc.y = 0;
      final Insets borderInsets = border.getBorderInsets(getComponent());
      alloc.x += borderInsets.left;
      alloc.y += borderInsets.top;
      alloc.width -= borderInsets.left + borderInsets.right;
      alloc.height -= borderInsets.top + borderInsets.bottom;
      Rectangle2D.intersect(caretRect, alloc, caretRect);
    x = caretRect.x;
    y = caretRect.y;
    width = Math.max(caretRect.width, 1);
    height = Math.max(caretRect.height, 1);
コード例 #3
   * Performs layout for the minor axis of the box (i.e. the axis orthogonal to the axis that it
   * represents). The results of the layout (the offset and span for each children) are placed in
   * the given arrays which represent the allocations to the children along the minor axis.
   * @param targetSpan the total span given to the view, which would be used to layout the children.
   * @param axis the axis being layed out
   * @param offsets the offsets from the origin of the view for each of the child views; this is a
   *     return value and is filled in by the implementation of this method
   * @param spans the span of each child view; this is a return value and is filled in by the
   *     implementation of this method
  protected void layoutMinorAxis(int targetSpan, int axis, int[] offsets, int[] spans) {
    int n = getViewCount();
    Object key = (axis == X_AXIS) ? CSS.Attribute.WIDTH : CSS.Attribute.HEIGHT;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      View v = getView(i);
      int min = (int) v.getMinimumSpan(axis);
      int max;

      // check for percentage span
      AttributeSet a = v.getAttributes();
      CSS.LengthValue lv = (CSS.LengthValue) a.getAttribute(key);
      if ((lv != null) && lv.isPercentage()) {
        // bound the span to the percentage specified
        min = Math.max((int) lv.getValue(targetSpan), min);
        max = min;
      } else {
        max = (int) v.getMaximumSpan(axis);

      // assign the offset and span for the child
      if (max < targetSpan) {
        // can't make the child this wide, align it
        float align = v.getAlignment(axis);
        offsets[i] = (int) ((targetSpan - max) * align);
        spans[i] = max;
      } else {
        // make it the target width, or as small as it can get.
        offsets[i] = 0;
        spans[i] = Math.max(min, targetSpan);
コード例 #4
  * Writes the <code>shape</code>, <code>coords</code>, <code>href</code>,
  * <code>nohref</code> Attribute for the specified figure and ellipse.
  * @return Returns true, if the circle is inside of the image bounds.
 private boolean writeCircleAttributes(IXMLElement elem, SVGFigure f, Ellipse2D.Double ellipse) {
     AffineTransform t = TRANSFORM.getClone(f);
     if (t == null) {
         t = drawingTransform;
     } else {
     if ((t.getType() &
             (AffineTransform.TYPE_UNIFORM_SCALE | AffineTransform.TYPE_TRANSLATION)) ==
             t.getType() &&
             ellipse.width == ellipse.height
             ) {
         Point2D.Double start = new Point2D.Double(ellipse.x, ellipse.y);
         Point2D.Double end = new Point2D.Double(ellipse.x + ellipse.width, ellipse.y + ellipse.height);
         t.transform(start, start);
         t.transform(end, end);
         ellipse.x = Math.min(start.x, end.x);
         ellipse.y = Math.min(start.y, end.y);
         ellipse.width = Math.abs(start.x - end.x);
         ellipse.height = Math.abs(start.y - end.y);
         elem.setAttribute("shape", "circle");
                 (int) (ellipse.x + ellipse.width / 2d)+","+
                 (int) (ellipse.y + ellipse.height / 2d)+","+
                 (int) (ellipse.width / 2d)
         writeHrefAttribute(elem, f);
         return bounds.intersects(ellipse.getBounds());
     } else {
         return writePolyAttributes(elem, f, (Shape) ellipse);
コード例 #5
  * Writes out text. If a range is specified when the constructor is invoked, then only the
  * appropriate range of text is written out.
  * @param elem an Element
  * @exception IOException on any I/O error
  * @exception BadLocationException if pos represents an invalid location within the document.
 protected void text(Element elem) throws BadLocationException, IOException {
   int start = Math.max(getStartOffset(), elem.getStartOffset());
   int end = Math.min(getEndOffset(), elem.getEndOffset());
   if (start < end) {
     if (segment == null) {
       segment = new Segment();
     getDocument().getText(start, end - start, segment);
     newlineOutputed = false;
     if (segment.count > 0) {
       if (segment.array[segment.offset + segment.count - 1] == '\n') {
         newlineOutputed = true;
       if (inPre && end == preEndOffset) {
         if (segment.count > 1) {
         } else {
       replaceEntities = true;
       write(segment.array, segment.offset, segment.count);
       replaceEntities = false;
コード例 #6
    public void execute() {
      if (!isEditable() || !isEnabled()) {

      try {
        int position = lastClickPoint != null ? viewToModel(lastClickPoint) : getCaretPosition();
        lastClickPoint = null;
        Document document = getDocument();
        String selectedText = getSelectedText();
        if (selectedText != null && !CommonUtil.isEmpty(selectedText)) {
          final int selectionEnd = getSelectionEnd();
          document.insertString(selectionEnd, selectedText, null);
          select(selectionEnd, selectionEnd + selectedText.length());
        } else {
          final int docLen = document.getLength();
          int fromIndex = Math.max(0, getText(0, position).lastIndexOf('\n'));
          int toIndex = getText(fromIndex + 1, docLen - fromIndex).indexOf('\n');
          toIndex = toIndex < 0 ? docLen : fromIndex + toIndex;
          String textToDuplicate = getText(fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex + 1);
          if (!textToDuplicate.startsWith("\n")) {
            textToDuplicate = "\n" + textToDuplicate;
          if (textToDuplicate.endsWith("\n")) {
            textToDuplicate = textToDuplicate.substring(0, textToDuplicate.length() - 1);
          document.insertString(Math.min(docLen, toIndex + 1), textToDuplicate, null);
          setCaretPosition(position + textToDuplicate.length());
      } catch (BadLocationException e1) {
コード例 #7
ファイル: Utils.java プロジェクト: tacolalab/forstudents
  * Replaces the currently selected content with new content represented by the given StyledText.
  * If there is no selection this amounts to an insert of the given text. If there is no
  * replacement text this amounts to a removal of the current selection. The replacement text will
  * have the attributes currently defined for input at the point of insertion. If the document is
  * not editable, beep and return
  * @param content the content to replace the selection with
  * @see StyledText#insert
 public static void replaceSelection(Word word, StyledText content) {
   Document doc = word.workspace.getDocument();
   String text;
   Caret caret = word.workspace.getCaret();
   int insertPos = 0;
   int i;
   int contentSize;
   if (doc != null) {
     try {
       int p0 = Math.min(caret.getDot(), caret.getMark());
       int p1 = Math.max(caret.getDot(), caret.getMark());
       // if there is any selection
       if (p0 != p1) {
         doc.remove(p0, p1 - p0);
       // insert the content
       if (content != null) {
         content.insert(doc, p0);
     } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
コード例 #8
ファイル: FTACanvas.java プロジェクト: jandcmoore/OpenFTA
  public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    int x;
    int y;


    if (mouseEventsEnabled) {

      x = Math.round(e.getX() / scale);
      y = Math.round(e.getY() / scale);

      // allow for the canvas margin
      y -= margin;

      // System.out.println("Mouse Click: (" + x + ", " + y + ")");

      if (e.getClickCount() < 2) {
        if (nativeSelectItem(x, y)) {
      } else {
        if (nativeSelectItem(x, y)) {


      if (focusEventsEnabled) {
        // tell the main Canvas to point to this coordinate
        parentFTAFrame.setCanvasFocus(x, y);
コード例 #9
ファイル: JEditTextArea.java プロジェクト: zeph/grinder
   * Ensures that the caret is visible by scrolling the text area if necessary.
   * @return True if scrolling was actually performed, false if the caret was already visible
  public boolean scrollToCaret() {
    int line = getCaretLine();
    int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(line);
    int offset = Math.max(0, Math.min(getLineLength(line) - 1, getCaretPosition() - lineStart));

    return scrollTo(line, offset);
コード例 #10
  protected void paintLineHighlight(Graphics gfx, int line, int y) {
    int height = fm.getHeight();
    y += fm.getLeading() + fm.getMaxDescent();

    int selectionStart = textArea.getSelectionStart();
    int selectionEnd = textArea.getSelectionStop();

    if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) {
      if (lineHighlight) {
        gfx.fillRect(0, y, getWidth(), height);
    } else {

      int selectionStartLine = textArea.getSelectionStartLine();
      int selectionEndLine = textArea.getSelectionStopLine();
      int lineStart = textArea.getLineStartOffset(line);

      int x1, x2;
      if (textArea.isSelectionRectangular()) {
        int lineLen = textArea.getLineLength(line);
        x1 =
                    lineLen, selectionStart - textArea.getLineStartOffset(selectionStartLine)));
        x2 =
                Math.min(lineLen, selectionEnd - textArea.getLineStartOffset(selectionEndLine)));
        if (x1 == x2) x2++;
      } else if (selectionStartLine == selectionEndLine) {
        x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionStart - lineStart);
        x2 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionEnd - lineStart);
      } else if (line == selectionStartLine) {
        x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionStart - lineStart);
        x2 = getWidth();
      } else if (line == selectionEndLine) {
        // x1 = 0;
        // hack from stendahl to avoid doing weird side selection thing
        x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, 0);
        // attempt at getting the gutter too, but doesn't seem to work
        // x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, -textArea.getHorizontalOffset());
        x2 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionEnd - lineStart);
      } else {
        // x1 = 0;
        // hack from stendahl to avoid doing weird side selection thing
        x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, 0);
        // attempt at getting the gutter too, but doesn't seem to work
        // x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, -textArea.getHorizontalOffset());
        x2 = getWidth();

      // "inlined" min/max()
      gfx.fillRect(x1 > x2 ? x2 : x1, y, x1 > x2 ? (x1 - x2) : (x2 - x1), height);
コード例 #11
 public void nudge(int i) {
   x[i] += (double) rand.nextInt(1000) / 8756;
   y[i] += (double) rand.nextInt(1000) / 5432;
   int tmpScale = (int) (Math.abs(Math.sin(x[i])) * 10);
   scale[i] = (double) tmpScale / 10;
   int nudgeX = (int) (((double) getWidth() / 2) * .8);
   int nudgeY = (int) (((double) getHeight() / 2) * .60);
   xh[i] = (int) (Math.sin(x[i]) * nudgeX) + nudgeX;
   yh[i] = (int) (Math.sin(y[i]) * nudgeY) + nudgeY;
コード例 #12
 void returnResponse() {
   try {
     int p = Math.min(initialPos, run.getDocument().getLength());
     int l =
         Math.min(run.getDocument().getLength() - p, maxLen >= 0 ? maxLen : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
     resultQueue.offer(run.getText(p, l));
   } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
     // this cannot happen
コード例 #13
ファイル: AutoTextField.java プロジェクト: adrianpike/wwscc
  public void replaceSelection(String s) {
    AutoDocument doc = (AutoDocument) getDocument();
    if (doc == null) return;

    try {
      int i = Math.min(getCaret().getDot(), getCaret().getMark());
      int j = Math.max(getCaret().getDot(), getCaret().getMark());
      doc.replace(i, j - i, s, null);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
コード例 #14
 public void animate(float[] pts, float[] deltas, int index, int limit) {
   float newpt = pts[index] + deltas[index];
   if (newpt <= 0) {
     newpt = -newpt;
     deltas[index] = (float) (Math.random() * 3.0 + 2.0);
   } else if (newpt >= (float) limit) {
     newpt = 2.0f * limit - newpt;
     deltas[index] = -(float) (Math.random() * 3.0 + 2.0);
   pts[index] = newpt;
コード例 #15
    public void execute() {
      if (!isEditable() || !isEnabled()) {
      int position = lastClickPoint != null ? viewToModel(lastClickPoint) : getCaretPosition();
      lastClickPoint = null;
      Document document = getDocument();
      String selectedText = getSelectedText();

      try {
        if (selectedText != null && !CommonUtil.isEmpty(selectedText)) {
          String trimmed = selectedText.trim();
          if (trimmed.startsWith("<!--") && trimmed.endsWith("-->")) {
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(selectedText);
            int pos = buffer.indexOf("<!--");
            buffer.delete(pos, pos + 4);
            pos = buffer.lastIndexOf("-->");
            buffer.delete(pos, pos + 3);
          } else {
            String newSelection = "<!--" + selectedText + "-->";
        } else {
          final int docLen = document.getLength();
          int fromIndex = Math.max(0, getText(0, position).lastIndexOf('\n'));
          int toIndex = getText(fromIndex + 1, docLen - position).indexOf('\n');
          toIndex = toIndex < 0 ? docLen : fromIndex + toIndex;
          String textToComment = getText(fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex + 1);

          if (textToComment.startsWith("\n")) {
            textToComment = textToComment.substring(1);
          if (textToComment.endsWith("\n")) {
            textToComment = textToComment.substring(0, textToComment.length() - 1);
          String trimmed = textToComment.trim();
          if (trimmed.startsWith("<!--") && trimmed.endsWith("-->")) {
            int pos = textToComment.lastIndexOf("-->");
            document.remove(fromIndex + pos, 3);
            pos = textToComment.indexOf("<!--");
            document.remove(fromIndex + pos, 4);
          } else {
            document.insertString(Math.min(toIndex + 1, docLen), "-->", null);
            document.insertString(fromIndex, "<!--", null);
      } catch (BadLocationException e1) {
コード例 #16
    private Line addLine(Point p1, Point p2) {
      if (Math.abs(p1.getX() - p2.getX()) < 5 || Math.abs(p1.getY() - p2.getY()) < 5) {
        return null;

      Line line = null;
      if (p1 != null && p2 != null) {
        line = new Line(p1, p2);
      return line;
コード例 #17
ファイル: JCanvas.java プロジェクト: xaleth09/Connect4-AI
 public static BufferedImage scaleImage(BufferedImage bi, double scale) {
   int w1 = (int) (Math.round(scale * bi.getWidth()));
   int h1 = (int) (Math.round(scale * bi.getHeight()));
   BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w1, h1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
   Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
   g2.fillRect(0, 0, w1, h1);
   g2.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, w1, h1, null); // this);
   return image;
コード例 #18
  protected void paintLineHighlight(Graphics gfx, int line, int y) {
    int height = fm.getHeight();
    y += fm.getLeading() + fm.getMaxDescent();

    int selectionStart = textArea.getSelectionStart();
    int selectionEnd = textArea.getSelectionEnd();

    if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) {
      if (lineHighlight) {
        gfx.fillRect(0, y, getWidth(), height);
    } else {

      int selectionStartLine = textArea.getSelectionStartLine();
      int selectionEndLine = textArea.getSelectionEndLine();
      int lineStart = textArea.getLineStartOffset(line);

      int x1, x2;
      if (textArea.isSelectionRectangular()) {
        int lineLen = textArea.getLineLength(line);
        x1 =
                    lineLen, selectionStart - textArea.getLineStartOffset(selectionStartLine)));
        x2 =
                Math.min(lineLen, selectionEnd - textArea.getLineStartOffset(selectionEndLine)));
        if (x1 == x2) x2++;
      } else if (selectionStartLine == selectionEndLine) {
        x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionStart - lineStart);
        x2 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionEnd - lineStart);
      } else if (line == selectionStartLine) {
        x1 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionStart - lineStart);
        x2 = getWidth();
      } else if (line == selectionEndLine) {
        x1 = 0;
        x2 = textArea._offsetToX(line, selectionEnd - lineStart);
      } else {
        x1 = 0;
        x2 = getWidth();

      // "inlined" min/max()
      gfx.fillRect(x1 > x2 ? x2 : x1, y, x1 > x2 ? (x1 - x2) : (x2 - x1), height);
コード例 #19
   * Highlight lines to start or end delimiter.
   * @param content the content to parse
   * @param line the line number
   * @throws BadLocationException if offsets are wrong
  protected void highlightLinesAfter(String content, int line) throws BadLocationException {
    int offset = m_RootElement.getElement(line).getEndOffset();

    // Start/End delimiter not found, nothing to do

    int startDelimiter = -1;
    int endDelimiter = -1;
    if (getMultiLineComment()) {
      startDelimiter = indexOf(content, getMultiLineCommentStart(), offset);
      endDelimiter = indexOf(content, getMultiLineCommentEnd(), offset);

    if (startDelimiter < 0) startDelimiter = content.length();

    if (endDelimiter < 0) endDelimiter = content.length();

    int delimiter = Math.min(startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

    if (delimiter < offset) return;

    // Start/End delimiter found, reapply highlighting

    int endLine = m_RootElement.getElementIndex(delimiter);

    for (int i = line + 1; i < endLine; i++) {
      Element branch = m_RootElement.getElement(i);
      Element leaf = m_Self.getCharacterElement(branch.getStartOffset());
      AttributeSet as = leaf.getAttributes();

      if (as.isEqual(DEFAULT_COMMENT)) applyHighlighting(content, i);
コード例 #20
  public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException {

    if (!isAllocationValid()) {
      Rectangle alloc = a.getBounds();
      setSize(alloc.width, alloc.height);

    boolean isBackward = (b == Position.Bias.Backward);
    int testPos = (isBackward) ? Math.max(0, pos - 1) : pos;
    if (isBackward && testPos < getStartOffset()) {
      return null;

    int vIndex = getViewIndexAtPosition(testPos);
    if ((vIndex != -1) && (vIndex < getViewCount())) {
      View v = getView(vIndex);
      if (v != null && testPos >= v.getStartOffset() && testPos < v.getEndOffset()) {
        Shape childShape = getChildAllocation(vIndex, a);
        if (childShape == null) {
          // We are likely invalid, fail.
          return null;
        Shape retShape = v.modelToView(pos, childShape, b);
        if (retShape == null && v.getEndOffset() == pos) {
          if (++vIndex < getViewCount()) {
            v = getView(vIndex);
            retShape = v.modelToView(pos, getChildAllocation(vIndex, a), b);
        return retShape;

    throw new BadLocationException("Position not represented by view", pos);
コード例 #21
ファイル: XTextFieldPeer.java プロジェクト: FauxFaux/jdk9-jdk
  XTextFieldPeer(TextField target) {
    text = target.getText();
    xtext = new XAWTTextField(text, this, target.getParent());
    XToolkit.specialPeerMap.put(xtext, this);

    if (target.echoCharIsSet()) {
    } else setEchoChar((char) 0);

    int start = target.getSelectionStart();
    int end = target.getSelectionEnd();
    // Fix for 5100200
    // Restoring Motif behaviour
    // Since the end position of the selected text can be greater than the length of the text,
    // so we should set caret to max position of the text
    setCaretPosition(Math.min(end, text.length()));
    if (end > start) {
      // Should be called after setText() and setCaretPosition()
      select(start, end);


    // After this line we should not change the component's text
    firstChangeSkipped = true;
    AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().setPeer(xtext, this);
コード例 #22
   * Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical coordinate space of the model.
   * @param fx the X coordinate &gt;= 0
   * @param fy the Y coordinate &gt;= 0
   * @param a the allocated region to render into
   * @return the location within the model that best represents the given point in the view &gt;= 0
  public int viewToModel(float fx, float fy, Shape a, Position.Bias[] bias) {

    bias[0] = Position.Bias.Forward;

    Rectangle alloc = a.getBounds();
    RSyntaxDocument doc = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument();
    int x = (int) fx;
    int y = (int) fy;

    // If they're asking about a view position above the area covered by
    // this view, then the position is assumed to be the starting position
    // of this view.
    if (y < alloc.y) {
      return getStartOffset();

    // If they're asking about a position below this view, the position
    // is assumed to be the ending position of this view.
    else if (y > alloc.y + alloc.height) {
      return host.getLastVisibleOffset();

    // They're asking about a position within the coverage of this view
    // vertically.  So, we figure out which line the point corresponds to.
    // If the line is greater than the number of lines contained, then
    // simply use the last line as it represents the last possible place
    // we can position to.
    else {

      Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
      int lineIndex = Math.abs((y - alloc.y) / lineHeight); // metrics.getHeight() );
      FoldManager fm = host.getFoldManager();
      // System.out.print("--- " + lineIndex);
      lineIndex += fm.getHiddenLineCountAbove(lineIndex, true);
      // System.out.println(" => " + lineIndex);
      if (lineIndex >= map.getElementCount()) {
        return host.getLastVisibleOffset();

      Element line = map.getElement(lineIndex);

      // If the point is to the left of the line...
      if (x < alloc.x) {
        return line.getStartOffset();
      } else if (x > alloc.x + alloc.width) {
        return line.getEndOffset() - 1;
      } else {
        // Determine the offset into the text
        int p0 = line.getStartOffset();
        Token tokenList = doc.getTokenListForLine(lineIndex);
        tabBase = alloc.x;
        int offs = tokenList.getListOffset((RSyntaxTextArea) getContainer(), this, tabBase, x);
        return offs != -1 ? offs : p0;
    } // End of else.
コード例 #23
  public void remove(int offs, int len) throws BadLocationException {
    int start = offs;
    int end = offs + len;

    int markStart = mark;
    int markEnd = getLength();

    if ((end < markStart) || (start > markEnd)) {
      // no overlap

    // Determine interval intersection
    int cutStart = Math.max(start, markStart);
    int cutEnd = Math.min(end, markEnd);
    super.remove(cutStart, cutEnd - cutStart);
コード例 #24
 public void start() {
   Dimension size = getSize();
   for (int i = 0; i < animpts.length; i += 2) {
     animpts[i + 0] = (float) (Math.random() * size.width);
     animpts[i + 1] = (float) (Math.random() * size.height);
     deltas[i + 0] = (float) (Math.random() * 4.0 + 2.0);
     deltas[i + 1] = (float) (Math.random() * 4.0 + 2.0);
     if (animpts[i + 0] > size.width / 6.0f) {
       deltas[i + 0] = -deltas[i + 0];
     if (animpts[i + 1] > size.height / 6.0f) {
       deltas[i + 1] = -deltas[i + 1];
   anim = new Thread(this);
コード例 #25
  protected void updateByOpTree(javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb) {
    String oldStr = JMathTextField.this.getText();
    String newStr = operatorTree.toString();
    int commonStart = Utils.equalStartLen(oldStr, newStr);
    int commonEnd = Utils.equalEndLen(oldStr, newStr);
    if (commonEnd + commonStart >= Math.min(oldStr.length(), newStr.length()))
      commonEnd = Math.min(oldStr.length(), newStr.length()) - commonStart;

    try {
          oldStr.length() - commonEnd - commonStart,
          newStr.substring(commonStart, newStr.length() - commonEnd),
    } catch (BadLocationException e) {
      // this should not happen. we should have checked this. this whole function should be safe
      throw new AssertionError(e);
コード例 #26
ファイル: WrappedSyntaxView.java プロジェクト: Mindtoeye/Hoop
     * Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space to the coordinate space of the
     * view mapped to it.
     * @param pos the position to convert
     * @param a the allocated region to render into
     * @return the bounding box of the given position is returned
     * @exception BadLocationException if the given position does not represent a valid location in
     *     the associated document.
    public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException {

      // System.err.println("--- begin modelToView ---");
      Rectangle alloc = a.getBounds();
      RSyntaxTextArea textArea = (RSyntaxTextArea) getContainer();
      alloc.height = textArea.getLineHeight(); // metrics.getHeight();
      alloc.width = 1;
      int p0 = getStartOffset();
      int p1 = getEndOffset();
      int testP = (b == Position.Bias.Forward) ? pos : Math.max(p0, pos - 1);

      // Get the token list for this line so we don't have to keep
      // recomputing it if this logical line spans multiple physical
      // lines.
      RSyntaxDocument doc = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument();
      Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
      int line = map.getElementIndex(p0);
      Token tokenList = doc.getTokenListForLine(line);
      float x0 = alloc.x; // 0;

      while (p0 < p1) {
        TokenSubList subList =
                tokenList, p0, WrappedSyntaxView.this, textArea, x0, lineCountTempToken);
        x0 = subList != null ? subList.x : x0;
        tokenList = subList != null ? subList.tokenList : null;
        int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, tokenList, x0);
        if ((pos >= p0) && (testP < p)) { // pos < p)) {
          // it's in this line
          alloc =
                  textArea, s, p0, pos, WrappedSyntaxView.this, alloc, alloc.x);
          // System.err.println("--- end modelToView ---");
          return alloc;
        // if (p == p1 && pos == p1) {
        if (p == p1 - 1 && pos == p1 - 1) {
          // Wants end.
          if (pos > p0) {
            alloc =
                    textArea, s, p0, pos, WrappedSyntaxView.this, alloc, alloc.x);
          // System.err.println("--- end modelToView ---");
          return alloc;

        p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p;
        // System.err.println("... ... Incrementing y");
        alloc.y += alloc.height;

      throw new BadLocationException(null, pos);
コード例 #27
ファイル: FTACanvas.java プロジェクト: jandcmoore/OpenFTA
 public int getWidth() {
   float fWidth;
   int width;
   fWidth = scale * nativeGetMaxWidth();
   width = Math.round(fWidth);
   if (parentContainer == null) {
     return width;
   } else {
     return FTAUtilities.max(width, parentContainer.getWidth());
コード例 #28
ファイル: FTACanvas.java プロジェクト: jandcmoore/OpenFTA
 public int getHeight() {
   float fHeight;
   int height;
   fHeight = scale * nativeGetMaxDepth();
   height = Math.round(fHeight) + (2 * margin);
   if (parentContainer == null) {
     return height;
   } else {
     return FTAUtilities.max(height, parentContainer.getHeight());
コード例 #29
ファイル: JEditTextArea.java プロジェクト: zeph/grinder
  /** Returns the selected text, or null if no selection is active. */
  public final String getSelectedText() {
    if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) return null;

    if (rectSelect) {
      // Return each row of the selection on a new line

      Element map = document.getDefaultRootElement();

      int start = selectionStart - map.getElement(selectionStartLine).getStartOffset();
      int end = selectionEnd - map.getElement(selectionEndLine).getStartOffset();

      // Certain rectangles satisfy this condition...
      if (end < start) {
        int tmp = end;
        end = start;
        start = tmp;

      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      Segment seg = new Segment();

      for (int i = selectionStartLine; i <= selectionEndLine; i++) {
        Element lineElement = map.getElement(i);
        int lineStart = lineElement.getStartOffset();
        int lineEnd = lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1;
        int lineLen = lineEnd - lineStart;

        lineStart = Math.min(lineStart + start, lineEnd);
        lineLen = Math.min(end - start, lineEnd - lineStart);

        getText(lineStart, lineLen, seg);
        buf.append(seg.array, seg.offset, seg.count);

        if (i != selectionEndLine) buf.append('\n');

      return buf.toString();
    } else {
      return getText(selectionStart, selectionEnd - selectionStart);
コード例 #30
ファイル: JEditTextArea.java プロジェクト: zeph/grinder
  /** Returns the offset where the selection ends on the specified line. */
  public int getSelectionEnd(int line) {
    if (line == selectionEndLine) return selectionEnd;
    else if (rectSelect) {
      Element map = document.getDefaultRootElement();
      int end = selectionEnd - map.getElement(selectionEndLine).getStartOffset();

      Element lineElement = map.getElement(line);
      int lineStart = lineElement.getStartOffset();
      int lineEnd = lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1;
      return Math.min(lineEnd, lineStart + end);
    } else return getLineEndOffset(line) - 1;