public void copyMat(Mat src, Mat dest) { int srcRows = src.rows(); int srcCols = src.cols(); int destRows = dest.rows(); int destCols = dest.cols(); for (int i = 0; i < srcRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < srcCols; j++) { double bit = src.get(i, j)[0]; dest.put(i, j, bit); System.out.println(bit); } } }
public static Mat getCCH(Mat image) { ArrayList<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); Mat hierarchy = new Mat(); Imgproc.findContours( image, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); Mat chainHistogram = Mat.zeros(1, 8, CvType.CV_32F); int n = 0; MatOfPoint2f approxCurve = new MatOfPoint2f(); for (MatOfPoint contour : contours) { // get the freeman chain code from the contours int rows = contour.rows(); // System.out.println("\nrows"+rows+"\n"+contour.dump()); int direction = 7; Mat prevPoint = contours.get(0).row(0); n += rows - 1; for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++) { // get the current point double x1 = contour.get(i - 1, 0)[1]; double y1 = contour.get(i - 1, 0)[0]; // get the second point double x2 = contour.get(i, 0)[1]; double y2 = contour.get(i, 0)[0]; if (x2 == x1 && y2 == y1 + 1) direction = 0; else if (x2 == x1 - 1 && y2 == y1 + 1) direction = 1; else if (x2 == x1 - 1 && y2 == y1) direction = 2; else if (x2 == x1 - 1 && y2 == y1 - 1) direction = 3; else if (x2 == x1 && y2 == y1 - 1) direction = 4; else if (x2 == x1 + 1 && y2 == y1 - 1) direction = 5; else if (x2 == x1 + 1 && y2 == y1) direction = 6; else if (x2 == x1 + 1 && y2 == y1 + 1) direction = 7; else System.out.print("err"); double counter = chainHistogram.get(0, direction)[0]; chainHistogram.put(0, direction, ++counter); System.out.print(direction); } } System.out.println("\n" + chainHistogram.dump()); Scalar alpha = new Scalar(n); // the factor Core.divide(chainHistogram, alpha, chainHistogram); System.out.println("\nrows=" + n + " " + chainHistogram.dump()); return chainHistogram; }