/** * Programatically updates the next build number. * * <p>Much of Hudson assumes that the build number is unique and monotonic, so this method can * only accept a new value that's bigger than {@link #getLastBuild()} returns. Otherwise it'll be * no-op. * * @since 1.199 (before that, this method was package private.) */ public synchronized void updateNextBuildNumber(int next) throws IOException { RunT lb = getLastBuild(); if (lb != null ? next > lb.getNumber() : next > 0) { this.nextBuildNumber = next; saveNextBuildNumber(); } }
@Exported(name = "healthReport") public List<HealthReport> getBuildHealthReports() { List<HealthReport> reports = new ArrayList<HealthReport>(); RunT lastBuild = getLastBuild(); if (lastBuild != null && lastBuild.isBuilding()) { // show the previous build's report until the current one is // finished building. lastBuild = lastBuild.getPreviousBuild(); } // check the cache if (cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber != null && cachedBuildHealthReports != null && lastBuild != null && cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber.intValue() == lastBuild.getNumber()) { reports.addAll(cachedBuildHealthReports); } else if (lastBuild != null) { for (HealthReportingAction healthReportingAction : lastBuild.getActions(HealthReportingAction.class)) { final HealthReport report = healthReportingAction.getBuildHealth(); if (report != null) { if (report.isAggregateReport()) { reports.addAll(report.getAggregatedReports()); } else { reports.add(report); } } } final HealthReport report = getBuildStabilityHealthReport(); if (report != null) { if (report.isAggregateReport()) { reports.addAll(report.getAggregatedReports()); } else { reports.add(report); } } Collections.sort(reports); // store the cache cachedBuildHealthReportsBuildNumber = lastBuild.getNumber(); cachedBuildHealthReports = new ArrayList<HealthReport>(reports); } return reports; }
/** Obtains all the {@link Run}s whose build numbers matches the given {@link RangeSet}. */ public synchronized List<RunT> getBuilds(RangeSet rs) { List<RunT> builds = new LinkedList<RunT>(); for (Range r : rs.getRanges()) { for (RunT b = getNearestBuild(r.start); b != null && b.getNumber() < r.end; b = b.getNextBuild()) { builds.add(b); } } return builds; }