public static void exporterPapier(JasperPrint jPrint, Integer nbCopies) { // choix de l'imprimante par défaut PrintService service = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); // paramètres d'impression PrintRequestAttributeSet printRequestAttributeSetImpression = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); printRequestAttributeSetImpression.add(MediaSizeName.ISO_A4); printRequestAttributeSetImpression.add(new Copies(nbCopies)); // paramètres de l'imprimante PrintServiceAttributeSet printServiceAttributeSetImpression = new HashPrintServiceAttributeSet(); printServiceAttributeSetImpression.add(new PrinterName(service.getName(), null)); // création de l'interface d'impression JRPrintServiceExporter imprimanteFacture = new JRPrintServiceExporter(); // initialisation de l'interface d'impression imprimanteFacture.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jPrint); imprimanteFacture.setParameter( JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.PRINT_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_SET, printRequestAttributeSetImpression); imprimanteFacture.setParameter( JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.PRINT_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_SET, printServiceAttributeSetImpression); try { imprimanteFacture.exportReport(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Impossible de générer la Facture", e); // COMMANDE ENREGISTREE MAIS NON IMPRIMEE } }
/** * Takes a printer name and find the associated PrintService. If no match can be made it randomly * picks the first printer listed from the call to lookupPrintServices. * * @param printerName * @return PrintService referenced by the printerName */ public PrintService getPrinterInternal(final String printerName, final String lastPrinterName) { // The parameter value was not provided, and we are allowed to create // user interface forms PrintService[] services = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices(); for (PrintService element : services) { if (element.getName().equals(printerName)) { return element; } } if (feedbackAllowed()) { // If it's not valid then lets find one and end this current run. ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); for (PrintService element : services) { String value = element.getName(); values.add(value); } createFeedbackParameter( StandardSettings.PRINTER_NAME, Messages.getInstance().getString("PrintComponent.USER_PRINTER_NAME"), "", lastPrinterName, values, null, "select"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ promptNeeded(); return null; } return services[0]; }
private void printDoc() { try { PrintService printService = null; PrintService[] printServices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); for (PrintService ps : printServices) { if (ps.getName().equals(printerName)) { printService = ps; break; } } if (printService == null) { return; } PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); job.setPrintService(printService); CustomPaper customPaper = new CustomPaper(pageWidth, pageHeight); customPaper.setPrintArea(printAreaTop, printAreaLeft, printAreaWidth, printAreaHeight); PageFormat pf = job.defaultPage(); pf.setPaper(customPaper); job.defaultPage(pf); job.setPrintable(this, pf); job.print(); } catch (PrinterException | HeadlessException e) { System.err.println(e); Logger.getGlobal().log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } }
public void pageableJob(Pageable pageable) throws PrintException { try { synchronized (this) { if (job != null) { // shouldn't happen throw new PrintException("already printing"); } else { job = new; } } PrintService svc = getPrintService(); job.setPrintService(svc); if (copies == 0) { Copies c = (Copies) svc.getDefaultAttributeValue(Copies.class); copies = c.getValue(); } job.setCopies(copies); job.setJobName(jobName); job.setPageable(pageable); job.print(reqAttrSet); notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.DATA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE); return; } catch (PrinterException pe) { notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.JOB_FAILED); throw new PrintException(pe); } finally { printReturned = true; notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.NO_MORE_EVENTS); } }
private synchronized void refreshServices() { printers = peer.getAllPrinterNames(); if (printers == null) { // In Windows it is safe to assume no default if printers == null so we // don't get the default. printServices = new PrintService[0]; return; } PrintService[] newServices = new PrintService[printers.length]; PrintService defService = getDefaultPrintService(); for (int p = 0; p < printers.length; p++) { if (defService != null && printers[p].equals(defService.getName())) { newServices[p] = defService; } else { if (printServices == null) { newServices[p] = new Win32PrintService(printers[p], peer); } else { int j; for (j = 0; j < printServices.length; j++) { if ((printServices[j] != null) && (printers[p].equals(printServices[j].getName()))) { newServices[p] = printServices[j]; printServices[j] = null; break; } } if (j == printServices.length) { newServices[p] = new Win32PrintService(printers[p], peer); } } } } printServices = newServices; }
// for retreiving all the printer name public String[] getAllPrinterName() { PrintService[] MetaPrinter = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); ArrayList<String> PrinterNameStack = new ArrayList<>(); // PrintService DefaultPrinter = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); for (PrintService printer : MetaPrinter) { String printname = printer.getName(); PrinterNameStack.add(printname); } return PrinterNameStack.toArray(new String[PrinterNameStack.size()]); }
public void printableJob(Printable printable) throws PrintException { try { synchronized (this) { if (job != null) { // shouldn't happen throw new PrintException("already printing"); } else { job = new; } } PrintService svc = getPrintService(); job.setPrintService(svc); if (copies == 0) { Copies c = (Copies) svc.getDefaultAttributeValue(Copies.class); copies = c.getValue(); } if (mediaName == null) { Object media = svc.getDefaultAttributeValue(Media.class); if (media instanceof MediaSizeName) { mediaName = (MediaSizeName) media; mediaSize = MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName(mediaName); } } if (orient == null) { orient = (OrientationRequested) svc.getDefaultAttributeValue(OrientationRequested.class); } job.setCopies(copies); job.setJobName(jobName); PageFormat pf = new PageFormat(); if (mediaSize != null) { Paper p = new Paper(); p.setSize(mediaSize.getX(MediaSize.INCH) * 72.0, mediaSize.getY(MediaSize.INCH) * 72.0); p.setImageableArea(72.0, 72.0, p.getWidth() - 144.0, p.getHeight() - 144.0); pf.setPaper(p); } if (orient == OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) { pf.setOrientation(PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE); } else if (orient == OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE) { pf.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE); } job.setPrintable(printable, pf); job.print(reqAttrSet); notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.DATA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE); return; } catch (PrinterException pe) { notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.JOB_FAILED); throw new PrintException(pe); } finally { printReturned = true; notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.NO_MORE_EVENTS); } }
/** * Takes a printer name and find the associated PrintService. If no match can be made it randomly * picks the first printer listed from the call to lookupPrintServices. * * @param printerName * @return PrintService referenced by the printerName */ public static PrintService getPrinter(final String printerName) { // The parameter value was not provided, and we are allowed to create // user interface forms PrintService[] services = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices(); for (PrintService element : services) { if (element.getName().equals(printerName)) { return element; } } return services[0]; }
@Cached /* package */ PrintService getSystemPrintService(final String printerName) { final PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); if (services == null || services.length == 0) { return null; } for (final PrintService service : services) { if (service.getName().equals(printerName)) { return service; } } return null; }
public Set<PrintResolution> supportedPrintResolution() { if (resSet != null) { return resSet; } Set<PrintResolution> rSet = new TreeSet<PrintResolution>(PrintResolutionComparator.theComparator); PrinterResolution[] pr = null; try { pr = (PrinterResolution[]) service.getSupportedAttributeValues(PrinterResolution.class, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { } if (pr == null || pr.length == 0) { rSet.add(defaultPrintResolution()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < pr.length; i++) { int cfr = pr[i].getCrossFeedResolution(ResolutionSyntax.DPI); int fr = pr[i].getFeedResolution(ResolutionSyntax.DPI); rSet.add(PrintHelper.createPrintResolution(cfr, fr)); } } resSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(rSet); return resSet; }
public Set<PrintSides> supportedSides() { if (sidesSet == null) { Set<PrintSides> sSet = new TreeSet<PrintSides>(); Sides[] ss = null; try { ss = (Sides[]) service.getSupportedAttributeValues(Sides.class, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { } if (ss != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { if (ss[i] == Sides.ONE_SIDED) { sSet.add(PrintSides.ONE_SIDED); } if (ss[i] == Sides.DUPLEX) { sSet.add(PrintSides.DUPLEX); } if (ss[i] == Sides.TUMBLE) { sSet.add(PrintSides.TUMBLE); } } } sidesSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(sSet); } return sidesSet; }
@Override public void startConsumeTask(Map<String, Object> printServices) { // 获取所有打印服务 PrintService[] tempPrintServices = new PrintUtils().getAllPrintService(); List<PrintService> printServiceList = new ArrayList<PrintService>(); // 获取用户选择的打印服务对象 for (PrintService printService : tempPrintServices) { if (printServices.containsKey(printService.getName())) { printServiceList.add(printService); } } // 处理任务 scheduler.startConsumeTask(printServiceList); }
private void populateMedia() { initPrefinedMediaMaps(); if (paperSet != null) { return; // already inited } Media[] media = (Media[]) service.getSupportedAttributeValues(Media.class, null, null); Set<Paper> pSet = new TreeSet<Paper>(PaperComparator.theComparator); Set<PaperSource> tSet = new TreeSet<PaperSource>(PaperSourceComparator.theComparator); /* We will get back a list of Media and want to look for * MediaSizeName and MediaTray instances and map to FX classes. * We will hard code here recognising the set we've chosen to * expose in FX API. * For the rest we'll need to create custom instances. */ if (media != null) { for (int i = 0; i < media.length; i++) { Media m = media[i]; if (m instanceof MediaSizeName) { pSet.add(addPaper(((MediaSizeName) m))); } else if (m instanceof MediaTray) { tSet.add(addPaperSource((MediaTray) m)); } } } paperSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(pSet); paperSourceSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(tSet); }
public Set<PageOrientation> supportedOrientation() { if (orientSet != null) { return orientSet; } Set<PageOrientation> oset = new TreeSet<PageOrientation>(); OrientationRequested[] or = null; try { or = (OrientationRequested[]) service.getSupportedAttributeValues(OrientationRequested.class, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { } if (or == null || or.length == 0) { oset.add(defaultOrientation()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < or.length; i++) { if (or[i] == OrientationRequested.PORTRAIT) { oset.add(PageOrientation.PORTRAIT); } else if (or[i] == OrientationRequested.REVERSE_PORTRAIT) { oset.add(PageOrientation.REVERSE_PORTRAIT); } else if (or[i] == OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE) { oset.add(PageOrientation.LANDSCAPE); } else { oset.add(PageOrientation.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE); } } } orientSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(oset); return orientSet; }
public Set<PrintQuality> supportedPrintQuality() { if (qualitySet == null) { Set<PrintQuality> set = new TreeSet<PrintQuality>(); javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality[] arr = null; try { arr = (javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality[]) service.getSupportedAttributeValues( javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality.class, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { } if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) { set.add(PrintQuality.NORMAL); } else { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality.NORMAL) { set.add(PrintQuality.NORMAL); } if (arr[i] == javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality.DRAFT) { set.add(PrintQuality.DRAFT); } if (arr[i] == javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality.HIGH) { set.add(PrintQuality.HIGH); } } } qualitySet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); } return qualitySet; }
public PageOrientation defaultOrientation() { if (defOrient == null) { OrientationRequested orient = (OrientationRequested) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(OrientationRequested.class); defOrient = reverseMapOrientation(orient); } return defOrient; }
Chromaticity getDefaultChromaticity() { Chromaticity color = null; try { color = (Chromaticity) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Chromaticity.class); } catch (Exception e) { color = Chromaticity.COLOR; } return color; }
SheetCollate getDefaultSheetCollate() { SheetCollate collate = null; try { collate = (SheetCollate) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(SheetCollate.class); } catch (Exception e) { collate = SheetCollate.UNCOLLATED; } return collate; }
private synchronized void refreshServices() { printers = getAllPrinterNames(); if (printers == null) { // In Windows it is safe to assume no default if printers == null so we // don't get the default. printServices = null; return; } PrintService[] newServices = new PrintService[printers.length]; PrintService defService = getDefaultPrintService(); for (int p = 0; p < printers.length; p++) { if (defService != null && printers[p].equals(defService.getName())) { newServices[p] = defService; } else { if (printServices == null) { newServices[p] = new Win32PrintService(printers[p]); } else { int j; for (j = 0; j < printServices.length; j++) { if ((printServices[j] != null) && (printers[p].equals(printServices[j].getName()))) { newServices[p] = printServices[j]; printServices[j] = null; break; } } if (j == printServices.length) { newServices[p] = new Win32PrintService(printers[p]); } } } } // Look for deleted services and invalidate these if (printServices != null) { for (int j = 0; j < printServices.length; j++) { if ((printServices[j] instanceof Win32PrintService) && (!printServices[j].equals(defaultPrintService))) { ((Win32PrintService) printServices[j]).invalidateService(); } } } printServices = newServices; }
@Override public void print() { try { File input = new File(absoluteFilePath); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(input); FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel(); ByteBuffer bb =, 0, fc.size()); PDFFile curFile = null; PDFPrintPage pages = null; curFile = new PDFFile(bb); // Create PDF Print Page pages = new PDFPrintPage(curFile); PrinterJob pjob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); PrintService[] services = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices(); for (PrintService ps : services) { String pName = ps.getName(); if (pName.equals(Profile.getInstance().getDefaultPrinterName())) { pjob.setPrintService(ps); logger.debug("Printing on : " + pName); break; } } pjob.setJobName(absoluteFilePath); Book book = new Book(); PageFormat pformat = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob().defaultPage(); book.append(pages, pformat, curFile.getNumPages()); pjob.setPageable(book); // print PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); // Print it pjob.print(aset); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot print pdf", e); Dialog.showThrowable("Erreur", "Impossible d'imprimer le fichier", e); } }
ServiceNotifier(PrintService service) { super(service.getName() + " notifier"); this.service = service; listeners = new Vector(); try { setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); setDaemon(true); start(); } catch (SecurityException e) { } }
PrinterResolution getDefaultPrinterResolution() { PrinterResolution res = (PrinterResolution) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(PrinterResolution.class); /* I think it may be possible for this to be just unsupported, * so do I need to allow for that somehow ? */ if (res == null) { res = new PrinterResolution(300, 300, ResolutionSyntax.DPI); } return res; }
public Paper defaultPaper() { if (defPaper != null) { return defPaper; } Media m = (Media) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Media.class); if (m == null || !(m instanceof MediaSizeName)) { defPaper = Paper.NA_LETTER; } else { defPaper = getPaper((MediaSizeName) m); } return defPaper; }
javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality getDefaultPrintQuality() { javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality quality = null; try { quality = (javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality.class); } catch (Exception e) { quality = javax.print.attribute.standard.PrintQuality.NORMAL; } return quality; }
public int defaultCopies() { if (defaultCopies > 0) { return defaultCopies; } try { Copies copies = (Copies) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Copies.class); defaultCopies = copies.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { defaultCopies = 1; } return defaultCopies; }
/* Want the PrintService which is default print service to have * equality of reference with the equivalent in list of print services * This isn't required by the API and there's a risk doing this will * lead people to assume its guaranteed. */ public PrintService[] getPrintServices() { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkPrintJobAccess(); } if (printServices == null) { PrintService defService = getDefaultPrintService(); printers = getAllPrinterNames(); if (printers == null) { return new PrintService[0]; } printServices = new PrintService[printers.length]; for (int p = 0; p < printers.length; p++) { if (defService != null && printers[p].equals(defService.getName())) { printServices[p] = defService; } else { printServices[p] = new Win32PrintService(printers[p]); } } } return printServices; }
// set it protected to make it testable private IPrintingService getPrintingService(final I_AD_PrinterRouting route) { if (LogManager.isLevelFine()) { log.debug("Checking route: " + route); } final I_AD_Printer printer = route.getAD_Printer(); if (LogManager.isLevelFine()) { log.debug("Printer: " + printer.getPrinterName()); } final PrintService systemPrintService = getSystemPrintService(printer.getPrinterName()); if (systemPrintService == null) {"Printer not found in system: " + printer.getPrinterName()); return null; } if (LogManager.isLevelFine()) { log.debug("System Print Service: " + systemPrintService); } final String printerName = systemPrintService.getName(); Boolean isDirectPrint = null; if (isDirectPrint == null && route.getIsDirectPrint() != null) { isDirectPrint = X_AD_PrinterRouting.ISDIRECTPRINT_Yes.equals(route.getIsDirectPrint()); if (LogManager.isLevelFine()) { log.debug("IsDirectPrint: " + isDirectPrint + " (From: " + route + ")"); } } if (isDirectPrint == null) { isDirectPrint = isDirectPrint(printer); } final PrintingServiceImpl printingService = new PrintingServiceImpl(printerName, printer.getPrinterType(), isDirectPrint); if (LogManager.isLevelFine()) { log.debug("Printing Service: " + printingService); } return printingService; }
boolean matchingService(PrintService service, PrintServiceAttributeSet serviceSet) { if (serviceSet != null) { Attribute[] attrs = serviceSet.toArray(); Attribute serviceAttr; for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { serviceAttr = service.getAttribute(attrs[i].getCategory()); if (serviceAttr == null || !serviceAttr.equals(attrs[i])) { return false; } } } return true; }
/** * Fix for bug ID 6255588 from Sun bug database * * @param job print job that the fix applies to */ public static void initPrinterJobFields(PrinterJob job) { try { PrintService[] printServices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); PrintService printService = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); String printerName = PrintConfig.getOsReceiptPrinterName(); if (printToKitchen) { printerName = PrintConfig.getOsKitchenPrinterName(); } for (int i = 0; i < printServices.length; i++) { PrintService service = printServices[i]; if (service.getName().equals(printerName)) { printService = service; break; } } job.setPrintService(printService); printToKitchen = false; } catch (PrinterException e) { } }
public PrintSides defaultSides() { if (defSides != null) { return defSides; } Sides sides = (Sides) service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Sides.class); if (sides == null || sides == Sides.ONE_SIDED) { defSides = PrintSides.ONE_SIDED; } else if (sides == Sides.DUPLEX) { defSides = PrintSides.DUPLEX; } else { defSides = PrintSides.TUMBLE; } return defSides; }