public static List<Job> findJobsByValidLocation() { return Job.find("byLocationValid", true).fetch(); }
public static List<Job> findByCompany(Company company) { return Job.find("byCompany", company).fetch(); }
public static List<Job> findMissingCoordinatesByCompany(Company company) { return Job.find("latitude < 0 and longitude < 0 and company=?1", company).fetch(); }
public static Job byId(long id) { return Job.find("byId", id).first(); }
public static List<Job> findByJobKey(List<String> jobKeyList) { return Job.find("key in (:jobkeys)").bind("jobkeys", jobKeyList).fetch(); }
public static Job findByJobKey(String key) { return Job.find("byKey", key).first(); }
/** * Remove a job from the jobList * * @param job the job to remove */ public void removeJob(Job job) { jobList.remove(job); job.setUser(null); }
/** * Add a job to the jobList * * @param job the job to add */ public void addJob(Job job) { jobList.add(job); job.setUser(this); }
public Job addJob(Job job) { getJobs().add(job); job.setJobSt(this); return job; }
public Job removeJob(Job job) { getJobs().remove(job); job.setJobSt(null); return job; }