public KeyBindingsScreen(final Display display) { super("Key Bindings", IMPLICIT); this.display = display; keyBindings = KeyBindings.getInstance(); screenKeyBinder = new KeyBinderScreen(this); addCommand(CMD_RESET); setCommandListener(this); for (int i = 0; i < KeyBindings.actionNames.length; i++) append("", null); updateList(); alertKeyConflict = new Alert("Key already in use!"); alertKeyConflict.setType(AlertType.WARNING); alertKeyConflict.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); alertKeyConflict.addCommand(CMD.NO); alertKeyConflict.addCommand(CMD.YES); alertKeyConflict.setCommandListener(this); alertReset = new Alert("Please confirm:"); alertReset.setString("Reset to default key bindings?"); alertReset.setType(AlertType.WARNING); alertReset.addCommand(CMD.NO); alertReset.addCommand(CMD.YES); alertReset.setCommandListener(this); }
// #ifdef includeSorting // [EF] Added in the scenario 02 private void incrementCountViews(String selectedImageName) { try { MediaData image = getAlbumData().getMediaInfo(selectedImageName); image.increaseNumberOfViews(); updateMedia(image); System.out.println( "<* BaseController.handleCommand() *> Image = " + selectedImageName + "; # views = " + image.getNumberOfViews()); } catch (ImageNotFoundException e) { Alert alert = new Alert( "Error", "The selected photo was not found in the mobile device", null, AlertType.ERROR); Display.getDisplay(midlet).setCurrent(alert, Display.getDisplay(midlet).getCurrent()); } catch (InvalidImageDataException e) { Alert alert = new Alert("Error", "The image data is not valid", null, AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTimeout(5000); } catch (PersistenceMechanismException e) { Alert alert = new Alert( "Error", "It was not possible to recovery the selected image", null, AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTimeout(5000); } }
/** Shows current tweet dialog and downloads user image */ private void showTweet() { String text = current_tweet.getText(); if (text != null) { String from = current_tweet.getFromUser(); Alert a = new Alert("" + from, text, null, AlertType.INFO); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); display.setCurrent(a, this); String url = current_tweet.getProfileImageUrl(); if (url != null) { // download and set user image to visible alert Image img; InputStream is = null; try { is = Connector.openInputStream(url); img = Image.createImage(is); a.setImage(img); } catch (Throwable t) { // do not show errors if image // download fails } finally { try { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { } } } } }
/** * Muestra un mensaje de aviso del tipo que se le especifique * * @param tipo Es el tipo de mensaje a mostrar.<br> * 0 representa una excepción genérica<br> * 1 representa un intento de conexión fallido debido a que el servidor no ha aceptado nuestra * petición<br> * 2 representa un error al escoger el dispositivo con el que conectarnos. * @param d Display sobre el que mostrar el mensaje * @param ex Es la excepción que ha provocado el mensaje de error (en caso de que se muestre un * mensaje debido a una excepción) */ public void mostrarAlarma(int tipo, Display d, Exception ex) { Alert alerta = null; if (tipo == 0) { alerta = new Alert( "ERROR EN LA APLICACION", "Se ha producido el siguiente error en la aplicación:\n" + ex.getMessage(), null, AlertType.ERROR); } else if (tipo == 1) { alerta = new Alert( "PETICIÓN RECHAZADA", "El usuario el que queria recibir cartas ha rechazado su conexión", null, AlertType.INFO); } else if (tipo == 2) { alerta = new Alert( "IMPLOSIBLE CONEXIÓN", "Este dispositivo no ofrece la posibilidad de intercambiar cartas con usted", null, AlertType.INFO); } alerta.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); display.setCurrent(alerta, this); }
/** @see CommandListener#commandAction(Command, Displayable) */ public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable disp) { if (cmd.getCommandType() == Command.EXIT) { sim.destroyApp(false); sim.notifyDestroyed(); } else { Display d = Sim.getDisplay(); switch (getSelectedIndex()) { case 0: // Neues Spiel gamemode = new GameModeForm(); d.setCurrent(gamemode); break; case 1: // Einstellungen d.setCurrent(new PrefForm()); break; case 2: // Info Info.showInfo(d); break; case 3: // About Alert alert2 = new Alert( "About", "SimME\n by SPIESSEIN\n based on HEXI\n by Prof. Slany\n", null, AlertType.INFO); alert2.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); d.setCurrent(alert2, this); break; } } }
public void showMsg() { Alert success = new Alert("Login Successfully", "Your Login Process is completed!", img2, AlertType.INFO); success.setImage(img2); userName.setString(""); password.setString(""); display.setCurrent(success, form); }
public void showException(Exception e) { Alert alert = new Alert("Error"); alert.setString(e.getMessage()); alert.setType(AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); display.setCurrent(alert); }
/** * Display an exception to the user, with a done command. * * @param title exception form's title * @param message exception message */ private void displayException(String title, String message) { Alert a = new Alert(title, message, null, AlertType.ERROR); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); a.setCommandListener(this); display.setCurrent(a); }
private void handleException(Exception e) { Alert a = new Alert("Exception", e.toString(), null, null); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); // Throw with a proper JR alert. Crash for now until someone fixes this. // mDisplay.setCurrent(a, mMainForm); throw new RuntimeException( "Snapper MIDLlet exception needs to be displayed as an alert, but fixed to use j2me properly"); }
public void tryAgain() { Alert error = new Alert("Login Incorrect", "Please try again", imge, AlertType.ERROR); error.setTimeout(900); error.setImage(imge); userName.setString(""); password.setString(""); display.setCurrent(error, form); }
public void startApp() { // Don't request the foreground on the first startApp call. if (!firstStart) { Alert a = new Alert("MIDlet 1"); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(a); } firstStart = false; }
/** * Create about alert. * * @author Irving Bunton * @version 1.0 */ public static final Alert getAbout(MIDlet midlet) { final Alert about = new Alert( ResourceProviderME.get("alert.about.title"), ResourceProviderME.get( "alert.about", midlet.getAppProperty("MIDlet-Version") + "-" + midlet.getAppProperty("Program-Version")), null, AlertType.INFO); about.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); return about; }
/** * We have to provide this method due to "do not do network operation in command listener method" * restriction, which is caused by crooked midp design. * * <p>This method is called by BTImageClient after it is done with bluetooth initialization and * next screen is ready to appear. */ void completeInitialization(boolean isBTReady) { // bluetooth was initialized successfully. if (isBTReady) { StringItem si = new StringItem("Ready for images search!", null); si.setLayout(StringItem.LAYOUT_CENTER | StringItem.LAYOUT_VCENTER); mainScreen.append(si); Display.getDisplay(parent).setCurrent(mainScreen); return; } // something wrong Alert al = new Alert("Error", "Can't initialize bluetooth", null, AlertType.ERROR); al.setTimeout(DemoMIDlet.ALERT_TIMEOUT); Display.getDisplay(parent).setCurrent(al, parent.getDisplayable()); }
/** * Alert the user that an action was successful. * * @param successMessage message to display to user */ private void displaySuccessMessage(String successMessage) { Image icon; Alert successAlert; icon = GraphicalInstaller.getImageFromInternalStorage("_dukeok8"); successAlert = new Alert(null, successMessage, icon, null); successAlert.setTimeout(GraphicalInstaller.ALERT_TIMEOUT); // We need to prevent "flashing" on fast development platforms. while (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastDisplayChange < GraphicalInstaller.ALERT_TIMEOUT) ; lastDisplayChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); display.setCurrent(successAlert); }
public Alert getA_error() { if (a_error == null) { a_error = new Alert("\u041E\u0448\u0438\u0431\u043A\u0430!"); a_error.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); } return a_error; }
/** * Constructor * * @param mod * @param name */ public PhotoViewScreen(AlbumData mod, String name) { imageName = name; model = mod; try { loadImage(); } catch (ImageNotFoundException e) { Alert alert = new Alert("Error", "The selected image can not be found", null, AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTimeout(5000); } catch (PersistenceMechanismException e) { Alert alert = new Alert( "Error", "It was not possible to recovery the selected image", null, AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTimeout(5000); } this.addCommand(backCommand); }
private void showAlert( String alertTitleResourceString, String alertTextResourceString, String alternateAlertTitle, String alternateAlertText) { Resources resources = getResoursable(); String alertTitle = null; String alertText = null; alertTitle = resources.get(alertTitleResourceString); alertText = resources.get(alertTextResourceString); Alert alert = new Alert(alertTitle, alertText, null, AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); App.getDisplay().setCurrent(alert); }
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == help1Command) { midlet.getFavoriteList().removeAllFavorites(); Alert alert = new Alert("Info", "Ihre Favoriten wurden entfernt!", null, AlertType.INFO); alert.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); midlet.getDisplay().setCurrent(alert); } else if (c == help2Command) { midlet.setView(Main.INFO_VIEW); } else if (c == itemCommand) { pressedField = true; repaint(); serviceRepaints(); midlet.setView(selected); } else if (c == exitCommand) { midlet.destroyApp(false); midlet.notifyDestroyed(); } }
public void run() { try { // byte [] snap = videoControl.getSnapshot("encoding=jpeg&width=160&height=120"); byte[] snap = videoControl.getSnapshot("encoding=jpeg"); if (snap != null) { Image im = Image.createImage(snap, 0, snap.length); int a = im.getHeight(); int b = im.getWidth(); System.out.println("my height is " + a); System.out.println("My width is " + b); Alert al = new Alert("MyImage", "My dimensions are:" + b + "," + a, im, AlertType.INFO); al.setTimeout(2000); parentMidlet.getDisplay().setCurrent(al, aVideoCanvas); } } catch (MediaException me) { System.err.println(me); } }
/** Notify a success event */ public void notifySuccess(String message) { if (mActiveAlert != null) { if (mProgressActive) { System.out.println("Final progress message"); mActiveAlert.setTitle("Info"); mActiveAlert.setString(message); mActiveAlert.setIndicator(null); mProgressActive = false; } else { waitForNoAlert(); mActiveAlert = null; } } if (mActiveAlert == null) { mActiveAlert = mController.showInfo(message); mActiveAlert.setCommandListener(this); mAlertDisplayed = true; } }
/** Notify a long running process is beginning */ public void notifyProgressStart(String message) { if (mActiveAlert != null) { waitForNoAlert(); mActiveAlert = null; } if (mActiveAlert == null) { mActiveAlert = mController.createProgressAlert(message); mProgressActive = true; mActiveAlert.setCommandListener(this); mAlertDisplayed = true; } }
/** * Install a suite. * * @param selectedSuite index into the installList */ private void installSuite(int selectedSuite) { MIDletStateHandler midletStateHandler = MIDletStateHandler.getMidletStateHandler(); MIDletSuite midletSuite = midletStateHandler.getMIDletSuite(); SuiteDownloadInfo suite; String displayName; suite = (SuiteDownloadInfo) installList.elementAt(selectedSuite); midletSuite.setTempProperty(null, "arg-0", "I"); midletSuite.setTempProperty(null, "arg-1", suite.url); midletSuite.setTempProperty(null, "arg-2", suite.label); displayName = Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.INSTALL_APPLICATION); try { midletStateHandler.startMIDlet("com.sun.midp.installer.GraphicalInstaller", displayName); /* * Give the create MIDlet notification 1 second to get to * AMS. */ Thread.sleep(1000); notifyDestroyed(); } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(displayName); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.ERROR)); sb.append(": "); sb.append(ex.toString()); Alert a = new Alert( Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_CANNOT_START), sb.toString(), null, AlertType.ERROR); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); display.setCurrent(a, urlTextBox); } }
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == cmdSave) { State.user = textUser.getString(); State.password = textPass.getString(); int period = Integer.parseInt(textPeriod.getString()); if (period < 1) period = 1; State.connectionPeriod = period * 1000; try { Tools.updateRecord(RecordTypes.USER, State.user); Tools.updateRecord(RecordTypes.PASSWORD, State.password); Tools.updateRecord(RecordTypes.CONNECTIONPERIOD, Integer.toString(State.connectionPeriod)); } catch (RecordStoreException rse) { Alert alertScreen = new Alert("Error"); alertScreen.setString("There was an error storing the data"); alertScreen.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); } State.display.setCurrent(mainForm); } if (command == cmdCancel) { State.display.setCurrent(mainForm); } }
/** Notify an error event inluding a possible message and exception object */ public void notifyError(String message, Throwable th) { String lErrorMsg = (th != null ? th.toString() : ""); if (mActiveAlert != null) { if (mProgressActive) { mActiveAlert.setTitle("Error"); mActiveAlert.setString(message + "\n" + lErrorMsg); mActiveAlert.setIndicator(null); mProgressActive = false; } else { waitForNoAlert(); mActiveAlert = null; } } if (mActiveAlert == null) { mActiveAlert = mController.showError(message + "\n" + lErrorMsg); mActiveAlert.setCommandListener(this); mAlertDisplayed = true; if (mListener != null) { mListener.notifyError(); } } }
/** Sets Twitter map as current displayable and starts feed update. */ private void showTwitterMap() { try { moveToPlaceInSettings(); } catch (Throwable t) { Alert a = new Alert( "Failed", "Cannot find location: " + config.getLocationString(), null, AlertType.ERROR); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); display.setCurrent(a, config); return; } display.setCurrent(this); if (config.getUpdateInterval() <= 0) { startTweetUpdate(); } else { // scheduled mode tweets_updater = new Timer(); tweets_updater.scheduleAtFixedRate( new TweetsUpdater(), 50, config.getUpdateInterval() * 1000); } }
public void keyPressed(int key) { int actionOld; String keyName; if (key == 0 || key == keyBindings.getKeyForAction(actionToBind)) { display.setCurrent(this); } else if (keyBindings.isBound(key)) { selectedKey = key; actionOld = keyBindings.getActionForKey(key); keyName = screenKeyBinder.getKeyName(key); msgKeyConflict.delete(0, msgKeyConflict.length()); msgKeyConflict.append("Key ").append(keyName); msgKeyConflict.append(" is already in use for '"); msgKeyConflict.append(KeyBindings.actionNames[actionOld]).append("'."); msgKeyConflict.append("\nDo you want to unset it from '"); msgKeyConflict.append(KeyBindings.actionNames[actionOld]); msgKeyConflict.append("' and use it for '"); msgKeyConflict.append(KeyBindings.actionNames[actionToBind]).append("' ?"); alertKeyConflict.setString(msgKeyConflict.toString()); display.setCurrent(alertKeyConflict); } else { // key is valid and free keyBindings.bindKeyToAction(actionToBind, key); updateList(actionToBind); display.setCurrent(this); } }
/** * @param message * @param type * @param backScreen */ public void showAlert(String message, AlertType type, Displayable backScreen) { Alert alert = new Alert("TwAPIme", message, null, type); alert.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); // Display.getDisplay(midlet).setCurrent(alert, backScreen); }
/** Notify progress through a long running process */ public void notifyProgress(int percent) { if (mActiveAlert != null) { System.out.println("Setting value : " + percent); mActiveAlert.getIndicator().setValue(percent); } }
public void showAlert(String title, String msg, Displayable next) { Alert alert = new Alert(title); alert.setString(msg);, next); }
/** Informs the error during the selected image load. */ void informLoadError(String resMsg) { Alert al = new Alert("Error", resMsg, null, AlertType.ERROR); al.setTimeout(DemoMIDlet.ALERT_TIMEOUT); Display.getDisplay(parent).setCurrent(al, listScreen); }