public void call(String number) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); Traces.addLine("call: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + " " + calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)); this.showCallScreen(number); try { this.platformRequest("tel:" + number); } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException ex) { Traces.addLine(ex.getMessage()); } }
public String ReadLocalFile() throws IOException { FileConnection fc = null; InputStream is = null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try { // String local_code = ReadLocalCode("expe"); String local_code = "201102"; String url = sFileSchema + sFSRoot + sLocalExpePrefix + local_code + sLocalDataExt; fc = (FileConnection), Connector.READ); if (fc == null) { SetMessages("[!] ERROR: fc == null."); System.out.println(GetMessages()); return null; } if (!fc.exists()) { SetMessages("[!] ERROR: !fc.exists()."); System.out.println(GetMessages()); return null; } is = fc.openInputStream(); int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { sb.append((char) ch); } // System.out.println(sb.toString()); } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException cnfex) { SetMessages(cnfex.toString()); cnfex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioex) { SetMessages(ioex.toString()); ioex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { SetMessages(ex.toString()); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (fc != null) { fc.close(); } } return sb.toString(); }
public String ReadOutputFile() throws IOException { FileConnection fc = null; InputStream is = null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try { String url = sFileSchema + sFSRoot + sLocalOutputPrefix + "201101" + sOutputExt; fc = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); if (fc == null) { SetMessages("[!] ERROR: fc == null."); System.out.println(GetMessages()); return null; } if (!fc.exists()) { // SetMessages("[!] ERROR: !fc.exists()."); // System.out.println(GetMessages()); fc.create(); return ""; } is = fc.openInputStream(); int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { sb.append((char) ch); } } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException cnfex) { SetMessages(cnfex.toString()); cnfex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioex) { SetMessages(ioex.toString()); ioex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { SetMessages(ex.toString()); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (fc != null) { fc.close(); } } return sb.toString(); }
public int postViaHttpConnection(String url) { // throws IOException, // RecordStoreException { HttpConnection c = null; InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; int rc = -1; int recID = 0; RecordEnumeration recIter = null; SigSeg sigSeg = null; this.log("Test1"); try { try { c = (HttpConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { this.alertError("post:open IllegalArgument: parameter is invalid. " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException e) { this.alertError( "post:open ConnectionNotFound: target not found, or protocol not supported. " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { this.alertError("post:open IOException: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (SecurityException e) { this.alertError("post:open SecurityException: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test2"); try { c.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.POST); } catch (IOException e) { this.alertError( "post:setReqMethod IOException: the method cannot be reset or if the requested method isn't valid for HTTP:" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test3"); try { c.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); c.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0"); c.setRequestProperty("Accept", "text/plain"); c.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "identity"); } catch (IOException e) { this.alertError( "post:setReqProperty IOException: connection is in connected state." + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test4"); try { os = c.openOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { this.alertError( "post:openOutputStream IOException: maybe output stream has been closed?" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test5"); StringBuffer postBuf = new StringBuffer(); postBuf.append(""); postBuf.append("&pw=ecopda"); postBuf.append("&type=xml"); postBuf.append("&project_id=43"); postBuf.append("&tableName=test2"); postBuf.append("&data_string="); try { recIter = this.recordStore.enumerateRecords(null, null, true); } catch (RecordStoreNotOpenException e) { this.alertError("post:enumrateRecords RecordStoreNotOpenException" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test6"); try { recID = recIter.nextRecordId(); } catch (InvalidRecordIDException e) { this.alertError("post:nextRecordId: no more records." + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test7"); try { sigSeg = new SigSeg(this.recordStore, recID); } catch (RecordStoreNotOpenException e) { alertError("post:SigSeg RecordStoreNotOpen "); // + // e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (InvalidRecordIDException e) { alertError("post:SigSeg InvalidIDException "); // + // e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (RecordStoreException e) { alertError("post:SigSeg RecordStoreException"); // ";//+ // e.getMessage());; throw e; } catch (IOException e) { alertError("post:SigSeg IOException " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test8"); postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode("<table>")); postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode("<row>")); // <field name="user">ASDFASDF</field> postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode("<field name=\"user\">")); String _userName = this.midlet.strItem_userName.getString(); postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode(_userName)); postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode("</field>")); postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode(sigSeg.toXML())); // postBuf.append(sigSeg.toXML()); // sigSeg.toXML(); postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode("</row>")); postBuf.append(URLEncode.encode("</table>")); // URL encode! try { // String urlenc = URLEncode.encode(postBuf.toString()); // String urlenc = postBuf.toString(); os.write(postBuf.toString().getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { alertError("post:os.write IOException " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test9"); try { os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { alertError("post:os.flush IOException " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test10"); try { rc = c.getResponseCode(); } catch (IOException e) { alertError("post:c.getResponseCode IOException" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } this.log("Test11"); if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) { this.alertError("HTTP response code: " + String.valueOf(rc)); } else { ++this.int_recordsSent; } this.popRecord(recID); this.updateView(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (is != null) try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (os != null) try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (c != null) try { c.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return rc; }
public boolean WriteLocalFile(String sWriteData, String sFileURL) throws IOException { FileConnection fc = null; DataOutputStream dos = null; // OutputStream os = null; // PrintStream ps = null; try { // If exists already, first delete file, a little clumsy. // fc = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); // String url = sFileSchema + sFSRoot + "expeout_201101" + sFileExt; String url = sFileSchema + sFSRoot + sLocalOutputPrefix + "201102" + sOutputExt; // fc = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); fc = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); // fc = (FileConnection), Connector.WRITE); if (!fc.exists()) { fc.create(); } fc.truncate(0); dos = new DataOutputStream(fc.openOutputStream()); // dos.writeUTF(sWriteData); // dos.write("ABCDE".getBytes()); dos.write(sWriteData.getBytes()); // os = fc.openOutputStream(Long.MAX_VALUE); // os = fc.openOutputStream(); // ps = new PrintStream(os); // ps.println(sWriteData); SetSuccess(true); } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException cnfex) { SetSuccess(false); SetMessages(cnfex.toString()); cnfex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioex) { SetSuccess(false); SetMessages(ioex.toString()); ioex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { SetSuccess(false); SetMessages(ex.toString()); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { /*if (ps != null) { ps.flush(); ps.close(); } if (os != null) { os.flush(); os.close(); }*/ if (dos != null) { dos.flush(); dos.close(); } if (fc != null) { fc.close(); } } return GetSuccess(); }
public String ReadRemoteFile() throws IOException { HttpConnection hc = null; // DataInputStream dis = null; InputStream is = null; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null; byte[] data = null; String sResult = ""; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int length = 0; try { // String local_code = ReadLocalCode("expe"); String local_code = "201101"; String url = sHttpSchema + sRemoteRoot + sLocalExpePrefix + local_code + sLocalDataExt; hc = (HttpConnection); hc.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.GET); int iResponseCode = hc.getResponseCode(); if (iResponseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) { is = hc.openInputStream(); length = (int) hc.getLength(); if (length != -1) { data = new byte[length];; sResult = new String(data); } else { baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { baos.write(ch); } sResult = new String(baos.toByteArray()); } System.out.println(sResult); } else { sResult = "ERROR: NO iResponseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK"; System.out.println(sResult); } /*if (length != -1) { data = new byte[length]; dis = new DataInputStream(hc.openInputStream()); //dis.readFully(data); } else { SetMessages("ERROR: Content length not given."); }*/ /*int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { sb.append((char) ch); }*/ // sResult = sb.toString(); // System.out.println(sResult); } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException cnfex) { SetMessages(cnfex.toString()); sResult = GetMessages(); cnfex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioex) { SetMessages(ioex.toString()); sResult = GetMessages(); ioex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { SetMessages(ex.toString()); sResult = GetMessages(); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (baos != null) { baos.close(); } if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (hc != null) { hc.close(); } } return sResult; }