コード例 #1
  /** Disable a track. */
  void disableTrack(ProcInfo pInfo, TrackInfo remove) {
    remove.disabled = true;

    // Shift all the stream indexes to match.
    TrackInfo ti;
    for (int type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < pInfo.numTracksByType[type]; j++) {
        ti = pInfo.tracksByType[type][j];
        if (ti.idx >= remove.idx) ti.idx--;
コード例 #2
  /** With the given processor info generated from matchTracks, build each of the processors. */
  public boolean buildTracks(ProcInfo pInfo[]) {
    ContentDescriptor cd = new ContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.RAW);
    Processor p;

    for (int i = 0; i < pInfo.length; i++) {
      p = pInfo[i].p;

      // We are done with programming the processor. Let's just
      // realize the it.
      if (!waitForState(p, Controller.Realized)) {
        System.err.println("- Failed to realize the processor.");
        return false;

      // Set the JPEG quality to .5.
      setJPEGQuality(p, 0.5f);

      PushBufferStream pbs[];
      TrackInfo tInfo;
      int trackID;

      // Cheating. I should have checked the type of DataSource
      // returned.
      pInfo[i].ds = (PushBufferDataSource) p.getDataOutput();
      pbs = pInfo[i].ds.getStreams();

      // Find the matching data stream for the given track for audio.

      for (int type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) {
        for (trackID = 0; trackID < pInfo[i].numTracksByType[type]; trackID++) {
          tInfo = pInfo[i].tracksByType[type][trackID];
          tInfo.pbs = pbs[tInfo.idx];

    return true;
コード例 #3
    public void read(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {

      // Remap the time stamps so it won't wrap around
      // while changing to a new file.
      if (buffer.getTimeStamp() != Buffer.TIME_UNKNOWN) {
        long diff = buffer.getTimeStamp() - lastTS;
        lastTS = buffer.getTimeStamp();
        if (diff > 0) timeStamp += diff;

      // If this track is to be used as the master time base,
      // we'll need to compute the master time based on this track.
      if (useAsMaster) {
        if (buffer.getFormat() instanceof AudioFormat) {
          AudioFormat af = (AudioFormat) buffer.getFormat();
          masterAudioLen += buffer.getLength();
          long t = af.computeDuration(masterAudioLen);
          if (t > 0) {
            masterTime = t;
          } else {
            masterTime = buffer.getTimeStamp();
        } else {
          masterTime = buffer.getTimeStamp();

      if (buffer.isEOM()) {
        tInfo.done = true;
        if (!ds.handleEOM(tInfo)) {
          // This is not the last processor to be done.
          // We'll need to un-set the EOM flag.
コード例 #4
   * Try to match all the tracks and find common formats to concatenate the tracks. A database of
   * results will be generated.
  public boolean matchTracks(ProcInfo pInfo[], ContentDescriptor cd) {
    TrackControl tcs[];

    // Vector<String> aTracks;
    // Vector<String> vTracks;
    int aIdx, vIdx;
    int i, j, type;
    TrackInfo tInfo;

    // Build the ProcInfo data structure for each processor.
    // Sparate out the audio from video tracks.
    for (i = 0; i < pInfo.length; i++) {

      if (!waitForState(pInfo[i].p, Processor.Configured)) {
        System.err.println("- Failed to configure the processor.");
        return false;

      tcs = pInfo[i].p.getTrackControls();

      pInfo[i].tracksByType = new TrackInfo[MEDIA_TYPES][];
      for (type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) {
        pInfo[i].tracksByType[type] = new TrackInfo[tcs.length];
      pInfo[i].numTracksByType = new int[MEDIA_TYPES];
      aIdx = vIdx = 0;

      // Separate the audio and video tracks.
      for (j = 0; j < tcs.length; j++) {
        if (tcs[j].getFormat() instanceof AudioFormat) {
          tInfo = new TrackInfo();
          tInfo.idx = j;
          tInfo.tc = tcs[j];
          pInfo[i].tracksByType[AUDIO][aIdx++] = tInfo;
        } else if (tcs[j].getFormat() instanceof VideoFormat) {
          tInfo = new TrackInfo();
          tInfo.idx = j;
          tInfo.tc = tcs[j];
          pInfo[i].tracksByType[VIDEO][vIdx++] = tInfo;

      pInfo[i].numTracksByType[AUDIO] = aIdx;
      pInfo[i].numTracksByType[VIDEO] = vIdx;

    // Different movies has different number of tracks. Obviously,
    // we cannot concatenate all the tracks of 3-track movie with a
    // 2-track one. We'll concatenate up to the smallest # of tracks
    // of all the movies. We'll also need to disable the unused tracks.

    int total[] = new int[MEDIA_TYPES];

    for (type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) {
      total[type] = pInfo[0].numTracksByType[type];

    for (i = 1; i < pInfo.length; i++) {
      for (type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) {
        if (pInfo[i].numTracksByType[type] < total[type])
          total[type] = pInfo[i].numTracksByType[type];

    if (total[AUDIO] < 1 && total[VIDEO] < 1) {
      System.err.println("There is no audio or video tracks to concatenate.");
      return false;

    totalTracks = 0;
    for (type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) totalTracks += total[type];

    // Disable all the unused tracks.

    for (i = 0; i < pInfo.length; i++) {
      for (type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) {
        for (j = total[type]; j < pInfo[i].numTracksByType[type]; j++) {
          tInfo = pInfo[i].tracksByType[type][j];
          disableTrack(pInfo[i], tInfo);
              "- Disable the following track since the other input media do not have a matching type.");
          System.err.println("  " + tInfo.tc.getFormat());
        pInfo[i].numTracksByType[type] = total[type];

    // Try to find common formats to concatenate the tracks.

    // Deal with the tracks by type.
    for (type = AUDIO; type < MEDIA_TYPES; type++) {
      for (i = 0; i < total[type]; i++) {
        if (!tryMatch(pInfo, type, i)) {
              "- Cannot transcode the tracks to a common format for concatenation!  Sorry.");
          return false;

    return true;