// Decodes Behaviors if any match the behavior source/event. // As a convenience, returns component id, but only if it // was retrieved. This allows us to avoid duplicating // calls to getClientId(), which can be expensive for // deep component trees. protected final String decodeBehaviors(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) { if (!(component instanceof ClientBehaviorHolder)) { return null; } ClientBehaviorHolder holder = (ClientBehaviorHolder) component; Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> behaviors = holder.getClientBehaviors(); if (behaviors.isEmpty()) { return null; } String behaviorEvent = BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAM.getValue(context); if (null != behaviorEvent) { List<ClientBehavior> behaviorsForEvent = behaviors.get(behaviorEvent); if (behaviorsForEvent != null && behaviorsForEvent.size() > 0) { String behaviorSource = BEHAVIOR_SOURCE_PARAM.getValue(context); String clientId = component.getClientId(); if (isBehaviorSource(context, behaviorSource, clientId)) { for (ClientBehavior behavior : behaviorsForEvent) { behavior.decode(context, component); } } return clientId; } } return null; }
public static void decodeClientBehaviors(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent) { if (uiComponent instanceof ClientBehaviorHolder) { ClientBehaviorHolder clientBehaviorHolder = (ClientBehaviorHolder) uiComponent; Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> clientBehaviorMap = clientBehaviorHolder.getClientBehaviors(); Map<String, String> requestParameterMap = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap(); String behaviorEvent = requestParameterMap.get(FacesConstants.JAVAX_FACES_BEHAVIOR_EVENT); if (behaviorEvent != null) { List<ClientBehavior> clientBehaviors = clientBehaviorMap.get(behaviorEvent); if (clientBehaviors != null) { String source = requestParameterMap.get(FacesConstants.JAVAX_FACES_SOURCE); if (source != null) { String clientId = uiComponent.getClientId(facesContext); if (clientId.startsWith(source)) { for (ClientBehavior behavior : clientBehaviors) { behavior.decode(facesContext, uiComponent); } } } } } } }
// Decodes Behaviors if any match the behavior source/event. // As a convenience, returns component id, but only if it // was retrieved. This allows us to avoid duplicating // calls to getClientId(), which can be expensive for // deep component trees. protected final String decodeBehaviors(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) { if (!(component instanceof ClientBehaviorHolder)) { return null; } ClientBehaviorHolder holder = (ClientBehaviorHolder) component; Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> behaviors = holder.getClientBehaviors(); if (behaviors.isEmpty()) { return null; } ExternalContext external = context.getExternalContext(); Map<String, String> params = external.getRequestParameterMap(); String behaviorEvent = params.get("javax.faces.behavior.event"); if (null != behaviorEvent) { List<ClientBehavior> behaviorsForEvent = behaviors.get(behaviorEvent); if (behaviorsForEvent != null && behaviorsForEvent.size() > 0) { String behaviorSource = params.get("javax.faces.source"); String clientId = component.getClientId(); if (isBehaviorSource(context, behaviorSource, clientId)) { for (ClientBehavior behavior : behaviorsForEvent) { behavior.decode(context, component); } } return clientId; } } return null; }
private static Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> getClientBehaviorsMap(UIComponent component) { Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> result; if (component instanceof ClientBehaviorHolder) { ClientBehaviorHolder clientBehaviorHolder = (ClientBehaviorHolder) component; result = clientBehaviorHolder.getClientBehaviors(); } else { result = Collections.emptyMap(); } return result; }
private static List<ClientBehavior> getClientBehaviors( UIComponent component, String behaviorEventName) { if (component instanceof ClientBehaviorHolder) { ClientBehaviorHolder bHolder = (ClientBehaviorHolder) component; Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> behaviors = bHolder.getClientBehaviors(); if (null != behaviors) { return behaviors.get(behaviorEventName); } } return null; }
private List<ClientBehavior> getBehaviorsList(String behaviorName) { List<ClientBehavior> behaviors = null; if (component instanceof ClientBehaviorHolder) { ClientBehaviorHolder clientBehaviorHolder = (ClientBehaviorHolder) component; Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> clientBehaviorsMap = clientBehaviorHolder.getClientBehaviors(); if (clientBehaviorsMap != null) { behaviors = clientBehaviorsMap.get(behaviorName); } } return behaviors; }
private void addBehavior(FacesContext context, ClientBehaviorHolder behaviorHolder) { String eventName = this.eventName; if (eventName == null) { eventName = behaviorHolder.getDefaultEventName(); if (eventName == null) { return; } } if (shouldAddBehavior(behaviorHolder, eventName)) { ClientBehavior behavior = createBehavior(context); behaviorHolder.addClientBehavior(eventName, behavior); } }
private boolean shouldAddBehavior(ClientBehaviorHolder behaviorHolder, String eventName) { if (!behaviorHolder.getEventNames().contains(eventName)) { return false; } Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> clientBehaviorsMap = behaviorHolder.getClientBehaviors(); List<ClientBehavior> clientBehaviors = clientBehaviorsMap.get(eventName); if (clientBehaviors == null || clientBehaviors.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (ClientBehavior behavior : clientBehaviors) { Set<ClientBehaviorHint> hints = behavior.getHints(); if (hints.contains(ClientBehaviorHint.SUBMITTING)) { return false; } } return true; }
public static String decodeBehaviors(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) { if (!(component instanceof ClientBehaviorHolder)) { return null; } ClientBehaviorHolder holder = (ClientBehaviorHolder) component; Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> behaviors = holder.getClientBehaviors(); if (behaviors == null || behaviors.isEmpty()) { return null; } ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext(); Map<String, String> parametersMap = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap(); String behaviorEvent = parametersMap.get(BEHAVIOR_EVENT_NAME); if (behaviorEvent == null) { return null; } List<ClientBehavior> behaviorsForEvent = behaviors.get(behaviorEvent); String behaviorSource = parametersMap.get(BEHAVIOR_SOURCE_ID); String clientId = component.getClientId(context); if (behaviorSource != null && behaviorSource.equals(clientId)) { if (behaviorsForEvent != null && !behaviorsForEvent.isEmpty()) { for (ClientBehavior behavior : behaviorsForEvent) { behavior.decode(context, component); } return behaviorEvent; } } return null; }
/** * Non-obstrusive way to apply client behaviors. Behaviors are rendered as options to the client * side widget and applied by widget to necessary dom element */ protected void encodeClientBehaviors(FacesContext context, ClientBehaviorHolder component) throws IOException { ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter(); // ClientBehaviors Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> behaviorEvents = component.getClientBehaviors(); if (!behaviorEvents.isEmpty()) { String clientId = ((UIComponent) component).getClientId(context); List<ClientBehaviorContext.Parameter> params = Collections.emptyList(); writer.write(",behaviors:{"); for (Iterator<String> eventIterator = behaviorEvents.keySet().iterator(); eventIterator.hasNext(); ) { String event = eventIterator.next(); String domEvent = event; if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("valueChange")) // editable value holders domEvent = "change"; else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) // commands domEvent = "click"; writer.write(domEvent + ":"); writer.write("function(event) {"); for (Iterator<ClientBehavior> behaviorIter = behaviorEvents.get(event).iterator(); behaviorIter.hasNext(); ) { ClientBehavior behavior = behaviorIter.next(); ClientBehaviorContext cbc = ClientBehaviorContext.createClientBehaviorContext( context, (UIComponent) component, event, clientId, params); String script = behavior.getScript(cbc); // could be null if disabled if (script != null) { writer.write(script); } } writer.write("}"); if (eventIterator.hasNext()) { writer.write(","); } } writer.write("}"); } }
protected String getOnclickBehaviors(FacesContext context, ClientBehaviorHolder cbh) { List<ClientBehavior> behaviors = cbh.getClientBehaviors().get("action"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (behaviors != null && !behaviors.isEmpty()) { UIComponent component = (UIComponent) cbh; String clientId = component.getClientId(context); List<ClientBehaviorContext.Parameter> params = Collections.emptyList(); for (Iterator<ClientBehavior> behaviorIter = behaviors.iterator(); behaviorIter.hasNext(); ) { ClientBehavior behavior = behaviorIter.next(); ClientBehaviorContext cbc = ClientBehaviorContext.createClientBehaviorContext( context, component, "action", clientId, params); String script = behavior.getScript(cbc); if (script != null) sb.append(script).append(";"); } } return sb.length() == 0 ? null : sb.toString(); }