public RfcommServer() throws IOException { // RFCOMMベースのサーバの開始。 // - btspp:は PRCOMM 用なのでベースプロトコルによって変わる。 server = (StreamConnectionNotifier)"btspp://localhost:" + serverUUID, Connector.READ_WRITE, true); // ローカルデバイスにサービスを登録。必須ではない。 ServiceRecord record = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice().getRecord(server); LocalDevice.getLocalDevice().updateRecord(record); }
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { gui = true; GUI.startGUI(); btServer = new BTServer(); try { btServer.startServer(); } catch (IOException ioException) { Log.e(TAG, "IOexception!", ioException); } } else { try { out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(args[0])); LocalDevice localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); writeMessage("Local System:\n"); writeMessage("Address: " + localDevice.getBluetoothAddress() + "\n"); writeMessage("Name: " + localDevice.getFriendlyName() + "\n"); btServer = new BTServer(); btServer.startServer(); } catch (IOException ioException) { Log.e(TAG, "IOException!", ioException); } } }
public BluetoothClient() throws BluetoothStateException { LocalDevice localDev = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); System.out.println("Local Bluetooth Name is " + localDev.getFriendlyName()); localDev.setDiscoverable(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC); DiscoveryAgent discovery = localDev.getDiscoveryAgent(); discovery.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, this); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { System.out.println("Main.main"); LocalDevice localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); localDevice.setDiscoverable(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC); // Advertising the service String address = "742F6896BDD2"; // A500 UUID device_UUID = new UUID(address, false); String url = "btspp://localhost:" + device_UUID + ";name=A500"; StreamConnectionNotifier server = (StreamConnectionNotifier); System.out.println("wait until client connects"); StreamConnection connection = server.acceptAndOpen(); // Wait until client connects // === At this point, two devices should be connected ===// System.out.println("connected"); DataInputStream dis = connection.openDataInputStream(); char c; while (true) { c = dis.readChar(); if (c == 'x') break; } connection.close(); System.out.println("Main.end"); }
/** Called by iPOJO when the instance becomes valid. */ @Validate private void start() { logger.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "BD Remote control component instance is starting."); String btAddress = null; LocalDevice localDevice = null; try { localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } DiscoveryAgent discoveryAgent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent(); RemoteDevice[] cachedDevices = discoveryAgent.retrieveDevices(DiscoveryAgent.CACHED); if (cachedDevices != null) { int s = cachedDevices.length; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { logger.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Cached device" + i + ":" + cachedDevices[i].getBluetoothAddress() + ", " + cachedDevices[i]); btAddress = cachedDevices[i].getBluetoothAddress(); } } RemoteDevice[] preknownDevices = discoveryAgent.retrieveDevices(DiscoveryAgent.PREKNOWN); if (preknownDevices != null) { int s = preknownDevices.length; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { logger.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Preknown device" + i + ":" + preknownDevices[i].getBluetoothAddress() + ", " + preknownDevices[i]); } } try { incomingThread = new IncomingThread(1, btAddress); incomingThread.start(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static ArrayList<BTDevice> discoverDevices() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Object inquiryCompletedEvent = new Object(); final ArrayList<BTDevice> discoveredDevices = new ArrayList<BTDevice>(); discoveredDevices.clear(); DiscoveryListener listener = new DiscoveryListener() { public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice btDevice, DeviceClass cod) { System.out.println( "-> BT Address: " + btDevice.getBluetoothAddress() + ", Authenticated:" + btDevice.isAuthenticated() + " Class: " + cod); String friendlyName = btDevice.getBluetoothAddress(); try { friendlyName = btDevice.getFriendlyName(false); if (cod.toString().toLowerCase().contains("printer")) { friendlyName = friendlyName + "(Impresora)"; } System.out.println("\tFriendly Name:" + friendlyName); } catch (IOException cantGetDeviceName) { System.out.println("\t:( no name"); } discoveredDevices.add(new BTDevice(btDevice.getBluetoothAddress(), friendlyName)); } public void inquiryCompleted(int discType) { System.out.println("Device Inquiry completed!"); synchronized (inquiryCompletedEvent) { inquiryCompletedEvent.notifyAll(); } } public void serviceSearchCompleted(int transID, int respCode) {} public void servicesDiscovered(int transID, ServiceRecord[] servRecord) {} }; synchronized (inquiryCompletedEvent) { boolean started = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice() .getDiscoveryAgent() .startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, listener); if (started) { System.out.println("-->>> wait for device inquiry to complete..."); inquiryCompletedEvent.wait(); System.out.println(discoveredDevices.size() + " device(s) found"); } } return discoveredDevices; }
public static ClientSessionRecord get(String btAddr, Vector sessions, String uuid) { ClientSessionRecord sRec =, sessions); if (sRec != null) { return sRec; } try { String addr[] = {btAddr}; DeviceDiscoverer devD = new DeviceDiscoverer(addr, LocalDevice.getLocalDevice()); Vector devices = devD.getDiscoveredDevices(); if (!devices.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("[client:] To download from " + devices.elementAt(0)); // search for the service in the device(s) detected UUID[] uuidSet = new UUID[1]; uuidSet[0] = new UUID(uuid, false); System.out.println("[client:] Some devices were found "); ServiceDiscoverer servD = new ServiceDiscoverer( uuidSet, (RemoteDevice) devices.elementAt(0), LocalDevice.getLocalDevice()); Vector servRec = servD.getServiceRecords(); System.out.println(servRec); if (!servRec.isEmpty()) { ClientSession conn = (ClientSession) ((ServiceRecord) servRec.elementAt(0)) .getConnectionURL(ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false)); ClientSessionRecord retVal = new ClientSessionRecord(conn, btAddr); sessions.addElement(retVal); return retVal; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } catch (IOException e) { return null; } }
public NXTLocator(Display d) { mDisplay = d; messages = new TextBox("NXT Status", "Welcome!\n", 8192, TextField.ANY); mDisplay.setCurrent(messages); // retrieve the local Bluetooth device object try { local = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); agent = local.getDiscoveryAgent(); } catch (BluetoothStateException bse) { messages.insert("no device found\n", messages.size()); } }
public BluetoothHandler() { // display local device address and name LocalDevice localDevice; try { localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); System.out.println("Address: " + localDevice.getBluetoothAddress()); System.out.println("Name: " + localDevice.getFriendlyName()); } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Creates a PrintClient object and prepares the object for device discovery and service * searching. * * @exception BluetoothStateException if the Bluetooth system could not be initialized */ public Discoverer() throws BluetoothStateException { /* * Retrieve the local Bluetooth device object. */ LocalDevice local = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); /* * Retrieve the DiscoveryAgent object that allows us to perform device * and service discovery. */ agent = local.getDiscoveryAgent(); deviceList = new Vector(); serviceList = new Vector(); }
private SyndicateCore() throws BluetoothStateException { // initialize properties initProperties(); Log("SynCore", "properties initialized"); SYNDICATE_UUID = new UUID("04A6C7B", false); localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); Log("SynCore", "local device initialized"); mutex = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); connections = new HashMap<String, ConnectionHandler>(); routingTable = new RoutingTable(); routingTable.add(localDevice.getBluetoothAddress()); lock = new ReentrantLock(); master = false; in = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Packet>(); history = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); }
protected BTGPSLocationProvider() throws LocationException { // TODO: Move this to searchConnect method? // TODO: The problem here is that it searches every time. Slow. Need to try Properties? // TODO: BIG ONE: Should only connect to GPS that isPaired() (from menu). Will // allow some degree of control over which GPS is connects to in classroom. try { da = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice().getDiscoveryAgent(); da.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, this); } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { throw new LocationException(e.getMessage()); } while (!doneInq) { Thread.yield(); } if (btDevice == null) throw new LocationException("No device found"); String address = btDevice.getBluetoothAddress(); String btaddy = "btspp://" + address; try { StreamConnectionNotifier scn = (StreamConnectionNotifier); if (scn == null) throw new LocationException("Bad BT address"); StreamConnection c = scn.acceptAndOpen(); /* This problem below occurred one time for my Holux GPS. The solution was to * remove the device from the Bluetooth menu, then find and pair again. */ if (c == null) throw new LocationException("Failed. Try pairing at menu again"); InputStream in = c.openInputStream(); if (in != null) { gps = new SimpleGPS(in); // c.close(); // TODO: Clean up when done. HOW TO HANDLE IN LOCATION? } } catch (IOException e) { throw new LocationException(e.getMessage()); } // Add itself to SimpleGPS as listener SimpleGPS.addListener(this); }
public static List<RemoteDevice> findDevices() { List<RemoteDevice> bluetoothDevices = new ArrayList<>(); final Object inquiryCompletedEvent = new Object(); DiscoveryListener listener = new DiscoveryListener() { @Override public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice btDevice, DeviceClass cod) { bluetoothDevices.add(btDevice); } @Override public void inquiryCompleted(int discType) { synchronized (inquiryCompletedEvent) { inquiryCompletedEvent.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void serviceSearchCompleted(int transID, int respCode) {} @Override public void servicesDiscovered(int transID, ServiceRecord[] servRecord) {} }; synchronized (inquiryCompletedEvent) { try { boolean started = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice() .getDiscoveryAgent() .startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, listener); if (started) { inquiryCompletedEvent.wait(); } } catch (BluetoothStateException | InterruptedException ex) { LogManager.getLogger(BluetoothDevices.class).debug(ex); } } return bluetoothDevices; }
public void run() { ran = true; LocalDevice localDevice; try { localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { synchronized (waiter) { waiter.notify(); } return; } DiscoveryAgent discoveryAgent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent(); try { discoveryAgent.searchServices(null, uuidSet, device, new BluetoothHelper()); } catch (Exception e) { synchronized (waiter) { waiter.notify(); } return; } }
/** * Create and open a Connection. This Implementation only supports the <code>btl2cap://</code> * protocol schema. If url begins with <code>btl2cap://localhost</code>, this method call will * return a <code>javax.bluetooth.L2CAPConnectionNotifier</code>. * * @param url The URL for the connection. * @return A new <code>javax.bluetooth.L2CAPConnection</code> or a <code> * javax.bluetooth.L2CAPConnectionNotifier</code> * @throws IllegalArgumentException If a parameter is invalid. * @throws IOException If some other kind of I/O error occurs. * @see javax.bluetooth.L2CAPConnection * @see javax.bluetooth.L2CAPConnectionNotifier */ public static Connection open(String url) throws IOException { try { if (url.startsWith("btl2cap://localhost:")) { int endIndex = url.indexOf(';'); String psmString = url.substring(20, endIndex); Short psmShort = Short.decode(psmString); short psm = psmShort.shortValue(); return new JSR82ConnectionNotifier(psm); } if (url.startsWith("btl2cap://")) { byte[] bdAddrBytes = new byte[12]; String bdAddrString = url.substring(10, 22); Long bdAddrLong = Long.decode("0x" + bdAddrString); long remoteAddrLong = bdAddrLong.longValue(); int endIndex = url.indexOf(';', 22); String psmString = url.substring(23, endIndex); Short psmShort = Short.decode(psmString); short psm = psmShort.shortValue(); BluetoothStack bluetooth = BluetoothStack.getBluetoothStack(); LocalDevice localDev = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); DiscoveryAgent discovery = localDev.getDiscoveryAgent(); RemoteDevice remoteDevice = discovery.getRemoteDevice(remoteAddrLong); if (remoteDevice != null) { JSR82Channel channel = new JSR82Channel(); bluetooth.connectL2CAPChannel(channel, remoteDevice, psm); return channel; } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to locate Bluetooth Device."); } } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { throw new IOException("" + e); } catch (HCIException e) { throw new IOException("" + e); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This implementation of Connector only supports btl2cap:// Connections."); }
public BluetoothBrowser() throws BluetoothStateException { localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); agent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent(); }
@Override public void run() { try { LocalDevice localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); logger.debug( "Initializing local bluetooth device ({}, {})", localDevice.getBluetoothAddress(), localDevice.getFriendlyName()); DiscoveryAgent agent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent(); final Object inquiryCompletedEvent = new Object(); // this is the call back for the bluetooth driver DiscoveryListener listener = new DiscoveryListener() { public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice btDevice, DeviceClass cod) { if (!newDevices.contains(btDevice)) { newDevices.add(btDevice); if (!oldDevices.contains(btDevice)) { BluetoothDevice device = toBluetoothDevice(btDevice); logger.debug("Device discovered: {}", device.toString()); for (BluetoothEventHandler handler : eventHandler) { handler.handleDeviceInRange(device); } } } } public void inquiryCompleted(int discType) { // check if any device has disappeared for (RemoteDevice btDevice : oldDevices) { if (newDevices.contains(btDevice)) continue; BluetoothDevice device = toBluetoothDevice(btDevice); logger.debug("Device out of range: {}", device.toString()); for (BluetoothEventHandler handler : eventHandler) { handler.handleDeviceOutOfRange(device); } } oldDevices = new HashSet<RemoteDevice>(newDevices); // we now pass the list of all devices in range to the event handlers Iterable<BluetoothDevice> devices = Iterables.transform( newDevices, new Function<RemoteDevice, BluetoothDevice>() { public BluetoothDevice apply(RemoteDevice from) { return toBluetoothDevice(from); } }); for (BluetoothEventHandler handler : eventHandler) { handler.handleAllDevicesInRange(devices); } newDevices.clear(); synchronized (inquiryCompletedEvent) { // tell the main thread that we are done inquiryCompletedEvent.notifyAll(); } } public void serviceSearchCompleted(int transID, int respCode) {} public void servicesDiscovered(int transID, ServiceRecord[] servRecord) {} }; // this is the main loop, which will run as long as the thread is not marked as interrupted while (!interrupted) { long starttime = new Date().getTime(); // check if we at all need to run the bluetooth discovery boolean runDiscovery = false; for (BluetoothEventHandler handler : eventHandler) { if (handler.isActive()) { runDiscovery = true; break; } } if (runDiscovery) { synchronized (inquiryCompletedEvent) { try { logger.debug("Launching bluetooth device discovery..."); boolean started = agent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, listener); if (started) { inquiryCompletedEvent.wait(); } } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { logger.error("Error while starting the bluetooth agent", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; } } } if (!interrupted) { // let this thread sleep until the next discovery should be done long sleeptime = refreshRate * 1000L - (new Date().getTime() - starttime); if (sleeptime > 0) { logger.debug("Sleeping for {} s...", sleeptime / 1000.0); try { Thread.sleep(sleeptime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; } } } } } catch (BluetoothStateException e) { logger.error("Error while initializing local bluetooth device.", e); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { LocalDevice device = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); System.out.print(device.getFriendlyName() + " at "); System.out.print(device.getBluetoothAddress()); System.exit(0); }