コード例 #1
  private SequentialTransition CalculateTransition(
      Card c, HBox PlayerCardBox, ImageView imView, int iCardDrawn) {
    // This is the card that is going to be dealt to the player.
    String strCard = "/res/img/" + c.getCardImg();
    ImageView imgvCardDealt =
        new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(strCard), 96, 71, true, true));

    // imgvCardFaceDown - There's already a place holder card
    // sitting in
    // the player's hbox. It's face down. Find it
    // and then determine it's bounds and top left hand handle.
    ImageView imgvCardFaceDown = (ImageView) PlayerCardBox.getChildren().get(iCardDrawn - 1);
    Bounds bndCardDealt = imgvCardFaceDown.localToScene(imgvCardFaceDown.getBoundsInLocal());
    Point2D pntCardDealt = new Point2D(bndCardDealt.getMinX(), bndCardDealt.getMinY());

    // imgvDealerDeck = the card in the common area, where dealer's
    // card
    // is located. Find the boundary top left point.
    ImageView imgvDealerDeck = (ImageView) HboxCommonArea.getChildren().get(0);
    Bounds bndCardDeck = imgvDealerDeck.localToScene(imgvDealerDeck.getBoundsInLocal());
    Point2D pntCardDeck = new Point2D(bndCardDeck.getMinX(), bndCardDeck.getMinY());

    // Add a sequential transition to the card (move, rotate)
    SequentialTransition transMoveRotCard = createTransition(pntCardDeck, pntCardDealt, imView);

    // Add a parallel transition to the card (fade in/fade out).
    final ParallelTransition transFadeCardInOut =
            new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(strCard), 75, 75, true, true));

    SequentialTransition transAllActions = new SequentialTransition();
    transAllActions.getChildren().addAll(transMoveRotCard, transFadeCardInOut);

    return transAllActions;
コード例 #2
 /** Create the game's scene */
 public Scene init(int width, int height) {
   // Create a scene graph to organize the scene
   Group root = new Group();
   // Create a place to see the shapes
   myScene = new Scene(root, width, height, Color.WHITE);
   // Make some shapes and set their properties
   Image image = new Image(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("duke.gif"));
   myBouncer = new ImageView(image);
   // x and y represent the top left corner, so center it
   myBouncer.setX(width / 2 - myBouncer.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth() / 2);
   myBouncer.setY(height / 2 - myBouncer.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() / 2);
   myTopBlock = new Rectangle(width / 2 - 25, height / 2 - 100, 50, 50);
   myBottomBlock = new Rectangle(width / 2 - 25, height / 2 + 50, 50, 50);
   // order added to the group is the order in whuch they are drawn
   // Respond to input
   myScene.setOnKeyPressed(e -> handleKeyInput(e.getCode()));
   myScene.setOnMouseClicked(e -> handleMouseInput(e.getX(), e.getY()));
   return myScene;