public ToggleSwitch(boolean state) { Button switchBtn = new Button(); switchBtn.setPrefWidth(40); switchBtn.setMaxWidth(40); switchedOn.set(!state); switchBtn.setOnAction( new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent t) { switchedOn.set(!switchedOn.get()); } }); // switchedOn.set(state); setGraphic(switchBtn); switchedOn.addListener( new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> ov, Boolean t, Boolean t1) { if (t1) { setText(" ON "); setStyle("-fx-background-color: green;-fx-text-fill:white;"); setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.RIGHT); } else { setText(" OFF "); setStyle("-fx-background-color: grey;-fx-text-fill:white;"); setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.LEFT); } } }); switchedOn.set(state); }
public void setTask(Task<?> task) { if (_task != null) { _task.cancel(); _animation.stop(); visibleProperty().unbind();"Task Canceled"); } _task = task; if (_task != null) { visibleProperty().bind(task.runningProperty()); _task .runningProperty() .addListener( o -> { SimpleBooleanProperty running = (SimpleBooleanProperty) o; if (running.get()) {; } else { _animation.stop(); } }); task.setOnFailed( e -> { log.error(_task.getMessage()); setTask(null); }); } }
public DrawerLayout() { AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(toggleLayer, 0d); AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(toggleLayer, 0d); AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(toggleLayer, 0d); AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(toggleLayer, 0d); toggleLayer.setBackground( new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.BLACK, new CornerRadii(0d), new Insets(0)))); toggleLayer.setOpacity(0); toggleLayer.setVisible(false); toggleLayer.setOnMouseClicked( evt -> { if (evt.getButton().equals(MouseButton.PRIMARY)) { if (drawerOpened) { closeDrawer(); } } }); tableScreen.bind(widthProperty().lessThan(responsiveWidth).or(responsiveWidth.isEqualTo(0))); tableScreen.addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { responsiveBehavior(newValue); }); }
private static SimpleBooleanProperty createBooleanProperty( final String name, final boolean defaultValue) { final SimpleBooleanProperty property = new SimpleBooleanProperty(null, name, p.getBoolean(name, defaultValue)); property.addListener(booleanChangeListener); return property; }
/** * Creates a binding that is true when the active view is the view with "css-id" <code>ID</code> */ private BooleanBinding activeViewBinding(ContentView view) { SimpleBooleanProperty isActiveView = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); viewDisplay .getCurrentView() .addListener( (obs, oldValue, newValue) -> isActiveView.set(viewDisplay.getCurrentView().get().equals(view))); BooleanBinding binding = Bindings.createBooleanBinding(() -> isActiveView.get(), isActiveView); return binding; }
public void setInvalid(String reasonWhyInvalid) { if (reasonWhyInvalid == null || reasonWhyInvalid.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "Supply a reason when setting the SimpleValidBooleanBinding to false"); } super.set(false); reasonWhyInvalid_.set(reasonWhyInvalid); }
public void openDrawer() { if (tableScreen.getValue()) { drawerOpened = true; drawerAnimation(); if (drawerListener != null) { drawerListener.onDrawerOpened(nav); } } }
public void closeDrawer() { if (tableScreen.getValue()) { drawerOpened = false; drawerAnimation(); if (drawerListener != null) { drawerListener.onDrawerClosed(nav); } } }
/** @see */ @Override protected void fireValueChangedEvent() { try { super.fireValueChangedEvent(); } catch (Exception e) { log_.error( "Severe API messup - exception within one of the bindings attached to this binding!", e); } }
private void startNewGame() { playable.set(true); message.setText(""); deck.refill(); dealer.reset(); player.reset(); dealer.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); dealer.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); player.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); player.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); }
private void handleAlert(WebEvent<String> event) { numberOfAlerts.setValue(Integer.toString(Integer.valueOf(numberOfAlerts.getValue()) + 1)); String message = event.getData(); /* * Handle all the external onAlert event handlers first. */ for (EventHandler<WebEvent<String>> handler : alertListeners) handler.handle(event); /* * Finally display an alert box if the operator demands it. */ if (showAlerts.getValue()) { dialog.title("JavaScript Alert").message(message).showInformation(); resetParents(); } }
private void endGame() { playable.set(false); int dealerValue = dealer.valueProperty().get(); int playerValue = player.valueProperty().get(); String winner = "Exceptional case: d: " + dealerValue + " p: " + playerValue; // the order of checking is important if (dealerValue == 21 || playerValue > 21 || dealerValue == playerValue || (dealerValue < 21 && dealerValue > playerValue)) { winner = "DEALER"; } else if (playerValue == 21 || dealerValue > 21 || playerValue > dealerValue) { winner = "PLAYER"; } message.setText(winner + " WON"); }
static { isProxyingEnabled.addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (newValue) { System.setProperty("http.proxySet", "true"); System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", ""); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8080"); System.setProperty("https.proxySet", "true"); System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", ""); System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "8080"); } else { System.clearProperty("http.proxySet"); System.clearProperty("http.proxyHost"); System.clearProperty("http.proxyPort"); System.clearProperty("https.proxySet"); System.clearProperty("https.proxyHost"); System.clearProperty("https.proxyPort"); } }); }
/** Constructor */ public MyUpdater(Label stat, Stage st, VBox sl, ProgressBar bar) { status = stat; progressBar = bar; splashLayout = sl; splashStage = st; Yes = new Button("yes"); Yes.setOnAction(event1 -> downloadupdate()); Yes.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); No = new Button("No"); No.setOnAction( event -> { splashStage.hide(); isready.set(true); }); No.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); updateLayout = new HBox(Yes, No); HBox.setHgrow(Yes, Priority.ALWAYS); HBox.setHgrow(No, Priority.ALWAYS); }
public void resetGame() { try { timer.cancel(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new FoodThrowingTask(), 0, 600); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new HealthPotionFallingTask(), 5000, 10000); foodList = new ArrayList<Food>(); potionsList = new ArrayList<Potion>(); usersCombinedScore = 0; fallingStuffSpeed = 90; currentLevel = startingLevel; healthRemaining = healthAtStart; setHealthoMeter(); user1.setPosition(200, 365); user2.setPosition(600, 365); user1.setVelocity(0, 0); user2.setVelocity(0, 0); animationTimer.start(); gameOver.set(false); System.out.println("Game has been reset"); }
private void beautifyOrRepairHTML(String mode) {"beautifying html"); try { CodeEditor editor = currentEditor.getValue(); EditorPosition currentCursorPosition = editor.getEditorCursorPosition(); String code = editor.getCode(); if (currentEditorIsXHTML.get()) { try { Resource resource = currentXHTMLResource.get(); resource.setData(code.getBytes("UTF-8")); switch (mode) { case "format": code = formatAsXHTML(code); break; case "repair": code = repairXHTML(code); break; } resource.setData(code.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // never happens } } editor.setCode(code); editor.setEditorCursorPosition(currentCursorPosition); editor.scrollTo(currentCursorPosition); book.setBookIsChanged(true); } catch (IOException | JDOMException e) { logger.error("", e); Dialogs.create() .owner(tabPane) .title("Formatierung nicht möglich") .message( "Kann Datei nicht formatieren. Bitte die Fehlermeldung an den Hersteller weitergeben.") .showException(e); } }
public boolean getCanUndo() { return canUndo.get(); }
public void init() { currentEditor.addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { canUndo.unbind(); canRedo.unbind(); if (newValue != null) { currentEditorIsXHTML.setValue( currentEditor.getValue().getMediaType().equals(MediaType.XHTML)); canUndo.bind(currentEditor.getValue().canUndoProperty()); canRedo.bind(currentEditor.getValue().canRedoProperty()); } else { currentEditorIsXHTML.setValue(false); canUndo.setValue(false); canRedo.setValue(false); } }); MenuItem separatorItem = new SeparatorMenuItem(); // Html menu contextMenuXHTML = new ContextMenu(); contextMenuXHTML.setAutoFix(true); contextMenuXHTML.setAutoHide(true); Menu clipsItem = new Menu("Clips"); clipManager .getClipsRoot() .addEventHandler( TreeItem.<Clip>childrenModificationEvent(), event -> { clipsItem.getItems().clear(); writeClipMenuItemChildren(clipManager.getClipsRoot(), clipsItem); }); contextMenuXHTML.getItems().add(clipsItem); contextMenuXHTML.getItems().add(separatorItem); MenuItem itemRepairHTML = new MenuItem("HTML reparieren"); itemRepairHTML.setOnAction( e -> { beautifyOrRepairHTML("repair"); }); contextMenuXHTML.getItems().add(itemRepairHTML); MenuItem itemBeautifyHTML = new MenuItem("HTML formatieren"); itemBeautifyHTML.setOnAction( e -> { beautifyOrRepairHTML("format"); }); contextMenuXHTML.getItems().add(itemBeautifyHTML); contextMenuXHTML.getItems().add(separatorItem); MenuItem openInExternalBrowserItem = new MenuItem("In externem Browser öffnen"); openInExternalBrowserItem.setOnAction( e -> { openInExternalBrowser(currentEditor); }); contextMenuXHTML.getItems().add(openInExternalBrowserItem); // XML menu contextMenuXML = new ContextMenu(); contextMenuXML.setAutoFix(true); contextMenuXML.setAutoHide(true); MenuItem generateUuidMenuItem = new MenuItem("Neue UUID generieren"); generateUuidMenuItem.setOnAction( e -> { book.getMetadata().generateNewUuid(); bookBrowserManager.refreshOpf(); }); contextMenuXML.getItems().add(generateUuidMenuItem); currentXMLResource.addListener( new ChangeListener<Resource>() { @Override public void changed( ObservableValue<? extends Resource> observable, Resource oldValue, Resource newValue) { if (newValue != null && currentXMLResource.get().mediaTypeProperty().getValue().equals(MediaType.OPF)) { generateUuidMenuItem.visibleProperty().setValue(true); } else { generateUuidMenuItem.visibleProperty().setValue(false); } } }); MenuItem separatorItem2 = new SeparatorMenuItem(); contextMenuXML.getItems().add(separatorItem2); separatorItem2.visibleProperty().bind(generateUuidMenuItem.visibleProperty()); MenuItem itemRepairXML = new MenuItem("XML reparieren"); itemRepairXML.setOnAction( e -> { beautifyOrRepairXML("repair"); }); contextMenuXML.getItems().add(itemRepairXML); MenuItem itemBeautifyXML = new MenuItem("XML formatieren"); itemBeautifyXML.setOnAction( e -> { beautifyOrRepairXML("format"); }); contextMenuXML.getItems().add(itemBeautifyXML); // css menu contextMenuCSS = new ContextMenu(); contextMenuCSS.setAutoFix(true); contextMenuCSS.setAutoHide(true); MenuItem formatCSSOneLineItem = new MenuItem("Styles in je einer Zeile formatieren"); formatCSSOneLineItem.setOnAction(e -> beautifyCSS("one_line")); contextMenuCSS.getItems().add(formatCSSOneLineItem); MenuItem formatCSSMultipleLinesItem = new MenuItem("Styles in mehreren Zeilen formatieren"); formatCSSMultipleLinesItem.setOnAction(e -> beautifyCSS("multiple_lines")); contextMenuCSS.getItems().add(formatCSSMultipleLinesItem); }
/** Función encargada de descargar la actualización */ private void downloadupdate() { // El usuario aceptó la actualización entonces se le pide seleccione un directirio para guardar final File file = new DirectoryChooser().showDialog(splashStage); // Creamos el archivo para escribir. final File filetowrite = new File(file.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + FILE_NAME); // Eliminamos los botones de control. splashLayout.getChildren().remove(updateLayout); // Animamos la barra de progreso. progressBar.setProgress(ProgressBar.INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); // Tarea encargada de realizar la descarga. Task download = new Task() { @Override protected Object call() throws Exception { updateMessage(". . . D O W N L O A D I N G . . "); // Creamos el objeto que contendrá el enlace. URL source = new URL(checkupdates.get()); if (source != null) { // Copiamos el arhcivo del enlace. Files.copy( source.openStream(), filetowrite.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); updateMessage(" READY "); Thread.sleep(SHORT_WAIT_MILLIS); } else { cancel(); } return null; } }; // Permitimos que la tarea maneje el texto del splash status.textProperty().bind(download.messageProperty()); // Si se ha terminado la descarga. download.setOnSucceeded( event -> { // Tarea encargada de mostrar que se a terminado la descarga. Task timer = new Task() { @Override protected Object call() throws Exception { updateMessage("PLEASE START THE NEW VERSION"); Thread.sleep(SHORT_WAIT_MILLIS); return null; } }; // Permitimos que la tarea maneje el texto del splash status.textProperty().bind(timer.messageProperty()); // cuando termine la tarea cerramos la aplicación. timer.setOnSucceeded(event1 -> System.exit(0)); // Mostramos animación de la barra de progreso. showFinishProgress(timer); }); // Si ha fallado la descarga. download.setOnFailed( event -> { // Tarea encargada de mostrar que ha fallado la descarga. Task timer = new Task() { @Override protected Object call() throws Exception { updateMessage("Descarga Fallida"); Thread.sleep(SHORT_WAIT_MILLIS); return null; } }; // Permitimos que la tarea maneje el texto del splash status.textProperty().bind(timer.messageProperty()); timer.setOnSucceeded( event1 -> { splashStage.close(); isready.set(true); }); // Mostramos animación de la barra de progreso. showFinishProgress(timer); }); // Creamos el hilo y lo iniciamos. new Thread(download).start(); }
public void setValid() { super.set(true); reasonWhyInvalid_.set(""); }
public boolean getIsRNA() { return isRNA.get(); }
private Parent createContent() throws IOException { dealer = new Hand(dealerCards.getChildren()); player = new Hand(playerCards.getChildren()); Pane root = new Pane(); root.setPrefSize(windowWidth, windowHeight); Region background = new Region(); background.setPrefSize(windowWidth, windowHeight); background.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url('res/images/casino.jpg')"); HBox rootLayout = new HBox(5); rootLayout.setPadding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); // Rectangle leftBG = new Rectangle(550, 560); // leftBG.setArcWidth(50); // leftBG.setArcHeight(50); // leftBG.setFill(Color.GREEN); // Canvas canvas = new Canvas(560, 560); BufferedImage imgi; GraphicsContext gcfx = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); // Graphics gc = canvas.getGraphics(); Image zbyszek = new Image("/res/images/table.png", 560, 560, true, false); gcfx.setFill(DARKSLATEGRAY); gcfx.fillRoundRect(0, 0, 550, 300, 10, 100); gcfx.setFill(BLACK); gcfx.drawImage(zbyszek, 0, 280); // try { // imgi ="/res/images/table.png")); // // gcfx.drawImage(imgi, 300, 300, null); // canvas.setVisible(true); // } catch (Exception e) { // } Rectangle rightBG = new Rectangle(230, 560); rightBG.setArcWidth(50); rightBG.setArcHeight(50); rightBG.setFill(Color.ORANGE); // LEFT VBox leftVBox = new VBox(50); leftVBox.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); Text dealerScore = new Text("Dealer: "); Text playerScore = new Text("Player: "); leftVBox.getChildren().addAll(dealerScore, dealerCards, message, playerCards, playerScore); // RIGHT VBox rightVBox = new VBox(20); rightVBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); // final TextField bet = new TextField("BET"); // bet.setDisable(true); // bet.setMaxWidth(50); // Text money = new Text("MONEY"); Button btnPlay = new Button("PLAY"); Button btnHit = new Button("HIT"); Button btnStand = new Button("STAND"); HBox buttonsHBox = new HBox(15, btnHit, btnStand); buttonsHBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); // rightVBox.getChildren().addAll(bet, btnPlay, money, buttonsHBox); rightVBox.getChildren().addAll(btnPlay, buttonsHBox); // ADD BOTH STACKS TO ROOT LAYOUT rootLayout .getChildren() .addAll(new StackPane(canvas, leftVBox), new StackPane(rightBG, rightVBox)); root.getChildren().addAll(background, rootLayout); // BIND PROPERTIES btnPlay.disableProperty().bind(playable); btnHit.disableProperty().bind(playable.not()); btnStand.disableProperty().bind(playable.not()); playerScore .textProperty() .bind(new SimpleStringProperty("Player: ").concat(player.valueProperty().asString())); dealerScore .textProperty() .bind(new SimpleStringProperty("Dealer: ").concat(dealer.valueProperty().asString())); player .valueProperty() .addListener( (obs, old, newValue) -> { if (newValue.intValue() >= 21) { endGame(); } }); dealer .valueProperty() .addListener( (obs, old, newValue) -> { if (newValue.intValue() >= 21) { endGame(); } }); // INIT BUTTONS btnPlay.setOnAction( event -> { startNewGame(); }); btnHit.setOnAction( event -> { player.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); }); btnStand.setOnAction( event -> { while (dealer.valueProperty().get() < 17) { dealer.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); } endGame(); }); return root; }
/** Función encargada de revisar si existen actualizaciones. */ private void checkforupdates() { /** * Esta Función descarga un archivo txt que contiene la información y enlace de descarga de las * distintas versiones de la aplicación, compara la versión del programa y si encuentra una * versión mas reciente en el archivo manda llamar a la función de descarga. */ // Tarea encargada de revisar si hay actualización. checkupdates = new Task<String>() { @Override protected String call() throws Exception { // Avisamos al usuario que se van a revisar las actualziaciones. updateMessage("CHECKING FOR UPDATES"); Thread.sleep(500); // Creamos una dirección para el archivo de texto. URL updatefile = new URL(UPDATE_TXT); // Si existe el archivo de texto. if (updatefile != null) { // Creamos un lector. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(updatefile.openStream())); // Buffer. String str; // Para cada linea. while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { // Partimos cada linea "repositorio; version; URL" notese que el separador es "; " String[] buf = str.split("; "); // Si la versión es mayor y el repositorio corresponde entonces preguntamos si se // desea descargar. if ((Double.parseDouble(buf[1]) > VERSION) && (buf[0].equalsIgnoreCase(REPOSITORY))) { updateMessage( " A NEW VERSION OF TRUDISP IS AVAILABLE\n V_: " + buf[1] + "\n DOWNLOAD?"); isupdating = true; return buf[2]; } else { isupdating = false; } } } else // No se ha podido establecer conexión con el archivo de texto. { updateMessage("CONNECTION ERROR"); Thread.sleep(SHORT_WAIT_MILLIS); isupdating = false; cancel(); } return null; } }; // Permitimos que la tarea maneje los mensajes de la barra de estado. status.textProperty().bind(checkupdates.messageProperty()); // Si se ha terminado la tarea checkupdates.setOnSucceeded( event -> { if (isupdating) { // Agregamos los botones de control. splashLayout.getChildren().add(updateLayout); splashStage.sizeToScene(); progressBar.setProgress(0); } else { // Cerramos el splash y avisamos que se ha terminado. splashStage.close(); isready.set(true); } }); // Si ha fallado latarea. checkupdates.setOnFailed( event -> { splashStage.close(); isready.set(true); }); // Creamos e iniciamos el hilo. new Thread(checkupdates).start(); }