コード例 #1
   * Determines the recommended streaming parameters based on the maximum bandwidth of the user's
   * internet connection. This is the recommended method if the broadcast resolution can be
   * independent of the game window resolution and will produce the best visual quality. The game
   * must submit buffers at the resolution returned in the VideoParams.
   * @param maxKbps Maximum bitrate supported (this should be determined by running the ingest
   *     tester for a given ingest server).
   * @param frameRate The desired frame rate. For a given bitrate and motion factor, a higher
   *     framerate will mean a lower resolution.
   * @param bitsPerPixel The bits per pixel used in the final encoded video. A fast motion game
   *     (e.g. first person shooter) required more bits per pixel of encoded video avoid compression
   *     artifacting. Use 0.1 for an average motion game. For games without too many fast changes in
   *     the scene, you could use a value below 0.1 but not much. For fast moving games with lots of
   *     scene changes a value as high as 0.2 would be appropriate.
   * @param aspectRatio - The aspect ratio of the video which we'll use for calculating width and
   *     height.
   * @return The filled in VideoParams.
  public VideoParams getRecommendedVideoParams(
      int maxKbps, int frameRate, float bitsPerPixel, float aspectRatio) {
    int[] resolution = m_Stream.getMaxResolution(maxKbps, frameRate, bitsPerPixel, aspectRatio);

    VideoParams videoParams = new VideoParams();
    videoParams.maxKbps = maxKbps;
    videoParams.encodingCpuUsage = EncodingCpuUsage.TTV_ECU_HIGH;
    videoParams.pixelFormat = determinePixelFormat();
    videoParams.targetFps = frameRate;
    videoParams.outputWidth = resolution[0];
    videoParams.outputHeight = resolution[1];
    videoParams.disableAdaptiveBitrate = false;
    videoParams.verticalFlip = false;

    return videoParams;