/** * Registers an object with the specified clazz and object. * * @param clazz the class which is used as the key. * @param object the object, or the value of the mapping * @param context the secondary key. It is used to register multiple objects to the same primary * key (the clazz parameter in this case). */ public void register(Class<?> clazz, T object, K context) { if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter clazz cannot be null"); } // register primitive type automatically if (TypeUtils.isPrimitiveWrapper(clazz)) { Class<?> primitiveType = TypeUtils.convertWrapperToPrimitiveType(clazz); register(primitiveType, object, context); } Cache<K, T> cache = initCache(clazz); cache.setObject(context, object); }
/** * Gets registered object from CacheMap. The algorithm used to look up is <br> * 1. First check for exact match with clazz and context.<br> * 2. If didn't find, look for interfaces that clazz implements using the exact context.<br> * 3. If still didn't find, look for super class of clazz using the exact context. <br> * 4. If still didn't find, using the exact clazz with default context.<br> * 5. If still didn't find, return null.<br> * If found a match in step 1, 2, 3 or 4, it will return the registered object immediately. * * @param clazz the class which is used as the primary key. * @param context the context which is used as the secondary key. This parameter could be null in * which case the default context is used. * @return registered object the object associated with the class and the context. */ public T getRegisteredObject(Class<?> clazz, K context) { if (clazz == null) { return null; } Cache<K, T> cache = getCache(clazz); if (cache == null || !cache.containsKey(context)) { List<Class<?>> classesToSearch = new ArrayList<>(); classesToSearch.add(clazz); if (TypeUtils.isPrimitive(clazz)) { classesToSearch.add(TypeUtils.convertPrimitiveToWrapperType(clazz)); } else if (TypeUtils.isPrimitiveWrapper(clazz)) { classesToSearch.add(TypeUtils.convertWrapperToPrimitiveType(clazz)); } // Direct super interfaces, recursively addAllInterfaces(classesToSearch, clazz); Class<?> superClass = clazz; // Direct super class, recursively while (!superClass.isInterface()) { superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); if (superClass != null) { classesToSearch.add(superClass); addAllInterfaces(classesToSearch, superClass); } else { break; } } if (!classesToSearch.contains(Object.class)) { classesToSearch.add(Object.class); // use Object as default fallback. } // search to match context first for (Class<?> c : classesToSearch) { Cache<K, T> cacheForClass = getCache(c); if (cacheForClass != null) { T object = cacheForClass.getObject(context); if (object != null) { return object; } } } // fall back to default context if (!_defaultContext.equals(context)) { for (Class<?> c : classesToSearch) { Cache<K, T> cacheForClass = getCache(c); if (cacheForClass != null) { T object = cacheForClass.getObject(_defaultContext); if (object != null) { return object; } } } } } if (cache != null) { T object = cache.getObject(context); if (object == null && !_defaultContext.equals(context)) { return getRegisteredObject(clazz, _defaultContext); } if (object != null) { return object; } } return null; }