public void process() { for (TypeDeclaration typeDecl : env.getSpecifiedTypeDeclarations()) { ExtractInterface annot = typeDecl.getAnnotation(ExtractInterface.class); if (annot == null) break; for (MethodDeclaration m : typeDecl.getMethods()) if (m.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC) && !(m.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC))) interfaceMethods.add(m); if (interfaceMethods.size() > 0) { try { PrintWriter writer = env.getFiler().createSourceFile(annot.value()); writer.println("package " + typeDecl.getPackage().getQualifiedName() + ";"); writer.println("public interface " + annot.value() + " {"); for (MethodDeclaration m : interfaceMethods) { writer.print(" public "); writer.print(m.getReturnType() + " "); writer.print(m.getSimpleName() + " ("); int i = 0; for (ParameterDeclaration parm : m.getParameters()) { writer.print(parm.getType() + " " + parm.getSimpleName()); if (++i < m.getParameters().size()) writer.print(", "); } writer.println(");"); } writer.println("}"); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } } }
public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration type) throws Exception { if (type instanceof NamespaceDeclaration) { NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDecl = (NamespaceDeclaration) type; fLastNamespace = namespaceDecl; fLastUseParts.clear(); if (namespaceDecl.isGlobal()) { return true; } } type.setModifiers(markAsDeprecated(type.getModifiers(), type)); // In case we are entering a nested element if (!declarations.empty() && declarations.peek() instanceof MethodDeclaration) { if (fLastNamespace == null) { deferredDeclarations.add(type); } else { deferredNamespacedDeclarations.add(type); } return false; } declarations.push(type); for (PHPSourceElementRequestorExtension visitor : extensions) { visitor.visit(type); } return super.visit(type); }
@Override public void process(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, int i) { super.process(cud, i); ClassFile[] classFiles = cud.compilationResult().getClassFiles(); Map<ClassFile, CompiledClass> results = new LinkedHashMap<ClassFile, CompiledClass>(); for (ClassFile classFile : classFiles) { createCompiledClass(classFile, results); } List<CompiledClass> compiledClasses = new ArrayList<CompiledClass>(results.values()); addBinaryTypes(compiledClasses); ICompilationUnit icu = cud.compilationResult().compilationUnit; Adapter adapter = (Adapter) icu; CompilationUnitBuilder builder = adapter.getBuilder(); // TODO this code was added for the arquillian gwt extension if (cud.types != null) { for (TypeDeclaration type : cud.types) { if (type.methods != null) { if (isAnnotationPresent(RunWith.class.getSimpleName(), type.annotations)) { Set<AbstractMethodDeclaration> filteredMethods = new HashSet<AbstractMethodDeclaration>(); boolean match = false; for (AbstractMethodDeclaration decl : type.methods) { if (decl.annotations != null) { // TODO make this configurable if ((isAnnotationPresent(RunAsGwtClient.class.getSimpleName(), decl.annotations) || isAnnotationPresent( RunAsGwtClient.class.getSimpleName(), type.annotations)) && !isAnnotationPresent(Deployment.class.getSimpleName(), decl.annotations)) { filteredMethods.add(decl); } else { match = true; System.out.println("Ignoring non-translatable method:\n" + decl.toString()); } } } if (match) { type.methods = filteredMethods.toArray(new AbstractMethodDeclaration[filteredMethods.size()]); } } } } } processor.process(builder, cud, compiledClasses); }
private static String loadPath(TypeDeclaration delegate) { Path path = delegate.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (path == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A JAX-RS root resource must be annotated with"); } return path.value(); }
protected String[] processSuperClasses(TypeDeclaration type) { ASTListNode superClasses = type.getSuperClasses(); if (superClasses == null) { return new String[] {}; } List<ASTNode> superClassNames = superClasses.getChilds(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(superClassNames.size()); Iterator<ASTNode> iterator = superClassNames.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String name = processNameNode(; if (name != null) { result.add(name); } } return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); }
protected String[] processSuperClasses(TypeDeclaration type) { ASTListNode superClasses = type.getSuperClasses(); if (superClasses == null) { return new String[] {}; } List<ASTNode> superClassNames = superClasses.getChilds(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(superClassNames.size()); Iterator<ASTNode> iterator = superClassNames.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ASTNode nameNode =; String name; if (nameNode instanceof FullyQualifiedReference) { FullyQualifiedReference fullyQualifiedName = (FullyQualifiedReference) nameNode; name = fullyQualifiedName.getFullyQualifiedName(); if (fullyQualifiedName.getNamespace() != null) { String namespace = fullyQualifiedName.getNamespace().getName(); String subnamespace = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ if (namespace.charAt(0) != NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR && namespace.indexOf(NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) > 0) { int firstNSLocation = namespace.indexOf(NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR); subnamespace = namespace.substring(firstNSLocation); namespace = namespace.substring(0, firstNSLocation); } if (name.charAt(0) == NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) { name = name.substring(1); } else if (fLastUseParts.containsKey(namespace)) { name = new StringBuilder( fLastUseParts.get(namespace).getNamespace().getFullyQualifiedName()) .append(subnamespace) .append(NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) .append(fullyQualifiedName.getName()) .toString(); } else if (fCurrentNamespace != null) { name = new StringBuilder(fCurrentNamespace.getName()) .append(NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) .append(name) .toString(); } } else if (fLastUseParts.containsKey(name)) { name = fLastUseParts.get(name).getNamespace().getFullyQualifiedName(); if (name.charAt(0) == NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) { name = name.substring(1); } } else { if (fCurrentNamespace != null) { name = new StringBuilder(fCurrentNamespace.getName()) .append(NamespaceReference.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) .append(name) .toString(); } } result.add(name); } else if (nameNode instanceof SimpleReference) { result.add(((SimpleReference) nameNode).getName()); } } return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); }
public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration type) throws Exception { if (type instanceof NamespaceDeclaration) { NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDecl = (NamespaceDeclaration) type; fCurrentNamespace = namespaceDecl; fLastUseParts.clear(); if (namespaceDecl.isGlobal()) { return visitGeneral(type); } declarations.push(type); int modifiers = type.getModifiers() | Modifiers.AccNameSpace; fCurrentQualifier = type.getName(); Integer count = fCurrentQualifierCounts.get(fCurrentQualifier); count = count != null ? count + 1 : 1; fCurrentQualifierCounts.put(fCurrentQualifier, count); modifiers = markAsDeprecated(modifiers, type); StringBuilder metadata = new StringBuilder(); if (fCurrentQualifier != null) { metadata.append(fCurrentQualifierCounts.get(fCurrentQualifier)); metadata.append(";"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } modifyDeclaration( type, new DeclarationInfo( IModelElement.PACKAGE_DECLARATION, modifiers, type.sourceStart(), type.sourceEnd() - type.sourceStart(), type.getNameStart(), type.getNameEnd() - type.getNameStart(), type.getName(), metadata.length() == 0 ? null : metadata.toString(), encodeDocInfo(type), null, null)); } else { Declaration parentDeclaration = null; if (!declarations.empty()) { parentDeclaration = declarations.peek(); } declarations.push(type); if (!(parentDeclaration instanceof NamespaceDeclaration)) { type.setModifier(Modifiers.AccGlobal); } // In case we are entering a nested element if (parentDeclaration instanceof MethodDeclaration) { if (fCurrentNamespace == null) { deferredDeclarations.add(type); } else { deferredNamespacedDeclarations.add(type); } return visitGeneral(type); } int modifiers = type.getModifiers(); fCurrentParent = type.getName(); String[] superClasses = processSuperClasses(type); StringBuilder metadata = new StringBuilder(); if (fCurrentQualifier != null) { metadata.append(fCurrentQualifierCounts.get(fCurrentQualifier)); metadata.append(";"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } for (int i = 0; i < superClasses.length; ++i) { metadata.append(superClasses[i]); if (i < superClasses.length - 1) { metadata.append(","); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } modifiers = markAsDeprecated(modifiers, type); modifyDeclaration( type, new DeclarationInfo( IModelElement.TYPE, modifiers, type.sourceStart(), type.sourceEnd() - type.sourceStart(), type.getNameStart(), type.getNameEnd() - type.getNameStart(), type.getName(), metadata.length() == 0 ? null : metadata.toString(), encodeDocInfo(type), fCurrentQualifier, null)); } for (PhpIndexingVisitorExtension visitor : extensions) { visitor.visit(type); } return visitGeneral(type); }