public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if ((displayable == D_MAIN) && D_MAIN.Responds()) { if (command == c_exit) { exitMIDlet(); } if (command == c_history) { switchDisplayable(null, getL_history()); Stack st = D_MAIN.getEqHS(); Enumeration en = st.elements(); l_history.deleteAll(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { l_history.append((String) en.nextElement(), null); } } if (command == c_tovars) { getL_vars().deleteAll(); StringBuffer sb; Enumeration values = D_MAIN.getEqVars().elements(); Enumeration names = D_MAIN.getEqVars().keys(); String name; Real value; while ((values.hasMoreElements()) && (names.hasMoreElements())) { name = String.valueOf(names.nextElement()); value = new Real(String.valueOf((values.nextElement()))); Real.NumberFormat n = new Real.NumberFormat(); n.maxwidth = 17; n.fse = Real.NumberFormat.FSE_NONE; sb = new StringBuffer(value.toString(n)); if (chartools.contains(sb, 'e')) { StringBuffer ev = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = sb.length() - 1; i > -1; --i) { if (sb.charAt(i) == 'e') { sb.deleteCharAt(i); break; } ev.append(sb.charAt(i)); sb.deleteCharAt(i); } ev.reverse(); sb.append(" * 10^(" + ev + ")"); if ((!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("")))) && (!(name.equals(""))) && (!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("null")))) && (!(name.equals("null")))) { l_vars.append(name + " = " + sb.toString(), null); } } else { if ((!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("")))) && (!(name.equals(""))) && (!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("null")))) && (!(name.equals("null")))) { getL_vars().append(name + " = " + sb.toString(), null); } } } switchDisplayable(null, getL_vars()); } } if (displayable == f_welcome) { if (command == c_canvas) { switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); } } else if (displayable == form) { if (command == c_history) { } else if (command == c_tovars) { } } else if (displayable == l_history) { if (command == List.SELECT_COMMAND) { l_historyAction(); } else if (command == c_canvas) { switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); } else if (command == c_insert) { if (l_history.size() != 0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String his = l_history.getString(l_history.getSelectedIndex()); boolean p_end = false; for (int i = 0; i < his.length(); i++) { if (his.charAt(i) == '=') { break; } if (p_end) { sb.append(his.charAt(i)); } if (his.charAt(i) == ':') { p_end = true; } } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); D_MAIN.appendDispCont(" " + sb.toString()); } switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); D_MAIN.repaint(); } } else if (displayable == l_vars) { if (command == List.SELECT_COMMAND) { l_varsAction(); } else if (command == c_canvas) { switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); } else if (command == c_delvar) { try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String his = l_vars.getString(l_vars.getSelectedIndex()); for (int i = 0; i < his.length(); i++) { if (his.charAt(i) == '=') { break; } sb.append(his.charAt(i)); } D_MAIN.deletevar(sb.toString().trim()); l_vars.delete(l_vars.getSelectedIndex()); } catch (error er) { switchDisplayable(null, getA_error()); a_error.setString(er.getMessage()); } } else if (command == c_insert) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String his = l_vars.getString(l_vars.getSelectedIndex()); for (int i = 0; i < his.length(); i++) { if (his.charAt(i) == '=') { break; } sb.append(his.charAt(i)); } D_MAIN.appendDispCont(sb.toString()); switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); D_MAIN.repaint(); } } }
public void cutPlaylist() throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Cut Playlist."); String st; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(this.NAME + ".dec")))); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(this.NAME))); if ((st = br.readLine()) != null) { String st2[]; st = new File(st).toURL().toString(); st2 = st.split("/"); StringBuffer stb = new StringBuffer(st2[st2.length - 1]); StringBuffer stb2 = stb.reverse(); String st3 = new String(stb2); int i = 0; while (st3.charAt(i) != '.') i++; String a = st3.substring(i + 1, st3.length()); pw.print(new StringBuffer(a).reverse()); } while ((st = br.readLine()) != null) { pw.println(); String st2[]; st = new File(st).toURL().toString(); st2 = st.split("/"); StringBuffer stb = new StringBuffer(st2[st2.length - 1]); StringBuffer stb2 = stb.reverse(); String st3 = new String(stb2); int i = 0; while (st3.charAt(i) != '.') i++; String a = st3.substring(i + 1, st3.length()); pw.print(new StringBuffer(a).reverse()); } pw.close(); br.close(); }
/** * Converts a long value to a hexadecimal String of length 16. Includes leading zeros if * necessary. * * @param value The long value to be converted. * @return The hexadecimal string representation of the long value. */ public static String toFullHexString(long value) { long currentValue = value; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(16); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { int currentDigit = (int) currentValue & 0xf; stringBuffer.append(HEX_DIGITS[currentDigit]); currentValue >>>= 4; } return stringBuffer.reverse().toString(); }
/** * Converts a int value to a hexadecimal String of length 8. Includes leading zeros if necessary. * * @param value The int value to be converted. * @return The hexadecimal string representation of the int value. */ public static String toFullHexString(int value) { int currentValue = value; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int currentDigit = currentValue & 0xf; stringBuffer.append(HEX_DIGITS[currentDigit]); currentValue >>>= 4; } return stringBuffer.reverse().toString(); }