コード例 #1
ファイル: SqlNodeList.java プロジェクト: jaltekruse/optiq
 void commaList(SqlWriter writer) {
   // The precedence of the comma operator if low but not zero. For
   // instance, this ensures parentheses in
   //    select x, (select * from foo order by z), y from t
   for (SqlNode node : list) {
     node.unparse(writer, 2, 3);
  public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, SqlNode[] operands, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) {
    final SqlWriter.Frame frame = writer.startList(BetweenFrameType, "", "");
    operands[VALUE_OPERAND].unparse(writer, getLeftPrec(), 0);
    operands[SYMFLAG_OPERAND].unparse(writer, 0, 0);

    // If the expression for the lower bound contains a call to an AND
    // operator, we need to wrap the expression in parentheses to prevent
    // the AND from associating with BETWEEN. For example, we should
    // unparse
    //    a BETWEEN b OR (c AND d) OR e AND f
    // as
    //    a BETWEEN (b OR c AND d) OR e) AND f
    // If it were unparsed as
    //    a BETWEEN b OR c AND d OR e AND f
    // then it would be interpreted as
    //    (a BETWEEN (b OR c) AND d) OR (e AND f)
    // which would be wrong.
    int lowerPrec = new AndFinder().containsAnd(operands[LOWER_OPERAND]) ? 100 : 0;
    operands[LOWER_OPERAND].unparse(writer, lowerPrec, lowerPrec);
    operands[UPPER_OPERAND].unparse(writer, 0, getRightPrec());
コード例 #3
ファイル: SqlNodeList.java プロジェクト: jaltekruse/optiq
  void andOrList(SqlWriter writer, SqlKind sepKind) {
    SqlBinaryOperator sepOp =
        sepKind == SqlKind.AND ? SqlStdOperatorTable.AND : SqlStdOperatorTable.OR;
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
      SqlNode node = list.get(i);
      writer.sep(sepKind.name(), false);

      // The precedence pulling on the LHS of a node is the
      // right-precedence of the separator operator, except at the start
      // of the list; similarly for the RHS of a node. If the operator
      // has left precedence 4 and right precedence 5, the precedences
      // in a 3-node list will look as follows:
      //   0 <- node1 -> 4  5 <- node2 -> 4  5 <- node3 -> 0
      int lprec = (i == 0) ? 0 : sepOp.getRightPrec();
      int rprec = (i == (list.size() - 1)) ? 0 : sepOp.getLeftPrec();
      node.unparse(writer, lprec, rprec);
コード例 #4
ファイル: SqlNodeList.java プロジェクト: jaltekruse/optiq
 public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) {
   final SqlWriter.Frame frame =
       ((leftPrec > 0) || (rightPrec > 0)) ? writer.startList("(", ")") : writer.startList("", "");