public SchemaItem getPropertyTypeSchema( SchemaElementComplex parentComplexProperty, EventAdapterService eventAdapterService) { Property lastProperty = null; SchemaElementComplex complexElement = parentComplexProperty; for (Iterator<Property> it = properties.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Property property =; lastProperty = property; if (it.hasNext()) { SchemaItem childSchemaItem = property.getPropertyTypeSchema(complexElement, eventAdapterService); if (childSchemaItem == null) { // if the property is not valid, return null return null; } if ((childSchemaItem instanceof SchemaItemAttribute) || (childSchemaItem instanceof SchemaElementSimple)) { return null; } complexElement = (SchemaElementComplex) childSchemaItem; } } return lastProperty.getPropertyTypeSchema(complexElement, eventAdapterService); }
public GenericPropertyDesc getPropertyTypeGeneric( BeanEventType eventType, EventAdapterService eventAdapterService) { GenericPropertyDesc result = null; for (Iterator<Property> it = properties.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Property property =; result = property.getPropertyTypeGeneric(eventType, eventAdapterService); if (result == null) { // property not found, return null return null; } if (it.hasNext()) { // Map cannot be used to further nest as the type cannot be determined if (result.getType() == Map.class) { return null; } if (result.getType().isArray()) { return null; } eventType = eventAdapterService .getBeanEventTypeFactory() .createBeanType(result.getType().getName(), result.getType(), false, false, false); } } return result; }
@Nullable private Ref<PyType> getTypeOfProperty( @Nullable PyType qualifierType, @NotNull String name, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context) { if (qualifierType instanceof PyClassType) { final PyClassType classType = (PyClassType) qualifierType; PyClass pyClass = classType.getPyClass(); Property property = pyClass.findProperty(name, true); if (property != null) { if (classType.isDefinition()) { return Ref.<PyType>create( PyBuiltinCache.getInstance(pyClass).getObjectType(PyNames.PROPERTY)); } if (AccessDirection.of(this) == AccessDirection.READ) { final PyType type = property.getType(context); if (type != null) { return Ref.create(type); } } return Ref.create(); } } else if (qualifierType instanceof PyUnionType) { final PyUnionType unionType = (PyUnionType) qualifierType; for (PyType type : unionType.getMembers()) { final Ref<PyType> result = getTypeOfProperty(type, name, context); if (result != null) { return result; } } } return null; }
public Class getPropertyType(BeanEventType eventType, EventAdapterService eventAdapterService) { Class result = null; for (Iterator<Property> it = properties.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Property property =; result = property.getPropertyType(eventType, eventAdapterService); if (result == null) { // property not found, return null return null; } if (it.hasNext()) { // Map cannot be used to further nest as the type cannot be determined if (result == Map.class) { return null; } if (result.isArray() || result.isPrimitive() || JavaClassHelper.isJavaBuiltinDataType(result)) { return null; } eventType = eventAdapterService .getBeanEventTypeFactory() .createBeanType(result.getName(), result, false, false, false); } } return result; }
@Test public void testQueryByProperty() throws IOException { org.seadva.registry.database.model.obj.vaRegistry.Collection collection = new org.seadva.registry.database.model.obj.vaRegistry.Collection(); collection.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); collection.setName("test"); collection.setVersionNum("1"); collection.setIsObsolete(0); collection.setEntityName("test"); collection.setEntityCreatedTime(new Date()); collection.setEntityLastUpdatedTime(new Date()); collection.setState(client.getStateByName("PublishedObject")); Property property = new Property(); property.setMetadata(client.getMetadataByType("abstract")); property.setValuestr("value_1.0"); collection.addProperty(property); client.postCollection(collection); List<BaseEntity> entityList = client.queryByProperty("abstract", "value_1.0", QueryAttributeType.PROPERTY); assertTrue(entityList.size() > 0); }
/** * Validate a set of properties for a description, and return a report. * * @param props the input properties * @param desc the configuration description * @return the validation report */ public static Report validate(final Properties props, final Description desc) { final Report report = new Report(); final List<Property> properties = desc.getProperties(); if (null != properties) { for (final Property property : properties) { final String key = property.getName(); final String value = props.getProperty(key); if (null == value || "".equals(value)) { if (property.isRequired()) { report.errors.put(key, "required"); continue; } } else { // try to validate final Property.Validator validator = property.getValidator(); if (null != validator) { try { if (!validator.isValid(value)) { report.errors.put(key, "Invalid value"); } } catch (ValidationException e) { report.errors.put(key, "Invalid value: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } } return report; }
void init3rdPass() { for (Property property : properties) { property.init3ndPass(); } init3rdPassRelations(); init3rdPassAdditionalImports(); }
public boolean isDynamic() { for (Property property : properties) { if (property.isDynamic()) { return true; } } return false; }
public String[] toPropertyArray() { List<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Property property : properties) { String[] nested = property.toPropertyArray(); propertyNames.addAll(Arrays.asList(nested)); } return propertyNames.toArray(new String[propertyNames.size()]); }
public void toPropertyEPL(StringWriter writer) { String delimiter = ""; for (Property property : properties) { writer.append(delimiter); property.toPropertyEPL(writer); delimiter = "."; } }
/** * Index all the resources in a Jena Model to ES * * @param model the model to index * @param bulkRequest a BulkRequestBuilder * @param getPropLabel if set to true all URI property values will be indexed as their label. The * label is taken as the value of one of the properties set in {@link #uriDescriptionList}. */ private void addModelToES(Model model, BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest, boolean getPropLabel) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long bulkLength = 0; HashSet<Property> properties = new HashSet<Property>(); StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(); while (it.hasNext()) { Statement st = it.nextStatement(); Property prop = st.getPredicate(); String property = prop.toString(); if (rdfPropList.isEmpty() || (isWhitePropList && rdfPropList.contains(property)) || (!isWhitePropList && !rdfPropList.contains(property)) || (normalizeProp.containsKey(property))) { properties.add(prop); } } ResIterator resIt = model.listSubjects(); while (resIt.hasNext()) { Resource rs = resIt.nextResource(); Map<String, ArrayList<String>> jsonMap = getJsonMap(rs, properties, model, getPropLabel); bulkRequest.add( client.prepareIndex(indexName, typeName, rs.toString()).setSource(mapToString(jsonMap))); bulkLength++; // We want to execute the bulk for every DEFAULT_BULK_SIZE requests if (bulkLength % EEASettings.DEFAULT_BULK_SIZE == 0) { BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet(); // After executing, flush the BulkRequestBuilder. bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk(); if (bulkResponse.hasFailures()) { processBulkResponseFailure(bulkResponse); } } } // Execute remaining requests if (bulkRequest.numberOfActions() > 0) { BulkResponse response = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet(); // Handle failure by iterating through each bulk response item if (response.hasFailures()) { processBulkResponseFailure(response); } } // Show time taken to index the documents "Indexed {} documents on {}/{} in {} seconds", bulkLength, indexName, typeName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0); }
void init2ndPass() { init2ndPassNamesWithDefaults(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { Property property = properties.get(i); property.setOrdinal(i); property.init2ndPass(); if (property.isPrimaryKey()) { propertiesPk.add(property); } else { propertiesNonPk.add(property); } } if (propertiesPk.size() == 1) { pkProperty = propertiesPk.get(0); pkType = schema.mapToJavaTypeNullable(pkProperty.getPropertyType()); } else { pkType = "Void"; } propertiesColumns = new ArrayList<Property>(properties); for (ToOne toOne : toOneRelations) { toOne.init2ndPass(); Property[] fkProperties = toOne.getFkProperties(); for (Property fkProperty : fkProperties) { if (!propertiesColumns.contains(fkProperty)) { propertiesColumns.add(fkProperty); } } } for (ToMany toMany : toManyRelations) { toMany.init2ndPass(); // Source Properties may not be virtual, so we do not need the following code: // for (Property sourceProperty : toMany.getSourceProperties()) { // if (!propertiesColumns.contains(sourceProperty)) { // propertiesColumns.add(sourceProperty); // } // } } if (active == null) { active = schema.isUseActiveEntitiesByDefault(); } active |= !toOneRelations.isEmpty() || !toManyRelations.isEmpty(); if (hasKeepSections == null) { hasKeepSections = schema.isHasKeepSectionsByDefault(); } init2ndPassIndexNamesWithDefaults(); for (ContentProvider contentProvider : contentProviders) { contentProvider.init2ndPass(); } }
@Override public TypeUsageNode getFieldType(String fieldName, boolean staticContext) { for (Property property : getAllProperties(symbolResolver())) { if (property.getName().equals(fieldName)) { return property.getTypeUsage(); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(fieldName); }
public Property getProperty(String name) { Iterator<Property> iter = getProperties().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Property prop = (Property); if (prop.getName().equals(name)) { return prop; } } return null; }
void preallocateBlockIDs(boolean[] configMarkers) { ConfigCategory items = config.getCategory(config.CATEGORY_BLOCK); for (Property prop : items.getValues().values()) { int id = prop.getInt(); if (id != -1) { // System.out.printf("BaseMod.preallocateItemIDs: Marking block id %d as in use\n", id); configMarkers[id] = true; } } }
public List<Property> getDirectProperties(SymbolResolver resolver) { List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Node member : members) { if (member instanceof PropertyDefinition) { properties.add(Property.fromDefinition((PropertyDefinition) member)); } else if (member instanceof PropertyReference) { properties.add(Property.fromReference((PropertyReference) member, resolver)); } } return properties; }
@Override public Optional<Symbol> findSymbol(String name, SymbolResolver resolver) { // TODO support references to methods for (Property property : this.getAllProperties(resolver)) { if (property.getName().equals(name)) { return Optional.of(property); } } return super.findSymbol(name, resolver); }
private void serialize(Serializer serializer, Collection<EntityType> models) { for (EntityType model : models) { try { Type type = conf.getTypeMappings().getPathType(model, model, true); String packageName = type.getPackageName(); String className = !packageName.isEmpty() ? (packageName + "." + type.getSimpleName()) : type.getSimpleName(); // skip if type is excluded class or in excluded package if (conf.isExcludedPackage(model.getPackageName()) || conf.isExcludedClass(model.getFullName())) { continue; } Set<TypeElement> elements = context.typeElements.get(model.getFullName()); if (elements == null) { elements = new HashSet<TypeElement>(); } for (Property property : model.getProperties()) { if (property.getType().getCategory() == TypeCategory.CUSTOM) { Set<TypeElement> customElements = context.typeElements.get(property.getType().getFullName()); if (customElements != null) { elements.addAll(customElements); } } } processingEnv .getMessager() .printMessage(Kind.NOTE, "Generating " + className + " for " + elements); JavaFileObject fileObject = processingEnv .getFiler() .createSourceFile(className, elements.toArray(new Element[elements.size()])); Writer writer = fileObject.openWriter(); try { SerializerConfig serializerConfig = conf.getSerializerConfig(model); serializer.serialize(model, serializerConfig, new JavaWriter(writer)); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } }
@Override public List<Property> getPropertyList() { List<Property> propertyList = new ArrayList<Property>(); Property urlProperty = new Property(WebsocketEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_SERVER_URL); urlProperty.setDisplayName( resourceBundle.getString(WebsocketEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_SERVER_URL)); urlProperty.setHint( resourceBundle.getString(WebsocketEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_SERVER_URL_HINT)); urlProperty.setRequired(true); propertyList.add(urlProperty); return propertyList; }
@Test public void testTermbindsIncludesMetaproperties() throws URISyntaxException { Integer totalResults = null; Resource thisMetaPage = createMetadata(false, totalResults); for (Property p : expectedTermboundProperties) { Model model = thisMetaPage.getModel(); if (!model.contains(null,, p)) { fail("term bindings should include " + model.shortForm(p.getURI())); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Property<?> createMockedProperty(Object id, Object displayName, Object value) { Property<String> property = mock(Property.class); when(property.getId()).thenReturn(id.toString()).toString(); when(property.getDisplayName()).thenReturn(displayName.toString()); when(property.getValueAsString()).thenReturn(value == null ? "" : value.toString()); PropertyDefinition def = mock(PropertyDefinition.class); when(def.getPropertyType()).thenReturn(PropertyType.STRING); when(property.getDefinition()).thenReturn(def); return property; }
protected Iterable<Property> removePropertyInternal(String name) { List<Property> removedProperties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Property p : { if (p.getName().equals(name)) { removedProperties.add(p); } } for (Property p : removedProperties) {; } return removedProperties; }
@Override public OntrackSVNRevisionInfo getOntrackRevisionInfo(SVNRepository repository, long revision) { // Gets information about the revision SVNRevisionInfo basicInfo = svnService.getRevisionInfo(repository, revision); SVNChangeLogRevision changeLogRevision = svnService.createChangeLogRevision(repository, basicInfo); // Gets the first copy event on this path after this revision SVNLocation firstCopy = svnService.getFirstCopyAfter(repository, basicInfo.toLocation()); // Data to collect Collection<BuildView> buildViews = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<BranchStatusView> branchStatusViews = new ArrayList<>(); // Loops over all authorised branches for (Project project : structureService.getProjectList()) { // Filter on SVN configuration: must be present and equal to the one the revision info is // looked into Property<SVNProjectConfigurationProperty> projectSvnConfig = propertyService.getProperty(project, SVNProjectConfigurationPropertyType.class); if (!projectSvnConfig.isEmpty() && repository .getConfiguration() .getName() .equals(projectSvnConfig.getValue().getConfiguration().getName())) { for (Branch branch : structureService.getBranchesForProject(project.getId())) { // Filter on branch type // Filter on SVN configuration: must be present if (branch.getType() != BranchType.TEMPLATE_DEFINITION && propertyService.hasProperty(branch, SVNBranchConfigurationPropertyType.class)) { // Identifies a possible build given the path/revision and the first copy Optional<Build> build = lookupBuild(basicInfo.toLocation(), firstCopy, branch); // Build found if (build.isPresent()) { // Gets the build view BuildView buildView = structureService.getBuildView(build.get()); // Adds it to the list buildViews.add(buildView); // Collects the promotions for the branch branchStatusViews.add(structureService.getEarliestPromotionsAfterBuild(build.get())); } } } } } // OK return new OntrackSVNRevisionInfo( repository.getConfiguration(), changeLogRevision, buildViews, branchStatusViews); }
public EventPropertyGetter getGetterDOM() { List<EventPropertyGetter> getters = new LinkedList<EventPropertyGetter>(); for (Iterator<Property> it = properties.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Property property =; EventPropertyGetter getter = property.getGetterDOM(); if (getter == null) { return null; } getters.add(getter); } return new DOMNestedPropertyGetter(getters, null); }
public void resetFrom(TemplateImpl another) { removeAllParsed(); toParseSegments = another.toParseSegments; myKey = another.getKey(); myString = another.myString; myTemplateText = another.myTemplateText; myGroupName = another.myGroupName; myId = another.myId; myDescription = another.myDescription; myShortcutChar = another.myShortcutChar; isToReformat = another.isToReformat; isToShortenLongNames = another.isToShortenLongNames; myIsInline = another.myIsInline; myTemplateContext = another.myTemplateContext.createCopy(); isDeactivated = another.isDeactivated; for (Property property : Property.values()) { boolean value = another.getValue(property); if (value != Template.getDefaultValue(property)) { setValue(property, value); } } for (Variable variable : another.myVariables) { addVariable( variable.getName(), variable.getExpressionString(), variable.getDefaultValueString(), variable.isAlwaysStopAt()); } }
public void setMiscText(String text) { super.setMiscText(text); if (!(affected instanceof MOB)) { Vector parms = CMParms.parse(text.toUpperCase()); unLocatable = parms.contains("UNLOCATABLE"); } }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); if (((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_SHUTDOWN) || ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_EXPIRE) && ( == affected)) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_ROOMRESET)) && (affected instanceof Room)) { updateLot(null); final Vector mobs = new Vector(); Room R = (Room) affected; if (R != null) { synchronized (("SYNC" + R.roomID()).intern()) { R =; for (int m = 0; m < R.numInhabitants(); m++) { final MOB M = R.fetchInhabitant(m); if ((M != null) && (M.isSavable()) && (M.getStartRoom() == R) && ((M.basePhyStats().rejuv() == 0) || (M.basePhyStats().rejuv() == PhyStats.NO_REJUV))) { CMLib.catalog().updateCatalogIntegrity(M); mobs.addElement(M); } } if (!CMSecurity.isSaveFlag(CMSecurity.SaveFlag.NOPROPERTYMOBS)) CMLib.database().DBUpdateTheseMOBs(R, mobs); } } } }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); if ((reRollFlag) && (affected instanceof MOB) && (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_LOOK) && (msg.source() == affected)) { final MOB M = msg.source(); if ((M.session() != null) && (M.playerStats() != null)) { final Ability me = this; CMLib.threads() .executeRunnable( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { CMLib.login() .promptBaseCharStats( M.playerStats().getTheme(), M, 300, M.session(), bonusPointsPerStat); M.recoverCharStats(); if (rePickClass) M.baseCharStats() .setCurrentClass( CMLib.login() .promptCharClass(M.playerStats().getTheme(), M, M.session())); M.recoverCharStats(); M.delEffect(me); M.baseCharStats().getCurrentClass().grantAbilities(M, false); } catch (final IOException e) { } } }); } } }
@Override public void executeMsg(Environmental affecting, CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(affecting, msg); if (msg.amITarget(affecting)) { boolean activated = false; if (affecting instanceof MOB) { if ((msg.targetMajor(CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS)) && (!msg.source().isMonster())) activated = true; } else if ((affecting instanceof Food) || (affecting instanceof Drink)) { if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_EAT) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DRINK)) activated = true; } else if ((affecting instanceof Armor) || (affecting instanceof Weapon)) { if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WEAR) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_HOLD) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WIELD)) activated = true; } else if (affecting instanceof Item) { if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_GET) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_PUSH) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_PULL)) activated = true; } else activated = true; if (activated) { synchronized (killTrigger) { killTrigger[0] = true; if (!CMLib.threads().isTicking(this, Tickable.TICKID_MISCELLANEOUS)) CMLib.threads().startTickDown(this, Tickable.TICKID_MISCELLANEOUS, 500, 1); } } } }
protected Optional<Build> lookupBuild( SVNLocation location, SVNLocation firstCopy, Branch branch) { // Gets the SVN configuration for the branch Property<SVNBranchConfigurationProperty> configurationProperty = propertyService.getProperty(branch, SVNBranchConfigurationPropertyType.class); if (configurationProperty.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } // Gets the build link ConfiguredBuildSvnRevisionLink<Object> revisionLink = buildSvnRevisionLinkService.getConfiguredBuildSvnRevisionLink( configurationProperty.getValue().getBuildRevisionLink()); // Gets the earliest build return revisionLink.getEarliestBuild( branch, location, firstCopy, configurationProperty.getValue()); }