protected void die(ShellBoltException exception) { String processInfo = _process.getProcessInfoString() + _process.getProcessTerminationInfoString(); _exception = new RuntimeException(processInfo, exception); LOG.error("Halting process: ShellBolt died.", _exception); _collector.reportError(_exception); if (_running || (exception.getCause() instanceof Error)) { // don't exit if not running, unless it is an Error Runtime.getRuntime().halt(11); } }
private void handleLog(ShellMsg shellMsg) { String msg = shellMsg.getMsg(); msg = "ShellLog " + _process.getProcessInfoString() + " " + msg; ShellMsg.ShellLogLevel logLevel = shellMsg.getLogLevel(); switch (logLevel) { case TRACE: LOG.trace(msg); break; case DEBUG: LOG.debug(msg); break; case INFO:; break; case WARN: LOG.warn(msg); break; case ERROR: LOG.error(msg); _collector.reportError(new ReportedFailedException(msg)); break; default:; break; } }
protected void prepare( Map stormConf, final TopologyContext context, final IOutputCollector collector) { _rand = new Random(); _collector = collector; _context = context; heartbeatTimeoutMills = getHeartbeatTimeoutMillis(stormConf); _process = new NuShellProcess(_command, this, this); // subprocesses must send their pid first thing Number subpid = _process.launch(stormConf, context);"Launched subprocess with pid " + subpid); = subpid.longValue(); /** * randomizing the initial delay would prevent all shell bolts from heartbeating at the same * time frame */ int initialDelayMillis = random.nextInt(4000) + 1000; BoltHeartbeatTimerTask task = new BoltHeartbeatTimerTask(this); heartBeatExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate( task, initialDelayMillis, getHeartbeatPeriodMillis(stormConf), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }
public void execute(Tuple input) { if (_exception != null) { throw new RuntimeException(_exception); } // just need an id String genId = Long.toString(_rand.nextLong()); _inputs.put(genId, input); _process.writeBoltMsg(createBoltMessage(input, genId)); }
private void handleEmit(ShellResponseMsg shellMsg) { List<Tuple> anchors = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); List<String> recvAnchors = shellMsg.getAnchors(); if (recvAnchors != null) { for (String anchor : recvAnchors) { Tuple t = _inputs.get(anchor); if (t == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Anchored onto " + anchor + " after ack/fail"); } anchors.add(t); } } if (shellMsg.getTask() == 0) { List<Integer> outtasks = _collector.emit(shellMsg.getStream(), anchors, shellMsg.getTuple()); if (shellMsg.areTaskIdsNeeded()) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(outtasks); _process.writeTaskIds(outtasks); } } else { _collector.emitDirect( (int) shellMsg.getTask(), shellMsg.getStream(), anchors, shellMsg.getTuple()); } }
public void cleanup() { _running = false; heartBeatExecutorService.shutdownNow(); _process.destroy(/*force=*/ true); _inputs.clear(); }