コード例 #1
ファイル: ClassWriter.java プロジェクト: rpgoldman/europa-pso
   * Builds the argument invocation string for calling a constructor
   * @param classVariables The collection of member variables as XMLElements
   * @param constructorArguments The set of names for constructor arguments
   * @param allocatedMemberVariables The set of member variables already allocated
   * @param element The specific 'new' xml element
  private static String buildArguments(
      Vector classVariables,
      Set constructorArguments,
      Set allocatedMemberVariables,
      IXMLElement element)
      throws IOException {
    XMLUtil.checkExpectedNode("new", element);

    boolean comma = false;
    String arguments = "";
    for (Enumeration e = element.enumerateChildren(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      IXMLElement argument = (IXMLElement) e.nextElement();
      String argType = ModelAccessor.getValueType(argument);
      String value = ModelAccessor.getValue(argument);

      /* Exclude cases where we do nothing to the value */
      if (!primitives.contains(argType) && !value.equals("true") && !value.equals("false")) {
        // CASE 0: Translate 'this'
        if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("this")) {
          value = "m_id";

        // CASE 1: It is a singleton member variable which must be mapped to the singleton
        else if (allocatedMemberVariables.contains(value)) {
          String singletonType = getVariableType(classVariables, value);
          if (primitives.contains(singletonType)) {
            value = "(" + singletonType + ") singleton(" + value + ")";
          } else value = "singleton(" + value + ")";

        // CASE 2: It is a constructor argument
        else if (constructorArguments.contains(value)) { // Do nothing, just use the string as is.

        // CASE 3: Test for error - using a member before initializing it
        else if (!allocatedMemberVariables.contains(value) && isMember(classVariables, value)) {
          value = "!ERROR: Cannot use " + value + " without prior initialization.";

        // Otherwise it is a string or enumerataion
        else if (argType.equals("string")
            || // It is an enumeartion of some kind
            || argType.equals("symbol")) {
          value = "LabelStr(\"" + XMLUtil.escapeQuotes(value) + "\")";

        // If we fall through to here, there is an error.
        else value = "!ERROR:BAD ASSIGNMENT";

      // CASE 3: It is a true or false value
      if (comma) arguments = arguments + ", ";

      arguments = arguments + value;
      comma = true;

    return arguments;