static { _jspx_dependants = new java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.Long>(4); _jspx_dependants.put("/admin/../foot.jsp", Long.valueOf(1350283935831L)); _jspx_dependants.put("/admin/../taglib.jsp", Long.valueOf(1345552994159L)); _jspx_dependants.put("/admin/../top.jsp", Long.valueOf(1350305382989L)); _jspx_dependants.put("/admin/left.jsp", Long.valueOf(1350298710763L)); }
public void addMemoryStatsToSnooper() { addData("memory_total", Long.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory())); addData("memory_max", Long.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory())); addData("memory_free", Long.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())); addData("cpu_cores", Integer.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors())); playerStatsCollector.addServerStatsToSnooper(this); }
// @Test public void numberFunctions() throws IOException { ServiceLocator locator = container; DataContext db = locator.resolve(DataContext.class); LocalDate ld =; Clicked cl = new Clicked().setDate(ld); db.submit(cl); Query<Clicked> query = db.query(Clicked.class); String uri = cl.getURI(); // TODO: produces incorrect queries boolean found1 = query.anyMatch( it -> Long.valueOf(3).equals(it.getBigint()) && it.getEn() == En.A || it.getURI().toUpperCase().equals(uri)); boolean found2 = query.anyMatch( it -> 3L >= it.getBigint() && it.getDate() == || Integer.valueOf(it.getURI()).equals(Integer.valueOf(uri))); boolean found3 = query.anyMatch( it -> Long.valueOf(3).equals(it.getBigint()) && it.getEn() == En.B || it.getURI().toUpperCase().equals(uri)); En b = En.B; boolean found4 = query.anyMatch(it -> it.getEn() == b || it.getURI().toUpperCase().equals(uri)); Assert.assertTrue(found1); Assert.assertTrue(found2); Assert.assertTrue(found3); Assert.assertTrue(found4); }
protected void initializeTimeStamps() { Field timeStampField = fieldMap.get(TIMESTAMP); startTimestamp = Long.valueOf(timeStampField.getMinValue()); endTimestamp = Long.valueOf(timeStampField.getMaxValue()); stepValue = Long.valueOf(timeStampField.getStepValue()); populateTimestampsForSplits(); }
// 删除 @RequestMapping(value = "/delete", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public Object del(String ids) { Map map = new HashMap(); int result = 0; Collection collection = new ArrayList(); for (String id : ids.split("&")) { List<ControlBaseInfo> controlBaseInfos = controlBaseInfoService.selectByBaseMer(Long.valueOf(id)); if (controlBaseInfos.size() == 0) { result = baseMerService.deleteByPrimaryKey(Long.valueOf(id)); } else { collection.addAll(controlBaseInfos); } } map.put("state", result); if (!collection.isEmpty()) { map.put( "controlBaseInfos", BeanUtil.getCollection2JSON(collection, "controlBaseInfos", "controlmername", true)); } return map; }
/** Try to convert a string value into a numerical value. */ private static Number createNumberFromStringValue(String value) throws NumberFormatException { final String suffix = value.substring(value.length() - 1); if ("L".equalsIgnoreCase(suffix)) { return Long.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1)); } if ("F".equalsIgnoreCase(suffix)) { return Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1)); } if ("D".equalsIgnoreCase(suffix)) { return Double.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1)); } try { return Integer.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // OK: Ignore exception... } try { return Long.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { // OK: Ignore exception... } try { return Double.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e2) { // OK: Ignore exception... } throw new NumberFormatException( "Cannot convert string value '" + value + "' into a numerical value"); }
public RandomNumberGenerator() { this( Lists.newArrayList( Long.valueOf(1), Long.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE), Long.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE), Long.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE))); }
boolean isEnabled(long m) { if (enabledMechanisms != null) { return enabledMechanisms.contains(Long.valueOf(m)); } if (disabledMechanisms != null) { return !disabledMechanisms.contains(Long.valueOf(m)); } return true; }
public void insertOrderDeathInOrder(DVector DV, long lastStart, String msg, Tick tock) { if (DV.size() > 0) for (int i = 0; i < DV.size(); i++) { if (((Long) DV.elementAt(i, 1)).longValue() > lastStart) { DV.insertElementAt(i, Long.valueOf(lastStart), msg, tock); return; } } DV.addElement(Long.valueOf(lastStart), msg, tock); }
@Test public void handlesRequest() throws Exception { handler.handleMessage( "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"subtract\", \"params\": [42, 23], \"id\": 1}"); assertEquals(1, listener.requests.size()); assertEquals(0, listener.responses.size()); assertEquals(0, listener.notifications.size()); assertEquals(0, listener.unknownMessages.size()); assertContainsValue(listener.requests, field("id", Long.valueOf(1)), true); assertContainsValue(listener.requests, field("method", "subtract"), true); assertContainsValue(listener.requests, field("jsonrpc", "2.0"), true); assertContainsValue( listener.requests, field( "params", new ArrayList<Long>() { { add(Long.valueOf(42)); add(Long.valueOf(23)); } }), true); assertContainsKey(listener.requests, "result", false); assertContainsKey(listener.requests, "error", false); handler.handleMessage( "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"subtract\", \"params\": {\"subtrahend\": 23, \"minuend\": 42}, \"id\": 3}"); assertEquals(2, listener.requests.size()); assertEquals(0, listener.responses.size()); assertEquals(0, listener.notifications.size()); assertEquals(0, listener.unknownMessages.size()); assertContainsValue(listener.requests, field("id", Long.valueOf(3)), true); assertContainsValue(listener.requests, field("method", "subtract"), true); assertContainsValue(listener.requests, field("jsonrpc", "2.0"), true); assertContainsValue( listener.requests, field( "params", new HashMap<String, Long>() { { put("minuend", Long.valueOf(42)); put("subtrahend", Long.valueOf(23)); } }), true); assertContainsKey(listener.requests, "result", false); assertContainsKey(listener.requests, "error", false); }
public void occurred(String operationName) { if (this.profileWeight < SessionProfiler.NORMAL) { return; } synchronized (this.operationTimings) { Long occurred = (Long) this.operationTimings.get(operationName); if (occurred == null) { this.operationTimings.put(operationName, Long.valueOf(1)); } else { this.operationTimings.put(operationName, Long.valueOf(occurred.longValue() + 1)); } } }
public void solve() { while (input.hasNext()) { String s = input.nextLine(); s = s.replaceAll("[0\\.\\)]", ""); String[] t = s.split("\\("); long a = Long.valueOf(t[0]); long b = Long.valueOf(t[1]); long x = a * ((long) pow(10, t[1].length()) - 1) + b; long y = ((long) pow(10, t[1].length()) - 1) * (long) pow(10, t[0].length()); System.out.println(x); System.out.println(y); System.out.printf((x / gcd(x, y)) + "/" + (y / gcd(x, y))); } }
public static Number toWrapper(long l) { if (l >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && l <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return toWrapper((int) l); } else { return Long.valueOf(l); } }
@SuppressWarnings("LockAcquiredButNotSafelyReleased") protected void handleLock(String[] args) { String lockStr = args[0]; String key = args[1]; Lock lock = hazelcast.getLock(key); if (lockStr.equalsIgnoreCase("lock")) { lock.lock(); println("true"); } else if (lockStr.equalsIgnoreCase("unlock")) { lock.unlock(); println("true"); } else if (lockStr.equalsIgnoreCase("trylock")) { String timeout = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null; if (timeout == null) { println(lock.tryLock()); } else { long time = Long.valueOf(timeout); try { println(lock.tryLock(time, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
private void populateTimestampsForSplits() { timestampsPerSplit = new HashMap<Long, List<Long>>(); for (int i = 0; i < options.getNumberOfFileSplits(); i++) { List<Long> timestamps = getTimestampsPerSplit(i); timestampsPerSplit.put(Long.valueOf(i), timestamps); } }
private static List linkGlobalPropertyList(String name) { Map<String, String> map = getGlobalPropertiesStartWith(name); List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(map.size()); if (map.isEmpty()) { return ret; } List<String> orderedKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); orderedKeys.addAll(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(orderedKeys); for (String key : orderedKeys) { String index = StringDSL.stripStart(key, name).trim(); try { Long.valueOf(index); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("[Illegal List Definition] %s is an invalid list key" + " definition, the last character must be a number, for example %s1. %s is not a number", key, key, index)); } ret.add(map.get(key)); } return ret; }
private HttpCachingConfig(SolrConfig conf) { never304 = conf.getBool(CACHE_PRE + "@never304", false); etagSeed = conf.get(CACHE_PRE + "@etagSeed", "Solr"); lastModFrom = LastModFrom.parse(conf.get(CACHE_PRE + "@lastModFrom", "openTime")); cacheControlHeader = conf.get(CACHE_PRE + "cacheControl", null); Long tmp = null; // maxAge if (null != cacheControlHeader) { try { final Matcher ttlMatcher = MAX_AGE.matcher(cacheControlHeader); final String ttlStr = ttlMatcher.find() ? : null; tmp = (null != ttlStr && !"".equals(ttlStr)) ? Long.valueOf(ttlStr) : null; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn( "Ignoring exception while attempting to " + "extract max-age from cacheControl config: " + cacheControlHeader, e); } } maxAge = tmp; }
protected List<PingData> read(InputStream in) { List<PingData> retval = null; try { while (true) { try { String name_str = Util.readToken(in); String uuid_str = Util.readToken(in); String addr_str = Util.readToken(in); String coord_str = Util.readToken(in); if (name_str == null || uuid_str == null || addr_str == null || coord_str == null) break; UUID uuid = null; try { long tmp = Long.valueOf(uuid_str); uuid = new UUID(0, tmp); } catch (Throwable t) { uuid = UUID.fromString(uuid_str); } PhysicalAddress phys_addr = new IpAddress(addr_str); boolean is_coordinator = coord_str.trim().equals("T") || coord_str.trim().equals("t"); if (retval == null) retval = new ArrayList<>(); retval.add(new PingData(uuid, true, name_str, phys_addr).coord(is_coordinator)); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(Util.getMessage("FailedReadingLineOfInputStream"), t); } } return retval; } finally { Util.close(in); } }
private static void writePidFile() throws IOException { if (CoreGlobalProperty.UNIT_TEST_ON) { return; } File pidFile = new File(CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH); if (pidFile.exists()) { String pidStr = FileUtils.readFileToString(pidFile); try { long pid = Long.valueOf(pidStr); String processProcDir = String.format("/proc/%s", pid); File processProcDirFile = new File(processProcDir); if (processProcDirFile.exists()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("pid file[%s] exists and the process[pid:%s] that the pid file points to is still running", CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH, pidStr)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn(String.format("pid file[%s] includes an invalid pid[%s] that is not a long number, ignore it", CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH, pidStr)); }"stale pid file[%s], ignore it", CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH)); } pidFile.deleteOnExit(); String pid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName().split("@")[0]; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(pidFile, pid); }
private Set<Long> parseMechanisms(String keyword) throws IOException { checkDup(keyword); Set<Long> mechs = new HashSet<Long>(); parseEquals(); parseOpenBraces(); while (true) { int token = nextToken(); if (isCloseBraces(token)) { break; } if (token == TT_EOL) { continue; } if (token != TT_WORD) { throw excToken("Expected mechanism, read"); } long mech = parseMechanism(st.sval); mechs.add(Long.valueOf(mech)); } if (DEBUG) { System.out.print("mechanisms: ["); for (Long mech : mechs) { System.out.print(Functions.getMechanismName(mech)); System.out.print(", "); } System.out.println("]"); } return mechs; }
protected Cache getGatewayKeyCache() { String apimGWCacheExpiry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance() .getAPIManagerConfiguration() .getFirstProperty(APIConstants.TOKEN_CACHE_EXPIRY); if (!gatewayKeyCacheInit) { gatewayKeyCacheInit = true; if (apimGWCacheExpiry != null) { return APIUtil.getCache( APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER, APIConstants.GATEWAY_KEY_CACHE_NAME, Long.parseLong(apimGWCacheExpiry), Long.parseLong(apimGWCacheExpiry)); } else { long defaultCacheTimeout = Long.valueOf( ServerConfiguration.getInstance() .getFirstProperty(APIConstants.DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)) * 60; return APIUtil.getCache( APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER, APIConstants.GATEWAY_KEY_CACHE_NAME, defaultCacheTimeout, defaultCacheTimeout); } } return Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER) .getCache(APIConstants.GATEWAY_KEY_CACHE_NAME); }
private static Object parseValue(String value, Prop p, Class type) { Object v = value; if (type.isArray()) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); Class ctype = type.getComponentType(); v = Array.newInstance(ctype, st.countTokens()); for (int i = 0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++) Array.set(v, i, parseValue(st.nextToken(), p, ctype)); } else if (type == boolean.class) { v = Boolean.valueOf(value); } else if (type == double.class) { v = Double.valueOf(value); } else if (type == int.class) { v = Integer.valueOf(value); } else if (p.field.isAnnotationPresent(TimeIntervalProp.class)) { if (value.endsWith("s")) { v = (long) (Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1)) * SEC); } else if (value.endsWith("m")) { v = (long) (Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1)) * MIN); } else { v = Long.valueOf(value); } } return v; }
/** Log the results to the session's log (System.out). */ public void dumpResults() { this.lastDumpTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("\nPerformance Monitor:"); writer.write(String.valueOf(this.lastDumpTime)); writer.write("\nOperation\tValue (ns)\n"); Set<String> operations = new TreeSet<String>(this.operationTimings.keySet()); NumberFormat formater = NumberFormat.getInstance(); for (String operation : operations) { Object value = this.operationTimings.get(operation); if (value == null) { value = Long.valueOf(0); } writer.write(operation); writer.write("\t"); if (value instanceof Long) { writer.write(formater.format(value)); } else { writer.write(value.toString()); } writer.write("\n"); } try { this.session.getLog().write(writer.toString()); this.session.getLog().flush(); } catch (IOException error) { // ignore } }
@Test(timeout = 1000) public void testSameSourceMultipleIterators() { TestScheduler scheduler = new TestScheduler(); NbpBlockingObservable<Long> source = NbpObservable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, scheduler).take(10).toBlocking(); Iterable<Long> iter = source.latest(); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Iterator<Long> it = iter.iterator(); // only 9 because take(10) will immediately call onCompleted when receiving the 10th item // which onCompleted will overwrite the previous value for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { scheduler.advanceTimeBy(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertEquals(true, it.hasNext()); Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(i),; } scheduler.advanceTimeBy(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertEquals(false, it.hasNext()); } }
public void removeRelation(InternalRelation relation) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!relation.isRemoved()); relation =; // Delete from Vertex for (int i = 0; i < relation.getLen(); i++) { relation.getVertex(i).removeRelation(relation); } // Update transaction data structures if (relation.isNew()) { addedRelations.remove(relation); if (isVertexIndexProperty(relation)) newVertexIndexEntries.remove((TitanProperty) relation); } else { Preconditions.checkArgument(relation.isLoaded()); if (deletedRelations == EMPTY_DELETED_RELATIONS) { if (config.isSingleThreaded()) { deletedRelations = new HashMap<Long, InternalRelation>(); } else { synchronized (this) { if (deletedRelations == EMPTY_DELETED_RELATIONS) deletedRelations = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, InternalRelation>(); } } } deletedRelations.put(Long.valueOf(relation.getID()), relation); } }
/** * @param clusterId * @param hostName */ @Transactional public void removeHost(final long clusterId, String hostName) { populateCache(); Set<HostConfigMapping> set = hostConfigMappingByHost.get(hostName); // Remove from cache items with clusterId CollectionUtils.filter( set, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object arg0) { return !((HostConfigMapping) arg0).getClusterId().equals(clusterId); } }); // delete from db TypedQuery<HostConfigMappingEntity> query = entityManagerProvider .get() .createQuery( "SELECT entity FROM HostConfigMappingEntity entity " + "WHERE entity.clusterId = ?1 AND entity.hostName = ?2", HostConfigMappingEntity.class); List<HostConfigMappingEntity> list = daoUtils.selectList(query, Long.valueOf(clusterId), hostName); for (HostConfigMappingEntity entity : list) { entityManagerProvider.get().remove(entity); } }
/** * Helper method used to get default value for wrappers used for primitive types (0 for Integer * etc) * * @since 1.6.1 */ public static Object defaultValue(Class<?> cls) { if (cls == Integer.TYPE) { return Integer.valueOf(0); } if (cls == Long.TYPE) { return Long.valueOf(0L); } if (cls == Boolean.TYPE) { return Boolean.FALSE; } if (cls == Double.TYPE) { return Double.valueOf(0.0); } if (cls == Float.TYPE) { return Float.valueOf(0.0f); } if (cls == Byte.TYPE) { return Byte.valueOf((byte) 0); } if (cls == Short.TYPE) { return Short.valueOf((short) 0); } if (cls == Character.TYPE) { return '\0'; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + cls.getName() + " is not a primitive type"); }
@Test public void testSetGet() { e = openEngine(); long recid = e.put((long) 10000, Serializer.LONG); Long s2 = e.get(recid, Serializer.LONG); assertEquals(s2, Long.valueOf(10000)); e.close(); }
public long headersNumber(String key, long defaultValue) { long value = defaultValue; String string = null; if (headers != null) string = headers.get(key); if (string != null) value = Long.valueOf(string); return value; }
@Override protected void updateStatus(Attributes attributes, PortableStatus status, Lock.Builder lock) throws SAXException { final String revision = attributes.getValue("revision"); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(revision)) { status.setCommittedRevision(SVNRevision.create(Long.valueOf(revision))); } }