コード例 #1
ファイル: LocaleTools.java プロジェクト: visik7/jpod
  * @param locale locale
  * @return the windows LCID (Language Code Id)
 public static int getLcid(Locale locale) {
   String lang = locale.getLanguage();
   if (Locale.GERMAN.getLanguage().equals(lang)) {
     return 0x0407;
   if (Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage().equals(lang)) {
     return 0x0409;
   if (Locale.ITALIAN.getLanguage().equals(lang)) {
     return 0x0410;
   if (Locale.FRENCH.getLanguage().equals(lang)) {
     return 0x040c;
   if (Locale.JAPANESE.getLanguage().equals(lang)) {
     return 0x0411;
   if (Locale.KOREAN.getLanguage().equals(lang)) {
     return 0x0412;
   if (Locale.CHINESE.getLanguage().equals(lang)) {
     return 0x0804;
   /** Spanish */
   if ("es".equals(lang)) { // $NON-NLS-1$
     return 0x040a;
   return 0;
コード例 #2
   * Implements InputMethod.setCharacterSubsets for Windows.
   * @see java.awt.im.spi.InputMethod#setCharacterSubsets
  public void setCharacterSubsets(Subset[] subsets) {
    if (subsets == null) {
      setConversionStatus(context, cmode);
      setOpenStatus(context, open);

    // Use first subset only. Other subsets in array is ignored.
    // This is restriction of Win32 implementation.
    Subset subset1 = subsets[0];

    Locale locale = getNativeLocale();
    int newmode;

    if (locale == null) {

    if (locale.getLanguage().equals(Locale.JAPANESE.getLanguage())) {
      if (subset1 == UnicodeBlock.BASIC_LATIN || subset1 == InputSubset.LATIN_DIGITS) {
        setOpenStatus(context, false);
      } else {
        if (subset1 == UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS
            || subset1 == InputSubset.KANJI
            || subset1 == UnicodeBlock.HIRAGANA) newmode = IME_CMODE_NATIVE | IME_CMODE_FULLSHAPE;
        else if (subset1 == UnicodeBlock.KATAKANA)
        else if (subset1 == InputSubset.HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA)
        else if (subset1 == InputSubset.FULLWIDTH_LATIN) newmode = IME_CMODE_FULLSHAPE;
        else return;
        setOpenStatus(context, true);
        newmode |= (getConversionStatus(context) & IME_CMODE_ROMAN); // reserve ROMAN input mode
        setConversionStatus(context, newmode);
    } else if (locale.getLanguage().equals(Locale.KOREAN.getLanguage())) {
      if (subset1 == UnicodeBlock.BASIC_LATIN || subset1 == InputSubset.LATIN_DIGITS) {
        setOpenStatus(context, false);
      } else {
        if (subset1 == UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS
            || subset1 == InputSubset.HANJA
            || subset1 == UnicodeBlock.HANGUL_SYLLABLES
            || subset1 == UnicodeBlock.HANGUL_JAMO
            || subset1 == UnicodeBlock.HANGUL_COMPATIBILITY_JAMO) newmode = IME_CMODE_NATIVE;
        else if (subset1 == InputSubset.FULLWIDTH_LATIN) newmode = IME_CMODE_FULLSHAPE;
        else return;
        setOpenStatus(context, true);
        setConversionStatus(context, newmode);
    } else if (locale.getLanguage().equals(Locale.CHINESE.getLanguage())) {
      if (subset1 == UnicodeBlock.BASIC_LATIN || subset1 == InputSubset.LATIN_DIGITS) {
        setOpenStatus(context, false);
      } else {
        if (subset1 == UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS
            || subset1 == InputSubset.TRADITIONAL_HANZI
            || subset1 == InputSubset.SIMPLIFIED_HANZI) newmode = IME_CMODE_NATIVE;
        else if (subset1 == InputSubset.FULLWIDTH_LATIN) newmode = IME_CMODE_FULLSHAPE;
        else return;
        setOpenStatus(context, true);
        setConversionStatus(context, newmode);
コード例 #3
   * Create contents of the dialog.
   * @param parent
  protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
    Composite container = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
    GridLayout gridLayout = (GridLayout) container.getLayout();
    gridLayout.numColumns = 2;
    gridLayout.verticalSpacing = 5;
    gridLayout.horizontalSpacing = 5;
    gridLayout.marginHeight = 5;
    gridLayout.marginWidth = 5;

    Composite compositeLeftBtn = new Composite(container, SWT.NONE);
    compositeLeftBtn.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false));

    Button button = new Button(compositeLeftBtn, SWT.NONE);
    button.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1));
            BrowserActivator.ID, "resources/TadpoleOverView.png")); // $NON-NLS-1$

    compositeLogin = new Composite(container, SWT.NONE);
    compositeLogin.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1));
    compositeLogin.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false));

    lblEmail = new Label(compositeLogin, SWT.NONE);

    textEMail = new Text(compositeLogin, SWT.BORDER);
        new KeyAdapter() {
          public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
            if (e.keyCode == SWT.Selection) {
              if (!"".equals(textPasswd.getText())) okPressed(); // $NON-NLS-1$
              else textPasswd.setFocus();
    textEMail.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1));

    btnCheckButton = new Button(compositeLogin, SWT.CHECK);
    btnCheckButton.setText(Messages.get().LoginDialog_9); // $NON-NLS-1$

    lblPassword = new Label(compositeLogin, SWT.NONE);

    textPasswd = new Text(compositeLogin, SWT.BORDER | SWT.PASSWORD);
        new KeyAdapter() {
          public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
            if (e.keyCode == SWT.Selection) {
    textPasswd.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1));

    Button btnLogin = new Button(compositeLogin, SWT.NONE);
        new SelectionAdapter() {
          public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {

    lblLanguage = new Label(compositeLogin, SWT.NONE);

    comboLanguage = new Combo(compositeLogin, SWT.READ_ONLY);
        new SelectionAdapter() {
          public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {

    comboLanguage.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 2, 1));

    comboLanguage.setData(Locale.ENGLISH.getDisplayLanguage(), Locale.ENGLISH);
    comboLanguage.setData(Locale.KOREAN.getDisplayLanguage(), Locale.KOREAN);

    //		comboLanguage.select(0);

    // ---------------------  Registered database
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    //		try {
    //			listDBMart = getDBMart();
    //			if(!listDBMart.isEmpty()) {
    //				Group grpSponser = new Group(container, SWT.NONE);
    //				GridLayout gl_grpSponser = new GridLayout(1, false);
    //				gl_grpSponser.verticalSpacing = 0;
    //				gl_grpSponser.horizontalSpacing = 0;
    //				gl_grpSponser.marginHeight = 0;
    //				gl_grpSponser.marginWidth = 0;
    //				grpSponser.setLayout(gl_grpSponser);
    //				grpSponser.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1));
    //				grpSponser.setForeground(SWTResourceManager.getColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));
    //				grpSponser.setText(Messages.get().LoginDialog_grpSponser_text);
    //				makeBarChart(grpSponser, listDBMart);
    //			}
    //		} catch(Exception e) {
    //			logger.error("get initdata", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
    //		}

    compositeLetter = new Group(container, SWT.NONE);
    compositeLetter.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 2, 1));
    GridLayout gl_compositeLetter = new GridLayout(2, false);

    lblSite = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);

    Label lblNewLabel = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);
        "<a href='"
            + Messages.get().LoginDialog_lblNewLabel_text_1
            + "' target='_blank'>"
            + Messages.get().LoginDialog_lblNewLabel_text_1
            + "</a>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
    lblNewLabel.setData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);

    lblUserGuide = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);

    Composite compositeUserGide = new Composite(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);
    compositeUserGide.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1));
    GridLayout gl_compositeUserGide = new GridLayout(3, false);
    gl_compositeUserGide.verticalSpacing = 1;
    gl_compositeUserGide.horizontalSpacing = 1;
    gl_compositeUserGide.marginHeight = 1;
    gl_compositeUserGide.marginWidth = 1;

    Label lblUserKor = new Label(compositeUserGide, SWT.NONE);
        "<a href='https://tadpoledbhub.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=20578325' target='_blank'>(Korean)</a>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    lblUserKor.setData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);

    Label lblUserEng = new Label(compositeUserGide, SWT.NONE);
        "<a href='https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-Eng' target='_blank'>(English)</a>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    lblUserEng.setData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);

    Label lblUserIndonesia = new Label(compositeUserGide, SWT.NONE);
        "<a href='https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-ID' target='_blank'>(Indonesia)</a>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    lblUserIndonesia.setData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);

    //		Label lblIssues = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);
    //		lblIssues.setText(Messages.get().LoginDialog_lblIssues_text);
    //		Label lblIssue = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);
    //		lblIssue.setText("<a href='https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/issues'
    // target='_blank'>https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/issues</a>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    // //$NON-NLS-2$
    //		lblIssue.setData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);

    lblContact = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);

    Label lblContactUrl = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);
    try {
      UserDAO systemUserDao = TadpoleApplicationContextManager.getSystemAdmin();
              "<a href='mailto:%s'>%s(%s)</a>",
              systemUserDao.getEmail())); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    } catch (Exception e1) {
          "<a href='mailto:[email protected]'>Admin([email protected])</a>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
      // //$NON-NLS-2$
    lblContactUrl.setData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);

    Label lblDonation = new Label(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);
    //		lblDonation.setText(Messages.get().LoginDialog_lblDonation_text);

    Browser browser = new Browser(compositeLetter, SWT.NONE);
    browser.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.RIGHT, false, false, 1, 1));

    AnalyticCaller.track("login"); // $NON-NLS-1$


    return compositeLogin;
コード例 #4
public class NameSplitter {

  public static final int MAX_TOKENS = 10;

  private static final String JAPANESE_LANGUAGE = Locale.JAPANESE.getLanguage().toLowerCase();
  private static final String KOREAN_LANGUAGE = Locale.KOREAN.getLanguage().toLowerCase();

  // This includes simplified and traditional Chinese
  private static final String CHINESE_LANGUAGE = Locale.CHINESE.getLanguage().toLowerCase();

  private final HashSet<String> mPrefixesSet;
  private final HashSet<String> mSuffixesSet;
  private final int mMaxSuffixLength;
  private final HashSet<String> mLastNamePrefixesSet;
  private final HashSet<String> mConjuctions;
  private final Locale mLocale;
  private final String mLanguage;

   * Two-Chracter long Korean family names.
   * http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%9D%98_%EB%B3%B5%EC%84%B1
  private static final String[] KOREAN_TWO_CHARCTER_FAMILY_NAMES = {
    "\uAC15\uC804", // Gang Jeon
    "\uB0A8\uAD81", // Nam Goong
    "\uB3C5\uACE0", // Dok Go
    "\uB3D9\uBC29", // Dong Bang
    "\uB9DD\uC808", // Mang Jeol
    "\uC0AC\uACF5", // Sa Gong
    "\uC11C\uBB38", // Seo Moon
    "\uC120\uC6B0", // Seon Woo
    "\uC18C\uBD09", // So Bong
    "\uC5B4\uAE08", // Uh Geum
    "\uC7A5\uACE1", // Jang Gok
    "\uC81C\uAC08", // Je Gal
    "\uD669\uBCF4" // Hwang Bo

   * Constants for various styles of combining given name, family name etc into a full name. For
   * example, the western tradition follows the pattern 'given name' 'middle name' 'family name'
   * with the alternative pattern being 'family name', 'given name' 'middle name'. The CJK tradition
   * is 'family name' 'middle name' 'given name', with Japanese favoring a space between the names
   * and Chinese omitting the space.
  public interface FullNameStyle {
    public static final int UNDEFINED = 0;
    public static final int WESTERN = 1;

     * Used if the name is written in Hanzi/Kanji/Hanja and we could not determine which specific
     * language it belongs to: Chinese, Japanese or Korean.
    public static final int CJK = 2;

    public static final int CHINESE = 3;
    public static final int JAPANESE = 4;
    public static final int KOREAN = 5;

  /** Constants for various styles of capturing the pronunciation of a person's name. */
  public interface PhoneticNameStyle {
    public static final int UNDEFINED = 0;

     * Pinyin is a phonetic method of entering Chinese characters. Typically not explicitly shown in
     * UIs, but used for searches and sorting.
    public static final int PINYIN = 3;

     * Hiragana and Katakana are two common styles of writing out the pronunciation of a Japanese
     * names.
    public static final int JAPANESE = 4;

    /** Hangul is the Korean phonetic alphabet. */
    public static final int KOREAN = 5;

  public static class Name {
    public String prefix;
    public String givenNames;
    public String middleName;
    public String familyName;
    public String suffix;

    public int fullNameStyle;

    public String phoneticFamilyName;
    public String phoneticMiddleName;
    public String phoneticGivenName;

    public int phoneticNameStyle;

    public Name() {}

    public Name(
        String prefix, String givenNames, String middleName, String familyName, String suffix) {
      this.prefix = prefix;
      this.givenNames = givenNames;
      this.middleName = middleName;
      this.familyName = familyName;
      this.suffix = suffix;

    public String getPrefix() {
      return prefix;

    public String getGivenNames() {
      return givenNames;

    public String getMiddleName() {
      return middleName;

    public String getFamilyName() {
      return familyName;

    public String getSuffix() {
      return suffix;

    public int getFullNameStyle() {
      return fullNameStyle;

    public String getPhoneticFamilyName() {
      return phoneticFamilyName;

    public String getPhoneticMiddleName() {
      return phoneticMiddleName;

    public String getPhoneticGivenName() {
      return phoneticGivenName;

    public int getPhoneticNameStyle() {
      return phoneticNameStyle;

    public void clear() {
      prefix = null;
      givenNames = null;
      middleName = null;
      familyName = null;
      suffix = null;
      fullNameStyle = FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED;
      phoneticFamilyName = null;
      phoneticMiddleName = null;
      phoneticGivenName = null;
      phoneticNameStyle = PhoneticNameStyle.UNDEFINED;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
      return StringUtils.isEmpty(givenNames)
          && StringUtils.isEmpty(middleName)
          && StringUtils.isEmpty(familyName)
          && StringUtils.isEmpty(suffix)
          && StringUtils.isEmpty(phoneticFamilyName)
          && StringUtils.isEmpty(phoneticMiddleName)
          && StringUtils.isEmpty(phoneticGivenName);

    public String toString() {
      return "[prefix: "
          + prefix
          + " given: "
          + givenNames
          + " middle: "
          + middleName
          + " family: "
          + familyName
          + " suffix: "
          + suffix
          + " ph/given: "
          + phoneticGivenName
          + " ph/middle: "
          + phoneticMiddleName
          + " ph/family: "
          + phoneticFamilyName
          + "]";

  private static class NameTokenizer extends StringTokenizer {
    private final String[] mTokens;
    private int mDotBitmask;
    private int mCommaBitmask;
    private int mStartPointer;
    private int mEndPointer;

    public NameTokenizer(String fullName) {
      super(fullName, " .,", true);

      mTokens = new String[MAX_TOKENS];

      // Iterate over tokens, skipping over empty ones and marking tokens that
      // are followed by dots.
      while (hasMoreTokens() && mEndPointer < MAX_TOKENS) {
        final String token = nextToken();
        if (token.length() > 0) {
          final char c = token.charAt(0);
          if (c == ' ') {

        if (mEndPointer > 0 && token.charAt(0) == '.') {
          mDotBitmask |= (1 << (mEndPointer - 1));
        } else if (mEndPointer > 0 && token.charAt(0) == ',') {
          mCommaBitmask |= (1 << (mEndPointer - 1));
        } else {
          mTokens[mEndPointer] = token;

    /** Returns true if the token is followed by a dot in the original full name. */
    public boolean hasDot(int index) {
      return (mDotBitmask & (1 << index)) != 0;

    /** Returns true if the token is followed by a comma in the original full name. */
    public boolean hasComma(int index) {
      return (mCommaBitmask & (1 << index)) != 0;

   * Constructor.
   * @param commonPrefixes comma-separated list of common prefixes, e.g. "Mr, Ms, Mrs"
   * @param commonLastNamePrefixes comma-separated list of common last name prefixes, e.g. "d', st,
   *     st., von"
   * @param commonSuffixes comma-separated list of common suffixes, e.g. "Jr, M.D., MD, D.D.S."
   * @param commonConjunctions comma-separated list of common conjuctions, e.g. "AND, Or"
  public NameSplitter(
      String commonPrefixes,
      String commonLastNamePrefixes,
      String commonSuffixes,
      String commonConjunctions,
      Locale locale) {
    // TODO: refactor this to use <string-array> resources
    mPrefixesSet = convertToSet(commonPrefixes);
    mLastNamePrefixesSet = convertToSet(commonLastNamePrefixes);
    mSuffixesSet = convertToSet(commonSuffixes);
    mConjuctions = convertToSet(commonConjunctions);
    mLocale = locale != null ? locale : Locale.getDefault();
    mLanguage = mLocale.getLanguage().toLowerCase();

    int maxLength = 0;
    for (String suffix : mSuffixesSet) {
      if (suffix.length() > maxLength) {
        maxLength = suffix.length();

    mMaxSuffixLength = maxLength;

   * Converts a comma-separated list of Strings to a set of Strings. Trims strings and converts them
   * to upper case.
  private static HashSet<String> convertToSet(String strings) {
    HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
    if (strings != null) {
      String[] split = strings.split(",");
      for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
    return set;

  /** Parses a full name and returns components as a list of tokens. */
  public int tokenize(String[] tokens, String fullName) {
    if (fullName == null) {
      return 0;

    NameTokenizer tokenizer = new NameTokenizer(fullName);

    if (tokenizer.mStartPointer == tokenizer.mEndPointer) {
      return 0;

    String firstToken = tokenizer.mTokens[tokenizer.mStartPointer];
    if (mPrefixesSet.contains(firstToken.toUpperCase())) {
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = tokenizer.mStartPointer; i < tokenizer.mEndPointer; i++) {
      tokens[count++] = tokenizer.mTokens[i];

    return count;

  /** Parses a full name and returns parsed components in the Name object. */
  public void split(Name name, String fullName) {
    if (fullName == null) {

    int fullNameStyle = guessFullNameStyle(fullName);
    if (fullNameStyle == FullNameStyle.CJK) {
      fullNameStyle = getAdjustedFullNameStyle(fullNameStyle);

    split(name, fullName, fullNameStyle);

   * Parses a full name and returns parsed components in the Name object with a given fullNameStyle.
  public void split(Name name, String fullName, int fullNameStyle) {
    if (fullName == null) {

    name.fullNameStyle = fullNameStyle;

    switch (fullNameStyle) {
      case FullNameStyle.CHINESE:
        splitChineseName(name, fullName);

      case FullNameStyle.JAPANESE:
        splitJapaneseName(name, fullName);

      case FullNameStyle.KOREAN:
        splitKoreanName(name, fullName);

        splitWesternName(name, fullName);

   * Splits a full name composed according to the Western tradition:
   * <pre>
   *   [prefix] given name(s) [[middle name] family name] [, suffix]
   *   [prefix] family name, given name [middle name] [,suffix]
   * </pre>
  private void splitWesternName(Name name, String fullName) {
    NameTokenizer tokens = new NameTokenizer(fullName);
    parsePrefix(name, tokens);

    // If the name consists of just one or two tokens, treat them as first/last name,
    // not as suffix.  Example: John Ma; Ma is last name, not "M.A.".
    if (tokens.mEndPointer > 2) {
      parseSuffix(name, tokens);

    if (name.prefix == null && tokens.mEndPointer - tokens.mStartPointer == 1) {
      name.givenNames = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mStartPointer];
    } else {
      parseLastName(name, tokens);
      parseMiddleName(name, tokens);
      parseGivenNames(name, tokens);

   * Splits a full name composed according to the Chinese tradition:
   * <pre>
   *   [family name [middle name]] given name
   * </pre>
  private static String hasDoubleLastName(String inStr) {
    String regx =
            + "宰父、子书、子车、子桑、百里、北堂、北野、哥舒、谷梁、闻人、王孙、王官、王叔、巫马、微生、淳于、"
            + "单于、成公、叱干、叱利、褚师、端木、东方、东郭、东宫、东野、东里、东门、第二、第五、公祖、公玉、"
            + "公西、公孟、公伯、公仲、公孙、公广、公上、公冶、公羊、公良、公户、公仪、公山、公门、公坚、公乘、"
            + "欧阳、濮阳、青阳、漆雕、壤驷、上官、司徒、司马、司空、司寇、士孙、申屠、叔孙、叔仲、侍其、令狐、"
            + "梁丘、闾丘、刘傅、慕容、万俟、谷利、高堂、南宫、南门、南荣、南野、女娲、纳兰、澹台、拓跋、太史、"
            + "太叔、太公、秃发、夏侯、西门、鲜于、轩辕、相里、皇甫、赫连、呼延、胡母、亓官、夹谷、即墨、独孤、"
            + "段干、达奚";
    String doubleLastName = "";
    List<String> l = StringHelper.splitList(regx, "、", true);
    for (String l0 : l) {
      if (inStr.contains(l0)) {
        if (inStr.startsWith(l0)) {
          doubleLastName = l0;

    return doubleLastName;

  private void splitChineseName(Name name, String fullName) {
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(fullName);
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
      if (name.givenNames == null) {
        name.givenNames = token;
      } else if (name.familyName == null) {
        name.familyName = name.givenNames;
        name.givenNames = token;
      } else if (name.middleName == null) {
        name.middleName = name.givenNames;
        name.givenNames = token;
      } else {
        name.middleName = name.middleName + name.givenNames;
        name.givenNames = token;

    // If a single word parse that word up.
    if (name.givenNames != null && name.familyName == null && name.middleName == null) {
      int length = fullName.length();
      if (hasDoubleLastName(fullName).equals("")) {
        if (length == 2) {
          name.familyName = fullName.substring(0, 1);
          name.givenNames = fullName.substring(1);
        } else if (length == 3) {
          name.familyName = fullName.substring(0, 1);
          name.middleName = fullName.substring(1, 2);
          name.givenNames = fullName.substring(2, length);
        } else if (length >= 4) {
          name.familyName = fullName.substring(0, 2);
          name.middleName = fullName.substring(2, 3);
          name.givenNames = fullName.substring(3, length);
      } else {
        if (length == 2) {
          name.givenNames = fullName;
        } else if (length == 3) {
          name.familyName = fullName.substring(0, 2);
          name.givenNames = fullName.substring(2, 3);
        } else if (length >= 4) {
          name.familyName = fullName.substring(0, 2);
          name.middleName = fullName.substring(2, 3);
          name.givenNames = fullName.substring(3, length);

   * Splits a full name composed according to the Japanese tradition:
   * <pre>
   *   [family name] given name(s)
   * </pre>
  private void splitJapaneseName(Name name, String fullName) {
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(fullName);
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
      if (name.givenNames == null) {
        name.givenNames = token;
      } else if (name.familyName == null) {
        name.familyName = name.givenNames;
        name.givenNames = token;
      } else {
        name.givenNames += " " + token;

   * Splits a full name composed according to the Korean tradition:
   * <pre>
   *   [family name] given name(s)
   * </pre>
  private void splitKoreanName(Name name, String fullName) {
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(fullName);
    if (tokenizer.countTokens() > 1) {
      // Each name can be identified by separators.
      while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
        if (name.givenNames == null) {
          name.givenNames = token;
        } else if (name.familyName == null) {
          name.familyName = name.givenNames;
          name.givenNames = token;
        } else {
          name.givenNames += " " + token;
    } else {
      // There is no separator. Try to guess family name.
      // The length of most family names is 1.
      int familyNameLength = 1;

      // Compare with 2-length family names.
      for (String twoLengthFamilyName : KOREAN_TWO_CHARCTER_FAMILY_NAMES) {
        if (fullName.startsWith(twoLengthFamilyName)) {
          familyNameLength = 2;

      name.familyName = fullName.substring(0, familyNameLength);
      if (fullName.length() > familyNameLength) {
        name.givenNames = fullName.substring(familyNameLength);

   * Concatenates components of a name according to the rules dictated by the name style.
   * @param givenNameFirst is ignored for CJK display name styles
  public String join(Name name, boolean givenNameFirst, boolean includePrefix) {
    String prefix = includePrefix ? name.prefix : null;
    switch (name.fullNameStyle) {
      case FullNameStyle.CJK:
      case FullNameStyle.CHINESE:
      case FullNameStyle.KOREAN:
        return join(

      case FullNameStyle.JAPANESE:
        return join(

        if (givenNameFirst) {
          return join(
        } else {
          return join(

   * Concatenates components of the phonetic name following the CJK tradition: family name + middle
   * name + given name(s).
  public String joinPhoneticName(Name name) {
    return join(

  /** Concatenates parts of a full name inserting spaces and commas as specified. */
  private String join(
      String prefix,
      String part1,
      String part2,
      String part3,
      String suffix,
      boolean useSpace,
      boolean useCommaAfterPart1,
      boolean useCommaAfterPart3) {
    prefix = prefix == null ? null : prefix.trim();
    part1 = part1 == null ? null : part1.trim();
    part2 = part2 == null ? null : part2.trim();
    part3 = part3 == null ? null : part3.trim();
    suffix = suffix == null ? null : suffix.trim();

    boolean hasPrefix = !StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix);
    boolean hasPart1 = !StringUtils.isEmpty(part1);
    boolean hasPart2 = !StringUtils.isEmpty(part2);
    boolean hasPart3 = !StringUtils.isEmpty(part3);
    boolean hasSuffix = !StringUtils.isEmpty(suffix);

    boolean isSingleWord = true;
    String singleWord = null;

    if (hasPrefix) {
      singleWord = prefix;

    if (hasPart1) {
      if (singleWord != null) {
        isSingleWord = false;
      } else {
        singleWord = part1;

    if (hasPart2) {
      if (singleWord != null) {
        isSingleWord = false;
      } else {
        singleWord = part2;

    if (hasPart3) {
      if (singleWord != null) {
        isSingleWord = false;
      } else {
        singleWord = part3;

    if (hasSuffix) {
      if (singleWord != null) {
        isSingleWord = false;
      } else {
        singleWord = normalizedSuffix(suffix);

    if (isSingleWord) {
      return singleWord;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    if (hasPrefix) {

    if (hasPart1) {
      if (hasPrefix) {
        sb.append(' ');

    if (hasPart2) {
      if (hasPrefix || hasPart1) {
        if (useCommaAfterPart1) {
        if (useSpace) {
          sb.append(' ');

    if (hasPart3) {
      if (hasPrefix || hasPart1 || hasPart2) {
        if (useSpace) {
          sb.append(' ');

    if (hasSuffix) {
      if (hasPrefix || hasPart1 || hasPart2 || hasPart3) {
        if (useCommaAfterPart3) {
        if (useSpace) {
          sb.append(' ');

    return sb.toString();

   * Puts a dot after the supplied suffix if that is the accepted form of the suffix, e.g. "Jr." and
   * "Sr.", but not "I", "II" and "III".
  private String normalizedSuffix(String suffix) {
    int length = suffix.length();
    if (length == 0 || suffix.charAt(length - 1) == '.') {
      return suffix;

    String withDot = suffix + '.';
    if (mSuffixesSet.contains(withDot.toUpperCase())) {
      return withDot;
    } else {
      return suffix;

   * If the supplied name style is undefined, returns a default based on the language, otherwise
   * returns the supplied name style itself.
   * @param nameStyle See {@link com.borqs.server.platform.util.NameSplitter.FullNameStyle}.
  public int getAdjustedFullNameStyle(int nameStyle) {
    if (nameStyle == FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (JAPANESE_LANGUAGE.equals(mLanguage)) {
        return FullNameStyle.JAPANESE;
      } else if (KOREAN_LANGUAGE.equals(mLanguage)) {
        return FullNameStyle.KOREAN;
      } else if (CHINESE_LANGUAGE.equals(mLanguage)) {
        return FullNameStyle.CHINESE;
      } else {
        return FullNameStyle.WESTERN;
    } else if (nameStyle == FullNameStyle.CJK) {
      if (JAPANESE_LANGUAGE.equals(mLanguage)) {
        return FullNameStyle.JAPANESE;
      } else if (KOREAN_LANGUAGE.equals(mLanguage)) {
        return FullNameStyle.KOREAN;
      } else {
        return FullNameStyle.CHINESE;
    return nameStyle;

  /** Parses the first word from the name if it is a prefix. */
  private void parsePrefix(Name name, NameTokenizer tokens) {
    if (tokens.mStartPointer == tokens.mEndPointer) {

    String firstToken = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mStartPointer];
    if (mPrefixesSet.contains(firstToken.toUpperCase())) {
      if (tokens.hasDot(tokens.mStartPointer)) {
        firstToken += '.';
      name.prefix = firstToken;

  /** Parses the last word(s) from the name if it is a suffix. */
  private void parseSuffix(Name name, NameTokenizer tokens) {
    if (tokens.mStartPointer == tokens.mEndPointer) {

    String lastToken = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mEndPointer - 1];

    // Take care of an explicit comma-separated suffix
    if (tokens.mEndPointer - tokens.mStartPointer > 2 && tokens.hasComma(tokens.mEndPointer - 2)) {
      if (tokens.hasDot(tokens.mEndPointer - 1)) {
        lastToken += '.';
      name.suffix = lastToken;

    if (lastToken.length() > mMaxSuffixLength) {

    String normalized = lastToken.toUpperCase();
    if (mSuffixesSet.contains(normalized)) {
      name.suffix = lastToken;

    if (tokens.hasDot(tokens.mEndPointer - 1)) {
      lastToken += '.';
    normalized += ".";

    // Take care of suffixes like M.D. and D.D.S.
    int pos = tokens.mEndPointer - 1;
    while (normalized.length() <= mMaxSuffixLength) {

      if (mSuffixesSet.contains(normalized)) {
        name.suffix = lastToken;
        tokens.mEndPointer = pos;

      if (pos == tokens.mStartPointer) {

      if (tokens.hasDot(pos)) {
        lastToken = tokens.mTokens[pos] + "." + lastToken;
      } else {
        lastToken = tokens.mTokens[pos] + " " + lastToken;

      normalized = tokens.mTokens[pos].toUpperCase() + "." + normalized;

  private void parseLastName(Name name, NameTokenizer tokens) {
    if (tokens.mStartPointer == tokens.mEndPointer) {

    // If the first word is followed by a comma, assume that it's the family name
    if (tokens.hasComma(tokens.mStartPointer)) {
      name.familyName = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mStartPointer];

    // If the second word is followed by a comma and the first word
    // is a last name prefix as in "de Sade" and "von Cliburn", treat
    // the first two words as the family name.
    if (tokens.mStartPointer + 1 < tokens.mEndPointer
        && tokens.hasComma(tokens.mStartPointer + 1)
        && isFamilyNamePrefix(tokens.mTokens[tokens.mStartPointer])) {
      String familyNamePrefix = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mStartPointer];
      if (tokens.hasDot(tokens.mStartPointer)) {
        familyNamePrefix += '.';
      name.familyName = familyNamePrefix + " " + tokens.mTokens[tokens.mStartPointer + 1];
      tokens.mStartPointer += 2;

    // Finally, assume that the last word is the last name
    name.familyName = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mEndPointer - 1];

    // Take care of last names like "de Sade" and "von Cliburn"
    if ((tokens.mEndPointer - tokens.mStartPointer) > 0) {
      String lastNamePrefix = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mEndPointer - 1];
      if (isFamilyNamePrefix(lastNamePrefix)) {
        if (tokens.hasDot(tokens.mEndPointer - 1)) {
          lastNamePrefix += '.';
        name.familyName = lastNamePrefix + " " + name.familyName;

  /** Returns true if the supplied word is an accepted last name prefix, e.g. "von", "de" */
  private boolean isFamilyNamePrefix(String word) {
    final String normalized = word.toUpperCase();

    return mLastNamePrefixesSet.contains(normalized)
        || mLastNamePrefixesSet.contains(normalized + ".");

  private void parseMiddleName(Name name, NameTokenizer tokens) {
    if (tokens.mStartPointer == tokens.mEndPointer) {

    if ((tokens.mEndPointer - tokens.mStartPointer) > 1) {
      if ((tokens.mEndPointer - tokens.mStartPointer) == 2
          || !mConjuctions.contains(tokens.mTokens[tokens.mEndPointer - 2].toUpperCase())) {
        name.middleName = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mEndPointer - 1];
        if (tokens.hasDot(tokens.mEndPointer - 1)) {
          name.middleName += '.';

  private void parseGivenNames(Name name, NameTokenizer tokens) {
    if (tokens.mStartPointer == tokens.mEndPointer) {

    if ((tokens.mEndPointer - tokens.mStartPointer) == 1) {
      name.givenNames = tokens.mTokens[tokens.mStartPointer];
    } else {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = tokens.mStartPointer; i < tokens.mEndPointer; i++) {
        if (i != tokens.mStartPointer) {
          sb.append(' ');
        if (tokens.hasDot(i)) {
      name.givenNames = sb.toString();

   * Makes the best guess at the expected full name style based on the character set used in the
   * supplied name. If the phonetic name is also supplied, tries to differentiate between Chinese,
   * Japanese and Korean based on the alphabet used for the phonetic name.
  public void guessNameStyle(Name name) {
    name.fullNameStyle =
        getAdjustedNameStyleBasedOnPhoneticNameStyle(name.fullNameStyle, name.phoneticNameStyle);

   * Updates the display name style according to the phonetic name style if we were unsure about
   * display name style based on the name components, but phonetic name makes it more definitive.
  public int getAdjustedNameStyleBasedOnPhoneticNameStyle(int nameStyle, int phoneticNameStyle) {
    if (phoneticNameStyle != PhoneticNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (nameStyle == FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED || nameStyle == FullNameStyle.CJK) {
        if (phoneticNameStyle == PhoneticNameStyle.JAPANESE) {
          return FullNameStyle.JAPANESE;
        } else if (phoneticNameStyle == PhoneticNameStyle.KOREAN) {
          return FullNameStyle.KOREAN;
        if (nameStyle == FullNameStyle.CJK && phoneticNameStyle == PhoneticNameStyle.PINYIN) {
          return FullNameStyle.CHINESE;
    return nameStyle;

   * Makes the best guess at the expected full name style based on the character set used in the
   * supplied name.
  public void guessFullNameStyle(Name name) {
    if (name.fullNameStyle != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {

    int bestGuess = guessFullNameStyle(name.givenNames);
    // A mix of Hanzi and latin chars are common in China, so we have to go through all names
    // if the name is not JANPANESE or KOREAN.
    if (bestGuess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED
        && bestGuess != FullNameStyle.CJK
        && bestGuess != FullNameStyle.WESTERN) {
      name.fullNameStyle = bestGuess;

    int guess = guessFullNameStyle(name.familyName);
    if (guess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (guess != FullNameStyle.CJK && guess != FullNameStyle.WESTERN) {
        name.fullNameStyle = guess;
      bestGuess = guess;

    guess = guessFullNameStyle(name.middleName);
    if (guess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (guess != FullNameStyle.CJK && guess != FullNameStyle.WESTERN) {
        name.fullNameStyle = guess;
      bestGuess = guess;

    guess = guessFullNameStyle(name.prefix);
    if (guess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (guess != FullNameStyle.CJK && guess != FullNameStyle.WESTERN) {
        name.fullNameStyle = guess;
      bestGuess = guess;

    guess = guessFullNameStyle(name.suffix);
    if (guess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (guess != FullNameStyle.CJK && guess != FullNameStyle.WESTERN) {
        name.fullNameStyle = guess;
      bestGuess = guess;

    name.fullNameStyle = bestGuess;

  public int guessFullNameStyle(String name) {
    if (name == null) {
      return FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED;

    int nameStyle = FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED;
    int length = name.length();
    int offset = 0;
    while (offset < length) {
      int codePoint = Character.codePointAt(name, offset);
      if (Character.isLetter(codePoint)) {
        UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock = UnicodeBlock.of(codePoint);

        if (!isLatinUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {

          if (isCJKUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
            // We don't know if this is Chinese, Japanese or Korean -
            // trying to figure out by looking at other characters in the name
            return guessCJKNameStyle(name, offset + Character.charCount(codePoint));

          if (isJapanesePhoneticUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
            return FullNameStyle.JAPANESE;

          if (isKoreanUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
            return FullNameStyle.KOREAN;
        nameStyle = FullNameStyle.WESTERN;
      offset += Character.charCount(codePoint);
    return nameStyle;

  private int guessCJKNameStyle(String name, int offset) {
    int length = name.length();
    while (offset < length) {
      int codePoint = Character.codePointAt(name, offset);
      if (Character.isLetter(codePoint)) {
        UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock = UnicodeBlock.of(codePoint);
        if (isJapanesePhoneticUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
          return FullNameStyle.JAPANESE;
        if (isKoreanUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
          return FullNameStyle.KOREAN;
      offset += Character.charCount(codePoint);

    return FullNameStyle.CJK;

  private void guessPhoneticNameStyle(Name name) {
    if (name.phoneticNameStyle != PhoneticNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {

    int bestGuess = guessPhoneticNameStyle(name.phoneticFamilyName);
    if (bestGuess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED && bestGuess != FullNameStyle.CJK) {
      name.phoneticNameStyle = bestGuess;

    int guess = guessPhoneticNameStyle(name.phoneticGivenName);
    if (guess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (guess != FullNameStyle.CJK) {
        name.phoneticNameStyle = guess;
      bestGuess = guess;

    guess = guessPhoneticNameStyle(name.phoneticMiddleName);
    if (guess != FullNameStyle.UNDEFINED) {
      if (guess != FullNameStyle.CJK) {
        name.phoneticNameStyle = guess;
      bestGuess = guess;

  public int guessPhoneticNameStyle(String name) {
    if (name == null) {
      return PhoneticNameStyle.UNDEFINED;

    int nameStyle = PhoneticNameStyle.UNDEFINED;
    int length = name.length();
    int offset = 0;
    while (offset < length) {
      int codePoint = Character.codePointAt(name, offset);
      if (Character.isLetter(codePoint)) {
        UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock = UnicodeBlock.of(codePoint);
        if (isJapanesePhoneticUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
          return PhoneticNameStyle.JAPANESE;
        if (isKoreanUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
          return PhoneticNameStyle.KOREAN;
        if (isLatinUnicodeBlock(unicodeBlock)) {
          return PhoneticNameStyle.PINYIN;
      offset += Character.charCount(codePoint);

    return nameStyle;

  private static boolean isLatinUnicodeBlock(UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock) {
    return unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.BASIC_LATIN
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.LATIN_EXTENDED_A
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.LATIN_EXTENDED_B
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.LATIN_EXTENDED_ADDITIONAL;

  private static boolean isCJKUnicodeBlock(UnicodeBlock block) {
    return block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS
        || block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_A
        || block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_B
        || block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION
        || block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_RADICALS_SUPPLEMENT
        || block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_COMPATIBILITY
        || block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_COMPATIBILITY_FORMS
        || block == UnicodeBlock.CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS

  private static boolean isKoreanUnicodeBlock(UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock) {
    return unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.HANGUL_SYLLABLES
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.HANGUL_JAMO
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.HANGUL_COMPATIBILITY_JAMO;

  private static boolean isJapanesePhoneticUnicodeBlock(UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock) {
    return unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.KATAKANA
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.KATAKANA_PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.HALFWIDTH_AND_FULLWIDTH_FORMS
        || unicodeBlock == UnicodeBlock.HIRAGANA;

  public static Name split(String fullName) {
    Name name = new Name();
    NameSplitter splitter =
        new NameSplitter(
            "Mr, Ms, Mrs", "d', st, st., von", "Jr., M.D., MD, D.D.S.", "&, AND", Locale.CHINA);
    splitter.split(name, fullName);
    return name;

  public static String join(Name name) {
    NameSplitter splitter =
        new NameSplitter(
            "Mr, Ms, Mrs", "d', st, st., von", "Jr., M.D., MD, D.D.S.", "&, AND", Locale.CHINA);
    boolean givenNameFirst = true;
    if (name.fullNameStyle == FullNameStyle.CJK
        || name.fullNameStyle == FullNameStyle.CHINESE
        || name.fullNameStyle == FullNameStyle.KOREAN
        || name.fullNameStyle == FullNameStyle.JAPANESE) givenNameFirst = false;
    return splitter.join(name, givenNameFirst, true);