void createFrame() { /* see Preferences.java */ int GUI_BIG = 13; int GUI_BETWEEN = 10; int GUI_SMALL = 6; int FIELD_SIZE = 30; int left = GUI_BIG; int top = GUI_BIG; int right = 0; Dimension d; frame = new JFrame("Directives Editor"); Container pane = frame.getContentPane(); pane.setLayout(null); JLabel label = new JLabel("Click here to read about directives."); label.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { Base.openURL("http://processingjs.org/reference/pjs%20directive"); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} }); pane.add(label); d = label.getPreferredSize(); label.setBounds(left, top, d.width, d.height); top += d.height + GUI_BETWEEN + GUI_BETWEEN; // CRISP crispBox = new JCheckBox("\"crisp\": disable antialiasing for line(), triangle() and rect()"); pane.add(crispBox); d = crispBox.getPreferredSize(); crispBox.setBounds(left, top, d.width + 10, d.height); right = Math.max(right, left + d.width); top += d.height + GUI_BETWEEN; // FONTS label = new JLabel("\"font\": to load (comma separated)"); pane.add(label); d = label.getPreferredSize(); label.setBounds(left, top, d.width, d.height); top += d.height + GUI_SMALL; fontField = new JTextField(FIELD_SIZE); pane.add(fontField); d = fontField.getPreferredSize(); fontField.setBounds(left, top, d.width, d.height); JButton button = new JButton("scan"); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleScanFonts(); } }); pane.add(button); Dimension d2 = button.getPreferredSize(); button.setBounds(left + d.width + GUI_SMALL, top, d2.width, d2.height); right = Math.max(right, left + d.width + GUI_SMALL + d2.width); top += d.height + GUI_BETWEEN; // GLOBAL_KEY_EVENTS globalKeyEventsBox = new JCheckBox("\"globalKeyEvents\": receive global key events"); pane.add(globalKeyEventsBox); d = globalKeyEventsBox.getPreferredSize(); globalKeyEventsBox.setBounds(left, top, d.width + 10, d.height); right = Math.max(right, left + d.width); top += d.height + GUI_BETWEEN; // PAUSE_ON_BLUR pauseOnBlurBox = new JCheckBox("\"pauseOnBlur\": pause if applet loses focus"); pane.add(pauseOnBlurBox); d = pauseOnBlurBox.getPreferredSize(); pauseOnBlurBox.setBounds(left, top, d.width + 10, d.height); right = Math.max(right, left + d.width); top += d.height + GUI_BETWEEN; // PRELOAD images label = new JLabel("\"preload\": images (comma separated)"); pane.add(label); d = label.getPreferredSize(); label.setBounds(left, top, d.width, d.height); top += d.height + GUI_SMALL; preloadField = new JTextField(FIELD_SIZE); pane.add(preloadField); d = preloadField.getPreferredSize(); preloadField.setBounds(left, top, d.width, d.height); button = new JButton("scan"); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleScanImages(); } }); pane.add(button); d2 = button.getPreferredSize(); button.setBounds(left + d.width + GUI_SMALL, top, d2.width, d2.height); right = Math.max(right, left + d.width + GUI_SMALL + d2.width); top += d.height + GUI_BETWEEN; // TRANSPARENT /*transparentBox = new JCheckBox("\"transparent\": set applet background to be transparent"); pane.add(transparentBox); d = transparentBox.getPreferredSize(); transparentBox.setBounds(left, top, d.width + 10, d.height); right = Math.max(right, left + d.width); top += d.height + GUI_BETWEEN;*/ // APPLY / OK button = new JButton("OK"); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { applyDirectives(); hide(); } }); pane.add(button); d2 = button.getPreferredSize(); int BUTTON_HEIGHT = d2.height; int BUTTON_WIDTH = 80; int h = right - (BUTTON_WIDTH + GUI_SMALL + BUTTON_WIDTH); button.setBounds(h, top, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT); h += BUTTON_WIDTH + GUI_SMALL; button = new JButton("Cancel"); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { hide(); } }); pane.add(button); button.setBounds(h, top, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT); top += BUTTON_HEIGHT + GUI_BETWEEN; // frame.getContentPane().add(box); frame.pack(); Insets insets = frame.getInsets(); frame.setSize( right + GUI_BIG + insets.left + insets.right, top + GUI_SMALL + insets.top + insets.bottom); // frame.setResizable(false); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { frame.setVisible(false); } }); Toolkit.registerWindowCloseKeys( frame.getRootPane(), new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { frame.setVisible(false); } }); Toolkit.setIcon(frame); }
editprof(String str, String user) { cp = getContentPane(); cp.setLayout(null); user1 = user; try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel"); } catch (Exception e) { } JTextField ft = new JTextField(); name1 = new JLabel("First Name"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/First name.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } name = new JTextField(); name.setText(ft.getText()); last1 = new JLabel("Enter Last Name"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/last name.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } last = new JTextField(); last.setText(ft.getText()); pass = new JLabel("Password"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/password.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } pwd = new JPasswordField(); pwd.setText(ft.getText()); pwd.setEditable(false); email1 = new JLabel("Enter email address"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/email.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } email = new JTextField(); email.setText(ft.getText()); addimage = new JButton("Add Image"); icon = new JLabel(); date1 = new JLabel("Date Of Birth"); date = new JComboBox(); for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { date.addItem(i); } month = new JComboBox(); month.addItem("Jan"); month.addItem("Feb"); month.addItem("Mar"); month.addItem("Apr"); month.addItem("May"); month.addItem("Jun"); month.addItem("Jul"); month.addItem("Aug"); month.addItem("Sep"); month.addItem("Oct"); month.addItem("Nov"); month.addItem("Dec"); year = new JComboBox(); for (int j = 1900; j <= 2010; j++) { year.addItem(j); } sx = new JLabel("Gender"); gen = new JComboBox(); gen.addItem("Male"); gen.addItem("Female"); con1 = new JLabel("Country Name"); con = new JComboBox(); con.addItem(" Austrelia"); con.addItem(" America"); con.addItem(" Antartica"); con.addItem(" Africa"); con.addItem(" Canda"); con.addItem(" Corea"); con.addItem(" Chaina"); con.addItem(" Denmark"); con.addItem(" England"); con.addItem(" Franc"); con.addItem(" Hangery"); con.addItem(" Holand"); con.addItem(" Itali"); con.addItem(" India"); con.addItem(" Indonesia"); con.addItem(" Jermany"); con.addItem(" Japan"); con.addItem(" Korea"); con.addItem(" Kembridge"); con.addItem(" Merusalem"); con.addItem(" Noth America"); con.addItem(" Norvey"); con.addItem(" West Indies"); con.addItem(" Peru"); con.addItem(" Zimbawe"); about = new JLabel("About me"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/about.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } int h = ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; int v = ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; main = new JTextArea(); main.setText(ft.getText()); JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(main, v, h); allow = new JLabel("Allow To:"); JCheckBox c1 = new JCheckBox(" orkut Friends"); JCheckBox c2 = new JCheckBox("Collage Friends"); JCheckBox c3 = new JCheckBox("Business Partner"); JCheckBox c4 = new JCheckBox("Relatives"); col = new JLabel("Collage Name:"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/Collage.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } col1 = new JTextField(); col1.setText(ft.getText()); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/UniverSity.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } uni = new JLabel("Univercity"); uni1 = new JTextField(); uni1.setText(ft.getText()); state1 = new JLabel("State Name"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/state.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } state = new JTextField(); state.setText(ft.getText()); city = new JLabel("City"); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/City.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } city1 = new JTextField(); city1.setText(ft.getText()); try { r = new FileReader(user + "/imagepath.txt"); ft.read(r, null); r.close(); } catch (Exception de) { } ImageIcon io = new ImageIcon(ft.getText()); icon.setIcon(io); next = new JButton("Update"); next.setBackground(Color.white); // adding to container name1.setBounds(10, 10, 130, 25); name.setBounds(150, 10, 130, 25); last1.setBounds(10, 40, 130, 25); last.setBounds(150, 40, 130, 25); email1.setBounds(10, 70, 130, 25); email.setBounds(150, 70, 130, 25); pass.setBounds(290, 70, 130, 25); pwd.setBounds(390, 70, 130, 25); addimage.setBounds(350, 440, 100, 25); icon.setBounds(490, 410, 100, 100); date1.setBounds(10, 100, 130, 25); date.setBounds(120, 100, 40, 25); month.setBounds(180, 100, 130, 25); year.setBounds(320, 100, 130, 25); sx.setBounds(10, 140, 130, 25); gen.setBounds(150, 140, 130, 25); about.setBounds(10, 180, 130, 25); jsp.setBounds(150, 180, 250, 80); allow.setBounds(10, 260, 130, 25); c1.setBounds(150, 260, 130, 25); c2.setBounds(290, 260, 130, 25); c3.setBounds(150, 290, 130, 25); c4.setBounds(290, 290, 130, 25); uni.setBounds(10, 330, 130, 25); uni1.setBounds(150, 330, 130, 25); col.setBounds(10, 360, 130, 25); col1.setBounds(150, 360, 130, 25); con1.setBounds(10, 390, 130, 25); con.setBounds(150, 390, 130, 25); state1.setBounds(10, 430, 130, 25); state.setBounds(150, 430, 130, 25); city.setBounds(10, 460, 130, 25); city1.setBounds(150, 460, 130, 25); next.setBounds(50, 490, 130, 25); cp.add(name); cp.add(name1); cp.add(last); cp.add(last1); cp.add(email); cp.add(email1); cp.add(addimage); cp.add(icon); cp.add(date1); cp.add(date); cp.add(month); cp.add(year); cp.add(about); cp.add(jsp); cp.add(sx); cp.add(gen); cp.add(allow); cp.add(c1); cp.add(c2); cp.add(c3); cp.add(c4); cp.add(next); cp.add(uni); cp.add(uni1); cp.add(col); cp.add(col1); cp.add(con); cp.add(con1); cp.add(state1); cp.add(state); cp.add(city); cp.add(city1); cp.add(next); cp.add(pwd); cp.add(pass); addimage.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { filepath = name.getText(); JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); while (true) { int val = chooser.showOpenDialog(editprof.this); File f = chooser.getSelectedFile(); String path = f.getPath(); String name = f.getName(); try { if (val == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION || val == -1) { break; } else { image = new ImageIcon(path); icon.setIcon(image); w = new FileWriter(filepath + "/" + "imagePath.txt"); w.write(path + ""); w.close(); break; } } catch (Exception se) { } } } }); date.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { int str = (Integer) e.getItem(); File f = new File(name.getText()); f.mkdir(); try { w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "date.txt"); w.write(str + ""); w.close(); } catch (IOException de) { } } }); month.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e1) { String str = (String) e1.getItem(); File f = new File(name.getText()); f.mkdir(); try { w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "month.txt"); w.write(str + ""); w.close(); } catch (IOException de) { } } }); con.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e2) { String str = (String) e2.getItem(); File f = new File(name.getText()); f.mkdir(); try { w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "contry.txt"); w.write(str + ""); w.close(); } catch (IOException de) { } } }); year.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e2) { int str = (Integer) e2.getItem(); File f = new File(name.getText()); f.mkdir(); try { w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "year.txt"); w.write(str + ""); w.close(); } catch (IOException de) { } } }); gen.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e3) { String str = (String) e3.getItem(); File f = new File(name.getText()); f.mkdir(); try { w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "gender.txt"); w.write(str + ""); w.close(); } catch (IOException de) { } } }); next.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent se) { try { w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "First name.txt"); w.write(name.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "last name.txt"); w.write(last.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "email.txt"); w.write(email.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "Collage.txt"); w.write(col1.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "UniverSity.txt"); w.write(uni1.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "state.txt"); w.write(state.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "City.txt"); w.write(city1.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "about.txt"); w.write(main.getText()); w.close(); w = new FileWriter(name.getText() + "/" + "password.txt"); w.write(pwd.getText()); w.close(); profile e1 = new profile("My Profile", user1); e1.setVisible(true); e1.setLocation(00, 00); e1.setSize(800, 800); setVisible(false); } catch (Exception be) { } } }); }