コード例 #1
   * Notifies this instance that there was a change in the value of a property of an
   * <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this multipoint conference.
   * @param endpoint the <tt>Endpoint</tt> which is the source of the event/notification and is
   *     participating in this multipoint conference
   * @param ev a <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt> which specifies the source of the event/notification,
   *     the name of the property and the old and new values of that property
  private void endpointPropertyChange(Endpoint endpoint, PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
    String propertyName = ev.getPropertyName();
    boolean maybeRemoveEndpoint;

    if (Endpoint.SCTP_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(propertyName)) {
      // The SctpConnection of/associated with an Endpoint has changed. We
      // may want to fire initial events over that SctpConnection (as soon
      // as it is ready).
      SctpConnection oldValue = (SctpConnection) ev.getOldValue();
      SctpConnection newValue = (SctpConnection) ev.getNewValue();

      endpointSctpConnectionChanged(endpoint, oldValue, newValue);

      // The SctpConnection may have expired.
      maybeRemoveEndpoint = (newValue == null);
    } else if (Endpoint.CHANNELS_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(propertyName)) {
      // An RtpChannel may have expired.
      maybeRemoveEndpoint = true;
    } else {
      maybeRemoveEndpoint = false;
    if (maybeRemoveEndpoint) {
      // It looks like there is a chance that the Endpoint may have
      // expired. Endpoints are held by this Conference via WeakReferences
      // but WeakReferences are unpredictable. We have functionality
      // though which could benefit from discovering that an Endpoint has
      // expired as quickly as possible (e.g. ConferenceSpeechActivity).
      // Consequently, try to expedite the removal of expired Endpoints.
      if (endpoint.getSctpConnection() == null && endpoint.getChannelCount(null) == 0) {
コード例 #2
   * Maybe send a data channel command to he associated simulcast sender to make it stop streaming
   * its hq stream, if it's not being watched by any participant.
  public void maybeSendStopHighQualityStreamCommand() {
    if (nativeSimulcast || !hasLayers()) {
      // In native simulcast the client adjusts its layers autonomously so
      // we don't need (nor we can) to control it with data channel
      // messages.

    Endpoint oldEndpoint = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint();

    SimulcastLayer[] oldSimulcastLayers = getSimulcastLayers();

    SctpConnection sctpConnection;
    if (oldSimulcastLayers != null
        && oldSimulcastLayers.length > 1
        /* oldEndpoint != null is implied*/
        && (sctpConnection = oldEndpoint.getSctpConnection()) != null
        && sctpConnection.isReady()
        && !sctpConnection.isExpired()) {
      // we have an old endpoint and it has an SCTP connection that is
      // ready and not expired. if nobody else is watching the old
      // endpoint, stop its hq stream.

      boolean stopHighQualityStream = true;
      for (Endpoint e :
          getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getContent().getConference().getEndpoints()) {
        // TODO(gp) need some synchronization here. What if the selected
        // endpoint changes while we're in the loop?

        if (oldEndpoint != e && (oldEndpoint == e.getEffectivelySelectedEndpoint())
            || e.getEffectivelySelectedEndpoint() == null) {
          // somebody is watching the old endpoint or somebody has not
          // yet signaled its selected endpoint to the bridge, don't
          // stop the hq stream.
          stopHighQualityStream = false;

      if (stopHighQualityStream) {
        // TODO(gp) this assumes only a single hq stream.

                + " notifies "
                + oldEndpoint.getID()
                + " to stop "
                + "its HQ stream.");

        SimulcastLayer hqLayer = oldSimulcastLayers[oldSimulcastLayers.length - 1];

        StopSimulcastLayerCommand command = new StopSimulcastLayerCommand(hqLayer);

        String json = mapper.toJson(command);

        try {
        } catch (IOException e1) {
          logError(oldEndpoint.getID() + " failed to send " + "message on data channel.", e1);
コード例 #3
   * Maybe send a data channel command to the associated <tt>Endpoint</tt> to make it start
   * streaming its hq stream, if it's being watched by some receiver.
  public void maybeSendStartHighQualityStreamCommand() {
    if (nativeSimulcast || !hasLayers()) {
      // In native simulcast the client adjusts its layers autonomously so
      // we don't need (nor we can) to control it with data channel
      // messages.

    Endpoint newEndpoint = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint();
    SimulcastLayer[] newSimulcastLayers = getSimulcastLayers();

    SctpConnection sctpConnection;
    if (newSimulcastLayers == null
        || newSimulcastLayers.length <= 1
        /* newEndpoint != null is implied */
        || (sctpConnection = newEndpoint.getSctpConnection()) == null
        || !sctpConnection.isReady()
        || sctpConnection.isExpired()) {

    // we have a new endpoint and it has an SCTP connection that is
    // ready and not expired. if somebody else is watching the new
    // endpoint, start its hq stream.

    boolean startHighQualityStream = false;

    for (Endpoint e :
        getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getContent().getConference().getEndpoints()) {
      // TODO(gp) need some synchronization here. What if the
      // selected endpoint changes while we're in the loop?

      if (e == newEndpoint) continue;

      Endpoint eSelectedEndpoint = e.getEffectivelySelectedEndpoint();

      if (newEndpoint == eSelectedEndpoint) {
        // somebody is watching the new endpoint or somebody has not
        // yet signaled its selected endpoint to the bridge, start
        // the hq stream.

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

          map.put("e", e);
          map.put("newEndpoint", newEndpoint);
          map.put("maybe", eSelectedEndpoint == null ? "(maybe) " : "");

          StringCompiler sc =
              new StringCompiler(map).c("{e.id} is {maybe} watching {newEndpoint.id}.");

          logDebug(sc.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", " "));

        startHighQualityStream = true;

    if (startHighQualityStream) {
      // TODO(gp) this assumes only a single hq stream.

              + " notifies "
              + newEndpoint.getID()
              + " to start its HQ stream.");

      SimulcastLayer hqLayer = newSimulcastLayers[newSimulcastLayers.length - 1];
      StartSimulcastLayerCommand command = new StartSimulcastLayerCommand(hqLayer);
      String json = mapper.toJson(command);

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logError(newEndpoint.getID() + " failed to send message on data channel.", e);