double score(IGMap map, DoubleOrientedPoint p, double[] readings) { double s = 0; int angleIndex = initialBeamsSkip; DoubleOrientedPoint lp = new DoubleOrientedPoint(p.x, p.y, p.theta); lp.x += Math.cos(p.theta) * laserPose.x - Math.sin(p.theta) * laserPose.y; lp.y += Math.sin(p.theta) * laserPose.x + Math.cos(p.theta) * laserPose.y; lp.theta += laserPose.theta; int skip = 0; double freeDelta = map.getDelta() * freeCellRatio; for (int rIndex = initialBeamsSkip; rIndex < readings.length; rIndex++, angleIndex++) { skip++; skip = skip > likelihoodSkip ? 0 : skip; if (skip != 0 || readings[rIndex] > usableRange || readings[rIndex] == 0.0) continue; DoublePoint phit = new DoublePoint(lp.x, lp.y); phit.x += readings[rIndex] * Math.cos(Utils.theta(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex])); phit.y += readings[rIndex] * Math.sin(Utils.theta(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex])); IntPoint iphit = map.world2map(phit); DoublePoint pfree = new DoublePoint(lp.x, lp.y); pfree.x += (readings[rIndex] - map.getDelta() * freeDelta) * Math.cos(Utils.theta(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex])); pfree.y += (readings[rIndex] - map.getDelta() * freeDelta) * Math.sin(Utils.theta(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex])); pfree.x = pfree.x - phit.x; pfree.y = pfree.y - phit.y; IntPoint ipfree = map.world2map(pfree); boolean found = false; DoublePoint bestMu = new DoublePoint(0., 0.); for (int xx = -kernelSize; xx <= kernelSize; xx++) { for (int yy = -kernelSize; yy <= kernelSize; yy++) { IntPoint pr = new IntPoint(iphit.x + xx, iphit.y + yy); IntPoint pf = new IntPoint(pr.x + ipfree.x, pr.y + ipfree.y); // int ss = map.getStorage().cellState(pr); // if ((ss) > 0) { PointAccumulator cell = (PointAccumulator) map.cell(pr, true); PointAccumulator fcell = (PointAccumulator) map.cell(pf, true); if (cell != null && fcell != null) { if (cell.doubleValue() > fullnessThreshold && fcell.doubleValue() < fullnessThreshold) { DoublePoint mu = DoublePoint.minus(phit, cell.mean()); if (!found) { bestMu = mu; found = true; } else { bestMu = DoublePoint.mulD(mu, mu) < DoublePoint.mulD(bestMu, bestMu) ? mu : bestMu; } } } // } } } if (found) { s += Math.exp(-1. / (gaussianSigma * DoublePoint.mulD(bestMu, bestMu))); } } return s; }
public double icpStep( DoubleOrientedPoint pret, IGMap map, DoubleOrientedPoint p, double[] readings) { int angleIndex = initialBeamsSkip; DoubleOrientedPoint lp = new DoubleOrientedPoint(p.x, p.y, p.theta); lp.x += Math.cos(p.theta) * laserPose.x - Math.sin(p.theta) * laserPose.y; lp.y += Math.sin(p.theta) * laserPose.x + Math.cos(p.theta) * laserPose.y; lp.theta += laserPose.theta; int skip = 0; double freeDelta = map.getDelta() * freeCellRatio; List<DoublePointPair> pairs = new ArrayList<DoublePointPair>(); for (int rIndex = initialBeamsSkip; rIndex < readings.length; rIndex++, angleIndex++) { skip++; skip = skip > likelihoodSkip ? 0 : skip; if (readings[rIndex] > usableRange || readings[rIndex] == 0.0) continue; if (skip != 0) continue; DoublePoint phit = new DoublePoint(lp.x, lp.y); phit.x += readings[rIndex] * Math.cos(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex]); phit.y += readings[rIndex] * Math.sin(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex]); IntPoint iphit = map.world2map(phit); DoublePoint pfree = new DoublePoint(lp.x, lp.y); pfree.x += (readings[rIndex] - map.getDelta() * freeDelta) * Math.cos(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex]); pfree.y += (readings[rIndex] - map.getDelta() * freeDelta) * Math.sin(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex]); pfree.x = pfree.x - phit.x; pfree.y = pfree.y - phit.y; IntPoint ipfree = map.world2map(pfree); boolean found = false; DoublePoint bestMu = new DoublePoint(0., 0.); DoublePoint bestCell = new DoublePoint(0., 0.); for (int xx = -kernelSize; xx <= kernelSize; xx++) for (int yy = -kernelSize; yy <= kernelSize; yy++) { IntPoint pr = new IntPoint(iphit.x + xx, iphit.y + yy); IntPoint pf = new IntPoint(pr.x + ipfree.x, pr.y + ipfree.y); PointAccumulator cell = (PointAccumulator) map.cell(pr, true); PointAccumulator fcell = (PointAccumulator) map.cell(pf, true); if (cell.doubleValue() > fullnessThreshold && fcell.doubleValue() < fullnessThreshold) { DoublePoint mu = DoublePoint.minus(phit, cell.mean()); if (!found) { bestMu = mu; bestCell = cell.mean(); found = true; } else if (DoublePoint.mulD(mu, mu) < DoublePoint.mulD(bestMu, bestMu)) { bestMu = mu; bestCell = cell.mean(); } } } if (found) { pairs.add(new DoublePointPair(phit, bestCell)); } } DoubleOrientedPoint result = new DoubleOrientedPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); LOG.error("result(" + pairs.size() + ")=" + result.x + " " + result.y + " " + result.theta); pret.x = p.x + result.x; pret.y = p.y + result.y; pret.theta = p.theta + result.theta; pret.theta = Math.atan2(Math.sin(pret.theta), Math.cos(pret.theta)); return score(map, p, readings); }
public void computeActiveArea(IGMap map, DoubleOrientedPoint p, double[] readings) { if (m_activeAreaComputed) return; // Set<IntPoint> activeArea = new HashSet<IntPoint>(); DoubleOrientedPoint lp = new DoubleOrientedPoint(p.x, p.y, p.theta); lp.x += Math.cos(p.theta) * laserPose.x - Math.sin(p.theta) * laserPose.y; lp.y += Math.sin(p.theta) * laserPose.x + Math.cos(p.theta) * laserPose.y; lp.theta += laserPose.theta; // IntPoint p0 = map.world2map(lp); DoublePoint min = map.map2world(new IntPoint(0, 0)); DoublePoint max = map.map2world(new IntPoint(map.getMapSizeX() - 1, map.getMapSizeY() - 1)); if (lp.x < min.x) min.x = lp.x; if (lp.y < min.y) min.y = lp.y; if (lp.x > max.x) max.x = lp.x; if (lp.y > max.y) max.y = lp.y; int readingIndex; int angleIndex = initialBeamsSkip; for (readingIndex = initialBeamsSkip; readingIndex < laserBeams; readingIndex++, angleIndex++) { double r = readings[readingIndex]; double angle = laserAngles[angleIndex]; if (r > laserMaxRange || r == 0.0 || r > Double.MAX_VALUE) continue; double d = r > usableRange ? usableRange : r; // DoublePoint phit = new DoublePoint(lp.x, lp.y); double phitx = lp.x, phity = lp.y; phitx += d * Math.cos(lp.theta + angle); phity += d * Math.sin(lp.theta + angle); if (phitx < min.x) min.x = phitx; if (phity < min.y) min.y = phity; if (phitx > max.x) max.x = phitx; if (phity > max.y) max.y = phity; } if (!map.isInsideD(min) || !map.isInsideD(max)) { DoublePoint lmin = map.map2world(new IntPoint(0, 0)); DoublePoint lmax = map.map2world(new IntPoint(map.getMapSizeX() - 1, map.getMapSizeY() - 1)); min.x = (min.x >= lmin.x) ? lmin.x : min.x - enlargeStep; max.x = (max.x <= lmax.x) ? lmax.x : max.x + enlargeStep; min.y = (min.y >= lmin.y) ? lmin.y : min.y - enlargeStep; max.y = (max.y <= lmax.y) ? lmax.y : max.y + enlargeStep; map.resize(min.x, min.y, max.x, max.y); } // readingIndex = initialBeamsSkip; // angleIndex = initialBeamsSkip; // for (readingIndex = initialBeamsSkip; readingIndex < laserBeams; readingIndex++, // angleIndex++) { // if (generateMap) { // double d = readings[readingIndex]; // if (d > laserMaxRange || d == 0.0 || d > Double.MAX_VALUE) // continue; // if (d > usableRange) // d = usableRange; // // DoublePoint phit = new DoublePoint(d * Math.cos(lp.theta + // laserAngles[angleIndex]) + lp.x, d * Math.sin(lp.theta + laserAngles[angleIndex]) + lp.y); // p0 = map.world2map(lp); // IntPoint p1 = map.world2map(phit); // // d += map.getDelta(); // GridLineTraversalLine line = new GridLineTraversalLine(); // line.points = m_linePoints; // GridLineTraversalLine.gridLine(p0, p1, line); // for (int i = 0; i < line.numPoints - 1; i++) { // IntPoint patch = (m_linePoints[i]); // activeArea.add(patch); // } // if (d <= usableRange) { // IntPoint patch = (p1); // activeArea.add(patch); // } // } else { // double r = readings[readingIndex]; // double angle = laserAngles[angleIndex]; // if (readings[readingIndex] > laserMaxRange || readings[readingIndex] > // usableRange) { // continue; // } //// DoublePoint phit = new DoublePoint(lp.x, lp.y); // double phitx = lp.x; // double phity = lp.y; // phitx += r * Math.cos(lp.theta + angle); // phity += r * Math.sin(lp.theta + angle); // // IntPoint p1 = map.world2map(phitx, phity); // assert (p1.x >= 0 && p1.y >= 0); // IntPoint cp = (p1); // assert (cp.x >= 0 && cp.y >= 0); // activeArea.add(cp); // } // } // this allocates the unallocated cells in the active area of the map // map.setActiveArea(activeArea, false); m_activeAreaComputed = true; }