/* * Claims an action for a given eperson */ @Override public void createOwnedTask( Context context, XmlWorkflowItem wi, Step step, WorkflowActionConfig action, EPerson e) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { ClaimedTask task = claimedTaskService.create(context); task.setWorkflowItem(wi); task.setStepID(step.getId()); task.setActionID(action.getId()); task.setOwner(e); task.setWorkflowID(step.getWorkflow().getID()); claimedTaskService.update(context, task); // Make sure this user has a task grantUserAllItemPolicies(context, wi.getItem(), e); }
@Override public void deleteClaimedTask(Context c, XmlWorkflowItem wi, ClaimedTask task) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { if (task != null) { removeUserItemPolicies(c, wi.getItem(), task.getOwner()); claimedTaskService.delete(c, task); } }
/** * Deletes all tasks from this workflowflowitem * * @param context the dspace context * @param wi the workflow item for which we are to delete the tasks * @throws SQLException An exception that provides information on a database access error or other * errors. * @throws AuthorizeException Exception indicating the current user of the context does not have * permission to perform a particular action. */ @Override public void deleteAllTasks(Context context, XmlWorkflowItem wi) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { deleteAllPooledTasks(context, wi); Iterator<ClaimedTask> allClaimedTasks = claimedTaskService.findByWorkflowItem(context, wi).iterator(); while (allClaimedTasks.hasNext()) { ClaimedTask task = allClaimedTasks.next(); allClaimedTasks.remove(); deleteClaimedTask(context, wi, task); } }
@Override public List<String> getEPersonDeleteConstraints(Context context, EPerson ePerson) throws SQLException { List<String> constraints = new ArrayList<String>(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(claimedTaskService.findByEperson(context, ePerson))) { constraints.add("cwf_claimtask"); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(poolTaskService.findByEPerson(context, ePerson))) { constraints.add("cwf_pooltask"); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(workflowItemRoleService.findByEPerson(context, ePerson))) { constraints.add("cwf_workflowitemrole"); } return constraints; }
@Override public WorkspaceItem sendWorkflowItemBackSubmission( Context context, XmlWorkflowItem wi, EPerson e, String provenance, String rejection_message) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException { String workflowID = null; String currentStepId = null; String currentActionConfigId = null; ClaimedTask claimedTask = claimedTaskService.findByWorkflowIdAndEPerson(context, wi, e); if (claimedTask != null) { // Log it workflowID = claimedTask.getWorkflowID(); currentStepId = claimedTask.getStepID(); currentActionConfigId = claimedTask.getActionID(); } context.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); // rejection provenance Item myitem = wi.getItem(); // Get current date String now = DCDate.getCurrent().toString(); // Get user's name + email address String usersName = getEPersonName(e); // Here's what happened String provDescription = provenance + " Rejected by " + usersName + ", reason: " + rejection_message + " on " + now + " (GMT) "; // Add to item as a DC field itemService.addMetadata( context, myitem, MetadataSchema.DC_SCHEMA, "description", "provenance", "en", provDescription); // Clear any workflow schema related metadata itemService.clearMetadata( context, myitem, WorkflowRequirementsService.WORKFLOW_SCHEMA, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); itemService.update(context, myitem); // convert into personal workspace WorkspaceItem wsi = returnToWorkspace(context, wi); // notify that it's been rejected notifyOfReject(context, wi, e, rejection_message); log.info( LogManager.getHeader( context, "reject_workflow", "workflow_item_id=" + wi.getID() + "item_id=" + wi.getItem().getID() + "collection_id=" + wi.getCollection().getID() + "eperson_id=" + e.getID())); logWorkflowEvent(context, workflowID, currentStepId, currentActionConfigId, wi, e, null, null); context.restoreAuthSystemState(); return wsi; }
protected void logWorkflowEvent( Context c, String workflowId, String previousStepId, String previousActionConfigId, XmlWorkflowItem wfi, EPerson actor, Step newStep, WorkflowActionConfig newActionConfig) throws SQLException { try { // Fire an event so we can log our action ! Item item = wfi.getItem(); Collection myCollection = wfi.getCollection(); String workflowStepString = null; List<EPerson> currentEpersonOwners = new ArrayList<EPerson>(); List<Group> currentGroupOwners = new ArrayList<Group>(); // These are only null if our item is sent back to the submission if (newStep != null && newActionConfig != null) { workflowStepString = workflowId + "." + newStep.getId() + "." + newActionConfig.getId(); // Retrieve the current owners of the task List<ClaimedTask> claimedTasks = claimedTaskService.find(c, wfi, newStep.getId()); List<PoolTask> pooledTasks = poolTaskService.find(c, wfi); for (PoolTask poolTask : pooledTasks) { if (poolTask.getEperson() != null) { currentEpersonOwners.add(poolTask.getEperson()); } else { currentGroupOwners.add(poolTask.getGroup()); } } for (ClaimedTask claimedTask : claimedTasks) { currentEpersonOwners.add(claimedTask.getOwner()); } } String previousWorkflowStepString = null; if (previousStepId != null && previousActionConfigId != null) { previousWorkflowStepString = workflowId + "." + previousStepId + "." + previousActionConfigId; } // Fire our usage event ! UsageWorkflowEvent usageWorkflowEvent = new UsageWorkflowEvent( c, item, wfi, workflowStepString, previousWorkflowStepString, myCollection, actor); usageWorkflowEvent.setEpersonOwners( currentEpersonOwners.toArray(new EPerson[currentEpersonOwners.size()])); usageWorkflowEvent.setGroupOwners( currentGroupOwners.toArray(new Group[currentGroupOwners.size()])); DSpaceServicesFactory.getInstance().getEventService().fireEvent(usageWorkflowEvent); } catch (Exception e) { // Catch all errors we do not want our workflow to crash because the logging threw an // exception log.error( LogManager.getHeader( c, "Error while logging workflow event", "Workflow Item: " + wfi.getID()), e); } }
@Override public WorkflowActionConfig processOutcome( Context c, EPerson user, Workflow workflow, Step currentStep, WorkflowActionConfig currentActionConfig, ActionResult currentOutcome, XmlWorkflowItem wfi, boolean enteredNewStep) throws IOException, AuthorizeException, SQLException, WorkflowException { if (currentOutcome.getType() == ActionResult.TYPE.TYPE_PAGE || currentOutcome.getType() == ActionResult.TYPE.TYPE_ERROR) { // Our outcome is a page or an error, so return our current action c.restoreAuthSystemState(); return currentActionConfig; } else if (currentOutcome.getType() == ActionResult.TYPE.TYPE_CANCEL || currentOutcome.getType() == ActionResult.TYPE.TYPE_SUBMISSION_PAGE) { // We either pressed the cancel button or got an order to return to the submission page, so // don't return an action // By not returning an action we ensure ourselfs that we go back to the submission page c.restoreAuthSystemState(); return null; } else if (currentOutcome.getType() == ActionResult.TYPE.TYPE_OUTCOME) { Step nextStep = null; WorkflowActionConfig nextActionConfig = null; try { // We have completed our action search & retrieve the next action if (currentOutcome.getResult() == ActionResult.OUTCOME_COMPLETE) { nextActionConfig = currentStep.getNextAction(currentActionConfig); } if (nextActionConfig != null) { // We remain in the current step since an action is found nextStep = currentStep; nextActionConfig.getProcessingAction().activate(c, wfi); if (nextActionConfig.requiresUI() && !enteredNewStep) { createOwnedTask(c, wfi, currentStep, nextActionConfig, user); return nextActionConfig; } else if (nextActionConfig.requiresUI() && enteredNewStep) { // We have entered a new step and have encountered a UI, return null since the current // user doesn't have anything to do with this c.restoreAuthSystemState(); return null; } else { ActionResult newOutcome = nextActionConfig.getProcessingAction().execute(c, wfi, currentStep, null); return processOutcome( c, user, workflow, currentStep, nextActionConfig, newOutcome, wfi, enteredNewStep); } } else if (enteredNewStep) { // If the user finished his/her step, we keep processing until there is a UI step action // or no step at all nextStep = workflow.getNextStep(c, wfi, currentStep, currentOutcome.getResult()); c.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); nextActionConfig = processNextStep(c, user, workflow, currentOutcome, wfi, nextStep); // If we require a user interface return null so that the user is redirected to the // "submissions page" if (nextActionConfig == null || nextActionConfig.requiresUI()) { return null; } else { return nextActionConfig; } } else { ClaimedTask task = claimedTaskService.findByWorkflowIdAndEPerson(c, wfi, user); // Check if we have a task for this action (might not be the case with automatic steps) // First add it to our list of finished users, since no more actions remain workflowRequirementsService.addFinishedUser(c, wfi, user); c.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); // Check if our requirements have been met if ((currentStep.isFinished(c, wfi) && currentOutcome.getResult() == ActionResult.OUTCOME_COMPLETE) || currentOutcome.getResult() != ActionResult.OUTCOME_COMPLETE) { // Delete all the table rows containing the users who performed this task workflowRequirementsService.clearInProgressUsers(c, wfi); // Remove all the tasks deleteAllTasks(c, wfi); nextStep = workflow.getNextStep(c, wfi, currentStep, currentOutcome.getResult()); nextActionConfig = processNextStep(c, user, workflow, currentOutcome, wfi, nextStep); // If we require a user interface return null so that the user is redirected to the // "submissions page" if (nextActionConfig == null || nextActionConfig.requiresUI()) { return null; } else { return nextActionConfig; } } else { // We are done with our actions so go to the submissions page but remove action // ClaimedAction first deleteClaimedTask(c, wfi, task); c.restoreAuthSystemState(); nextStep = currentStep; nextActionConfig = currentActionConfig; return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("error while processing workflow outcome", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if ((nextStep != null && currentStep != null && nextActionConfig != null) || (wfi.getItem().isArchived() && currentStep != null)) { logWorkflowEvent( c, currentStep.getWorkflow().getID(), currentStep.getId(), currentActionConfig.getId(), wfi, user, nextStep, nextActionConfig); } } } log.error(LogManager.getHeader(c, "Invalid step outcome", "Workflow item id: " + wfi.getID())); throw new WorkflowException("Invalid step outcome"); }