public void start(int options) throws BundleException { if (getState() == UNINSTALLED) throw new IllegalStateException("Bundle.UNINSTALLED"); BundleStartLevel bundleStartLevel = adapt(BundleStartLevel.class); FrameworkStartLevel frameworkStartLevel = getFramework().adapt(FrameworkStartLevel.class); if ((bundleStartLevel != null) && (bundleStartLevel.getStartLevel() > frameworkStartLevel.getStartLevel())) { if ((options & START_TRANSIENT) == START_TRANSIENT) throw new BundleException("startLevel"); else return; } if (getState() == ACTIVE) return; if (getState() == INSTALLED) setState(RESOLVED); setState(STARTING); String location = getLocation(); if (location != null) { BundleActivator bundleActivator = null; Throwable exception = null; try { bundleActivator = (BundleActivator) loadClass(location.replace('/', '.')).newInstance(); bundleActivator.start(getBundleContext()); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error starting bundle: " + bundleActivator, t); if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t; else exception = t; } if (exception == null) this.bundleActivator = bundleActivator; else { setState(STOPPING); setState(RESOLVED); getFramework().fireBundleEvent(BundleEvent.STOPPED, this); throw new BundleException("BundleActivator.start", exception); } } if (getState() == UNINSTALLED) throw new IllegalStateException("Bundle.UNINSTALLED"); setState(ACTIVE); }
public void stop(int options) throws BundleException { boolean wasActive = false; switch (getState()) { case ACTIVE: wasActive = true; case STARTING: setState(STOPPING); Throwable exception = null; if (wasActive && (bundleActivator != null)) { try { bundleActivator.stop(getBundleContext()); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t; else exception = t; } this.bundleActivator = null; } if (getState() == UNINSTALLED) throw new BundleException("Bundle.UNINSTALLED"); setState(RESOLVED); getFramework().fireBundleEvent(BundleEvent.STOPPED, this); if (exception != null) throw new BundleException("BundleActivator.stop", exception); break; case UNINSTALLED: throw new IllegalStateException("Bundle.UNINSTALLED"); default: break; } }
/** * Call bundle's BundleActivator.stop() This method is called by Bundle.stopWorker to stop the * bundle. * * @exception BundleException if the bundle has a class that implements the BundleActivator * interface, and the BundleActivator.stop() method failed */ protected void stop() throws BundleException { try { AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() { public Object run() throws Exception { if (activator != null) { // make sure the context class loader is set correctly Object previousTCCL = setContextFinder(); try { /* Stop the bundle synchronously */ activator.stop(BundleContextImpl.this); } finally { if (previousTCCL != Boolean.FALSE) Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader((ClassLoader) previousTCCL); } } return null; } }); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof PrivilegedActionException) { t = ((PrivilegedActionException) t).getException(); } if (Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) { Debug.printStackTrace(t); } String clazz = (activator == null) ? "" : activator.getClass().getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$ throw new BundleException( NLS.bind( Msg.BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION, new Object[] { clazz, "stop", bundle.getSymbolicName() == null ? "" + bundle.getBundleId() : bundle.getSymbolicName() }), BundleException.ACTIVATOR_ERROR, t); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } finally { activator = null; } }
/** * Calls the start method of a BundleActivator. * * @param bundleActivator that activator to start */ protected void startActivator(final BundleActivator bundleActivator) throws BundleException { if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP) Profile.logEnter("BundleContextImpl.startActivator()", null); // $NON-NLS-1$ try { AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() { public Object run() throws Exception { if (bundleActivator != null) { if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP) Profile.logTime( "BundleContextImpl.startActivator()", "calling " + bundle.getLocation() + " bundle activator"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$ // make sure the context class loader is set correctly Object previousTCCL = setContextFinder(); /* Start the bundle synchronously */ try { bundleActivator.start(BundleContextImpl.this); } finally { if (previousTCCL != Boolean.FALSE) Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader((ClassLoader) previousTCCL); } if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP) Profile.logTime( "BundleContextImpl.startActivator()", "returned from " + bundle.getLocation() + " bundle activator"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$ } return null; } }); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof PrivilegedActionException) { t = ((PrivilegedActionException) t).getException(); } if (Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) { Debug.printStackTrace(t); } String clazz = null; clazz = bundleActivator.getClass().getName(); throw new BundleException( NLS.bind( Msg.BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION, new Object[] { clazz, "start", bundle.getSymbolicName() == null ? "" + bundle.getBundleId() : bundle.getSymbolicName() }), BundleException.ACTIVATOR_ERROR, t); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } finally { if (Profile.PROFILE && Profile.STARTUP) Profile.logExit("BundleContextImpl.startActivator()"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }