private Path holePathVonNeuemLaufwerk(ArrayList<Path> initial, ArrayList<Path> aktuell) { ArrayList<Path> test, test1; test = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); test1 = (ArrayList<Path>) initial.clone(); test.removeAll(test1); return test.get(test.size() - 1); }
@Override public void run() { while (true) { if (istWindows()) aktuell = holeLaufwerkeWindows(); else aktuell = holeLaufwerkeUnix(); if (initial.size() != aktuell.size()) { if (!initial.containsAll(aktuell)) { neuesLaufwerk = holePathVonNeuemLaufwerk(initial, aktuell); textArea.append("Neues Laufwerk endeckt: " + neuesLaufwerk + System.lineSeparator()); this.initial = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); neuesLaufwerkDialog(); } else { this.initial = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); textArea.append("Laufwerk wurde entfernt" + System.lineSeparator()); } } try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Laufwerksprüfung wird abgebrochen"); } } }
public String pickGoodStarterWord() { String word; ArrayList<String> wordsOfCurrentSize = (ArrayList) wordList.clone(); wordsOfCurrentSize.retainAll(sizeToWord.get(wordlength)); // ArrayList<String> wordsOfCurrentSize = sizeToWord.get(wordlength); Integer startingPoint = random.nextInt(wordsOfCurrentSize.size()); // Log.d("numberOfWords: ", String.valueOf(wordsOfCurrentSize.size())); do { word = wordsOfCurrentSize.get(startingPoint); if (startingPoint == (wordsOfCurrentSize.size() - 1)) { startingPoint = 0; } else { startingPoint++; } } while (lettersToWord.get(sortLetters(word)).size() < MIN_NUM_ANAGRAMS); if (wordlength <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) { wordlength++; } Log.d("pickGoodStarterWord", "Chosen Starter Word is: " + word); return word; }
public static void doIt() throws Exception { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; Integer currentBalance = scanner.nextInt(); int removeLast, removePenultimate; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList<Character> chars = new ArrayList<Character>(); for (Character c : currentBalance.toString().toCharArray()) chars.add(c); ArrayList<Character> c1 = (ArrayList<Character>) chars.clone(); c1.remove(c1.size() - 1); for (Character cc : c1) buf.append(cc); removeLast = new Integer(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList<Character> c2 = (ArrayList<Character>) chars.clone(); c2.remove(c2.size() - 2); for (Character cc : c2) buf.append(cc); removePenultimate = new Integer(buf.toString()); System.out.println(Math.max(currentBalance, Math.max(removeLast, removePenultimate))); }
private void construct( SourceObject scriptObject_, boolean isExecutable_, DebugObject debug_, TokenBase rootChunk_, ArrayList<TokenBase> remark_, ArrayList<ScriptInstruction> instructionRegistry_) { isExecutable = isExecutable_; if (rootChunk_ != null) { rootChunk = (TokenBase) rootChunk_.clone(); } if (remark_ != null) { remark = (ArrayList<TokenBase>) remark_.clone(); } retObjClassName = scriptObject_.returnClassName; if (instructionRegistry_ != null) { instructionRegistry = (ArrayList<JRInstruction>) instructionRegistry_.clone(); } methodId = scriptObject_.methodId; if (debug_ != null) { debug = debug_.clone(); } if (scriptObject_ != null) { source = scriptObject_.clone(); } }
static int minOperationTime(long currentMoteSize, ArrayList<Long> motes) { if (motes.size() == 0) return 0; while (motes.size() > 0 && motes.get(0) < currentMoteSize) { currentMoteSize += motes.get(0); motes.remove(0); } if (currentMoteSize - 1 == 0) return motes.size(); if (motes.size() == 0) return 0; ArrayList<Long> removeMotes = (ArrayList<Long>) (motes.clone()); removeMotes.remove(0); int operationTimeRemove = minOperationTime(currentMoteSize, removeMotes); int operationTimeAdd = 0; while (currentMoteSize <= motes.get(0)) { currentMoteSize += currentMoteSize - 1; operationTimeAdd++; } ArrayList<Long> addMotes = (ArrayList<Long>) (motes.clone()); // addMotes.add(0, currentMoteSize-1); // System.out.println("size:" + addMotes.size() + " mote:"+(2*currentMoteSize-1)); operationTimeAdd += minOperationTime(currentMoteSize, addMotes); return operationTimeAdd < operationTimeRemove + 1 ? operationTimeAdd : operationTimeRemove + 1; }
public List<DateFormat> getDateFormats(final Type type) { if (type.isFlagSet(Type.DATE_TYPE)) { return (List<DateFormat>) dateFormats.clone(); } else if (type.isFlagSet(Type.DATETIME_TYPE)) { return (List<DateFormat>) datetimeFormats.clone(); } else if (type.isFlagSet(Type.TIME_TYPE)) { return (List<DateFormat>) timeFormats.clone(); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
public void addedStatement(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement stmt) { if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(hasContextProperty)) { if (!stmt.getObject().canAs(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource.class)) return; com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource resource = (com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource) stmt.getObject().as(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource.class); hasContext = null; if (true) { // don't check resource type if the property range is Resource try { hasContext =, _model); } catch (JastorException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } if (listeners != null) { java.util.ArrayList consumers; synchronized (listeners) { consumers = (java.util.ArrayList) listeners.clone(); } for (java.util.Iterator iter = consumers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ExtendedUserBehaviourListener listener = (ExtendedUserBehaviourListener); listener.hasContextChanged(; } } return; } if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(hasUserBehaviourProperty)) { if (!stmt.getObject().canAs(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource.class)) return; com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource resource = (com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource) stmt.getObject().as(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource.class); hasUserBehaviour = null; if (true) { // don't check resource type if the property range is Resource try { hasUserBehaviour =, _model); } catch (JastorException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } if (listeners != null) { java.util.ArrayList consumers; synchronized (listeners) { consumers = (java.util.ArrayList) listeners.clone(); } for (java.util.Iterator iter = consumers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ExtendedUserBehaviourListener listener = (ExtendedUserBehaviourListener); listener.hasUserBehaviourChanged(; } } return; } }
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { final MailDefinition mailDefinition = (MailDefinition) super.clone(); mailDefinition.bodyReport = (MasterReport) bodyReport.clone(); mailDefinition.attachmentTypes = (ArrayList) attachmentTypes.clone(); mailDefinition.attachmentReports = (ArrayList) attachmentReports.clone(); mailDefinition.attachmentReports.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < attachmentReports.size(); i++) { final MasterReport report = (MasterReport) attachmentReports.get(i); mailDefinition.attachmentReports.add(report.clone()); } return mailDefinition; }
// MJN: have to clone the vertices, otherwise the cloned triangle // points back to the same verts as the original triangle. // WARNING: this means that the triangle verts aren't references to the // verts in the vertex array. The triangle verts are copies, so if // changes are made to the verts (ie. rebuild() assigns ids to them), // these copies won't be affected. public GL_Triangle makeClone() { GL_Triangle clone = new GL_Triangle(p1.makeClone(), p2.makeClone(), p3.makeClone()); clone.norm1 = norm1.getClone(); clone.norm2 = norm2.getClone(); clone.norm3 = norm3.getClone(); clone.uvw1 = uvw1.getClone(); clone.uvw2 = uvw2.getClone(); clone.uvw3 = uvw3.getClone(); clone.neighborsP1 = (ArrayList) neighborsP1.clone(); clone.neighborsP2 = (ArrayList) neighborsP2.clone(); clone.neighborsP3 = (ArrayList) neighborsP3.clone(); return clone; }
public ArrayList<Node> findBestPackageSet(Map map, int maxWeight) { long binaryCounter = 0b0; long bitMask = getBitMask(map.size()); ArrayList<Node> best = new ArrayList<>(); while ((binaryCounter & bitMask) != bitMask) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > timeout) { stop = true; return null; } ArrayList<Node> current = new ArrayList<>(); binaryCounter++; long temp = binaryCounter; for (int i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) { if ((temp & 0b1) == 0b1) { current.add(map.getNode(i)); } temp = temp >>> 1; } if (map.getValue(current) > map.getValue(best) && map.getWeight(current) < maxWeight) { best = (ArrayList<Node>) current.clone(); } } return best; }
public Generador(ArrayList<String> pila_2, String programName) { tope = 0; pila = null; pila = (ArrayList<String>) pila_2.clone(); this.programName = programName; pilaEvaluacion = new Stack<Double>(); }
public void calculo(int salto, int ValorI) { int ganancia = 0; int Valor = ValorI; ArrayList<Zona> temporal = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = Valor; i < TerreniSize; i += salto) { temporal.add(Terrenos.get(i)); ganancia += Terrenos.get(i).getBeneficio(); } if (ganancia > verificar) { firstOption = (ArrayList<Zona>) temporal.clone(); verificar = ganancia; temporal.clear(); ganancia = 0; if (salto < TerreniSize) { calculo(salto + 1, Valor); } } else { // Si no se cumple la condicion reinica la longitud del arreglo temporal.clear(); ganancia = 0; if (salto < TerreniSize) { calculo(salto + 1, Valor); } } }
public void minimizar(){ boolean cambio =true; int noCambio =0; pobini.clear(); pobini = (ArrayList<ArrayList>) pobiniAux.clone(); while(cambio){ //seleccionar el nuevo renglon mayorFuturo=seleccionaMenor(); System.out.println("El renglon seleccionado es :"+ renglonSeleccionado); //llenarlaNuevapoblacion nuevaPoblacion(); //nuevos valores Decimales mostrarPesosNuevos(); //comparar los cambios if(mayorActual>mayorFuturo){ mayorActual=mayorFuturo; noCambio=0; }else{ noCambio++; } if(noCambio>3){ cambio=false; } System.out.println("El menor es: "+mayorActual); } mostrarPoblaFin(); jMinimo.setText(Integer.toString(mayorActual)); }
public static void printPaths(Node node, ArrayList<Integer> path) { if (node == null) { return; } ArrayList<Integer> newPath = (ArrayList<Integer>) path.clone(); newPath.add(Integer.valueOf(; if (node.isLeaf()) { printPath(newPath); return; } printPaths(node.left, newPath); printPaths(node.right, newPath); /* The following alternate approach won't work * because we'll append a node to the same list every time, * even when we move back up the tree and start on a new branch. * * path.add(Integer.valueOf(; if (node.isLeaf()) { printPath(path); return; } printPaths(node.left , path); printPaths(node.right, path); */ }
public static void combinationSumRecursive( int[] candidates, int target, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ls, ArrayList<Integer> l, HashSet<String> outputs) { if (target == 0) { ArrayList<Integer> l2 = (ArrayList<Integer>) l.clone(); Collections.sort(l2); StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(""); for (Integer f : l2) { output.append(f + " "); } if (!outputs.contains(output.toString())) { outputs.add(output.toString()); ls.add(l2); } return; } for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { if (target >= candidates[i]) { l.add(candidates[i]); combinationSumRecursive(candidates, target - candidates[i], ls, l, outputs); l.remove(l.size() - 1); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Challenge next(int mLevel, int mScore) { if (challengeMap == null) { xmlScan(); } // if level has increased beyond the defined challenges, pick the last challenge if (challengeMap.size() >= mLevel) mUsedChallengeMapIndex = mLevel - 1; else mUsedChallengeMapIndex = challengeMap.size() - 1; ArrayList<Challenge> challenges = challengeMap.get(mUsedChallengeMapIndex); if (challenges.size() == 0) { challengeMap.set(mUsedChallengeMapIndex, (ArrayList<Challenge>) mLastChallengeSet.clone()); challenges = challengeMap.get(mUsedChallengeMapIndex); } mUsedChallengeIndex = random.nextInt(challenges.size()); // clone challenge so we can modify the options freely Challenge ch = (Challenge) challenges.get(mUsedChallengeIndex).clone(); ch.options = makeOptions(ch.nOptions, ch.answer, ch.options, ch.avoid); return ch; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ASTPtrdeclaratorList clone() { ASTPtrdeclaratorList ret = new ASTPtrdeclaratorList(); ret.setList((ArrayList<ASTPtrdeclarator>) list.clone()); return ret; }
/* * Combine two item sets of size k into an item set of size k+1 * The maximum k is set to 5 at the moment */ private void combineItemSet() { ArrayList<AttributeItemSet> tempItemSet = new ArrayList<AttributeItemSet>(); for (int k = 1; k < this.ITEMSET_SIZE; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < this._itemSet.size() - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < this._itemSet.size(); j++) { if (this._itemSet.get(i).differentInLastAttribute(this._itemSet.get(j))) { AttributeItemSet tempAttrItemSet1 = (AttributeItemSet) this._itemSet.get(i).clone(); System.out.println(tempAttrItemSet1.toString()); AttributeItemSet tempAttrItemSet2 = (AttributeItemSet) this._itemSet.get(j).clone(); System.out.println(tempAttrItemSet2.toString()); tempAttrItemSet1.addCandidateItemSet( tempAttrItemSet2 .getCandidateItemSet() .get(tempAttrItemSet2.getCandidateItemSet().size() - 1)); tempAttrItemSet1.resetCoverage(); tempItemSet.add((AttributeItemSet) tempAttrItemSet1); } else { // do nothing when all the attributes are similar or when there // are more than one difference (not only the last) in the two sets ; } } } this.findFrequentItemSets(tempItemSet); this._itemSet = (ArrayList<AttributeItemSet>) tempItemSet.clone(); tempItemSet.clear(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void run() { try { ListeningSocket.setSoTimeout(ListeningTimeout); // . try { while (!Canceller.flCancel) { Socket ClientSocket; try { ClientSocket = ListeningSocket.accept(); // . start new session new TClientSession(this, ClientSocket); } catch (SocketTimeoutException E) { } } } finally { ArrayList<TClientSession> _ClientSessions; synchronized (ClientSessions) { _ClientSessions = (ArrayList<TClientSession>) ClientSessions.clone(); } for (int I = 0; I < _ClientSessions.size(); I++) _ClientSessions.get(I).Finalize(); } } catch (Throwable T) { if (!Canceller.flCancel) { if (ExceptionHandler != null) ExceptionHandler.DoOnException(T); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("resource") static boolean toFile(ArrayList<UploadedCaption> list, long steamID, String packageName) { FileOutputStream stream; try { stream = new FileOutputStream(filePath(steamID, packageName)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<UploadedCaption> newList = (ArrayList<UploadedCaption>) (list.clone()); Collections.sort(newList, new UploadedCaptionComparator()); int size = newList.size(); try { (new LittleEndianDataOutputStream(stream)).writeInt(size); Iterator<UploadedCaption> iterator = newList.iterator(); while (size-- > 0) {; } stream.flush(); Utility.closeCloseable(stream); return true; } catch (IOException e) { Utility.closeCloseable(stream); return false; } }
/** * Method for retrieving the entities to render with the respective information. * * @return List containing all markers for now. */ protected ArrayList<Trackable> getList() { synchronized (synLock) { updatedData = false; //noinspection unchecked return (ArrayList<Trackable>) detectedTrackables.clone(); } }
public void setPoints(ArrayList<Double> xnvalues, ArrayList<Double> fxnvalues) { resultMatrix.clear(); copiedXnValues.clear(); coefficients.clear(); individualPolynomials.clear(); equations.clear(); copiedXnValues = (ArrayList<Double>) xnvalues.clone(); int sXEqs = (copiedXnValues.size() - 1) * 2; int dSXEqs = copiedXnValues.size() - 2; int d2SXEqs = copiedXnValues.size() - 2; int supEqs = 2; int totalEqs = 4 * (copiedXnValues.size() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < totalEqs; i++) { resultMatrix.add(new ArrayList<Double>()); // Se pone un nuevo ArrayList en cada posición. } // Ecuaciones con s(x). buildSXEqs(sXEqs, totalEqs, fxnvalues); // Ecuaciones con s'(x). buildDSXEqs(dSXEqs, totalEqs); // Ecuaciones con s''(x). buildD2SXEqs(d2SXEqs, totalEqs); // Ecuaciones con s''(x) + suposición. buildSupEqs(supEqs, totalEqs); convertResultToMatrix(); marks = Matrix.fillMarks(interpolationMatrix.length); solveWithTotalPivoting(); if (coefficients.size() > 0) { buildPiecewisePolynomial(totalEqs); } else { // Hubo algún error resolviendo el sistema de ecuaciones. polynomial = "Polinimio No Determinado"; } // System.out.println(polynomial); }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ASTEnhancedForStatementNoShortIfList clone() { ASTEnhancedForStatementNoShortIfList ret = new ASTEnhancedForStatementNoShortIfList(); ret.setList((ArrayList<ASTEnhancedForStatementNoShortIf>) list.clone()); return ret; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ASTPostfixexpressionList clone() { ASTPostfixexpressionList ret = new ASTPostfixexpressionList(); ret.setList((ArrayList<ASTPostfixexpression>) list.clone()); return ret; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ASTTypenamePList clone() { ASTTypenamePList ret = new ASTTypenamePList(); ret.setList((ArrayList<ASTTypenameP>) list.clone()); return ret; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ASTUnannClassTypeList clone() { ASTUnannClassTypeList ret = new ASTUnannClassTypeList(); ret.setList((ArrayList<ASTUnannClassType>) list.clone()); return ret; }
private void calculateFiniteSupport(ArrayList<Integer> currentList, int depth, int remain) { if (depth == k) { finiteSupport[supportNum] = currentList.clone(); supportNum++; } else if (depth == k - 1) { if (remain == 0) { currentList.add(0); calculateFiniteSupport(currentList, depth + 1, 0); currentList.remove(depth); } else if (!Util.closeToZero(p[depth])) { currentList.add(remain); calculateFiniteSupport(currentList, depth + 1, 0); currentList.remove(depth); } } else { currentList.add(0); calculateFiniteSupport(currentList, depth + 1, remain); currentList.remove(depth); if (!Util.closeToZero(p[depth])) { for (int i = 1; i <= remain; i++) { currentList.add(i); calculateFiniteSupport(currentList, depth + 1, remain - i); currentList.remove(depth); } } } }
public ArrayList getListOfAvailableItems(LibraryType type) { ArrayList listOfItems = new ArrayList(); switch (type) { case BOOK: for (Item item : listOfAvailableItems) { if (item instanceof Book) { listOfItems.add((Book) item); } } break; case MOVIE: for (Item item : listOfAvailableItems) { if (item instanceof Movie) { listOfItems.add((Movie) item); } } break; default: listOfItems = (ArrayList) listOfAvailableItems.clone(); } return listOfItems; }
private void addPaths( List<List<AbilityFacade>> abilityPaths, List<AbilityFacade> preAbilities, ArrayList<AbilityFacade> path) { if (path.size() > 20) { Logging.errorPrint( "Found probable ability prereq cycle [" + StringUtils.join(path, ",") + "] with prereqs [" + StringUtils.join(preAbilities, ",") + "]. Skipping."); return; } for (AbilityFacade preAbility : preAbilities) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<AbilityFacade> pathclone = (ArrayList<AbilityFacade>) path.clone(); pathclone.add(preAbility); List<AbilityFacade> preAbilities2 = dataset.getPrereqAbilities(preAbility); // Don't include self references in the path preAbilities2.remove(preAbility); preAbilities2.removeAll(pathclone); if (preAbilities2.isEmpty()) { abilityPaths.add(pathclone); } else { addPaths(abilityPaths, preAbilities2, pathclone); } } }