コード例 #1
  * Method that can be called to find if introspected class declares a static "valueOf" factory
  * method that returns an instance of introspected type, given one of acceptable types.
  * @param expArgTypes Types that the matching single argument factory method can take: will also
  *     accept super types of these types (ie. arg just has to be assignable from expArgType)
 public Method findFactoryMethod(Class<?>... expArgTypes) {
   // So, of all single-arg static methods:
   for (AnnotatedMethod am : _classInfo.getStaticMethods()) {
     if (isFactoryMethod(am)) {
       // And must take one of expected arg types (or supertype)
       Class<?> actualArgType = am.getParameterClass(0);
       for (Class<?> expArgType : expArgTypes) {
         // And one that matches what we would pass in
         if (actualArgType.isAssignableFrom(expArgType)) {
           return am.getAnnotated();
   return null;
コード例 #2
  * Method used to locate the method of introspected class that implements {@link
  * sh.calaba.org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAnySetter}. If no such method exists null is
  * returned. If more than one are found, an exception is thrown. Additional checks are also made
  * to see that method signature is acceptable: needs to take 2 arguments, first one String or
  * Object; second any can be any type.
 public AnnotatedMethod findAnySetter() throws IllegalArgumentException {
   if (_anySetterMethod != null) {
     /* Also, let's be somewhat strict on how field name is to be
      * passed; String, Object make sense, others not
      * so much.
     /* !!! 18-May-2009, tatu: how about enums? Can add support if
      *  requested; easy enough for devs to add support within
      *  method.
     Class<?> type = _anySetterMethod.getParameterClass(0);
     if (type != String.class && type != Object.class) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "Invalid 'any-setter' annotation on method "
               + _anySetterMethod.getName()
               + "(): first argument not of type String or Object, but "
               + type.getName());
   return _anySetterMethod;