public void prepare(String query, InetAddress toExclude) throws InterruptedException { for (Map.Entry<Host, HostConnectionPool> entry : pools.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getAddress().equals(toExclude)) continue; // Let's not wait too long if we can't get a connection. Things // will fix themselves once the user tries a query anyway. Connection c = null; try { c = entry.getValue().borrowConnection(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); c.write(new PrepareMessage(query)).get(); } catch (ConnectionException e) { // Again, not being able to prepare the query right now is no big deal, so just ignore } catch (BusyConnectionException e) { // Same as above } catch (TimeoutException e) { // Same as above } catch (ExecutionException e) { // We shouldn't really get exception while preparing a // query, so log this (but ignore otherwise as it's not a big deal) logger.error( String.format( "Unexpected error while preparing query (%s) on %s", query, entry.getKey()), e); } finally { if (c != null) entry.getValue().returnConnection(c); } } }
/** Checks consistency after all operations. */ private void consistencyCheck() { if (CONSISTENCY_CHECK) { assert lock.writeLock().isHeldByCurrentThread(); if (node2part == null) return; for (Map.Entry<UUID, GridDhtPartitionMap> e : node2part.entrySet()) { for (Integer p : e.getValue().keySet()) { Set<UUID> nodeIds = part2node.get(p); assert nodeIds != null : "Failed consistency check [part=" + p + ", nodeId=" + e.getKey() + ']'; assert nodeIds.contains(e.getKey()) : "Failed consistency check [part=" + p + ", nodeId=" + e.getKey() + ", nodeIds=" + nodeIds + ']'; } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<UUID>> e : part2node.entrySet()) { for (UUID nodeId : e.getValue()) { GridDhtPartitionMap map = node2part.get(nodeId); assert map != null : "Failed consistency check [part=" + e.getKey() + ", nodeId=" + nodeId + ']'; assert map.containsKey(e.getKey()) : "Failed consistency check [part=" + e.getKey() + ", nodeId=" + nodeId + ']'; } } } }
public UnfilteredRowIterator next() { Map.Entry<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition> entry =; // Actual stored key should be true DecoratedKey assert entry.getKey() instanceof DecoratedKey; DecoratedKey key = (DecoratedKey) entry.getKey(); ClusteringIndexFilter filter = dataRange.clusteringIndexFilter(key); return filter.getUnfilteredRowIterator(columnFilter, entry.getValue()); }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testAffinityPut() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ); assertEquals(NODES_CNT, client.compute().refreshTopology(false, false).size()); Map<UUID, Grid> gridsByLocNode = new HashMap<>(NODES_CNT); GridClientData partitioned =; GridClientCompute compute = client.compute(); for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) gridsByLocNode.put(grid(i).localNode().id(), grid(i)); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { String key = "key" + i; UUID primaryNodeId = grid(0).mapKeyToNode(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME, key).id(); assertEquals("Affinity mismatch for key: " + key, primaryNodeId, partitioned.affinity(key)); assertEquals(primaryNodeId, partitioned.affinity(key)); // Must go to primary node only. Since backup count is 0, value must present on // primary node only. partitioned.put(key, "val" + key); for (Map.Entry<UUID, Grid> entry : gridsByLocNode.entrySet()) { Object val = entry.getValue().cache(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME).peek(key); if (primaryNodeId.equals(entry.getKey())) assertEquals("val" + key, val); else assertNull(val); } } // Now check that we will see value in near cache in pinned mode. for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++) { String pinnedKey = "key" + i; UUID primaryNodeId = grid(0).mapKeyToNode(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME, pinnedKey).id(); UUID pinnedNodeId = F.first(F.view(gridsByLocNode.keySet(), F.notEqualTo(primaryNodeId))); GridClientNode node = compute.node(pinnedNodeId); partitioned.pinNodes(node).put(pinnedKey, "val" + pinnedKey); for (Map.Entry<UUID, Grid> entry : gridsByLocNode.entrySet()) { Object val = entry.getValue().cache(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME).peek(pinnedKey); if (primaryNodeId.equals(entry.getKey()) || pinnedNodeId.equals(entry.getKey())) assertEquals("val" + pinnedKey, val); else assertNull(val); } } }
/** lowerEntry returns preceding entry. */ public void testDescendingLowerEntry() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = dmap5(); Map.Entry e1 = map.lowerEntry(m3); assertEquals(m2, e1.getKey()); Map.Entry e2 = map.lowerEntry(m6); assertEquals(m5, e2.getKey()); Map.Entry e3 = map.lowerEntry(m1); assertNull(e3); Map.Entry e4 = map.lowerEntry(zero); assertNull(e4); }
/** lowerEntry returns preceding entry. */ public void testLowerEntry() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = map5(); Map.Entry e1 = map.lowerEntry(three); assertEquals(two, e1.getKey()); Map.Entry e2 = map.lowerEntry(six); assertEquals(five, e2.getKey()); Map.Entry e3 = map.lowerEntry(one); assertNull(e3); Map.Entry e4 = map.lowerEntry(zero); assertNull(e4); }
/** higherEntry returns next entry. */ public void testHigherEntry() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = map5(); Map.Entry e1 = map.higherEntry(three); assertEquals(four, e1.getKey()); Map.Entry e2 = map.higherEntry(zero); assertEquals(one, e2.getKey()); Map.Entry e3 = map.higherEntry(five); assertNull(e3); Map.Entry e4 = map.higherEntry(six); assertNull(e4); }
/** ceilingEntry returns next entry. */ public void testCeilingEntry() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = map5(); Map.Entry e1 = map.ceilingEntry(three); assertEquals(three, e1.getKey()); Map.Entry e2 = map.ceilingEntry(zero); assertEquals(one, e2.getKey()); Map.Entry e3 = map.ceilingEntry(five); assertEquals(five, e3.getKey()); Map.Entry e4 = map.ceilingEntry(six); assertNull(e4); }
/** ceilingEntry returns next entry. */ public void testDescendingCeilingEntry() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = dmap5(); Map.Entry e1 = map.ceilingEntry(m3); assertEquals(m3, e1.getKey()); Map.Entry e2 = map.ceilingEntry(zero); assertEquals(m1, e2.getKey()); Map.Entry e3 = map.ceilingEntry(m5); assertEquals(m5, e3.getKey()); Map.Entry e4 = map.ceilingEntry(m6); assertNull(e4); }
void doStatusCheck() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<InetAddress> eps = endpointStateMap_.keySet(); for (InetAddress endpoint : eps) { if (endpoint.equals(localEndpoint_)) continue; FailureDetector.instance.interpret(endpoint); EndpointState epState = endpointStateMap_.get(endpoint); if (epState != null) { long duration = now - epState.getUpdateTimestamp(); if (StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata().isMember(endpoint)) epState.setHasToken(true); // check if this is a fat client. fat clients are removed automatically from // gosip after FatClientTimeout if (!epState.getHasToken() && !epState.isAlive() && !justRemovedEndpoints_.containsKey(endpoint) && (duration > FatClientTimeout_)) { "FatClient " + endpoint + " has been silent for " + FatClientTimeout_ + "ms, removing from gossip"); removeEndpoint( endpoint); // will put it in justRemovedEndpoints to respect quarantine delay evictFromMembership(endpoint); // can get rid of the state immediately } if (!epState.isAlive() && (duration > aVeryLongTime_)) { evictFromMembership(endpoint); } } } if (!justRemovedEndpoints_.isEmpty()) { Map<InetAddress, Long> copy = new HashMap<InetAddress, Long>(justRemovedEndpoints_); for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, Long> entry : copy.entrySet()) { if ((now - entry.getValue()) > QUARANTINE_DELAY) { if (logger_.isDebugEnabled()) logger_.debug( QUARANTINE_DELAY + " elapsed, " + entry.getKey() + " gossip quarantine over"); justRemovedEndpoints_.remove(entry.getKey()); } } } }
/** entrySet contains all pairs */ public void testDescendingEntrySet() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = dmap5(); Set s = map.entrySet(); assertEquals(5, s.size()); Iterator it = s.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); assertTrue( (e.getKey().equals(m1) && e.getValue().equals("A")) || (e.getKey().equals(m2) && e.getValue().equals("B")) || (e.getKey().equals(m3) && e.getValue().equals("C")) || (e.getKey().equals(m4) && e.getValue().equals("D")) || (e.getKey().equals(m5) && e.getValue().equals("E"))); } }
/** entrySet contains all pairs */ public void testEntrySet() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = map5(); Set s = map.entrySet(); assertEquals(5, s.size()); Iterator it = s.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); assertTrue( (e.getKey().equals(one) && e.getValue().equals("A")) || (e.getKey().equals(two) && e.getValue().equals("B")) || (e.getKey().equals(three) && e.getValue().equals("C")) || (e.getKey().equals(four) && e.getValue().equals("D")) || (e.getKey().equals(five) && e.getValue().equals("E"))); } }
public void testIteration() { assertTrue(_nbhm.isEmpty()); assertThat(_nbhm.put("k1", "v1"), nullValue()); assertThat(_nbhm.put("k2", "v2"), nullValue()); String str1 = ""; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> i = _nbhm.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<String, String> e =; str1 += e.getKey(); } assertThat("found all entries", str1, anyOf(is("k1k2"), is("k2k1"))); String str2 = ""; for (Iterator<String> i = _nbhm.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key =; str2 += key; } assertThat("found all keys", str2, anyOf(is("k1k2"), is("k2k1"))); String str3 = ""; for (Iterator<String> i = _nbhm.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String val =; str3 += val; } assertThat("found all vals", str3, anyOf(is("v1v2"), is("v2v1"))); assertThat( "toString works", _nbhm.toString(), anyOf(is("{k1=v1, k2=v2}"), is("{k2=v2, k1=v1}"))); }
@Override public void destroy() { super.destroy(); try { expireFuture.cancel(true); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn(t.getMessage(), t); } try { for (Notifier notifier : notifiers.values()) { notifier.shutdown(); } } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn(t.getMessage(), t); } for (Map.Entry<String, JedisPool> entry : jedisPools.entrySet()) { JedisPool jedisPool = entry.getValue(); try { jedisPool.destroy(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn( "Failed to destroy the redis registry client. registry: " + entry.getKey() + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); } } }
private void deferExpired() { for (Map.Entry<String, JedisPool> entry : jedisPools.entrySet()) { JedisPool jedisPool = entry.getValue(); try { Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); try { for (Node node : new HashSet<Node>(getRegistered())) { String key = NodeRegistryUtils.getNodeTypePath(clusterName, node.getNodeType()); if (jedis.hset( key, node.toFullString(), String.valueOf( + expirePeriod)) == 1) { jedis.publish(key, Constants.REGISTER); } } if (lock.acquire(jedis)) { clean(jedis); } if (!replicate) { break; // 如果服务器端已同步数据,只需写入单台机器 } } finally { jedis.close(); } } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn( "Failed to write provider heartbeat to redis registry. registry: " + entry.getKey() + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addFields( DataConfig.Entity entity, DocWrapper doc, Map<String, Object> arow, VariableResolver vr) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : arow.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value == null) continue; if (key.startsWith("$")) continue; List<DataConfig.Field> field = entity.colNameVsField.get(key); if (field == null && dataImporter.getSchema() != null) { // This can be a dynamic field or a field which does not have an entry in data-config ( an // implicit field) SchemaField sf = dataImporter.getSchema().getFieldOrNull(key); if (sf == null) { sf = dataImporter.getConfig().lowerNameVsSchemaField.get(key.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } if (sf != null) { addFieldToDoc(entry.getValue(), sf.getName(), 1.0f, sf.multiValued(), doc); } // else do nothing. if we add it it may fail } else { if (field != null) { for (DataConfig.Field f : field) { String name = f.getName(); if (f.dynamicName) { name = vr.replaceTokens(name); } if (f.toWrite) addFieldToDoc(entry.getValue(), name, f.boost, f.multiValued, doc); } } } } }
private synchronized void addNewAgent( int agentId, SocketChannel socket, String agentName, String agentIP, int agentPort, int flags) { if (agentIP.equals(":same")) { InetAddress agentAddress = socket.socket().getInetAddress(); agentIP = agentAddress.getHostAddress(); } "New agent id=" + agentId + " name=" + agentName + " address=" + agentIP + ":" + agentPort + " flags=" + flags); AgentInfo agentInfo = new AgentInfo(); agentInfo.agentId = agentId; agentInfo.flags = flags; agentInfo.socket = socket; agentInfo.agentName = agentName; agentInfo.agentIP = agentIP; agentInfo.agentPort = agentPort; agentInfo.outputBuf = new MVByteBuffer(1024); agentInfo.inputBuf = new MVByteBuffer(1024); agents.put(socket, agentInfo); NewAgentMessage newAgentMessage = new NewAgentMessage(agentId, agentName, agentIP, agentPort, flags); for (Map.Entry<SocketChannel, AgentInfo> entry : agents.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == socket) continue; // Tell other agents about the new one synchronized (entry.getValue().outputBuf) { Message.toBytes(newAgentMessage, entry.getValue().outputBuf); } // Tell new agent about other agents NewAgentMessage otherAgentMessage = new NewAgentMessage( entry.getValue().agentId, entry.getValue().agentName, entry.getValue().agentIP, entry.getValue().agentPort, entry.getValue().flags); synchronized (agentInfo.outputBuf) { Message.toBytes(otherAgentMessage, agentInfo.outputBuf); } } messageIO.addAgent(agentInfo); messageIO.outputReady(); }
/** Clears swap entries for evicted partition. */ private void clearSwap() { assert state() == EVICTED; assert !GridQueryProcessor.isEnabled(cctx.config()) : "Indexing needs to have unswapped values."; try { GridCloseableIterator<Map.Entry<byte[], GridCacheSwapEntry>> it = cctx.swap().iterator(id); boolean isLocStore =; if (it != null) { // We can safely remove these values because no entries will be created for evicted // partition. while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<byte[], GridCacheSwapEntry> entry =; byte[] keyBytes = entry.getKey(); KeyCacheObject key = cctx.toCacheKeyObject(keyBytes); cctx.swap().remove(key); if (isLocStore), key.value(cctx.cacheObjectContext(), false)); } } } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) { U.error(log, "Failed to clear swap for evicted partition: " + this, e); } }
public Object call() { final ScriptEngineManager scriptEngineManager = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine e = scriptEngineManager.getEngineByName("javascript"); if (map != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { e.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } e.put("hazelcast", hazelcastInstance); try { // For new JavaScript engine called Nashorn we need the compatibility script if (e.getFactory().getEngineName().toLowerCase().contains("nashorn")) { e.eval("load('nashorn:mozilla_compat.js');"); } e.eval("importPackage(java.lang);"); e.eval("importPackage(java.util);"); e.eval("importPackage(com.hazelcast.core);"); e.eval("importPackage(com.hazelcast.config);"); e.eval("importPackage(java.util.concurrent);"); e.eval("importPackage(org.junit);"); return e.eval(script); } catch (ScriptException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } }
private Map<String, String> buildMapping() { Map<String, String> extensionMapping = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); // force inclusion of unknow item to manage unknown files extensionMapping.put( DocumentType.UNKNOWN.getExtension(), DocumentType.UNKNOWN.getDefaultHeaderTypeName()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mapping.entrySet()) { extensionMapping.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue().toLowerCase()); } if (useDefaultMapping) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : defaultMapping().entrySet()) { if (!extensionMapping.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { extensionMapping.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } return extensionMapping; }
@Override protected void doSubscribe(Node node, NotifyListener listener) { List<NodeType> listenNodeTypes = node.getListenNodeTypes(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(listenNodeTypes)) { return; } for (NodeType listenNodeType : listenNodeTypes) { String listenNodePath = NodeRegistryUtils.getNodeTypePath(clusterName, listenNodeType); Notifier notifier = notifiers.get(listenNodePath); if (notifier == null) { Notifier newNotifier = new Notifier(listenNodePath); notifiers.putIfAbsent(listenNodePath, newNotifier); notifier = notifiers.get(listenNodePath); if (notifier == newNotifier) { notifier.start(); } } boolean success = false; NodeRegistryException exception = null; for (Map.Entry<String, JedisPool> entry : jedisPools.entrySet()) { JedisPool jedisPool = entry.getValue(); try { Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); try { doNotify( jedis, Collections.singletonList(listenNodePath), Collections.singletonList(listener)); success = true; break; // 只需读一个服务器的数据 } finally { jedis.close(); } } catch (Throwable t) { exception = new NodeRegistryException( "Failed to unregister node to redis registry. registry: " + entry.getKey() + ", node: " + node + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); } } if (exception != null) { if (success) { LOGGER.warn(exception.getMessage(), exception); } else { throw exception; } } } }
/** headMap returns map with keys in requested range */ public void testTailMapContents() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = map5(); SortedMap sm = map.tailMap(two); assertFalse(sm.containsKey(one)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(two)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(three)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(four)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(five)); Iterator i = sm.keySet().iterator(); Object k; k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(two, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(three, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(four, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(five, k); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); Iterator ei = sm.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry e; e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(two, e.getKey()); assertEquals("B", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(three, e.getKey()); assertEquals("C", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(four, e.getKey()); assertEquals("D", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(five, e.getKey()); assertEquals("E", e.getValue()); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); SortedMap ssm = sm.tailMap(four); assertEquals(four, ssm.firstKey()); assertEquals(five, ssm.lastKey()); assertEquals("D", ssm.remove(four)); assertEquals(1, ssm.size()); assertEquals(3, sm.size()); assertEquals(4, map.size()); }
/** headMap returns map with keys in requested range */ public void testDescendingTailMapContents() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = dmap5(); SortedMap sm = map.tailMap(m2); assertFalse(sm.containsKey(m1)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m2)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m3)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m4)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m5)); Iterator i = sm.keySet().iterator(); Object k; k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m2, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m3, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m4, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m5, k); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); Iterator ei = sm.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry e; e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m2, e.getKey()); assertEquals("B", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m3, e.getKey()); assertEquals("C", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m4, e.getKey()); assertEquals("D", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m5, e.getKey()); assertEquals("E", e.getValue()); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); SortedMap ssm = sm.tailMap(m4); assertEquals(m4, ssm.firstKey()); assertEquals(m5, ssm.lastKey()); assertEquals("D", ssm.remove(m4)); assertEquals(1, ssm.size()); assertEquals(3, sm.size()); assertEquals(4, map.size()); }
/** Perform cleanup of the trash directory. */ private void delete() { IgfsFileInfo info = null; try { info =; } catch (ClusterTopologyServerNotFoundException e) { LT.warn(log, e, "Server nodes not found."); } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) { U.error(log, "Cannot obtain trash directory info.", e); } if (info != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, IgfsListingEntry> entry : info.listing().entrySet()) { IgniteUuid fileId = entry.getValue().fileId(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Deleting IGFS trash entry [name=" + entry.getKey() + ", fileId=" + fileId + ']'); try { if (!cancelled) { if (delete(entry.getKey(), fileId)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Sending delete confirmation message [name=" + entry.getKey() + ", fileId=" + fileId + ']'); sendDeleteMessage(new IgfsDeleteMessage(fileId)); } } else break; } catch (IgniteInterruptedCheckedException ignored) { // Ignore this exception while stopping. } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) { U.error(log, "Failed to delete entry from the trash directory: " + entry.getKey(), e); sendDeleteMessage(new IgfsDeleteMessage(fileId, e)); } } } }
/** * Submit differencers for running. All tree *must* have been received before this is called. */ public void submitDifferencers() { assert requestedEndpoints.size() == 0; // Right now, we only difference local host against each other. CASSANDRA-2610 will fix // that. // In the meantime ugly special casing will work good enough. MerkleTree localTree = trees.get(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()); assert localTree != null; for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, MerkleTree> entry : trees.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress())) continue; Differencer differencer = new Differencer(cfname, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), localTree); syncJobs.add(entry.getKey()); logger.debug("Queueing comparison " + differencer); StageManager.getStage(Stage.ANTI_ENTROPY).execute(differencer); } trees.clear(); // allows gc to do its thing }
private void clean(Jedis jedis) { // /LTS/{集群名字}/NODES/ Set<String> nodeTypePaths = jedis.keys(NodeRegistryUtils.getRootPath(appContext.getConfig().getClusterName()) + "/*"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(nodeTypePaths)) { for (String nodeTypePath : nodeTypePaths) { // /LTS/{集群名字}/NODES/JOB_TRACKER Set<String> nodePaths = jedis.keys(nodeTypePath); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(nodePaths)) { for (String nodePath : nodePaths) { Map<String, String> nodes = jedis.hgetAll(nodePath); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(nodes)) { boolean delete = false; long now =; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nodes.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); long expire = Long.parseLong(entry.getValue()); if (expire < now) { jedis.hdel(nodePath, key); delete = true; if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) { LOGGER.warn( "Delete expired key: " + nodePath + " -> value: " + entry.getKey() + ", expire: " + new Date(expire) + ", now: " + new Date(now)); } } } if (delete) { jedis.publish(nodePath, Constants.UNREGISTER); } } } } } } }
/** * Updates partition map in all caches. * * @param msg Partitions single message. */ private void updatePartitionSingleMap(GridDhtPartitionsSingleMessage msg) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, GridDhtPartitionMap> entry : msg.partitions().entrySet()) { Integer cacheId = entry.getKey(); GridCacheContext cacheCtx = cctx.cacheContext(cacheId); GridDhtPartitionTopology top = cacheCtx != null ? cacheCtx.topology() :, this); top.update(exchId, entry.getValue()); } }
public void addEnvToIntent(Intent intent) { Map<String, String> envMap = System.getenv(); Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> envSet = envMap.entrySet(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> envIter = envSet.iterator(); int c = 0; while (envIter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry =; intent.putExtra("env" + c, entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()); c++; } }
public static CommandExecutor.Method getFreeExecutor(Stage st) { while (true) { synchronized (executorsMap) { try { for (Map.Entry<CommandExecutor.Method, Stage> entry : executorsMap.entrySet()) { if (!entry.getKey().isInUse() && entry.getValue() == st) { CommandExecutor.Method m = entry.getKey(); m.setInUse(true); return m; } }"All executors for stage " + st + " in use (will wait..)"); executorsMap.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return null; } } } }
protected void handleMapEntries() { Set set = getMap().entrySet(); Iterator it = set.iterator(); int count = 0; long time = Clock.currentTimeMillis(); while (it.hasNext()) { count++; Map.Entry entry = (Entry); println(entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue()); } println("Total " + count); }