void test1() { Locale[] available = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); List<Locale> jreimplloc = Arrays.asList( LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE().getTimeZoneNameProvider().getAvailableLocales()); List<Locale> providerLocales = Arrays.asList(tznp.getAvailableLocales()); String[] ids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(); for (Locale target : available) { // pure JRE implementation OpenListResourceBundle rb = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter) LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()) .getLocaleData() .getTimeZoneNames(target); boolean jreSupportsTarget = jreimplloc.contains(target); for (String id : ids) { // the time zone TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id); // JRE string array for the id String[] jrearray = null; if (jreSupportsTarget) { try { jrearray = rb.getStringArray(id); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { } } for (int i = 1; i <= (tz.useDaylightTime() ? 4 : 2); i++) { // the localized name String name = tz.getDisplayName(i >= 3, i % 2, target); // provider's name (if any) String providersname = null; if (providerLocales.contains(target)) { providersname = tznp.getDisplayName(id, i >= 3, i % 2, target); } // JRE's name String jresname = null; if (jrearray != null) { jresname = jrearray[i]; } checkValidity( target, jresname, providersname, name, jreSupportsTarget && jresname != null); } } } }
public class TimeZoneNameProviderTest extends ProviderTest { com.bar.TimeZoneNameProviderImpl tznp = new com.bar.TimeZoneNameProviderImpl(); public static void main(String[] s) { new TimeZoneNameProviderTest(); } TimeZoneNameProviderTest() { test1(); test2(); test3(); aliasTest(); } void test1() { Locale[] available = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); List<Locale> jreimplloc = Arrays.asList( LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE().getTimeZoneNameProvider().getAvailableLocales()); List<Locale> providerLocales = Arrays.asList(tznp.getAvailableLocales()); String[] ids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(); for (Locale target : available) { // pure JRE implementation OpenListResourceBundle rb = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter) LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()) .getLocaleData() .getTimeZoneNames(target); boolean jreSupportsTarget = jreimplloc.contains(target); for (String id : ids) { // the time zone TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id); // JRE string array for the id String[] jrearray = null; if (jreSupportsTarget) { try { jrearray = rb.getStringArray(id); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { } } for (int i = 1; i <= (tz.useDaylightTime() ? 4 : 2); i++) { // the localized name String name = tz.getDisplayName(i >= 3, i % 2, target); // provider's name (if any) String providersname = null; if (providerLocales.contains(target)) { providersname = tznp.getDisplayName(id, i >= 3, i % 2, target); } // JRE's name String jresname = null; if (jrearray != null) { jresname = jrearray[i]; } checkValidity( target, jresname, providersname, name, jreSupportsTarget && jresname != null); } } } } final String pattern = "z"; final Locale OSAKA = new Locale("ja", "JP", "osaka"); final Locale KYOTO = new Locale("ja", "JP", "kyoto"); final Locale GENERIC = new Locale("ja", "JP", "generic"); final String[] TIMEZONES = { "GMT", "America/Los_Angeles", "SystemV/PST8", "SystemV/PST8PDT", "PST8PDT", }; final String[] DISPLAY_NAMES_OSAKA = { tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[0], false, TimeZone.SHORT, OSAKA), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[1], false, TimeZone.SHORT, OSAKA), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[2], false, TimeZone.SHORT, OSAKA), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[3], false, TimeZone.SHORT, OSAKA), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[4], false, TimeZone.SHORT, OSAKA) }; final String[] DISPLAY_NAMES_KYOTO = { tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[0], false, TimeZone.SHORT, KYOTO), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[1], false, TimeZone.SHORT, KYOTO), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[2], false, TimeZone.SHORT, KYOTO), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[3], false, TimeZone.SHORT, KYOTO), tznp.getDisplayName(TIMEZONES[4], false, TimeZone.SHORT, KYOTO) }; void test2() { Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); TimeZone reservedTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); Date d = new Date(2005 - 1900, Calendar.DECEMBER, 22); String formatted; TimeZone tz; SimpleDateFormat df; try { for (int i = 0; i < TIMEZONES.length; i++) { tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(TIMEZONES[i]); TimeZone.setDefault(tz); df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(OSAKA)); Locale.setDefault(defaultLocale); System.out.println(formatted = df.format(d)); if (!formatted.equals(DISPLAY_NAMES_OSAKA[i])) { throw new RuntimeException( "TimeZone " + TIMEZONES[i] + ": formatted zone names mismatch. " + formatted + " should match with " + DISPLAY_NAMES_OSAKA[i]); } df.parse(DISPLAY_NAMES_OSAKA[i]); Locale.setDefault(KYOTO); df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, DateFormatSymbols.getInstance()); System.out.println(formatted = df.format(d)); if (!formatted.equals(DISPLAY_NAMES_KYOTO[i])) { throw new RuntimeException( "Timezone " + TIMEZONES[i] + ": formatted zone names mismatch. " + formatted + " should match with " + DISPLAY_NAMES_KYOTO[i]); } df.parse(DISPLAY_NAMES_KYOTO[i]); } } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new RuntimeException("parse error occured" + pe); } finally { // restore the reserved locale and time zone Locale.setDefault(defaultLocale); TimeZone.setDefault(reservedTimeZone); } } void test3() { final String[] TZNAMES = { LATIME, PST, PST8PDT, US_PACIFIC, TOKYOTIME, JST, JAPAN, }; for (String tzname : TZNAMES) { TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzname); for (int style : new int[] {TimeZone.LONG, TimeZone.SHORT}) { String osakaStd = tz.getDisplayName(false, style, OSAKA); if (osakaStd != null) { // No API for getting generic time zone names String generic = TimeZoneNameUtility.retrieveGenericDisplayName(tzname, style, GENERIC); String expected = "Generic " + osakaStd; if (!expected.equals(generic)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Wrong generic name: got=\"" + generic + "\", expected=\"" + expected + "\""); } } } } } final String LATIME = "America/Los_Angeles"; final String PST = "PST"; final String PST8PDT = "PST8PDT"; final String US_PACIFIC = "US/Pacific"; final String LATIME_IN_OSAKA = tznp.getDisplayName(LATIME, false, TimeZone.LONG, OSAKA); final String TOKYOTIME = "Asia/Tokyo"; final String JST = "JST"; final String JAPAN = "Japan"; final String JST_IN_OSAKA = tznp.getDisplayName(JST, false, TimeZone.LONG, OSAKA); void aliasTest() { // Check that provider's name for a standard id (America/Los_Angeles) is // propagated to its aliases String latime = TimeZone.getTimeZone(LATIME).getDisplayName(OSAKA); if (!LATIME_IN_OSAKA.equals(latime)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not get provider's localized name. result: " + latime + " expected: " + LATIME_IN_OSAKA); } String pst = TimeZone.getTimeZone(PST).getDisplayName(OSAKA); if (!LATIME_IN_OSAKA.equals(pst)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Provider's localized name is not available for an alias ID: " + PST + ". result: " + pst + " expected: " + LATIME_IN_OSAKA); } String us_pacific = TimeZone.getTimeZone(US_PACIFIC).getDisplayName(OSAKA); if (!LATIME_IN_OSAKA.equals(us_pacific)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Provider's localized name is not available for an alias ID: " + US_PACIFIC + ". result: " + us_pacific + " expected: " + LATIME_IN_OSAKA); } // Check that provider's name for an alias id (JST) is // propagated to its standard id and alias ids. String jstime = TimeZone.getTimeZone(JST).getDisplayName(OSAKA); if (!JST_IN_OSAKA.equals(jstime)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not get provider's localized name. result: " + jstime + " expected: " + JST_IN_OSAKA); } String tokyotime = TimeZone.getTimeZone(TOKYOTIME).getDisplayName(OSAKA); if (!JST_IN_OSAKA.equals(tokyotime)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Provider's localized name is not available for a standard ID: " + TOKYOTIME + ". result: " + tokyotime + " expected: " + JST_IN_OSAKA); } String japan = TimeZone.getTimeZone(JAPAN).getDisplayName(OSAKA); if (!JST_IN_OSAKA.equals(japan)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Provider's localized name is not available for an alias ID: " + JAPAN + ". result: " + japan + " expected: " + JST_IN_OSAKA); } } }