コード例 #1
  //	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //      Method:     ReadRecords
  //      Inputs:	    Result Set and Array List
  //     Outputs:	    (by ref) Array List
  // Description:     Read the Records, Fill Array List with JSON data
  //	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public void ReadRecords(ResultSet rs, ArrayList records) {
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); // Create Gson builder
    try // Try to get JSON, and save data to database
    { //
      while (rs.next()) // Loop through all the returned records, until EOF
      { //
        RFData RFMember = new RFData(); // Create new RF data

        // Capture the data from the record set
        RFMember.SampleNumber = rs.getInt("intSampleNum"); // Get sample #
        RFMember.XbeeID = rs.getInt("intXbeeID"); // Get Xbee ID
        RFMember.DeviceID = rs.getInt("intDeviceID"); // Get Device ID
        RFMember.RSSI = rs.getFloat("fltRSSI"); // Get RSSI
        RFMember.Latitude = rs.getFloat("fltLatitude"); // Get Latitude
        RFMember.Longitude = rs.getFloat("fltLongitude"); // Get Longitude
        RFMember.Yaw = rs.getFloat("fltYaw"); // Get Yaw
        RFMember.Pitch = rs.getFloat("fltPitch"); // Get Pitch
        RFMember.Roll = rs.getFloat("fltRoll"); // Get Roll
        RFMember.SampleDate = rs.getTimestamp("dtSampleDate"); // Get Sample Date

        // Print debug information to port
        SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            "Got Record: # "
                + RFMember.SampleNumber
                + " - XbeeID: "
                + RFMember.XbeeID
                + ", RSSI: "
                + RFMember.RSSI
                + " Date/Time: "
                + ft.format(RFMember.SampleDate));

        String json_record = gson.toJson(RFMember); // Get JSON data of this record
        records.add(json_record); // Add the JSON string to the record
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("ReadRecords: " + e.getMessage()); // Print the exception data and exit
コード例 #2
  //	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //      Method:     ListDataByEntryID
  //      Inputs:	    SampleNum
  //     Outputs:	    RF Data Entry (JSON)
  // Description:     Get RF Data Entry
  //	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public String ListDataByEntryID(int SampleNum) {
    String json = ""; // Return JSON entry

    try // Try to get JSON, and save data to database
    { //
      // Print debug information to port
      System.out.println("Select RF Data from Table - Sample #: " + SampleNum);

      String sql_string; // Build up SQL string
      sql_string = "SELECT "; // Select SQL statement
      sql_string += "intSampleNum,"; // Field: intSampleNum
      sql_string += "intXbeeID,"; // Field: intXbeeID
      sql_string += "intDeviceID,"; // Field: intDeviceID
      sql_string += "fltRSSI,"; // Field: fltRSSI
      sql_string += "fltLatitude,"; // Field: fltLatitude
      sql_string += "fltLongitude,"; // Field: fltLongitude
      sql_string += "fltYaw,"; // Field: fltYaw
      sql_string += "fltPitch,"; // Field: fltPitch
      sql_string += "fltRoll,"; // Field: fltRoll
      sql_string += "dtSampleDate "; // Field: dtSampleDate
      sql_string += "FROM  RF_Fields "; // Table: RF_Fields
      sql_string += "WHERE "; // Where statement
      sql_string += "intSampleNum = "; // Field on Where and condition
      sql_string += SampleNum; // Condition value

      System.out.println("SQL: " + sql_string); // Debug print the SQL statement

      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // Build SQL statement
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql_string); // Execute the SQL statement as a query

      while (rs.next()) // Loop through all the returned records, until EOF
      { // However, there should only be one return record
        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); // Create Gson builder
        RFData RFMember = new RFData(); // Create new RF data

        // Capture the data from the record set
        RFMember.SampleNumber = rs.getInt("intSampleNum"); // Get sample #
        RFMember.XbeeID = rs.getInt("intXbeeID"); // Get Xbee ID
        RFMember.DeviceID = rs.getInt("intDeviceID"); // Get Device ID
        RFMember.RSSI = rs.getFloat("fltRSSI"); // Get RSSI
        RFMember.Latitude = rs.getFloat("fltLatitude"); // Get Latitude
        RFMember.Longitude = rs.getFloat("fltLongitude"); // Get Longitude
        RFMember.Yaw = rs.getFloat("fltYaw"); // Get Yaw
        RFMember.Pitch = rs.getFloat("fltPitch"); // Get Pitch
        RFMember.Roll = rs.getFloat("fltRoll"); // Get Roll
        RFMember.SampleDate = rs.getTimestamp("dtSampleDate"); // Get Sample Date

        // Print debug information to port
        SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            "Got Record: # "
                + RFMember.SampleNumber
                + " - XbeeID: "
                + RFMember.XbeeID
                + ", RSSI: "
                + RFMember.RSSI
                + " Date/Time: "
                + ft.format(RFMember.SampleDate));

        json = gson.toJson(RFMember); // Get JSON data from this record

      rs.close(); // Close the record set
      stmt.close(); // Close the statement

      if (json == "") //
      { //
        System.err.println("No Record Found!"); // Print the fact that no record was found
    } //
    catch (Exception e) // Exception processing:
    { //
          "ListDataByEntryID: " + e.getMessage()); // Print the exception data and exit
    } //
    return json; // Return JSON string