@Test public void testEnums() { sql2o .createQuery( "create table EnumTest(id int identity primary key, enum_val varchar(10), enum_val2 int) ") .executeUpdate(); sql2o .createQuery("insert into EnumTest(enum_val, enum_val2) values (:val, :val2)") .addParameter("val", TestEnum.HELLO) .addParameter("val2", TestEnum.HELLO.ordinal()) .addToBatch() .addParameter("val", TestEnum.WORLD) .addParameter("val2", TestEnum.WORLD.ordinal()) .addToBatch() .executeBatch(); List<EntityWithEnum> list = sql2o .createQuery("select id, enum_val val, enum_val2 val2 from EnumTest") .executeAndFetch(EntityWithEnum.class); assertThat(list.get(0).val, is(TestEnum.HELLO)); assertThat(list.get(0).val2, is(TestEnum.HELLO)); assertThat(list.get(1).val, is(TestEnum.WORLD)); assertThat(list.get(1).val2, is(TestEnum.WORLD)); TestEnum testEnum = sql2o.createQuery("select 'HELLO' from (values(0))").executeScalar(TestEnum.class); assertThat(testEnum, is(TestEnum.HELLO)); TestEnum testEnum2 = sql2o.createQuery("select NULL from (values(0))").executeScalar(TestEnum.class); assertThat(testEnum2, is(nullValue())); }
public String getPackedVersionString() { ICFLibAnyObj scopeDef; ICFBamVersionObj versionLeafDef = getVersionLeaf(); List<String> invertedNodeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); while (versionLeafDef != null) { invertedNodeNames.add(getVersionStringForLeafDef(versionLeafDef)); scopeDef = versionLeafDef.getObjScope(); if (scopeDef == null) { versionLeafDef = null; } else if (scopeDef instanceof ICFBamMinorVersionObj) { versionLeafDef = (ICFBamMinorVersionObj) scopeDef; } else if (scopeDef instanceof ICFBamMajorVersionObj) { versionLeafDef = (ICFBamMajorVersionObj) scopeDef; } else if (scopeDef instanceof ICFBamVersionObj) { versionLeafDef = (ICFBamVersionObj) scopeDef; } else { versionLeafDef = null; } } String ret = ""; for (int idx = invertedNodeNames.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { if (ret.length() == 0) { ret = invertedNodeNames.get(idx); } else { ret = ret + invertedNodeNames.get(idx); } } return (ret); }
// 根据推荐的movie的ID,获得movie的详细信息 public ArrayList<MovieInfo> getMovieByMovieId(List<RecommendedItem> recommendations) { ArrayList<MovieInfo> movieList = new ArrayList<MovieInfo>(); try { String sql = ""; conn = ConnectToMySQL.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < recommendations.size(); i++) { sql = "select m.name,m.published_year,m.type from movies m where m.id=" + recommendations.get(i).getItemID() + ""; ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { MovieInfo movieInfo = new MovieInfo(); movieInfo.setName(rs.getString(1)); movieInfo.setPublishedYear(rs.getString(2)); movieInfo.setType(rs.getString(3)); movieInfo.setPreference(recommendations.get(i).getValue()); movieList.add(movieInfo); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); } finally { closeAll(); } return movieList; }
/** * @param request * @param tableCategoryId * @paqram includeAction if true, will load webactions also * @return elements are Table or WebAction */ public List getChildrenOfTableCategory( HttpServletRequest request, int tableCategoryId, boolean includeAction) { TableManager manager = TableManager.getInstance(); WebAction action; ArrayList cats = new ArrayList(); Connection conn = null; HashMap webActionEnv = null; Table table; UserWebImpl userWeb = ((UserWebImpl) WebUtils.getSessionContextManager(request.getSession()) .getActor(nds.util.WebKeys.USER)); TableCategory tc = manager.getTableCategory(tableCategoryId); List children = tc.children(); ArrayList catschild = new ArrayList(); try { if (includeAction) { conn = QueryEngine.getInstance().getConnection(); webActionEnv = new HashMap(); webActionEnv.put("connection", conn); webActionEnv.put("httpservletrequest", request); webActionEnv.put("userweb", userWeb); } for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) { if (children.get(j) instanceof Table) { table = (Table) children.get(j); if (!table.isMenuObject()) { continue; } try { WebUtils.checkTableQueryPermission(table.getName(), request); } catch (NDSSecurityException e) { continue; } // table is ok for current user to list catschild.add(table); } else if (children.get(j) instanceof WebAction) { if (includeAction) { action = (WebAction) children.get(j); if (action.canDisplay(webActionEnv)) catschild.add(action); } } else { throw new NDSRuntimeException( "Unsupported element in TableCategory children:" + children.get(j).getClass()); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Fail to load subsystem tree", t); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } return catschild; }
/* * Searches for the list of sensors which are located at the given point (as list of Strings) * */ public static List<String> searchForSensors(Point p) { List l = new Vector<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++) { if (coordinates.get(i) == p) { l.add(sensors.get(i)); } } return l; }
/* * Searches for the list of sensors which are located at the given point (comma separated) * */ public static String searchForSensors_String(Point p) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++) { if (coordinates.get(i) == p) { s.append(sensors.get(i)).append(" "); } } return s.toString().trim().replace(" ", SEPARATOR); }
@Test public void testExecuteAndFetchResultSet() throws SQLException { List<Integer> list = sql2o .createQuery( "select 1 val from (values(0)) union select 2 from (values(0)) union select 3 from (values(0))") .executeScalarList(); assertEquals((int) list.get(0), 1); assertEquals((int) list.get(1), 2); assertEquals((int) list.get(2), 3); }
{ //create out of bounds exception emailList.get(-1) if (emailList.get(i) == emailList.get(i-1)) { dupEmailCount++; } else { //insert domain email, dupEmailCount into hashtable domainCount.put(emailList.get(i), dupEmailCount); dupEmailCount = 0; } }
/** * MU_FAVORITE * * @throws Exception cyl * @param request * @return elements are Table or WebAction and menu list * @paqram includeAction if true?not now */ public List getSubSystemsOfmufavorite(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { ArrayList mufavorite = new ArrayList(); TableManager manager = TableManager.getInstance(); // Table table; try { UserWebImpl userWeb = ((UserWebImpl) WebUtils.getSessionContextManager(request.getSession()) .getActor(nds.util.WebKeys.USER)); int userid = userWeb.getUserId(); List al = QueryEngine.getInstance() .doQueryList( "select t.ad_table_id,t.fa_menu,t.menu_re,t.IS_REPORT from MU_FAVORITE t where t.ownerid=" + String.valueOf(userid) + " group by t.ad_table_id,t.menu_no,t.fa_menu,t.menu_re,t.IS_REPORT,t.creationdate order by t.menu_no,t.creationdate asc"); logger.debug("MU_FAVORITE size is " + String.valueOf(al.size())); if (al.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { // ArrayList catschild= new ArrayList(); List als = (List) al.get(i); String fa_menu = (String) als.get(1); String menu_re = (String) als.get(2); String isreport = (String) als.get(3); int table_id = Tools.getInt(als.get(0), -1); Table table = manager.getTable(table_id); logger.debug(table.getName()); /* if(!table.isMenuObject()){ continue; //because many table is webaction not ismenuobject }*/ try { WebUtils.checkTableQueryPermission(table.getName(), request); } catch (NDSSecurityException e) { continue; } logger.debug("add_table ->" + table.getName()); ArrayList row = new ArrayList(); row.add(fa_menu); row.add(menu_re); row.add(isreport); row.add(table); mufavorite.add(row); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Fail to load mufavorite", t); } return mufavorite; }
/** * @param request * @param subSystemId * @return */ private boolean containsViewableActions(HttpServletRequest request, SubSystem ss) { List<WebAction> list = ss.getWebActions(); Connection conn = null; try { UserWebImpl userWeb = ((UserWebImpl) WebUtils.getSessionContextManager(request.getSession()) .getActor(nds.util.WebKeys.USER)); conn = QueryEngine.getInstance().getConnection(); HashMap webActionEnv = new HashMap(); webActionEnv.put("connection", conn); webActionEnv.put("httpservletrequest", request); webActionEnv.put("userweb", userWeb); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { WebAction wa = list.get(i); if (wa.canDisplay(webActionEnv)) { return true; } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Fail to load subsystem webaction", t); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Throwable te) { } } return false; }
@WebMethod public Response insertKebutuhanMaintenance( int idAset, List<Integer> idLogistik, List<Integer> jumlahKebutuhan) throws SQLException { String query = "INSERT INTO " + KEBUTUHAN_MAINTENANCE_TABLE + " (id_aset, id_logistik, jumlah) VALUES"; for (int i = 0; i < idLogistik.size(); ++i) { query += " (" + idAset + ", " + idLogistik.get(i) + ", " + jumlahKebutuhan.get(i) + ")"; if (i != idLogistik.size() - 1) query += ","; } int numRowAffected = executeUpdateQueryAndGetRowCount(query); if (numRowAffected > 0) return new Response(true); else return new Response(false); }
public static ArrayList getFjList(String sid) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); String strSql = "select SID,File_Name,Ext_Name,File_Size from t_docs_fj where state='1' and parent_sid=" + sid; CommonDao dao = CommonDao.GetOldDatabaseDao(); List lst = dao.fetchAll(strSql); if (lst != null && lst.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { Object[] arr = (Object[]) lst.get(i); result.add(arr[1]); result.add(arr[2]); if (arr[3] != null) { Float fileSize = Float.parseFloat(arr[3].toString()) * 1000; result.add(fileSize); } else { result.add(0); } result.add(arr[0]); } } dao.getSessionFactory().close(); return result; /*Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); String strSql = "select * from t_docs_fj where state='1' and parent_sid=" + sid; try { conn = DataManager.getConnection(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSql); while (rs.next()) { result.add(rs.getString("File_Name")); result.add(rs.getString("Ext_Name")); result.add("" + Float.valueOf(rs.getString("File_Size")).floatValue() * 1000.0); result.add(rs.getString("SID")); result.add(FileUtil.getDocumentPath()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }*/ }
public List<PromoterRowGateway> findAll() { List result = new ArrayList(); List promoters = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(findAllStatement); for (int i = 0; i < promoters.size(); i++) result.add(PromoterRowGateway.load(dataSource, (Map) promoters.get(i))); return result; }
public static boolean isZero(List list, String col) { if (list == null) { return false; } boolean b = false; int i, num = 0; String v = null; Map m = null; double dv = 0; num = list.size(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { m = (Map) list.get(i); v = (String) m.get(col); // if(f.empty(v)){return true;} if (f.empty(v)) { continue; } // System.out.println(v); v = f.v(v); dv = f.getDouble(v, 0); // if(dv==0){return true;} if (dv > 0) { return false; } b = true; } return b; }
@Test public void testJodaTime() { sql2o .createQuery("create table testjoda(id int primary key, joda1 datetime, joda2 datetime)") .executeUpdate(); sql2o .createQuery("insert into testjoda(id, joda1, joda2) values(:id, :joda1, :joda2)") .addParameter("id", 1) .addParameter("joda1", new DateTime()) .addParameter("joda2", new DateTime().plusDays(-1)) .addToBatch() .addParameter("id", 2) .addParameter("joda1", new DateTime().plusYears(1)) .addParameter("joda2", new DateTime().plusDays(-2)) .addToBatch() .addParameter("id", 3) .addParameter("joda1", new DateTime().plusYears(2)) .addParameter("joda2", new DateTime().plusDays(-3)) .addToBatch() .executeBatch(); List<JodaEntity> list = sql2o.createQuery("select * from testjoda").executeAndFetch(JodaEntity.class); assertTrue(list.size() == 3); assertTrue(list.get(0).getJoda2().isBeforeNow()); }
/** * Returns the accessor for column with a given index. * * @param columnIndex 1-based column index * @return Accessor * @throws SQLException if index is not valid */ private Cursor.Accessor getAccessor(int columnIndex) throws SQLException { try { return accessorList.get(columnIndex - 1); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new SQLException("invalid column ordinal: " + columnIndex); } }
/** * 領域マスタの1レコードをMap形式で返す。 引数には主キー値を渡す。 * * @param connection * @param labelKubun * @param value * @return * @throws NoDataFoundException * @throws DataAccessException */ public static Map selectRecord(Connection connection, String ryouikiNo) throws NoDataFoundException, DataAccessException { // ----------------------- // SQL文の作成 // ----------------------- String select = "SELECT" + " A.RYOIKI_NO" + ",A.RYOIKI_RYAKU" + ",A.KOMOKU_NO" // 2006/06/26 苗 修正ここから + ",A.SETTEI_KIKAN" // 設定期間 + ",A.SETTEI_KIKAN_KAISHI" // 設定期間(開始年度) + ",A.SETTEI_KIKAN_SHURYO" // 設定期間(終了年度) // 2006/06/26 苗 修正ここまで + ",A.BIKO" + " FROM MASTER_RYOIKI A" + " WHERE RYOIKI_NO = ? "; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("query:" + select); } // ----------------------- // レコード取得 // ----------------------- List result = SelectUtil.select(connection, select, new String[] {ryouikiNo}); if (result.isEmpty()) { throw new NoDataFoundException("当該レコードは存在しません。領域No=" + ryouikiNo); } return (Map) result.get(0); }
@Override public String execute() throws Exception { Connection conn = null; List<Slice> slices = new LinkedList<Slice>(); try { conn = Constants.DATASOURCE.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(SqlQuery.SERVICES_ON_HOSTS_BY_PROJECT.getSql()); stmt.setInt(1, idProject); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { String name = rs.getString("name") == null ? rs.getString("ip") : rs.getString("name"); int count = rs.getInt("conteggio"); Slice slice = new Slice(); slice.setLabel(name + "[" + count + "]"); slice.setTooltip(name + "\n" + count + " running services"); slice.setValue(count); slices.add(slice); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { return ERROR; } finally { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } String[] colors = { "000000", "0000ff", "00ffff", "00ff00", "ffff00", "ff0000", "ff00ff", "ffffff" }; if (slices.size() != 0) { int increment = 0; for (Slice slice : slices) { slice.setColour("#" + colors[increment]); increment = (increment + 1) % colors.length; } if (slices.size() % colors.length == 1) slices.get(slices.size() - 1).setColour(colors[1]); } pieChart = new PieChart(); List<ElementPie> elements = new LinkedList<ElementPie>(); ElementPie element = new ElementPie(); element.setAlpha(0.9f); pieChart.setTitle( new Title( "Services Distribution", "{" + getText("avgProjectActivityPieChart.title.style") + "}")); element.setValues(slices); element.setGradientFill(true); element.setRadius(50); element.setStartAngle(0); elements.add(element); pieChart.setBg_colour(getText("chart.defaultBgColor")); pieChart.setBorder(1); pieChart.setAnimate(true); pieChart.setElements(elements); return SUCCESS; }
@Override public <T> T searchForOne(String sql, Class<T> clazz, List<Object> params) throws Exception { List<T> list = searchForList(sql, clazz, params); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { return list.get(0); } return null; }
@Test public void testGetSplitsWithSkipScanFilter() throws Exception { long ts = nextTimestamp(); TableRef table = initTableValues(ts, 3, 5); NavigableMap<HRegionInfo, ServerName> regions = getRegions(table); List<KeyRange> splits = getSplits(table, scan, regions, scanRanges); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of splits: " + splits.size(), expectedSplits.size(), splits.size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedSplits.size(); i++) { assertEquals(expectedSplits.get(i), splits.get(i)); } assertEquals( "Unexpected number of splits: " + splits.size(), expectedSplits.size(), splits.size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedSplits.size(); i++) { assertEquals(expectedSplits.get(i), splits.get(i)); } }
/** * 事实表和关联报表属于当前传入数组的交叉报表 * * @param request * @return elements are ArrayList, first is cxtab id, second is cxtab name */ public List getCxtabs(HttpServletRequest request, int tableCategoryId) { List tables = getChildrenOfTableCategory(request, tableCategoryId, false); ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { al.add(((Table) tables.get(i)).getId()); } return getCxtabs(request, al); }
public static ArrayList<String> getListOfSensors(String envelope) throws ParseException { Geometry geom = new WKTReader().read(envelope); List listEnvelope = geoIndex.query(geom.getEnvelopeInternal()); ArrayList<String> sensors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < listEnvelope.size(); i++) { sensors.add(searchForSensors_String((Point) listEnvelope.get(i))); } return sensors; }
/** * Get viewable subsystem list * * @param request * @return never null, elements are nds.schema.SubSystem */ public List getSubSystems(HttpServletRequest request) { UserWebImpl userWeb = ((UserWebImpl) WebUtils.getSessionContextManager(request.getSession()) .getActor(nds.util.WebKeys.USER)); ArrayList subs = new ArrayList(); if (userWeb.getUserId() == userWeb.GUEST_ID) { return subs; } List al = (List) userWeb.getProperty("subsystems"); // elements are subystem.id TableManager manager = TableManager.getInstance(); if (al != null) { for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { int sid = ((Integer) al.get(i)).intValue(); SubSystem ss = manager.getSubSystem(sid); if (ss != null) subs.add(ss); } } else { // search all tablecategoris for subsystem // add users subsystems param al = new ArrayList(); String[] sub_list; try { String subsystems = (String) QueryEngine.getInstance() .doQueryOne("SELECT subsystems from users where id=" + userWeb.getUserId()); if (Validator.isNotNull(subsystems)) { sub_list = subsystems.split(","); for (int m = 0; m < sub_list.length; m++) { SubSystem usersub = manager.getSubSystem(sub_list[m].trim()); if (usersub != null) { if (usersub.getId() == 10) continue; al.add(new Integer(usersub.getId())); subs.add(usersub); } } userWeb.setProperty("subsystems", al); return subs; } } catch (QueryException e) { logger.error("Fail to load subsystems from users", e); } for (int i = 0; i < manager.getSubSystems().size(); i++) { SubSystem ss = (SubSystem) manager.getSubSystems().get(i); if (containsViewableChildren(request, ss)) { al.add(new Integer(ss.getId())); subs.add(ss); } } userWeb.setProperty("subsystems", al); } return subs; }
/** * Returns index of the object a <code>List</code> object of <code>PersistentObject</code>s that * contains an encoded key (<code>getEncodedKey()</code>). * * @param list <code>List</code> of objects to search. * @param encodedKey key obtained via <code>getEncodedKey()</code>. * @return index of object on list or <code>-1</code> if not found. * @see net.sf.jrf.domain.PersistentObject#getEncodedKey() * @see #findByKey(List,String) */ public static int findIndexByKey(List list, String encodedKey) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { PersistentObject p = (PersistentObject) list.get(i); if (p.getEncodedKey().equals(encodedKey)) { return i; } } return -1; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rimudb.generic.binders.IIterativeResultSetBinder#processSingleResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet, java.lang.Object[]) */ public Object processSingleResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws RimuDBException { if (tableList == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialize() method must initialize the table"); } DataObject dataObjectArray[] = new DataObject[dataObjectClasses.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dataObjectArray.length; i++) { dataObjectArray[i] = tableList.get(i).createDataObject(rs); } return dataObjectArray; }
String makeStringFromList(List l) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { Object o = l.get(i); if (o == null) sb.append("null"); else sb.append(o.toString()); if (i < l.size() - 1) sb.append(SEPARATOR); } return sb.toString(); }
/** * Convert the input parameter values to its types object values. * * @param params The input params * @return The typed object values * @throws DataServiceFault */ public static Object[] convertInputParamValues(List<InternalParam> params) throws DataServiceFault { Object[] result = new Object[params.size()]; InternalParam param; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { param = params.get(i); result[i] = convertInputParamValue(param.getValue().getValueAsString(), param.getSqlType()); } return result; }
/* * Builds geographic geoIndex from list of sensors currently loaded in the system * */ public static void buildGeoIndex() { geoIndex = new STRtree(); geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(); sensors = new Vector<String>(); coordinates = new Vector<Point>(); getListOfSensors(); for (int i = 0; i < sensors.size(); i++) { geoIndex.insert(coordinates.get(i).getEnvelopeInternal(), coordinates.get(i)); logger.warn( sensors.get(i) + " : " + coordinates.get(i) + " : " + searchForSensors_String(coordinates.get(i))); } geoIndex.build(); }
/** * GET SMIC WIP FILEs * * @throws IOException */ public void GetCpYieldFiles() { try { logger.debug("fileInUrl " + fileInUrl.getPath()); List fileList = Methods.getFiles(fileInUrl); fileList = null != fileList ? fileList : new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) { File txtFile = (File) fileList.get(i); String fileName = txtFile.getName(); // 1.0 Check File Status can read, write if (txtFile.canRead() && txtFile.canWrite()) {} // if (file_name.substring(4, 5).equals("B")) { // System.out.println(file_name+" is Bump's File"); if (this.parserCpYieldTxt(txtFile) == false) { logger.info(fileName + " is Parser false"); // alert.setSubject(SystemContext.getConfig("config.himax.mail.subject") + " - " + // fileName + " is Parser false"); // alert.sendNoFile("CP Yield Parser fail:" + txtFile); Methods.copyFile(txtFile, new File(fileErrorUrl + "\\" + fileName)); txtFile.delete(); } else { // logger.info(fileName + " is Parser complete"); // Methods.copyFile(txtFile, new File(fileOutUrl + "\\" + fileName)); // txtFile.delete(); } /*} else { logger.info(file_name + " is not Bump's File"); alert.sendNoFile("ECOA This File is not Bump's File:" + excelFile); mod.copyFile(excelFile, new File(fileErrorUrl + "\\" + file_name)); excelFile.delete(); logger.info(file_name+" is not BUMP's File"); }*/ } } catch (Exception e) { StackTraceElement[] messages = e.getStackTrace(); int length = messages.length; String error = ""; alert.setSubject( SystemContext.getConfig("config.himax.mail.subject") + " - " + e.getMessage()); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { error = error + "toString:" + messages[i].toString() + "\r\n"; } alert.sendNoFile(error); e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(error); } }
public String buildServiceOptions(String rule) throws SQLException { List services = NotificationFactory.getInstance().getServiceNames(); Collections.sort( services, new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((String) o1).compareToIgnoreCase((String) o2); } }); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) { if (rule != null && rule.indexOf((String) services.get(i)) > 0) { buffer.append( "<option selected VALUE='" + services.get(i) + "'>" + services.get(i) + "</option>"); } else { buffer.append("<option VALUE='" + services.get(i) + "'>" + services.get(i) + "</option>"); } } return buffer.toString(); }