public B_Tree.Page<Key> load(int pageNo) { try { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(pageSize);, pageNo * pageSize); buffer.rewind(); B_Tree.Page<Key> page = new B_Tree.Page<Key>(pageNo); List<B_Tree.KeyPointer<Key>> keyPointers = page.keyPointers; char nodeType = buffer.getChar(); int size = buffer.getInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Key key =; if (nodeType == INTERNAL) { int branch = buffer.getInt(); addBranch(keyPointers, key, branch); } else if (nodeType == LEAF) { Value value =; addLeaf(keyPointers, key, value); } } return page; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } }
public void testWriteAndRead() { String group = "Testgroup"; state.write(group, attach); ByteBuffer buffer = attach.getWriteBuffer2(); int length; byte[] packet; buffer.flip(); length = buffer.getInt(); buffer.getInt(); // operation length -= 4; packet = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { packet[i] = buffer.get(); } buffer.compact(); try { InputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(packet); ObjectInputStream ois; ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);; assertEquals(true, group.equals(state.getGroup())); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } }
public static int hash(final ByteBuffer buf, final int seed) { final ByteOrder byteOrder = buf.order(); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); final int m = 1540483477; final int r = 24; int h = seed ^ buf.remaining(); while (buf.remaining() >= 4) { int k = buf.getInt(); k *= m; k ^= k >>> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; } if (buf.remaining() > 0) { final ByteBuffer finish = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); finish.put(buf).rewind(); h ^= finish.getInt(); h *= m; } h ^= h >>> 13; h *= m; h ^= h >>> 15; buf.order(byteOrder); return h; }
private Object getValue(MAVLinkDataType type, int offset) { switch (type) { case CHAR: return payloadBB.get(offset); case UINT8: return payloadBB.get(offset) & 0xFF; case INT8: return (int) payloadBB.get(offset); case UINT16: return payloadBB.getShort(offset) & 0xFFFF; case INT16: return (int) payloadBB.getShort(offset); case UINT32: return payloadBB.getInt(offset) & 0xFFFFFFFFl; case INT32: return payloadBB.getInt(offset); case UINT64: return payloadBB.getLong(offset); case INT64: return payloadBB.getLong(offset); case FLOAT: return payloadBB.getFloat(offset); case DOUBLE: return payloadBB.getDouble(offset); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type: " + type); } }
public static CompressedLongsIndexedSupplier fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, ByteOrder order) { byte versionFromBuffer = buffer.get(); if (versionFromBuffer == version) { final int totalSize = buffer.getInt(); final int sizePer = buffer.getInt(); final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compression = CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy.forId(buffer.get()); return new CompressedLongsIndexedSupplier( totalSize, sizePer, buffer, CompressedLongBufferObjectStrategy.getBufferForOrder(order, compression, sizePer)), compression); } else if (versionFromBuffer == LZF_VERSION) { final int totalSize = buffer.getInt(); final int sizePer = buffer.getInt(); final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compression = CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy.LZF; return new CompressedLongsIndexedSupplier( totalSize, sizePer, buffer, CompressedLongBufferObjectStrategy.getBufferForOrder(order, compression, sizePer)), compression); } throw new IAE("Unknown version[%s]", versionFromBuffer); }
@NonNull protected static Map<String, Chunk> readChunks(@NonNull File file) throws IOException { Map<String, Chunk> chunks = Maps.newHashMap(); byte[] fileBuffer = Files.toByteArray(file); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(fileBuffer); byte[] sig = new byte[8]; buffer.get(sig); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(sig, SIGNATURE)); byte[] data, type; int len; int crc32; while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { len = buffer.getInt(); type = new byte[4]; buffer.get(type); data = new byte[len]; buffer.get(data); // crc crc32 = buffer.getInt(); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(type, data, crc32); chunks.put(chunk.getTypeAsString(), chunk); } return chunks; }
public TaskRunnable( String requestId, TFullTaskId taskId, ByteBuffer message, TResourceVector taskResources) { this.benchmarkId = message.getInt(); this.benchmarkIterations = message.getInt(); this.taskResources = taskResources; this.taskId = taskId; }
public void parse(ByteBuffer is) { super.parse(is); if ((flags & 0x1) != 0) // self ref return; type = NIOUtils.readString(is, 4); recordSize = is.getShort(); version = is.getShort(); kind = is.getShort(); volumeName = NIOUtils.readPascalStringL(is, 27); volumeCreateDate = is.getInt(); volumeSignature = is.getShort(); volumeType = is.getShort(); parentDirId = is.getInt(); fileName = NIOUtils.readPascalStringL(is, 63); fileNumber = is.getInt(); createdLocalDate = is.getInt(); fileTypeName = NIOUtils.readString(is, 4); creatorName = NIOUtils.readString(is, 4); nlvlFrom = is.getShort(); nlvlTo = is.getShort(); volumeAttributes = is.getInt(); fsId = is.getShort(); NIOUtils.skip(is, 10); extra = new ArrayList<ExtraField>(); while (true) { short type = is.getShort(); if (type == -1) break; int len = is.getShort(); byte[] bs = NIOUtils.toArray(, (len + 1) & 0xfffffffe)); if (bs == null) break; extra.add(new ExtraField(type, len, bs)); } }
public DataFileAccessorImpl(final File file) throws Exception { this.fileInfo = file; this.file = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); try { = this.file.getChannel(); final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_SIZE); while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { final int rc =; logger.debug("Read {} bytes", rc); } buffer.flip(); final int magic = buffer.getInt(); final int version = buffer.getInt(); this.start = new Date(buffer.getLong()); this.end = new Date(buffer.getLong()); logger.debug( "Header - magic: {}, version: {}, start: {}, end: {}", new Object[] {magic, version, this.start, this.end}); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("File position after header: {}",; } // position is at end of file } catch (final Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to open file", e); this.file.close(); throw e; } }
public void testDecode() throws EncodingException, DecodingException { PngStegoImage encodedImage = new PngStegoImage(); encodedImage.setImageBitmap(mCoverImage); encodedImage.setEmbeddedData(mData); encodedImage.encode(); byte[] encodedImageBytes = encodedImage.getImageBytes(); PngStegoImage decodedImage = new PngStegoImage(); decodedImage.setImageBytes(encodedImageBytes); decodedImage.decode(); byte[] decodedBytes = decodedImage.getEmbeddedData(); assertNotNull(decodedBytes); assertEquals(mData.length, decodedBytes.length); ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.wrap(decodedBytes).order(Constants.BYTE_ORDER); // // We should get the same values back as we embedded // assertEquals(1, b.getInt()); assertEquals(-12, b.getInt()); assertEquals(123, b.getInt()); assertEquals(-1234, b.getInt()); assertEquals(12345, b.getInt()); assertEquals(-123456, b.getInt()); }
public void deserialize(ByteBuffer bb) { stamp = Serialization.readTime(bb); int __joint_names_len = bb.getInt(); joint_names = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>(__joint_names_len); for (int __i = 0; __i < __joint_names_len; __i++) { joint_names.add(Serialization.readString(bb)); } int __frame_ids_len = bb.getInt(); frame_ids = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>(__frame_ids_len); for (int __i = 0; __i < __frame_ids_len; __i++) { frame_ids.add(Serialization.readString(bb)); } int __child_frame_ids_len = bb.getInt(); child_frame_ids = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>(__child_frame_ids_len); for (int __i = 0; __i < __child_frame_ids_len; __i++) { child_frame_ids.add(Serialization.readString(bb)); } int __poses_len = bb.getInt(); poses = new java.util.ArrayList<ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose>(__poses_len); for (int __i = 0; __i < __poses_len; __i++) { ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose __tmp = new ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose(); __tmp.deserialize(bb); poses.add(__tmp); ; } }
/** * Creates the leading frame. * * @param buffer the buffer * @return the leading frame */ public static LeadingFrame createLeadingFrame(final ByteBuffer buffer) { final LeadingFrame result = new LeadingFrame(); // magic 4 bytes 0xdeadbeef // version 4 bytes int // comprType 1 byte // sliceCount 4 bytes int // sliceDuration 8 bytes long // origFileSize 4 bytes int // compressedSize 4 bytes int // fileNameLen 4 bytes int // fileName final byte[] magic = new byte[MAGIC_LEN]; buffer.get(magic); if (!Arrays.equals(magic, MAGIC)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The buffer is not a legal leading frame."); } result.setVersion(buffer.getInt()); result.setComprType(CompressType.getById(buffer.get())); result.setSliceCount(buffer.getInt()); result.setSliceDuration(buffer.getLong()); result.setOrigFileSize(buffer.getInt()); result.setCompressedSize(buffer.getInt()); final int fileNameLen = buffer.getInt(); final byte[] fileNameArray = new byte[fileNameLen]; buffer.get(fileNameArray); result.setOrigFileName(new String(fileNameArray)); return result; }
private static void parseTCPMsg(byte[] msg) throws UnknownHostException { switch (msg[0]) { case 0x00: if (msg[1] == 0x01) System.out.println("Server: OPEN"); else System.out.println("Server: CLOSED"); break; case 0x01: if (msg[1] == 0x00) System.out.printf("[ERR]: %s", new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(msg, 2, msg.length))); else { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(msg, 1, msg.length)); userId = new UUID(buffer.getLong(), buffer.getLong()); groupIp = InetAddress.getByAddress(ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(buffer.getInt()).array()); // connect to the group and start receiving udpSocket.connect(groupIp.getHostAddress()); udpSocket.startReceive(new UDPHandler()); System.out.printf( "User ID: %s\nGroup IP: %s\nPort: %d\n", userId.toString(), groupIp.getHostAddress(), buffer.getInt()); } break; case 0x02: if (msg[1] == 0x00) System.out.printf("[ERR]: %s", new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(msg, 2, msg.length))); else System.out.println("Successfully deregestered"); default: System.out.println("[ERR] Inavlid msg"); } }
private Object getSingleValue(ByteBuffer buffer) { Object v; if (type.equals("float")) { v = buffer.getFloat(); } else if (type.equals("double")) { v = buffer.getDouble(); } else if (type.equals("int8_t") || type.equals("bool")) { v = (int) buffer.get(); } else if (type.equals("uint8_t")) { v = buffer.get() & 0xFF; } else if (type.equals("int16_t")) { v = (int) buffer.getShort(); } else if (type.equals("uint16_t")) { v = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF; } else if (type.equals("int32_t")) { v = buffer.getInt(); } else if (type.equals("uint32_t")) { v = buffer.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFl; } else if (type.equals("int64_t")) { v = buffer.getLong(); } else if (type.equals("uint64_t")) { v = buffer.getLong(); } else if (type.equals("char")) { v = buffer.get(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type: " + type); } return v; }
/** Initialize this structure from a ByteBuffer */ public void setData(ByteBuffer data) { setFormat(data.getInt()); setItalicAngle(data.getInt()); setUnderlinePosition(data.getShort()); setUnderlineThickness(data.getShort()); setIsFixedPitch(data.getShort()); data.getShort(); setMinMemType42(data.getInt()); setMaxMemType42(data.getInt()); setMinMemType1(data.getInt()); setMaxMemType1(data.getInt()); // create the map, based on the type switch (format) { case 0x10000: nameMap = new PostMapFormat0(); break; case 0x20000: nameMap = new PostMapFormat2(); break; case 0x30000: // empty post map. nameMap = new PostMap(); break; default: nameMap = new PostMap(); System.out.println("Unknown post map type: " + Integer.toHexString(format)); break; } // fill in the data in the map nameMap.setData(data); }
public static WavInfo readHeader(InputStream wavStream) throws IOException, DecoderException { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_SIZE); buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);, buffer.arrayOffset(), buffer.capacity()); buffer.rewind(); buffer.position(buffer.position() + 20); int format = buffer.getShort(); checkFormat(format == 1, "Unsupported encoding: " + format); // 1 means Linear PCM int channels = buffer.getShort(); checkFormat(channels == 1 || channels == 2, "Unsupported channels: " + channels); int rate = buffer.getInt(); checkFormat(rate <= 48000 && rate >= 11025, "Unsupported rate: " + rate); buffer.position(buffer.position() + 6); int bits = buffer.getShort(); checkFormat(bits == 16, "Unsupported bits: " + bits); int dataSize = 0; while (buffer.getInt() != 0x61746164) { // "data" marker Log.d(TAG, "Skipping non-data chunk"); int size = buffer.getInt(); wavStream.skip(size); buffer.rewind();, buffer.arrayOffset(), 8); buffer.rewind(); } dataSize = buffer.getInt(); checkFormat(dataSize > 0, "wrong datasize: " + dataSize); return new WavInfo(rate, channels == 2, dataSize); }
public Object objectFromBuffer(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws Exception { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer, offset, length); byte type = buf.get(); switch (type) { case START: case GET_CONFIG: return new MethodCall(type); case SET_OOB: case SET_SYNC: return new MethodCall(type, buf.get() == 1); case SET_NUM_MSGS: case SET_NUM_THREADS: case SET_MSG_SIZE: case SET_ANYCAST_COUNT: return new MethodCall(type, buf.getInt()); case GET: return new MethodCall(type, buf.getLong()); case PUT: Long longarg = buf.getLong(); int len = buf.getInt(); byte[] arg2 = new byte[len]; buf.get(arg2, 0, arg2.length); return new MethodCall(type, longarg, arg2); case SET_READ_PERCENTAGE: return new MethodCall(type, buf.getDouble()); default: throw new IllegalStateException("type " + type + " not known"); } }
public static CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier fromByteBuffer( ByteBuffer buffer, ByteOrder order) { byte versionFromBuffer = buffer.get(); if (versionFromBuffer == version) { final int numBytes = buffer.get(); final int totalSize = buffer.getInt(); final int sizePer = buffer.getInt(); final int chunkBytes = sizePer * numBytes + bufferPadding(numBytes); final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compression = CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy.forId(buffer.get()); return new CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier( totalSize, sizePer, numBytes, buffer, CompressedByteBufferObjectStrategy.getBufferForOrder(order, compression, chunkBytes)), compression); } throw new IAE("Unknown version[%s]", versionFromBuffer); }
public darea_t(ByteBuffer bb) { bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); numareaportals = bb.getInt(); firstareaportal = bb.getInt(); }
public void writeCaps(GL4 gl, int capsArrayBuffer, int count) throws IOException { try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(debugDir, "caps.txt")))) { // write counts and planes gl.glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, capsArrayBuffer); ByteBuffer capsArray = gl.glMapBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, GL_READ_ONLY); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Vector4f position = getVec4(capsArray, i * Scene.SIZEOF_CAP); Vector4f plane = getVec4(capsArray, i * Scene.SIZEOF_CAP + 16); int atomIdx = capsArray.getInt(i * Scene.SIZEOF_CAP + 32); int label = capsArray.getInt(i * Scene.SIZEOF_CAP + 36); int padding0 = capsArray.getInt(i * Scene.SIZEOF_CAP + 40); int padding1 = capsArray.getInt(i * Scene.SIZEOF_CAP + 44); writer.append(String.format("%4d: ", i)); writer.append( String.format( "position: [%f %f %f %f], ", position.x, position.y, position.z, position.w)); writer.append(String.format("plane: [%f %f %f %f], ", plane.x, plane.y, plane.z, plane.w)); writer.append(String.format("atomIdx: %d, label: %d", atomIdx, label)); writer.append(String.format(", padding0: %d, padding1: %d", padding0, padding1)); writer.newLine(); } // unbind buffers gl.glUnmapBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER); } }
public Img3ElementHeader readImg3ElementHeader(ByteBuffer buffer) { Img3ElementHeader hdr = new Img3ElementHeader(); hdr.signature = Img3ElementType.getType(buffer.getInt()); hdr.full_size = buffer.getInt(); hdr.data_size = buffer.getInt(); return hdr; }
@Override public void fromBinary(final byte[] bytes) { final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); final int numSfcs = buf.getInt(); final int numDimensions = buf.getInt(); final int mappingSize = buf.getInt(); maxEstimatedDuplicateIds = buf.getLong(); maxEstimatedDuplicateIdsBigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(maxEstimatedDuplicateIds); orderedSfcs = new SpaceFillingCurve[numSfcs]; baseDefinitions = new NumericDimensionDefinition[numDimensions]; for (int i = 0; i < numSfcs; i++) { final byte[] sfc = new byte[buf.getInt()]; buf.get(sfc); orderedSfcs[i] = PersistenceUtils.fromBinary(sfc, SpaceFillingCurve.class); } for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) { final byte[] dim = new byte[buf.getInt()]; buf.get(dim); baseDefinitions[i] = PersistenceUtils.fromBinary(dim, NumericDimensionDefinition.class); } final Builder<Integer, Byte> bimapBuilder = ImmutableBiMap.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < mappingSize; i++) { bimapBuilder.put(Byte.valueOf(buf.get()).intValue(), buf.get()); } orderedSfcIndexToTierId =; }
/** * Create a roaring array based on a previously serialized ByteBuffer. As much as possible, the * ByteBuffer is used as the backend, however if you modify the content, the result is * unspecified. * * @param bb The source ByteBuffer */ protected RoaringArray(ByteBuffer bb) { bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); if (bb.getInt() != SERIAL_COOKIE) throw new RuntimeException("I failed to find the right cookie."); this.size = bb.getInt(); // we fully read the meta-data array to RAM, but the containers // themselves are memory-mapped this.array = new Element[this.size]; final short keys[] = new short[this.size]; final int cardinalities[] = new int[this.size]; final boolean isBitmap[] = new boolean[this.size]; for (int k = 0; k < this.size; ++k) { keys[k] = bb.getShort(); cardinalities[k] = Util.toIntUnsigned(bb.getShort()) + 1; isBitmap[k] = cardinalities[k] > ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE; } for (int k = 0; k < this.size; ++k) { if (cardinalities[k] == 0) throw new RuntimeException("no"); Container val; if (isBitmap[k]) { final LongBuffer bitmapArray = bb.asLongBuffer().slice(); bitmapArray.limit(BitmapContainer.MAX_CAPACITY / 64); bb.position(bb.position() + BitmapContainer.MAX_CAPACITY / 8); val = new BitmapContainer(bitmapArray, cardinalities[k]); } else { final ShortBuffer shortArray = bb.asShortBuffer().slice(); shortArray.limit(cardinalities[k]); bb.position(bb.position() + cardinalities[k] * 2); val = new ArrayContainer(shortArray, cardinalities[k]); } this.array[k] = new Element(keys[k], val); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void read(ByteBuffer in) { prevPage = in.getInt(); pageNum = in.getInt(); nextPage = in.getInt(); oldPrev = in.getInt(); oldNext = in.getInt(); }
public ChmItsfHeader(ByteBuffer bb) { byte[] sbuf = new byte[4]; bb.get(sbuf); signature = new String(sbuf); version = bb.getInt(); header_len = bb.getInt(); unknown_000c = bb.getInt(); last_modified = ByteBufferHelper.parseBigEndianInt(bb); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1); c.add(Calendar.SECOND, 0x3DB0C239); timestamp = c.getTime(); // DateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); // System.out.println("Last modified: " + f.format(timestamp)); lang_id = bb.getInt(); bb.get(new byte[32]); unknown_len = bb.getLong(); unknown_offset = bb.getLong(); dir_offset = bb.getLong(); dir_len = bb.getLong(); data_offset = 0; // TODO: if (version >= 3) { data_offset = bb.getLong(); } }
/** Populates the header with information received via socket */ public void readHeader() throws IOException { if (this.socket != null) { final ByteBuffer cb = getCommBuffer(); synchronized (cb) { fetchHeader(); final int type = cb.getInt(); final int numParts = cb.getInt(); final int txid = cb.getInt(); cb.clear(); if (!MessageType.validate(type)) { throw new IOException( LocalizedStrings.ChunkedMessage_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE_0_WHILE_READING_HEADER .toLocalizedString(Integer.valueOf(type))); } // Set the header and payload fields only after receiving all the // socket data, providing better message consistency in the face // of exceptional conditions (e.g. IO problems, timeouts etc.) this.msgType = type; this.numberOfParts = numParts; // Already set in setPayloadFields via setNumberOfParts this.transactionId = txid; } } else { throw new IOException(LocalizedStrings.ChunkedMessage_DEAD_CONNECTION.toLocalizedString()); } }
DigitalGoodsPurchase(ByteBuffer buffer, byte transactionVersion) { super(buffer, transactionVersion); this.goodsId = buffer.getLong(); this.quantity = buffer.getInt(); this.priceNQT = buffer.getLong(); this.deliveryDeadlineTimestamp = buffer.getInt(); }
/** * read the Header from the given ByteBuffer. * * @param bb ByteBuffer. * @throws Exception */ public void read(ByteBuffer bb) throws Exception { // MAIN FILE HEADER bb.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); // magic number int SHP_MAGIC_read = bb.getInt(0); if (SHP_MAGIC_read != SHP_MAGIC) { throw new Exception("(ShapeFile) error: SHP_MAGIC = " + SHP_MAGIC + ", File: " + file); } // file length SHP_file_length = bb.getInt(24); bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); int SHP_version_read = bb.getInt(28); if (SHP_version_read != SHP_VERSION) { throw new Exception("(ShapeFile) error: SHP_VERSION = " + SHP_VERSION + ", File: " + file); } SHP_shape_type = bb.getInt(32); try { shape_type = ShpShape.Type.byID(SHP_shape_type); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SHP_bbox[0][0] = bb.getDouble(36); // x-min SHP_bbox[1][0] = bb.getDouble(44); // y-min SHP_bbox[0][1] = bb.getDouble(52); // x-max SHP_bbox[1][1] = bb.getDouble(60); // y-max SHP_bbox[2][1] = bb.getDouble(68); // z-min SHP_bbox[2][1] = bb.getDouble(76); // z-max SHP_range_m[0] = bb.getDouble(84); // m-min SHP_range_m[1] = bb.getDouble(92); // m-max bb.position(100); }
/** * Parses the zip64 end of central directory record locator. The locator must be placed * immediately before the end of central directory (eocd) record starting at {@code eocdOffset}. * * <p>The position of the file cursor for {@code raf} after a call to this method is undefined an * callers must reposition it after each call to this method. */ public static long parseZip64EocdRecordLocator(RandomAccessFile raf, long eocdOffset) throws IOException { // The spec stays curiously silent about whether a zip file with an EOCD record, // a zip64 locator and a zip64 eocd record is considered "empty". In our implementation, // we parse all records and read the counts from them instead of drawing any size or // layout based information. if (eocdOffset > ZIP64_LOCATOR_SIZE) { - ZIP64_LOCATOR_SIZE); if (Integer.reverseBytes(raf.readInt()) == ZIP64_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE) { byte[] zip64EocdLocator = new byte[ZIP64_LOCATOR_SIZE - 4]; raf.readFully(zip64EocdLocator); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(zip64EocdLocator).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); final int diskWithCentralDir = buf.getInt(); final long zip64EocdRecordOffset = buf.getLong(); final int numDisks = buf.getInt(); if (numDisks != 1 || diskWithCentralDir != 0) { throw new ZipException("Spanned archives not supported"); } return zip64EocdRecordOffset; } } return -1; }
@Override public IPacket deserialize(final byte[] data, final int offset, final int length) { final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data, offset, length); this.sourcePort = bb.getShort(); this.destinationPort = bb.getShort(); this.sequence = bb.getInt(); this.acknowledge = bb.getInt(); this.flags = bb.getShort(); this.dataOffset = (byte) (this.flags >> 12 & 0xf); this.flags = (short) (this.flags & 0x1ff); this.windowSize = bb.getShort(); this.checksum = bb.getShort(); this.urgentPointer = bb.getShort(); if (this.dataOffset > 5) { int optLength = (this.dataOffset << 2) - 20; if (bb.limit() < bb.position() + optLength) { optLength = bb.limit() - bb.position(); } try { this.options = new byte[optLength]; bb.get(this.options, 0, optLength); } catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.options = null; } } this.payload = new Data(); this.payload = this.payload.deserialize(data, bb.position(), bb.limit() - bb.position()); this.payload.setParent(this); return this; }