private int sendFromManagedBuffer(FileDescriptor fd, ByteBuffer bb, InetSocketAddress target) throws IOException { int pos = bb.position(); int lim = bb.limit(); assert (pos <= lim); int rem = (pos <= lim ? lim - pos : 0); boolean preferIPv6 = (family != StandardProtocolFamily.INET); int written; try { written = send0( preferIPv6, fd, bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + pos, rem, target.getAddress(), target.getPort()); } catch (PortUnreachableException pue) { if (isConnected()) throw pue; written = rem; } if (written > 0) bb.position(pos + written); return written; }
private DatagramChannel connectClient() throws IOException { final DatagramChannel client = address.isMulticastAddress() ? == 4 ? INET : INET6) :; final InetSocketAddress hostAddress = new InetSocketAddress(port); client.configureBlocking(false); if (address.isMulticastAddress()) { client.setOption(SO_REUSEADDR, true); client.bind(hostAddress); if (networkInterface != null) { // This is probably not needed, because client socket doesn't send datagrams, // but since EVERYBODY on the internet configures this for any channels, and // I don't see any harm this config could make, I leave it here client.setOption(IP_MULTICAST_IF, networkInterface); client.join(address, networkInterface); } else { client.join(address, NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(hostAddress.getAddress())); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Connecting via multicast, group=" + address); } else { client.bind(hostAddress); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Listening on port " + port); closeables.add(client); return client; }
@Override public DatagramChannel bind(SocketAddress local) throws IOException { synchronized (readLock) { synchronized (writeLock) { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); if (localAddress != null) throw new AlreadyBoundException(); InetSocketAddress isa; if (local == null) { // only Inet4Address allowed with IPv4 socket if (family == StandardProtocolFamily.INET) { isa = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(""), 0); } else { isa = new InetSocketAddress(0); } } else { isa = Net.checkAddress(local); // only Inet4Address allowed with IPv4 socket if (family == StandardProtocolFamily.INET) { InetAddress addr = isa.getAddress(); if (!(addr instanceof Inet4Address)) throw new UnsupportedAddressTypeException(); } } SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { sm.checkListen(isa.getPort()); } Net.bind(family, fd, isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort()); localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); } } } return this; }
public boolean connect(SocketAddress sa) throws IOException { int trafficClass = 0; // ## Pick up from options int localPort = 0; synchronized (readLock) { synchronized (writeLock) { ensureOpenAndUnconnected(); InetSocketAddress isa = Net.checkAddress(sa); SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(isa.getAddress().getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); synchronized (blockingLock()) { int n = 0; try { try { begin(); synchronized (stateLock) { if (!isOpen()) { return false; } readerThread = NativeThread.current(); } for (; ; ) { InetAddress ia = isa.getAddress(); if (ia.isAnyLocalAddress()) ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); n = connectImpl(ia, isa.getPort(), trafficClass); if ((n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED) && isOpen()) continue; break; } } finally { readerCleanup(); end((n > 0) || (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE)); assert IOStatus.check(n); } } catch (IOException x) { // If an exception was thrown, close the channel after // invoking end() so as to avoid bogus // AsynchronousCloseExceptions close(); throw x; } synchronized (stateLock) { remoteAddress = isa; if (n > 0) { // Connection succeeded; disallow further // invocation state = ST_CONNECTED; return true; } // If nonblocking and no exception then connection // pending; disallow another invocation if (!isBlocking()) state = ST_PENDING; else assert false; } } return false; } } }
@Override <A> Future<Void> implConnect( SocketAddress remote, A attachment, CompletionHandler<Void, ? super A> handler) { if (!isOpen()) { Throwable exc = new ClosedChannelException(); if (handler == null) return CompletedFuture.withFailure(exc); Invoker.invoke(this, handler, attachment, null, exc); return null; } InetSocketAddress isa = Net.checkAddress(remote); // permission check SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(isa.getAddress().getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); // check and update state // ConnectEx requires the socket to be bound to a local address IOException bindException = null; synchronized (stateLock) { if (state == ST_CONNECTED) throw new AlreadyConnectedException(); if (state == ST_PENDING) throw new ConnectionPendingException(); if (localAddress == null) { try { bind(new InetSocketAddress(0)); } catch (IOException x) { bindException = x; } } if (bindException == null) state = ST_PENDING; } // handle bind failure if (bindException != null) { try { close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } if (handler == null) return CompletedFuture.withFailure(bindException); Invoker.invoke(this, handler, attachment, null, bindException); return null; } // setup task PendingFuture<Void, A> result = new PendingFuture<Void, A>(this, handler, attachment); ConnectTask task = new ConnectTask<A>(isa, result); result.setContext(task); // initiate I/O if (Iocp.supportsThreadAgnosticIo()) {; } else { Invoker.invokeOnThreadInThreadPool(this, task); } return result; }
public void bind(SocketAddress local) throws IOException { synchronized (readLock) { synchronized (writeLock) { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpenAndUnconnected(); if (localAddress != null) throw new AlreadyBoundException(); InetSocketAddress isa = Net.checkAddress(local); Net.bind(fd, isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort()); localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); } } } }
public int send(ByteBuffer src, SocketAddress target) throws IOException { if (src == null) throw new NullPointerException(); synchronized (writeLock) { ensureOpen(); InetSocketAddress isa = Net.checkAddress(target); InetAddress ia = isa.getAddress(); if (ia == null) throw new IOException("Target address not resolved"); synchronized (stateLock) { if (!isConnected()) { if (target == null) throw new NullPointerException(); SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { if (ia.isMulticastAddress()) { sm.checkMulticast(ia); } else { sm.checkConnect(ia.getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); } } } else { // Connected case; Check address then write if (!target.equals(remoteAddress)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connected address not equal to target address"); } return write(src); } } int n = 0; try { begin(); if (!isOpen()) return 0; writerThread = NativeThread.current(); do { n = send(fd, src, isa); } while ((n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED) && isOpen()); synchronized (stateLock) { if (isOpen() && (localAddress == null)) { localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); } } return IOStatus.normalize(n); } finally { writerThread = 0; end((n > 0) || (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE)); assert IOStatus.check(n); } } }
public SocketAddress receive(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException { if (dst.isReadOnly()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Read-only buffer"); if (dst == null) throw new NullPointerException(); synchronized (readLock) { ensureOpen(); // Socket was not bound before attempting receive if (localAddress() == null) bind(null); int n = 0; ByteBuffer bb = null; try { begin(); if (!isOpen()) return null; SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); readerThread = NativeThread.current(); if (isConnected() || (security == null)) { do { n = receive(fd, dst); } while ((n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED) && isOpen()); if (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE) return null; } else { bb = Util.getTemporaryDirectBuffer(dst.remaining()); for (; ; ) { do { n = receive(fd, bb); } while ((n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED) && isOpen()); if (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE) return null; InetSocketAddress isa = (InetSocketAddress) sender; try { security.checkAccept(isa.getAddress().getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); } catch (SecurityException se) { // Ignore packet bb.clear(); n = 0; continue; } bb.flip(); dst.put(bb); break; } } return sender; } finally { if (bb != null) Util.releaseTemporaryDirectBuffer(bb); readerThread = 0; end((n > 0) || (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE)); assert IOStatus.check(n); } } }
DBPort(InetSocketAddress addr, DBPortPool pool, MongoOptions options) throws IOException { _options = options; _addr = addr; _pool = pool; _hashCode = _addr.hashCode(); _logger = Logger.getLogger(_rootLogger.getName() + "." + addr.toString()); }
public DatagramChannel disconnect() throws IOException { synchronized (readLock) { synchronized (writeLock) { synchronized (stateLock) { if (!isConnected() || !isOpen()) return this; InetSocketAddress isa = (InetSocketAddress) remoteAddress; SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(isa.getAddress().getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); disconnect0(fd); remoteAddress = null; state = ST_UNCONNECTED; // refresh local address localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); } } } return this; }
protected synchronized Message receiveMessage() throws IOException { if (messageBuffer.size() > 0) { Message m = (Message) messageBuffer.get(0); messageBuffer.remove(0); return m; } try { InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = (InetSocketAddress) channel.receive(receiveBuffer); if (remoteAddress != null) { int len = receiveBuffer.position(); receiveBuffer.rewind(); receiveBuffer.get(buf, 0, len); try { IP address = IP.fromInetAddress(remoteAddress.getAddress()); int port = remoteAddress.getPort(); extractor.appendData(buf, 0, len, new SocketDescriptor(address, port)); receiveBuffer.clear(); extractor.updateAvailableMessages(); return extractor.nextMessage(); } catch (EOFException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(buf.length + ", " + len); } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidCompressionMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (ClosedChannelException exc) { if (isKeepAlive()) { throw exc; } } return null; }
/** Start the server and begin accepting incoming connections. */ public void start() { try { this_mon.enter(); if (!isRunning()) { try { server_channel =; server_channel.socket().setReuseAddress(true); if (receive_buffer_size > 0) server_channel.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(receive_buffer_size); server_channel.socket().bind(bind_address, 1024); if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "TCP incoming server socket " + bind_address)); AEThread accept_thread = new AEThread("VServerSelector:port" + bind_address.getPort()) { public void runSupport() { accept_loop(); } }; accept_thread.setDaemon(true); accept_thread.start(); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); Logger.log( new LogAlert( LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE, "ERROR, unable to bind TCP incoming server socket to " + bind_address.getPort(), t)); } last_accept_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); // init to now } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
public DatagramChannel connect(SocketAddress sa) throws IOException { int localPort = 0; synchronized (readLock) { synchronized (writeLock) { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpenAndUnconnected(); InetSocketAddress isa = Net.checkAddress(sa); SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(isa.getAddress().getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); int n = Net.connect(family, fd, isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort()); if (n <= 0) throw new Error(); // Can't happen // Connection succeeded; disallow further invocation state = ST_CONNECTED; remoteAddress = sa; sender = isa; cachedSenderInetAddress = isa.getAddress(); cachedSenderPort = isa.getPort(); // set or refresh local address localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); } } } return this; }
/** Task to initiate a connection. */ @Override public void run() { long overlapped = 0L; Throwable exc = null; try { begin(); // synchronize on result to allow this thread handle the case // where the connection is established immediately. synchronized (result) { overlapped = ioCache.add(result); // initiate the connection int n = connect0( handle, Net.isIPv6Available(), remote.getAddress(), remote.getPort(), overlapped); if (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE) { // connection is pending return; } // connection established immediately afterConnect(); result.setResult(null); } } catch (Throwable x) { if (overlapped != 0L) ioCache.remove(overlapped); exc = x; } finally { end(); } if (exc != null) { closeChannel(); result.setFailure(toIOException(exc)); } Invoker.invoke(result); }
/** reads in an rdp packet from the datagram channel - blocking call */ static RDPPacket receivePacket(DatagramChannel dc) throws ClosedChannelException { try { if (dc == null) { throw new MVRuntimeException("RDPServer.receivePacket: datagramChannel is null"); } // get a packet from the reader staticMVBuff.rewind(); InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) dc.receive(staticMVBuff.getNioBuf()); if (addr == null) { return null; } RDPPacket packet = new RDPPacket(); packet.setPort(addr.getPort()); packet.setInetAddress(addr.getAddress()); packet.parse(staticMVBuff); return packet; } catch (ClosedChannelException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MVRuntimeException("error", e); } }
@Override public DatagramChannel connect(SocketAddress sa) throws IOException { int localPort = 0; synchronized (readLock) { synchronized (writeLock) { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpenAndUnconnected(); InetSocketAddress isa = Net.checkAddress(sa); SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(isa.getAddress().getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); int n = Net.connect(family, fd, isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort()); if (n <= 0) throw new Error(); // Can't happen // Connection succeeded; disallow further invocation state = ST_CONNECTED; remoteAddress = isa; sender = isa; cachedSenderInetAddress = isa.getAddress(); cachedSenderPort = isa.getPort(); // set or refresh local address localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); // flush any packets already received. boolean blocking = false; synchronized (blockingLock()) { try { blocking = isBlocking(); // remainder of each packet thrown away ByteBuffer tmpBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1); if (blocking) { configureBlocking(false); } do { tmpBuf.clear(); } while (receive(tmpBuf) != null); } finally { if (blocking) { configureBlocking(true); } } } } } } return this; }
public UDPMessageServer(InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException { this(IP.fromInetAddress(address.getAddress()), address.getPort()); }
private void run_() throws { if (serverChannel != null) { // set non-blocking mode for the listening socket serverChannel.configureBlocking(false); // register the ServerSocketChannel with the Selector serverChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); } for (; ; ) { if (please_stop) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= shutdown_deadline) break; if (!anyOpenConnections()) break; } long timeout = calcNextTimeout(); int n; // System.out.println("selecting..."); if (timeout != -1) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timeout > now) n = - now); else n = selector.selectNow(); } else n =; // System.out.println("Woke up from select()"); // get an iterator over the set of selected keys Iterator it = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); // look at each key in the selected set while (it.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey); if (key.isAcceptable()) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Got an inbound connection (key is acceptable)"); ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel); SocketChannel channel = server.accept(); InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) channel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress(); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Got an inbound connection from " + address.toString()); if (!please_stop) { TCPConnection conn = new TCPConnection( TCPNode.this, settings.watchdogInterval(), settings.idleTimeout()); conn.host_id = address.getAddress().getHostAddress(); conn.state = Connection.State.connected_in; = channel; channel.configureBlocking(false); channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, conn); registerInboundConnection(conn); // Devoteam Configure the CER/CEA sending boolean autoCERCEAEnable = Config.getConfigByName("") .getBoolean("capability.AUTO_CER_CEA_ENABLE", true); if (!autoCERCEAEnable) { getNode().sendCER(conn); } } else { // We don't want to add the connection if were are shutting down. channel.close(); } } else if (key.isConnectable()) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "An outbound connection is ready (key is connectable)"); SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel); TCPConnection conn = (TCPConnection) key.attachment(); try { if (channel.finishConnect()) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Connected!"); conn.state = Connection.State.connected_out; channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, conn); initiateCER(conn); } } catch ( ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Connection to '" + conn.host_id + "' failed", ex); try { channel.register(selector, 0); channel.close(); } catch ( ex2) { } unregisterConnection(conn); } } else if (key.isReadable()) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Key is readable"); // System.out.println("key is readable"); SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel); TCPConnection conn = (TCPConnection) key.attachment(); handleReadable(conn); if (conn.state != Connection.State.closed && conn.hasNetOutput()) channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, conn); } else if (key.isWritable()) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Key is writable"); SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel); TCPConnection conn = (TCPConnection) key.attachment(); synchronized (getLockObject()) { handleWritable(conn); if (conn.state != Connection.State.closed && conn.hasNetOutput()) channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, conn); } } // remove key from selected set, it's been handled it.remove(); } runTimers(); } // Remaining connections are close by Node instance // selector is closed in stop() }