コード例 #1
  private int compare(Revision a, Revision b) {
    if (Arrays.equals(a._id, b._id)) return 0;

    Version va = getVersion(a);
    Version vb = getVersion(b);
    int n = va.compareTo(vb);
    if (n != 0) return n;

    if (a.created != b.created) return a.created > b.created ? 1 : -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < a._id.length; i++)
      if (a._id[i] != b._id[i]) return a._id[i] > b._id[i] ? 1 : -1;

    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Macro.java プロジェクト: bramk/bnd
  String version(Version version, String mask) {
    if (version == null) {
      String v = domain.getProperty("@");
      if (v == null) {
            "No version specified for ${version} or ${range} and no implicit version ${@} either, mask=%s",
        v = "0";
      version = new Version(v);

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String del = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < mask.length(); i++) {
      char c = mask.charAt(i);
      String result = null;
      if (c != '~') {
        if (i == 3) {
          result = version.getQualifier();
        } else if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
          // Handle masks like +00, =+0
          result = String.valueOf(c);
        } else {
          int x = version.get(i);
          switch (c) {
            case '+':
            case '-':
            case '=':
          result = Integer.toString(x);
        if (result != null) {
          del = ".";
    return sb.toString();
コード例 #3
ファイル: TestHelpers.java プロジェクト: maduhu/ceres
 private static ModuleImpl newModuleImpl(String name, String version, ModuleState state)
     throws CoreException {
   ModuleImpl module = null;
   String resource = "xml/" + name + ".xml";
   try {
     module = loadModule(resource);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     Assert.fail(resource + ": " + e.getMessage());
   return module;
コード例 #4
ファイル: UDP.java プロジェクト: NZDIS/jgroups
 * IP multicast transport based on UDP. Messages to the group (msg.dest == null) will be multicast
 * (to all group members), whereas point-to-point messages (msg.dest != null) will be unicast to a
 * single member. Uses a multicast and a unicast socket.
 * <p>The following properties are being read by the UDP protocol
 * <p>param mcast_addr - the multicast address to use default is<br>
 * param mcast_port - (int) the port that the multicast is sent on default is 7500<br>
 * param ip_mcast - (boolean) flag whether to use IP multicast - default is true<br>
 * param ip_ttl - Set the default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on this socket.
 * default is 32<br>
 * param use_packet_handler - If set, the mcast and ucast receiver threads just put the datagram's
 * payload (a byte buffer) into a queue, from where a separate thread will dequeue and handle them
 * (unmarshal and pass up). This frees the receiver threads from having to do message unmarshalling;
 * this time can now be spent receiving packets. If you have lots of retransmissions because of
 * network input buffer overflow, consider setting this property to true (default is false).
 * @author Bela Ban
public class UDP extends Protocol implements Runnable {

   * Socket used for
   * <ol>
   *   <li>sending unicast packets
   *   <li>sending multicast packets and
   *   <li>receiving unicast packets
   * </ol>
   * The address of this socket will be our local address (<tt>local_addr</tt>)
  DatagramSocket sock = null;

  /** IP multicast socket for <em>receiving</em> multicast packets */
  MulticastSocket mcast_sock = null;

  /** The address (host and port) of this member */
  IpAddress local_addr = null;

  /** The name of the group to which this member is connected */
  String group_addr = null;

  /** The multicast address (mcast address and port) this member uses */
  IpAddress mcast_addr = null;

  /** The interface (NIC) to which the unicast and multicast sockets bind */
  InetAddress bind_addr = null;

   * The port to which the unicast receiver socket binds. 0 means to bind to any (ephemeral) port
  int bind_port = 0;

  int port_range = 1; // 27-6-2003 bgooren, Only try one port by default

  /** The multicast address used for sending and receiving packets */
  String mcast_addr_name = "";

  /** The multicast port used for sending and receiving packets */
  int mcast_port = 7500;

  /** The multicast receiver thread */
  Thread mcast_receiver = null;

  /** The unicast receiver thread */
  UcastReceiver ucast_receiver = null;

   * Whether to enable IP multicasting. If false, multiple unicast datagram packets are sent rather
   * than one multicast packet
  boolean ip_mcast = true;

  /** The time-to-live (TTL) for multicast datagram packets */
  int ip_ttl = 64;

  /** The members of this group (updated when a member joins or leaves) */
  Vector members = new Vector();

  /** Pre-allocated byte stream. Used for serializing datagram packets. Will grow as needed */
  ByteArrayOutputStream out_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(65535);

   * Header to be added to all messages sent via this protocol. It is preallocated for efficiency
  UdpHeader udp_hdr = null;

  /** Send buffer size of the multicast datagram socket */
  int mcast_send_buf_size = 32000;

  /** Receive buffer size of the multicast datagram socket */
  int mcast_recv_buf_size = 64000;

  /** Send buffer size of the unicast datagram socket */
  int ucast_send_buf_size = 32000;

  /** Receive buffer size of the unicast datagram socket */
  int ucast_recv_buf_size = 64000;

   * If true, messages sent to self are treated specially: unicast messages are looped back
   * immediately, multicast messages get a local copy first and - when the real copy arrives - it
   * will be discarded. Useful for Window media (non)sense
  boolean loopback = true;

   * Sometimes receivers are overloaded (they have to handle de-serialization etc). Packet handler
   * is a separate thread taking care of de-serialization, receiver thread(s) simply put packet in
   * queue and return immediately. Setting this to true adds one more thread
  boolean use_incoming_packet_handler = false;

  /** Used by packet handler to store incoming DatagramPackets */
  Queue incoming_queue = null;

   * Dequeues DatagramPackets from packet_queue, unmarshalls them and calls
   * <tt>handleIncomingUdpPacket()</tt>
  IncomingPacketHandler incoming_packet_handler = null;

   * Packets to be sent are stored in outgoing_queue and sent by a separate thread. Enabling this
   * value uses an additional thread
  boolean use_outgoing_packet_handler = false;

  /** Used by packet handler to store outgoing DatagramPackets */
  Queue outgoing_queue = null;

  OutgoingPacketHandler outgoing_packet_handler = null;

   * If set it will be added to <tt>local_addr</tt>. Used to implement for example transport
   * independent addresses
  byte[] additional_data = null;

   * Maximum number of bytes for messages to be queued until they are sent. This value needs to be
   * smaller than the largest UDP datagram packet size
  int max_bundle_size = AUTOCONF.senseMaxFragSize();

   * Max number of milliseconds until queued messages are sent. Messages are sent when
   * max_bundle_size or max_bundle_timeout has been exceeded (whichever occurs faster)
  long max_bundle_timeout = 20;

  /** Enabled bundling of smaller messages into bigger ones */
  boolean enable_bundling = false;

  /** Used by BundlingOutgoingPacketHandler */
  TimeScheduler timer = null;

  /** The name of this protocol */
  final String name = "UDP";

  final int VERSION_LENGTH = Version.getLength();

  // todo: remove
  long start, stop, num_msgs = 0;

   * public constructor. creates the UDP protocol, and initializes the state variables, does however
   * not start any sockets or threads
  public UDP() {

  /** debug only */
  public String toString() {
    return "Protocol UDP(local address: " + local_addr + ")";

  /* ----------------------- Receiving of MCAST UDP packets ------------------------ */

  public void run() {
    DatagramPacket packet;
    byte receive_buf[] = new byte[65535];
    int len;
    byte[] tmp, data;

    // moved out of loop to avoid excessive object creations (bela March 8 2001)
    packet = new DatagramPacket(receive_buf, receive_buf.length);

    while (mcast_receiver != null && mcast_sock != null) {
      try {
        packet.setData(receive_buf, 0, receive_buf.length);
        len = packet.getLength();
        data = packet.getData();
        if (len == 1 && data[0] == 0) {
          if (Trace.debug) {
            Trace.info("UDP.run()", "received dummy packet");

        if (len == 4) { // received a diagnostics probe
          if (data[0] == 'd' && data[1] == 'i' && data[2] == 'a' && data[3] == 'g') {
            handleDiagnosticProbe(packet.getAddress(), packet.getPort());

        if (Trace.debug) {
              "received (mcast) "
                  + packet.getLength()
                  + " bytes from "
                  + packet.getAddress()
                  + ":"
                  + packet.getPort()
                  + " (size="
                  + len
                  + " bytes)");
        if (len > receive_buf.length) {
              "size of the received packet ("
                  + len
                  + ") is bigger than "
                  + "allocated buffer ("
                  + receive_buf.length
                  + "): will not be able to handle packet. "
                  + "Use the FRAG protocol and make its frag_size lower than "
                  + receive_buf.length);

        if (Version.compareTo(data) == false) {
              "packet from "
                  + packet.getAddress()
                  + ":"
                  + packet.getPort()
                  + " has different version ("
                  + Version.printVersionId(data, Version.version_id.length)
                  + ") from ours ("
                  + Version.printVersionId(Version.version_id)
                  + "). This may cause problems");

        if (use_incoming_packet_handler) {
          tmp = new byte[len];
          System.arraycopy(data, 0, tmp, 0, len);
        } else {
      } catch (SocketException sock_ex) {
        if (Trace.trace) {
          Trace.info("UDP.run()", "multicast socket is closed, exception=" + sock_ex);
      } catch (InterruptedIOException io_ex) { // thread was interrupted
        ; // go back to top of loop, where we will terminate loop
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        Trace.error("UDP.run()", "exception=" + ex + ", stack trace=" + Util.printStackTrace(ex));
        Util.sleep(300); // so we don't get into 100% cpu spinning (should NEVER happen !)
    if (Trace.trace) {
      Trace.info("UDP.run()", "multicast thread terminated");

  void handleDiagnosticProbe(InetAddress sender, int port) {
    try {
      byte[] diag_rsp = getDiagResponse().getBytes();
      DatagramPacket rsp = new DatagramPacket(diag_rsp, 0, diag_rsp.length, sender, port);
      if (Trace.trace) {
            "UDP.handleDiagnosticProbe()", "sending diag response to " + sender + ":" + port);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
          "failed sending diag rsp to " + sender + ":" + port + ", exception=" + t);

  String getDiagResponse() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb.append(local_addr).append(" (").append(group_addr).append(")");
    sb.append(" [").append(mcast_addr_name).append(":").append(mcast_port).append("]\n");
    //    sb.append("Version=").append(Version.version).append(", cvs=\"").append(
    //        Version.cvs).append("\"\n");
    sb.append("bound to ").append(bind_addr).append(":").append(bind_port).append("\n");
    sb.append("members: ").append(members).append("\n");

    return sb.toString();

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /*------------------------------ Protocol interface ------------------------------ */

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public void init() throws Exception {
    if (use_incoming_packet_handler) {
      incoming_queue = new Queue();
      incoming_packet_handler = new IncomingPacketHandler();
    if (use_outgoing_packet_handler) {
      outgoing_queue = new Queue();
      if (enable_bundling) {
        timer = stack != null ? stack.timer : null;
        if (timer == null) {
          throw new Exception("UDP.init(): timer could not be retrieved");
        outgoing_packet_handler = new BundlingOutgoingPacketHandler();
      } else {
        outgoing_packet_handler = new OutgoingPacketHandler();

   * Creates the unicast and multicast sockets and starts the unicast and multicast receiver threads
  public void start() throws Exception {
    if (Trace.trace) {
      Trace.info("UDP.start()", "creating sockets and starting threads");
    passUp(new Event(Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS, local_addr));

  public void stop() {
    if (Trace.trace) {
      Trace.info("UDP.stop()", "closing sockets and stopping threads");
    stopThreads(); // will close sockets, closeSockets() is not really needed anymore, but...
    closeSockets(); // ... we'll leave it in there for now (doesn't do anything if already closed)

   * Setup the Protocol instance acording to the configuration string The following properties are
   * being read by the UDP protocol param mcast_addr - the multicast address to use default is
   * param mcast_port - (int) the port that the multicast is sent on default is 7500
   * param ip_mcast - (boolean) flag whether to use IP multicast - default is true param ip_ttl -
   * Set the default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on this socket. default is 32
   * @return true if no other properties are left. false if the properties still have data in them,
   *     ie , properties are left over and not handled by the protocol stack
  public boolean setProperties(Properties props) {
    String str, tmp;

    tmp = System.getProperty("UDP.bind_addr");
    if (tmp != null) {
      str = tmp;
    } else {
      str = props.getProperty("bind_addr");
    if (str != null) {
      try {
        bind_addr = InetAddress.getByName(str);
      } catch (UnknownHostException unknown) {
        Trace.fatal("UDP.setProperties()", "(bind_addr): host " + str + " not known");
        return false;

    str = props.getProperty("bind_port");
    if (str != null) {
      bind_port = new Integer(str).intValue();

    str = props.getProperty("start_port");
    if (str != null) {
      bind_port = new Integer(str).intValue();

    str = props.getProperty("port_range");
    if (str != null) {
      port_range = new Integer(str).intValue();

    str = props.getProperty("mcast_addr");
    if (str != null) {
      mcast_addr_name = new String(str);

    str = props.getProperty("mcast_port");
    if (str != null) {
      mcast_port = new Integer(str).intValue();

    str = props.getProperty("ip_mcast");
    if (str != null) {
      ip_mcast = new Boolean(str).booleanValue();

    str = props.getProperty("ip_ttl");
    if (str != null) {
      ip_ttl = new Integer(str).intValue();

    str = props.getProperty("mcast_send_buf_size");
    if (str != null) {
      mcast_send_buf_size = Integer.parseInt(str);

    str = props.getProperty("mcast_recv_buf_size");
    if (str != null) {
      mcast_recv_buf_size = Integer.parseInt(str);

    str = props.getProperty("ucast_send_buf_size");
    if (str != null) {
      ucast_send_buf_size = Integer.parseInt(str);

    str = props.getProperty("ucast_recv_buf_size");
    if (str != null) {
      ucast_recv_buf_size = Integer.parseInt(str);

    str = props.getProperty("loopback");
    if (str != null) {
      loopback = new Boolean(str).booleanValue();

    // this is deprecated, just left for compatibility (use use_incoming_packet_handler)
    str = props.getProperty("use_packet_handler");
    if (str != null) {
      use_incoming_packet_handler = new Boolean(str).booleanValue();
          "'use_packet_handler' is deprecated; use 'use_incoming_packet_handler' instead");

    str = props.getProperty("use_incoming_packet_handler");
    if (str != null) {
      use_incoming_packet_handler = new Boolean(str).booleanValue();

    str = props.getProperty("use_outgoing_packet_handler");
    if (str != null) {
      use_outgoing_packet_handler = new Boolean(str).booleanValue();

    str = props.getProperty("max_bundle_size");
    if (str != null) {
      int bundle_size = Integer.parseInt(str);
      if (bundle_size > max_bundle_size) {
            "max_bundle_size ("
                + bundle_size
                + ") is greater than largest UDP fragmentation size ("
                + max_bundle_size
                + ")");
        return false;
      if (bundle_size <= 0) {
        Trace.error("UDP.setProperties()", "max_bundle_size (" + bundle_size + ") is <= 0");
        return false;
      max_bundle_size = bundle_size;

    str = props.getProperty("max_bundle_timeout");
    if (str != null) {
      max_bundle_timeout = Long.parseLong(str);
      if (max_bundle_timeout <= 0) {
            "UDP.setProperties()", "max_bundle_timeout of " + max_bundle_timeout + " is invalid");
        return false;

    str = props.getProperty("enable_bundling");
    if (str != null) {
      enable_bundling = new Boolean(str).booleanValue();

    if (props.size() > 0) {
      System.err.println("UDP.setProperties(): the following properties are not recognized:");
      return false;

    if (enable_bundling) {
      if (use_outgoing_packet_handler == false) {
            "enable_bundling is true; setting use_outgoing_packet_handler=true");
      use_outgoing_packet_handler = true;

    return true;

   * DON'T REMOVE ! This prevents the up-handler thread to be created, which essentially is
   * superfluous: messages are received from the network rather than from a layer below.
  public void startUpHandler() {

   * handle the UP event.
   * @param evt - the event being send from the stack
  public void up(Event evt) {

    switch (evt.getType()) {
      case Event.CONFIG:
        if (Trace.trace) {
          Trace.info("UDP.up()", "received CONFIG event: " + evt.getArg());
        handleConfigEvent((HashMap) evt.getArg());


   * Caller by the layer above this layer. Usually we just put this Message into the send queue and
   * let one or more worker threads handle it. A worker thread then removes the Message from the
   * send queue, performs a conversion and adds the modified Message to the send queue of the layer
   * below it, by calling Down).
  public void down(Event evt) {
    Message msg;
    Object dest_addr;

    if (evt.getType() != Event.MSG) { // unless it is a message handle it and respond

    // ****************** profiling ******************
    /*if(num_msgs == 0) {
         else if(num_msgs >= 1000) {

    long total_time=stop-start;
    double msgs_per_msec=num_msgs / (double)total_time;

                "total_time=" + total_time + ", msgs/ms=" + msgs_per_msec);
         else {
    // ****************** profiling ******************

    msg = (Message) evt.getArg();

    if (udp_hdr != null && udp_hdr.group_addr != null) {
      // added patch by Roland Kurmann (March 20 2003)
      msg.putHeader(name, udp_hdr);

    dest_addr = msg.getDest();

    // Because we don't call Protocol.passDown(), we notify the observer directly (e.g.
    // PerfObserver).
    // This way, we still have performance numbers for UDP
    if (observer != null) {
    if (dest_addr == null) { // 'null' means send to all group members
      if (ip_mcast) {
        if (mcast_addr == null) {
              "dest address of message is null, and "
                  + "sending to default address fails as mcast_addr is null, too !"
                  + " Discarding message "
                  + Util.printEvent(evt));
        // if we want to use IP multicast, then set the destination of the message
      } else {
        // sends a separate UDP message to each address
        sendMultipleUdpMessages(msg, members);

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Trace.error("UDP.down()", "exception=" + e + ", msg=" + msg + ", mcast_addr=" + mcast_addr);

  /*--------------------------- End of Protocol interface -------------------------- */

  /* ------------------------------ Private Methods -------------------------------- */

   * If the sender is null, set our own address. We cannot just go ahead and set the address anyway,
   * as we might be sending a message on behalf of someone else ! E.g. in case of retransmission,
   * when the original sender has crashed, or in a FLUSH protocol when we have to return all
   * unstable messages with the FLUSH_OK response.
  void setSourceAddress(Message msg) {
    if (msg.getSrc() == null) {

   * Processes a packet read from either the multicast or unicast socket. Needs to be synchronized
   * because mcast or unicast socket reads can be concurrent
  void handleIncomingUdpPacket(byte[] data) {
    ByteArrayInputStream inp_stream;
    ObjectInputStream inp;
    Message msg = null;
    List l; // used if bundling is enabled

    try {
      // skip the first n bytes (default: 4), this is the version info
      inp_stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data, VERSION_LENGTH, data.length - VERSION_LENGTH);
      inp = new ObjectInputStream(inp_stream);
      if (enable_bundling) {
        l = new List();
        for (Enumeration en = l.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {
          msg = (Message) en.nextElement();
          try {
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            Trace.error("UDP.handleIncomingUdpPacket()", "failure: " + t.toString());
      } else {
        msg = new Message();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      Trace.error("UDP.handleIncomingUdpPacket()", "exception=" + Trace.getStackTrace(e));

  void handleMessage(Message msg) {
    Event evt;
    UdpHeader hdr;

    // discard my own multicast loopback copy
    if (loopback) {
      Address dst = msg.getDest();
      Address src = msg.getSrc();

      if (dst != null && dst.isMulticastAddress() && src != null && local_addr.equals(src)) {
        if (Trace.debug) {
          Trace.info("UDP.handleMessage()", "discarded own loopback multicast packet");

    evt = new Event(Event.MSG, msg);
    if (Trace.debug) {
      Trace.info("UDP.handleMessage()", "message is " + msg + ", headers are " + msg.getHeaders());

      /* Because Protocol.up() is never called by this bottommost layer, we call up() directly in the observer.
       * This allows e.g. PerfObserver to get the time of reception of a message */
    if (observer != null) {
      observer.up(evt, up_queue.size());
    hdr = (UdpHeader) msg.removeHeader(name);
    if (hdr != null) {

      /* Discard all messages destined for a channel with a different name */
      String ch_name = null;

      if (hdr.group_addr != null) {
        ch_name = hdr.group_addr;

        // Discard if message's group name is not the same as our group name unless the
        // message is a diagnosis message (special group name DIAG_GROUP)
      if (ch_name != null
          && group_addr != null
          && !group_addr.equals(ch_name)
          && !ch_name.equals(Util.DIAG_GROUP)) {
        if (Trace.trace) {
              "discarded message from different group ("
                  + ch_name
                  + "). Sender was "
                  + msg.getSrc());
    } else {
      Trace.error("UDP.handleMessage()", "message does not have a UDP header");

  /** Send a message to the address specified in dest */
  void sendUdpMessage(Message msg) throws Exception {
    IpAddress dest;
    Message copy;
    Event evt;

    dest = (IpAddress) msg.getDest(); // guaranteed not to be null

    if (Trace.debug) {
          "sending message to "
              + msg.getDest()
              + " (src="
              + msg.getSrc()
              + "), headers are "
              + msg.getHeaders());

      // Don't send if destination is local address. Instead, switch dst and src and put in
      // up_queue.
      // If multicast message, loopback a copy directly to us (but still multicast). Once we receive
      // this,
      // we will discard our own multicast message
    if (loopback && (dest.equals(local_addr) || dest.isMulticastAddress())) {
      copy = msg.copy();
      evt = new Event(Event.MSG, copy);

      /* Because Protocol.up() is never called by this bottommost layer, we call up() directly in the observer.
      This allows e.g. PerfObserver to get the time of reception of a message */
      if (observer != null) {
        observer.up(evt, up_queue.size());
      if (Trace.debug) {
        Trace.info("UDP.sendUdpMessage()", "looped back local message " + copy);
      if (!dest.isMulticastAddress()) {

    if (use_outgoing_packet_handler) {


  /** Internal method to serialize and send a message. This method is not reentrant */
  void send(Message msg) throws Exception {
    IpAddress dest = (IpAddress) msg.getDest();
    byte[] buf = messageToBuffer(msg);
    doSend(buf, dest.getIpAddress(), dest.getPort());

  void doSend(byte[] data, InetAddress dest, int port) throws IOException {
    DatagramPacket packet;
    packet = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, dest, port);
    if (sock != null) {

  void sendMultipleUdpMessages(Message msg, Vector dests) {
    Address dest;

    for (int i = 0; i < dests.size(); i++) {
      dest = (Address) dests.elementAt(i);

      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Trace.debug("UDP.sendMultipleUdpMessages()", "exception=" + e);

  byte[] messageToBuffer(Message msg) throws Exception {
    ObjectOutputStream out;
    // BufferedOutputStream bos;

    // bos=new BufferedOutputStream(out_stream);
    out_stream.write(Version.version_id, 0, Version.version_id.length); // write the version
    // bos.write(Version.version_id, 0, Version.version_id.length); // write the version
    out = new ObjectOutputStream(out_stream);
    // out=new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
    out.flush(); // needed if out buffers its output to out_stream
    return out_stream.toByteArray();

   * Create UDP sender and receiver sockets. Currently there are 2 sockets (sending and receiving).
   * This is due to Linux's non-BSD compatibility in the JDK port (see DESIGN).
  void createSockets() throws Exception {
    InetAddress tmp_addr = null;

    // bind_addr not set, try to assign one by default. This is needed on Windows

    // changed by bela Feb 12 2003: by default multicast sockets will be bound to all network
    // interfaces

    // CHANGED *BACK* by bela March 13 2003: binding to all interfaces did not result in a correct
    // local_addr. As a matter of fact, comparison between e.g. (on hostA) and
    // (on hostB) would fail !
    if (bind_addr == null) {
      InetAddress[] interfaces =
      if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) bind_addr = interfaces[0];

    if (bind_addr == null) bind_addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

    if (bind_addr != null && Trace.trace) {
          "unicast sockets will use interface " + bind_addr.getHostAddress());

      // 2. Create socket for receiving unicast UDP packets. The address and port
      //    of this socket will be our local address (local_addr)

      // 27-6-2003 bgooren, find available port in range (start_port, start_port+port_range)
    int rcv_port = bind_port, max_port = bind_port + port_range;
    while (rcv_port <= max_port) {

      try {
        sock = new DatagramSocket(rcv_port, bind_addr);
      } catch (SocketException bind_ex) { // Cannot listen on this port
      } catch (SecurityException sec_ex) { // Not allowed to list on this port

      // Cannot listen at all, throw an Exception
      if (rcv_port == max_port + 1) { // +1 due to the increment above
        throw new Exception(
            "UDP.createSockets(): cannot list on any port in range "
                + bind_port
                + "-"
                + (bind_port + port_range));
    // ucast_recv_sock=new DatagramSocket(bind_port, bind_addr);
    if (sock == null) {
      throw new Exception("UDP.createSocket(): sock is null");

    local_addr = new IpAddress(sock.getLocalAddress(), sock.getLocalPort());
    if (additional_data != null) {

      // 3. Create socket for receiving IP multicast packets
    if (ip_mcast) {
      mcast_sock = new MulticastSocket(mcast_port);
      if (bind_addr != null) {
      tmp_addr = InetAddress.getByName(mcast_addr_name);
      mcast_addr = new IpAddress(tmp_addr, mcast_port);


    if (Trace.trace) {
      Trace.info("UDP.createSockets()", "socket information:\n" + dumpSocketInfo());

  String dumpSocketInfo() throws Exception {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb.append(", mcast_addr=").append(mcast_addr);
    sb.append(", bind_addr=").append(bind_addr);
    sb.append(", ttl=").append(ip_ttl);

    if (sock != null) {
      sb.append("\nsocket: bound to ");
      sb.append(", receive buffer size=").append(sock.getReceiveBufferSize());
      sb.append(", send buffer size=").append(sock.getSendBufferSize());

    if (mcast_sock != null) {
      sb.append("\nmulticast socket: bound to ");
      sb.append(", send buffer size=").append(mcast_sock.getSendBufferSize());
      sb.append(", receive buffer size=").append(mcast_sock.getReceiveBufferSize());
    return sb.toString();

  void setBufferSizes() {
    if (sock != null) {
      try {
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        Trace.warn("UDP.setBufferSizes()", "failed setting ucast_send_buf_size in sock: " + ex);
      try {
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        Trace.warn("UDP.setBufferSizes()", "failed setting ucast_recv_buf_size in sock: " + ex);

    if (mcast_sock != null) {
      try {
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
            "UDP.setBufferSizes()", "failed setting mcast_send_buf_size in mcast_sock: " + ex);

      try {
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
            "UDP.setBufferSizes()", "failed setting mcast_recv_buf_size in mcast_sock: " + ex);

  /** Closed UDP unicast and multicast sockets */
  void closeSockets() {
    // 1. Close multicast socket

    // 2. Close socket

  void closeMulticastSocket() {
    if (mcast_sock != null) {
      try {
        if (mcast_addr != null) {
          // by sending a dummy packet the thread will be awakened
          sendDummyPacket(mcast_addr.getIpAddress(), mcast_addr.getPort());
        mcast_sock.close(); // this will cause the mcast receiver thread to break out of its loop
        mcast_sock = null;
        if (Trace.trace) {
          Trace.info("UDP.closeMulticastSocket()", "multicast socket closed");
      } catch (IOException ex) {
      mcast_addr = null;

  void closeSocket() {
    if (sock != null) {
      // by sending a dummy packet, the thread will terminate (if it was flagged as stopped before)
      sendDummyPacket(sock.getLocalAddress(), sock.getLocalPort());

      sock = null;
      if (Trace.trace) {
        Trace.info("UDP.closeSocket()", "socket closed");

   * Workaround for the problem encountered in certains JDKs that a thread listening on a socket
   * cannot be interrupted. Therefore we just send a dummy datagram packet so that the thread 'wakes
   * up' and realizes it has to terminate. Should be removed when all JDKs support
   * Thread.interrupt() on reads. Uses sock t send dummy packet, so this socket has to be still
   * alive.
   * @param dest The destination host. Will be local host if null
   * @param port The destination port
  void sendDummyPacket(InetAddress dest, int port) {
    DatagramPacket packet;
    byte[] buf = {0};

    if (dest == null) {
      try {
        dest = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
      } catch (Exception e) {

    if (Trace.debug) {
      Trace.info("UDP.sendDummyPacket()", "sending packet to " + dest + ":" + port);
    if (sock == null || dest == null) {
          "UDP.sendDummyPacket()", "sock was null or dest was null, cannot send dummy packet");
    packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, dest, port);
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
          "exception sending dummy packet to " + dest + ":" + port + ": " + e);

  /** Starts the unicast and multicast receiver threads */
  void startThreads() throws Exception {
    if (ucast_receiver == null) {
      // start the listener thread of the ucast_recv_sock
      ucast_receiver = new UcastReceiver();
      if (Trace.trace) {
        Trace.info("UDP.startThreads()", "created unicast receiver thread");

    if (ip_mcast) {
      if (mcast_receiver != null) {
        if (mcast_receiver.isAlive()) {
          if (Trace.trace) {
                "did not create new multicastreceiver thread as existing "
                    + "multicast receiver thread is still running");
        } else {
          mcast_receiver = null; // will be created just below...

      if (mcast_receiver == null) {
        mcast_receiver = new Thread(this, "UDP mcast receiver");
        mcast_receiver.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); // needed ????
    if (use_outgoing_packet_handler) {
    if (use_incoming_packet_handler) {

  /** Stops unicast and multicast receiver threads */
  void stopThreads() {
    Thread tmp;

    // 1. Stop the multicast receiver thread
    if (mcast_receiver != null) {
      if (mcast_receiver.isAlive()) {
        tmp = mcast_receiver;
        mcast_receiver = null;
        closeMulticastSocket(); // will cause the multicast thread to terminate
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        tmp = null;
      mcast_receiver = null;

    // 2. Stop the unicast receiver thread
    if (ucast_receiver != null) {
      ucast_receiver = null;

    // 3. Stop the in_packet_handler thread
    if (incoming_packet_handler != null) {

  void handleDownEvent(Event evt) {
    switch (evt.getType()) {
      case Event.TMP_VIEW:
      case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:
        synchronized (members) {
          Vector tmpvec = ((View) evt.getArg()).getMembers();
          for (int i = 0; i < tmpvec.size(); i++) {

      case Event.GET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: // return local address -> Event(SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS, local)
        passUp(new Event(Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS, local_addr));

      case Event.CONNECT:
        group_addr = (String) evt.getArg();
        udp_hdr = new UdpHeader(group_addr);

        // removed March 18 2003 (bela), not needed (handled by GMS)
        // changed July 2 2003 (bela): we discard CONNECT_OK at the GMS level anyway, this might
        // be needed if we run without GMS though
        passUp(new Event(Event.CONNECT_OK));

      case Event.DISCONNECT:
        passUp(new Event(Event.DISCONNECT_OK));

      case Event.CONFIG:
        if (Trace.trace) {
          Trace.info("UDP.down()", "received CONFIG event: " + evt.getArg());
        handleConfigEvent((HashMap) evt.getArg());

  void handleConfigEvent(HashMap map) {
    if (map == null) {
    if (map.containsKey("additional_data")) {
      additional_data = (byte[]) map.get("additional_data");
    if (map.containsKey("send_buf_size")) {
      mcast_send_buf_size = ((Integer) map.get("send_buf_size")).intValue();
      ucast_send_buf_size = mcast_send_buf_size;
    if (map.containsKey("recv_buf_size")) {
      mcast_recv_buf_size = ((Integer) map.get("recv_buf_size")).intValue();
      ucast_recv_buf_size = mcast_recv_buf_size;

  /* ----------------------------- End of Private Methods ---------------------------------------- */

  /* ----------------------------- Inner Classes ---------------------------------------- */
  public class UcastReceiver implements Runnable {
    boolean running = true;
    Thread thread = null;

    public void start() {
      if (thread == null) {
        thread = new Thread(this, "UDP.UcastReceiverThread");
        running = true;

    public void stop() {
      Thread tmp;
      if (thread != null && thread.isAlive()) {
        running = false;
        tmp = thread;
        thread = null;
        closeSocket(); // this will cause the thread to break out of its loop
        tmp = null;
      thread = null;

    public void run() {
      DatagramPacket packet;
      byte receive_buf[] = new byte[65535];
      int len;
      byte[] data, tmp;

      // moved out of loop to avoid excessive object creations (bela March 8 2001)
      packet = new DatagramPacket(receive_buf, receive_buf.length);

      while (running && thread != null && sock != null) {
        try {
          packet.setData(receive_buf, 0, receive_buf.length);
          len = packet.getLength();
          data = packet.getData();
          if (len == 1 && data[0] == 0) {
            if (Trace.debug) {
              Trace.info("UDP.UcastReceiver.run()", "received dummy packet");
          if (Trace.debug) {
                "received (ucast) "
                    + len
                    + " bytes from "
                    + packet.getAddress()
                    + ":"
                    + packet.getPort());
          if (len > receive_buf.length) {
                "size of the received packet ("
                    + len
                    + ") is bigger than "
                    + "allocated buffer ("
                    + receive_buf.length
                    + "): will not be able to handle packet. "
                    + "Use the FRAG protocol and make its frag_size lower than "
                    + receive_buf.length);

          if (Version.compareTo(data) == false) {
                "packet from "
                    + packet.getAddress()
                    + ":"
                    + packet.getPort()
                    + " has different version ("
                    + Version.printVersionId(data, Version.version_id.length)
                    + ") from ours ("
                    + Version.printVersionId(Version.version_id)
                    + "). This may cause problems");

          if (use_incoming_packet_handler) {
            tmp = new byte[len];
            System.arraycopy(data, 0, tmp, 0, len);
          } else {
        } catch (SocketException sock_ex) {
          if (Trace.trace) {
                "unicast receiver socket is closed, exception=" + sock_ex);
        } catch (InterruptedIOException io_ex) { // thread was interrupted
          ; // go back to top of loop, where we will terminate loop
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
              "[" + local_addr + "] exception=" + ex + ", stack trace=" + Util.printStackTrace(ex));
          Util.sleep(300); // so we don't get into 100% cpu spinning (should NEVER happen !)
      if (Trace.trace) {
        Trace.info("UDP.UcastReceiver.run()", "unicast receiver thread terminated");

   * This thread fetches byte buffers from the packet_queue, converts them into messages and passes
   * them up to the higher layer (done in handleIncomingUdpPacket()).
  class IncomingPacketHandler implements Runnable {
    Thread t = null;

    public void run() {
      byte[] data;
      while (incoming_queue != null && incoming_packet_handler != null) {
        try {
          data = (byte[]) incoming_queue.remove();
        } catch (QueueClosedException closed_ex) {
          if (Trace.trace) {
            Trace.info("UDP.IncomingPacketHandler.run()", "packet_handler thread terminating");
        data = null; // let's give the poor garbage collector a hand...

    void start() {
      if (t == null) {
        t = new Thread(this, "UDP.IncomingPacketHandler thread");

    void stop() {
      if (incoming_queue != null) {
        incoming_queue.close(false); // should terminate the packet_handler thread too
      t = null;
      incoming_queue = null;

   * This thread fetches byte buffers from the outgoing_packet_queue, converts them into messages
   * and sends them using the unicast or multicast socket
  class OutgoingPacketHandler implements Runnable {
    Thread t = null;
    ObjectOutputStream out;
    byte[] buf;
    DatagramPacket packet;
    IpAddress dest;

    public void run() {
      Message msg;

      while (outgoing_queue != null && outgoing_packet_handler != null) {
        try {
          msg = (Message) outgoing_queue.remove();
        } catch (QueueClosedException closed_ex) {
          if (Trace.trace) {
            Trace.info("UDP.OutgoingPacketHandler.run()", "packet_handler thread terminating");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
              "exception sending packet: " + Util.printStackTrace(t));
        msg = null; // let's give the poor garbage collector a hand...

    protected void handleMessage(Message msg) throws Exception {

    void start() {
      if (t == null) {
        t = new Thread(this, "UDP.OutgoingPacketHandler thread");

    void stop() {
      if (outgoing_queue != null) {
        outgoing_queue.close(false); // should terminate the packet_handler thread too
      t = null;
      outgoing_queue = null;

   * Bundles smaller messages into bigger ones. Collects messages in a list until messages of a
   * total of <tt>max_bundle_size bytes</tt> have accumulated, or until <tt>max_bundle_timeout</tt>
   * milliseconds have elapsed, whichever is first. Messages are unbundled at the receiver.
  class BundlingOutgoingPacketHandler extends OutgoingPacketHandler {
    long total_bytes = 0;
    boolean timer_running = false;

    /** HashMap<Address, List>. Keys are destinations, values are lists of Messages */
    HashMap msgs = new HashMap();

    MyTask task = new MyTask();

    class MyTask implements TimeScheduler.Task {

      public boolean cancelled() {
        return !timer_running;

      public long nextInterval() {
        return max_bundle_timeout;

      public void run() {
        if (timer_running) {

    void startTimer() {
      if (!timer_running) {
        timer_running = true;

    void stopTimer() {
      timer_running = false;

    void stop() {

    protected void handleMessage(Message msg) throws Exception {
      Address dest = msg.getDest();
      long len;
      List tmp;

      len = msg.size(); // todo: use msg.getLength() instead of msg.getSize()
      if (len > max_bundle_size) {
        throw new Exception(
            "UDP.BundlingOutgoingPacketHandler.handleMessage(): "
                + "message size ("
                + len
                + ") is greater than UDP fragmentation size. "
                + "Set the fragmentation/bundle size in FRAG and UDP correctly");

      if (total_bytes + len >= max_bundle_size) {
        if (Trace.trace) {
              "sending " + total_bytes + " bytes");
        bundleAndSend(); // send all pending message and clear table
        total_bytes = 0;

      synchronized (msgs) {
        tmp = (List) msgs.get(dest);
        if (tmp == null) {
          tmp = new List();
          msgs.put(dest, tmp);
        total_bytes += len;

      if (!timer_running) { // first message to be bundled

    void bundleAndSend() {
      Map.Entry entry;
      IpAddress dest;
      ObjectOutputStream out;
      InetAddress addr;
      int port;
      byte[] data;
      List l;

      if (Trace.trace) {
            "\nsending msgs:\n" + dumpMessages(msgs));
      synchronized (msgs) {

        if (msgs.size() == 0) {

        for (Iterator it = msgs.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
          entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
          dest = (IpAddress) entry.getKey();
          addr = dest.getIpAddress();
          port = dest.getPort();
          l = (List) entry.getValue();
          try {
            // BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream(out_stream);
            out_stream.write(Version.version_id, 0, Version.version_id.length); // write the version
            // bos.write(Version.version_id, 0, Version.version_id.length); // write the version
            out = new ObjectOutputStream(out_stream);
            // out=new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
            out.close(); // needed if out buffers its output to out_stream
            data = out_stream.toByteArray();
            doSend(data, addr, port);
          } catch (IOException e) {
                "exception sending msg (to dest=" + dest + "): " + e);

  String dumpMessages(HashMap map) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Map.Entry entry;
    List l;
    if (map != null) {
      synchronized (map) {
        for (Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
          entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
          l = (List) entry.getValue();
          sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(": ");
          sb.append(l.size()).append(" msgs\n");
    return sb.toString();

  //    class MessageList {
  //        long  total_size=0;
  //        List  l=new List();
  //        void add(Message msg, int len) {
  //            total_size+=len;
  //            l.add(msg);
  //        }
  //        public void removeAll() {
  //            l.removeAll();
  //            total_size=0;
  //        }
  //        public long getTotalSize() {
  //            return total_size;
  //        }
  //        public void setTotalSize(long s) {
  //            total_size=s;
  //        }
  //        List getList() {
  //            return l;
  //        }
  //        public int size() {
  //            return l.size();
  //        }
  //        public String toString() {
  //            return super.toString() + " [total size=" + total_size + "bytes]";
  //        }
  //    }

コード例 #5
ファイル: UDP.java プロジェクト: NZDIS/jgroups
  public void run() {
    DatagramPacket packet;
    byte receive_buf[] = new byte[65535];
    int len;
    byte[] tmp, data;

    // moved out of loop to avoid excessive object creations (bela March 8 2001)
    packet = new DatagramPacket(receive_buf, receive_buf.length);

    while (mcast_receiver != null && mcast_sock != null) {
      try {
        packet.setData(receive_buf, 0, receive_buf.length);
        len = packet.getLength();
        data = packet.getData();
        if (len == 1 && data[0] == 0) {
          if (Trace.debug) {
            Trace.info("UDP.run()", "received dummy packet");

        if (len == 4) { // received a diagnostics probe
          if (data[0] == 'd' && data[1] == 'i' && data[2] == 'a' && data[3] == 'g') {
            handleDiagnosticProbe(packet.getAddress(), packet.getPort());

        if (Trace.debug) {
              "received (mcast) "
                  + packet.getLength()
                  + " bytes from "
                  + packet.getAddress()
                  + ":"
                  + packet.getPort()
                  + " (size="
                  + len
                  + " bytes)");
        if (len > receive_buf.length) {
              "size of the received packet ("
                  + len
                  + ") is bigger than "
                  + "allocated buffer ("
                  + receive_buf.length
                  + "): will not be able to handle packet. "
                  + "Use the FRAG protocol and make its frag_size lower than "
                  + receive_buf.length);

        if (Version.compareTo(data) == false) {
              "packet from "
                  + packet.getAddress()
                  + ":"
                  + packet.getPort()
                  + " has different version ("
                  + Version.printVersionId(data, Version.version_id.length)
                  + ") from ours ("
                  + Version.printVersionId(Version.version_id)
                  + "). This may cause problems");

        if (use_incoming_packet_handler) {
          tmp = new byte[len];
          System.arraycopy(data, 0, tmp, 0, len);
        } else {
      } catch (SocketException sock_ex) {
        if (Trace.trace) {
          Trace.info("UDP.run()", "multicast socket is closed, exception=" + sock_ex);
      } catch (InterruptedIOException io_ex) { // thread was interrupted
        ; // go back to top of loop, where we will terminate loop
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        Trace.error("UDP.run()", "exception=" + ex + ", stack trace=" + Util.printStackTrace(ex));
        Util.sleep(300); // so we don't get into 100% cpu spinning (should NEVER happen !)
    if (Trace.trace) {
      Trace.info("UDP.run()", "multicast thread terminated");
コード例 #6
ファイル: Controller.java プロジェクト: andrnil/marenor
 public String getVersion() {
   return Version.getVersion();