/** Adds the buttons (and other controls) to the screen in question. */ public void initGui() { StringTranslate var1 = StringTranslate.getInstance(); this.buttonList.add( new GuiFancyButton( 5, this.width / 2 - 74, this.height - 48, var1.translateKey("texturePack.openFolder"), 3)); this.buttonList.add( new GuiFancyButton( 6, this.width / 2 + 74, this.height - 48, var1.translateKey("gui.done"), 3)); this.mc.texturePackList.updateAvaliableTexturePacks(); this.fileLocation = (new File(Minecraft.getMinecraftDir(), "texturepacks")).getAbsolutePath(); this.guiTexturePackSlot = new GuiFancyTexturePackSlot(this); this.guiTexturePackSlot.registerScrollButtons(this.buttonList, 7, 8); bg = new GuiFancyRotatingBackground(mc, width, height, zLevel); }
/** Draws the screen and all the components in it. */ public void drawScreen(int par1, int par2, float par3) { bg.RenderBackground(par1, par2, par3); this.guiTexturePackSlot.drawScreen(par1, par2, par3); if (this.refreshTimer <= 0) { this.mc.texturePackList.updateAvaliableTexturePacks(); this.refreshTimer += 20; } StringTranslate var4 = StringTranslate.getInstance(); this.drawCenteredString( this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey("texturePack.title"), this.width / 2, 16, 16777215); this.drawCenteredString( this.fontRenderer, var4.translateKey("texturePack.folderInfo"), this.width / 2 - 77, this.height - 26, 8421504); super.drawScreen(par1, par2, par3); }