public Set<String> getAutoInstallPluginIDs() { Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); Map m = getMostRecentVersionCheckData(); if (m != null) { byte[] x = (byte[]) m.get("autoinstall_pids"); if (x != null) { String str = new String(x); String latest = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("vc.autoinstall_pids.latest", ""); if (!str.equals(latest)) { byte[] sig = (byte[]) m.get("autoinstall_pids_sig"); if (sig == null) { Debug.out("autoinstall plugins sig missing"); return (result); } try { AEVerifier.verifyData(str, sig); COConfigurationManager.setParameter("vc.autoinstall_pids.latest", str); } catch (Throwable e) { return (result); } } String[] bits = str.split(","); for (String b : bits) { b = b.trim(); if (b.length() > 0) { result.add(b); } } } } return (result); }
public void addVersionCheckClientListener( boolean triggerStartListener, VersionCheckClientListener l) { synchronized (listeners) { listeners.add(l); if (triggerStartListener && startCheckRan) { try { l.versionCheckStarted(REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_START); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out(e); } } } }
/** Stop the server. */ public void stop() { try { this_mon.enter(); if (server_channel != null) { try { server_channel.close(); server_channel = null; } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); } } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
protected void accept_loop() { while (isRunning()) { try { SocketChannel client_channel = server_channel.accept(); last_accept_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); client_channel.configureBlocking(false); listener.newConnectionAccepted(server_channel, client_channel); } catch (AsynchronousCloseException e) { /* is thrown when stop() is called */ } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
/** Start the server and begin accepting incoming connections. */ public void start() { try { this_mon.enter(); if (!isRunning()) { try { server_channel =; server_channel.socket().setReuseAddress(true); if (receive_buffer_size > 0) server_channel.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(receive_buffer_size); server_channel.socket().bind(bind_address, 1024); if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "TCP incoming server socket " + bind_address)); AEThread accept_thread = new AEThread("VServerSelector:port" + bind_address.getPort()) { public void runSupport() { accept_loop(); } }; accept_thread.setDaemon(true); accept_thread.start(); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); Logger.log( new LogAlert( LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE, "ERROR, unable to bind TCP incoming server socket to " + bind_address.getPort(), t)); } last_accept_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); // init to now } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
protected authDialog( AESemaphore _sem, Display display, String realm, boolean is_tracker, String target, String details) { sem = _sem; if (display.isDisposed()) { sem.releaseForever(); return; } final String ignore_key = "IgnoreAuth:" + realm + ":" + target + ":" + details; if (RememberedDecisionsManager.getRememberedDecision(ignore_key) == 1) { Debug.out( "Authentication for " + realm + "/" + target + "/" + details + " ignored as told not to ask again"); sem.releaseForever(); return; } shell = ShellFactory.createMainShell(SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL); Utils.setShellIcon(shell); Messages.setLanguageText(shell, "authenticator.title"); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 3; shell.setLayout(layout); GridData gridData; // realm Label realm_label = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); Messages.setLanguageText(realm_label, "authenticator.realm"); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; realm_label.setLayoutData(gridData); Label realm_value = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); realm_value.setText(realm.replaceAll("&", "&&")); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 2; realm_value.setLayoutData(gridData); // target Label target_label = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); Messages.setLanguageText( target_label, is_tracker ? "authenticator.tracker" : "authenticator.location"); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; target_label.setLayoutData(gridData); Label target_value = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); target_value.setText(target.replaceAll("&", "&&")); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 2; target_value.setLayoutData(gridData); if (details != null) { Label details_label = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); Messages.setLanguageText( details_label, is_tracker ? "authenticator.torrent" : "authenticator.details"); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; details_label.setLayoutData(gridData); Label details_value = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); details_value.setText(details.replaceAll("&", "&&")); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 2; details_value.setLayoutData(gridData); } // user Label user_label = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); Messages.setLanguageText(user_label, "authenticator.user"); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; user_label.setLayoutData(gridData); final Text user_value = new Text(shell, SWT.BORDER); user_value.setText(""); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 2; user_value.setLayoutData(gridData); user_value.addListener( SWT.Modify, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { username = user_value.getText(); } }); // password Label password_label = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); Messages.setLanguageText(password_label, "authenticator.password"); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; password_label.setLayoutData(gridData); final Text password_value = new Text(shell, SWT.BORDER); password_value.setEchoChar('*'); password_value.setText(""); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 2; password_value.setLayoutData(gridData); password_value.addListener( SWT.Modify, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { password = password_value.getText(); } }); // persist Label blank_label = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; blank_label.setLayoutData(gridData); final Button checkBox = new Button(shell, SWT.CHECK); checkBox.setText(MessageText.getString("authenticator.savepassword")); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; checkBox.setLayoutData(gridData); checkBox.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event e) { persist = checkBox.getSelection(); } }); final Button dontAsk = new Button(shell, SWT.CHECK); dontAsk.setText(MessageText.getString("general.dont.ask.again")); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; dontAsk.setLayoutData(gridData); dontAsk.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event e) { RememberedDecisionsManager.setRemembered(ignore_key, dontAsk.getSelection() ? 1 : 0); } }); // line Label labelSeparator = new Label(shell, SWT.SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL); gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); gridData.horizontalSpan = 3; labelSeparator.setLayoutData(gridData); // buttons new Label(shell, SWT.NULL); Button bOk = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH); Messages.setLanguageText(bOk, "Button.ok"); gridData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL | GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_END | GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL); gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; gridData.widthHint = 70; bOk.setLayoutData(gridData); bOk.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event e) { close(true); } }); Button bCancel = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH); Messages.setLanguageText(bCancel, "Button.cancel"); gridData = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_END); gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = false; gridData.widthHint = 70; bCancel.setLayoutData(gridData); bCancel.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event e) { close(false); } }); shell.setDefaultButton(bOk); shell.addListener( SWT.Traverse, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event e) { if (e.character == SWT.ESC) { close(false); } } }); shell.pack(); Utils.centreWindow(shell);; }
protected Map getVersionCheckInfoSupport( String reason, boolean only_if_cached, boolean force, boolean v6) { try { synchronized (listeners) { if (REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_START.equals(reason)) { startCheckRan = true; } for (VersionCheckClientListener l : listeners) { l.versionCheckStarted(reason); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); } if (v6) { if (enable_v6) { try { check_mon.enter(); long time_diff = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_check_time_v6; force = force || time_diff > CACHE_PERIOD || time_diff < 0; if (last_check_data_v6 == null || last_check_data_v6.size() == 0 || force) { // if we've never checked before then we go ahead even if the "only_if_cached" // flag is set as its had not chance of being cached yet! if (only_if_cached && last_check_data_v6 != null) { return (new HashMap()); } try { last_check_data_v6 = performVersionCheck(constructVersionCheckMessage(reason), true, true, true); if (last_check_data_v6 != null && last_check_data_v6.size() > 0) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter("versioncheck.cache.v6", last_check_data_v6); } } catch (SocketException t) { // internet is broken // Debug.out(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (UnknownHostException t) { // dns is broken // Debug.out(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); last_check_data_v6 = new HashMap(); } } else { Logger.log( new LogEvent( LOGID, "VersionCheckClient is using " + "cached version check info. Using " + last_check_data_v6.size() + " reply keys.")); } } finally { check_mon.exit(); } } if (last_check_data_v6 == null) last_check_data_v6 = new HashMap(); return last_check_data_v6; } else { try { check_mon.enter(); long time_diff = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_check_time_v4; force = force || time_diff > CACHE_PERIOD || time_diff < 0; if (last_check_data_v4 == null || last_check_data_v4.size() == 0 || force) { // if we've never checked before then we go ahead even if the "only_if_cached" // flag is set as its had not chance of being cached yet! if (only_if_cached && last_check_data_v4 != null) { return (new HashMap()); } try { last_check_data_v4 = performVersionCheck(constructVersionCheckMessage(reason), true, true, false); if (last_check_data_v4 != null && last_check_data_v4.size() > 0) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter("versioncheck.cache.v4", last_check_data_v4); } // clear down any plugin-specific data that has successfully been sent to the version // server try { if (AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreAvailable()) { // installed plugin IDs PluginInterface[] plugins = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { PluginInterface plugin = plugins[i]; Map data = plugin .getPluginconfig() .getPluginMapParameter("", null); if (data != null) { plugin .getPluginconfig() .setPluginMapParameter("", new HashMap()); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { } } catch (UnknownHostException t) { // no internet Debug.outNoStack( "VersionCheckClient - " + t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (IOException t) { // General connection problem. Debug.outNoStack( "VersionCheckClient - " + t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); last_check_data_v4 = new HashMap(); } } else { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log( new LogEvent( LOGID, "VersionCheckClient is using " + "cached version check info. Using " + last_check_data_v4.size() + " reply keys.")); } } finally { check_mon.exit(); } if (last_check_data_v4 == null) last_check_data_v4 = new HashMap(); last_feature_flag_cache_time = 0; return last_check_data_v4; } }
/** * Construct the default version check message. * * @return message to send */ public static Map constructVersionCheckMessage(String reason) { // only send if anonymous-check flag is not set boolean send_info = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Send Version Info"); Map message = new HashMap(); // always send message.put("appid", SystemProperties.getApplicationIdentifier()); message.put("appname", SystemProperties.getApplicationName()); message.put("version", Constants.AZUREUS_VERSION); String sub_ver = Constants.AZUREUS_SUBVER; if (sub_ver.length() > 0) { message.put("subver", sub_ver); } if (COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Beta Programme Enabled")) { message.put("beta_prog", "true"); } message.put("ui", COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ui", "unknown")); message.put("os", Constants.OSName); message.put("os_version", System.getProperty("os.version")); message.put( "os_arch", System.getProperty("os.arch")); // see boolean using_phe = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("network.transport.encrypted.require"); message.put("using_phe", using_phe ? new Long(1) : new Long(0)); // swt stuff try { Class c = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.SWT"); String swt_platform = (String) c.getMethod("getPlatform", new Class[] {}).invoke(null, new Object[] {}); message.put("swt_platform", swt_platform); Integer swt_version = (Integer) c.getMethod("getVersion", new Class[] {}).invoke(null, new Object[] {}); message.put("swt_version", new Long(swt_version.longValue())); if (send_info) { c = Class.forName("org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.MainWindow"); if (c != null) { c.getMethod("addToVersionCheckMessage", new Class[] {Map.class}) .invoke(null, new Object[] {message}); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { /* ignore */ } catch (NoClassDefFoundError er) { /* ignore */ } catch (InvocationTargetException err) { /* ignore */ } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } int last_send_time = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("Send Version Info Last Time", -1); int current_send_time = (int) (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() / 1000); COConfigurationManager.setParameter("Send Version Info Last Time", current_send_time); String id = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ID", null); if (id != null && send_info) { message.put("id", id); try { byte[] id2 = CryptoManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSecureID(); message.put("id2", id2); } catch (Throwable e) { } if (last_send_time != -1 && last_send_time < current_send_time) { // time since last message.put("tsl", new Long(current_send_time - last_send_time)); } message.put("reason", reason); String java_version = System.getProperty("java.version"); if (java_version == null) { java_version = "unknown"; } message.put("java", java_version); String java_vendor = System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor"); if (java_vendor == null) { java_vendor = "unknown"; } message.put("javavendor", java_vendor); long max_mem = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (1024 * 1024); message.put("javamx", new Long(max_mem)); String java_rt_name = System.getProperty(""); if (java_rt_name != null) { message.put("java_rt_name", java_rt_name); } String java_rt_version = System.getProperty("java.runtime.version"); if (java_rt_version != null) { message.put("java_rt_version", java_rt_version); } OverallStats stats = StatsFactory.getStats(); if (stats != null) { // long total_bytes_downloaded = stats.getDownloadedBytes(); // long total_bytes_uploaded = stats.getUploadedBytes(); long total_uptime = stats.getTotalUpTime(); // removed due to complaints about anonymous stats collection // message.put( "total_bytes_downloaded", new Long( total_bytes_downloaded ) ); // message.put( "total_bytes_uploaded", new Long( total_bytes_uploaded ) ); message.put("total_uptime", new Long(total_uptime)); // message.put( "dlstats", stats.getDownloadStats()); } try { NetworkAdminASN current_asn = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton().getCurrentASN(); String as = current_asn.getAS(); message.put("ip_as", current_asn.getAS()); String asn = current_asn.getASName(); if (asn.length() > 64) { asn = asn.substring(0, 64); } message.put("ip_asn", asn); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out(e); } // send locale, so we can determine which languages need attention message.put("locale", Locale.getDefault().toString()); String originalLocale = System.getProperty("user.language") + "_" + System.getProperty(""); String variant = System.getProperty("user.variant"); if (variant != null && variant.length() > 0) { originalLocale += "_" + variant; } message.put("orig_locale", originalLocale); // We may want to reply differently if the user is in Beginner mode vs Advanced message.put("user_mode", COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("User Mode", -1)); Set<String> features = UtilitiesImpl.getFeaturesInstalled(); if (features.size() > 0) { String str = ""; for (String f : features) { str += (str.length() == 0 ? "" : ",") + f; } message.put("vzfeatures", str); } try { if (AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreAvailable()) { // installed plugin IDs PluginInterface[] plugins = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaces(); List pids = new ArrayList(); List vs_data = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { PluginInterface plugin = plugins[i]; String pid = plugin.getPluginID(); String info = plugin.getPluginconfig().getPluginStringParameter(""); // filter out built-in and core ones if ((info != null && info.length() > 0) || (!pid.startsWith("<") && !pid.startsWith("azbp") && !pid.startsWith("azupdater") && !pid.startsWith("azplatform") && !pids.contains(pid))) { if (info != null && info.length() > 0) { if (info.length() < 256) { pid += ":" + info; } else { Debug.out("Plugin '" + pid + "' reported excessive info string '" + info + "'"); } } pids.add(pid); } Map data = plugin.getPluginconfig().getPluginMapParameter("", null); if (data != null) { Map payload = new HashMap(); byte[] data_bytes = BEncoder.encode(data); if (data_bytes.length > 16 * 1024) { Debug.out( "Plugin '" + pid + "' reported excessive version server data (length=" + data_bytes.length + ")"); payload.put("error", "data too long: " + data_bytes.length); } else { payload.put("data", data_bytes); } payload.put("id", pid); payload.put("version", plugin.getPluginVersion()); vs_data.add(payload); } } message.put("plugins", pids); if (vs_data.size() > 0) { message.put("plugin_data", vs_data); } } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out(e); } } return message; }