private void ConnectKnowledgeBaseBtnMouseClicked( java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_ConnectKnowledgeBaseBtnMouseClicked String sPrjFile = ProjectNameTF.getText().trim(); String sLocationURI = sURI + "Location"; Collection errors = new ArrayList(); Date d1 = new Date(); long l1 = d1.getTime(); prj = Project.loadProjectFromFile(sPrjFile, errors); owlModel = (OWLModel) prj.getKnowledgeBase(); kb = prj.getKnowledgeBase(); URI uri = prj.getActiveRootURI(); Collection colNumberOfInstance = kb.getInstances(); lNumberOfInstance = colNumberOfInstance.size(); Date d2 = new Date(); long l2 = d2.getTime(); lLoadedTime = (l2 - l1);"Connected to MySQL in " + lLoadedTime + " ms");"KB has " + lNumberOfInstance + " instances"); LoggingAreaTA.append("Project has " + lNumberOfInstance + " in total\n"); LoggingAreaTA.append("Project is loaded in " + lLoadedTime + " ms\n"); } // GEN-LAST:event_ConnectKnowledgeBaseBtnMouseClicked
private void BriefInfoBtnMouseClicked( java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_BriefInfoBtnMouseClicked // TODO add your handling code here: Collection colNumberOfInstance = kb.getInstances(); long lNumberOfInstance = colNumberOfInstance.size(); LoggingAreaTA.append("Project has " + lNumberOfInstance + " in total"); LoggingAreaTA.append("Project is loaded in " + lLoadedTime + " ms"); } // GEN-LAST:event_BriefInfoBtnMouseClicked
public void startServer() throws Exception { while (true) { Socket s = server.accept(); cClient.add(new ClientConn(s)); ta.append("NEW-CLIENT " + s.getInetAddress() + ":" + s.getPort()); ta.append("\n" + "CLIENTS-COUNT: " + cClient.size() + "\n\n"); } }
private static void assertEqualList(List<?> a, Collection<?> b) { if (a.size() == b.size()) { for (Object x : a) { if (!b.contains(x)) throw new AssertionFailedError("expected:<" + a + "> but was: <" + b + ">"); } return; } throw new AssertionFailedError("expected:<" + a + "> but was: <" + b + ">"); }
// get signs using an additional arg for a target rel private Collection<Sign> getSignsFromPredAndTargetRel(String pred, String targetRel) { Collection<Word> words = (Collection<Word>) _predToWords.get(pred); String specialTokenConst = null; // for robustness, when using supertagger, add words for pred sans sense index int dotIndex = -1; if (_supertagger != null && !Character.isDigit(pred.charAt(0)) && // skip numbers (dotIndex = pred.lastIndexOf('.')) > 0 && pred.length() > dotIndex + 1 && pred.charAt(dotIndex + 1) != '_') // skip titles, eg Mr._Smith { String barePred = pred.substring(0, dotIndex); Collection<Word> barePredWords = (Collection<Word>) _predToWords.get(barePred); if (words == null) words = barePredWords; else if (barePredWords != null) { Set<Word> unionWords = new HashSet<Word>(words); unionWords.addAll(barePredWords); words = unionWords; } } if (words == null) { specialTokenConst = tokenizer.getSpecialTokenConstant(tokenizer.isSpecialToken(pred)); if (specialTokenConst == null) return null; // lookup words with pred = special token const Collection<Word> specialTokenWords = (Collection<Word>) _predToWords.get(specialTokenConst); // replace special token const with pred if (specialTokenWords == null) return null; words = new ArrayList<Word>(specialTokenWords.size()); for (Iterator<Word> it = specialTokenWords.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Word stw =; Word w = Word.createSurfaceWord(stw, pred); words.add(w); } } List<Sign> retval = new ArrayList<Sign>(); for (Iterator<Word> it = words.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Word w =; try { SignHash signs = getSignsFromWord(w, specialTokenConst, pred, targetRel); retval.addAll(signs.asSignSet()); } // shouldn't happen catch (LexException exc) { System.err.println("Unexpected lex exception for word " + w + ": " + exc); } } return retval; }
/** * Returns compact class host. * * @param obj Object to compact. * @return String. */ @Nullable public static Object compactObject(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj instanceof Enum) return obj.toString(); if (obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Boolean || obj instanceof Number) return obj; if (obj instanceof Collection) { Collection col = (Collection) obj; Object[] res = new Object[col.size()]; int i = 0; for (Object elm : col) res[i++] = compactObject(elm); return res; } if (obj.getClass().isArray()) { Class<?> arrType = obj.getClass().getComponentType(); if (arrType.isPrimitive()) { if (obj instanceof boolean[]) return Arrays.toString((boolean[]) obj); if (obj instanceof byte[]) return Arrays.toString((byte[]) obj); if (obj instanceof short[]) return Arrays.toString((short[]) obj); if (obj instanceof int[]) return Arrays.toString((int[]) obj); if (obj instanceof long[]) return Arrays.toString((long[]) obj); if (obj instanceof float[]) return Arrays.toString((float[]) obj); if (obj instanceof double[]) return Arrays.toString((double[]) obj); } Object[] arr = (Object[]) obj; int iMax = arr.length - 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i <= iMax; i++) { sb.append(compactObject(arr[i])); if (i != iMax) sb.append(", "); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } return U.compact(obj.getClass().getName()); }
public String _toclasspath(String args[]) { verifyCommand(args, _toclasspathHelp, null, 2, 3); boolean cl = true; if (args.length > 2) cl = Boolean.valueOf(args[2]); Collection<String> names = Processor.split(args[1]); Collection<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(names.size()); for (String name : names) { String path = name.replace('.', '/') + (cl ? ".class" : ""); paths.add(path); } return Processor.join(paths, ","); }
private long InstancesCount() { String sIname = ClassNameTF.getText().trim(); long lNumberOfInstance = 0; if (sIname.length() > 0) { String sClassName = ClassNameTF.getText(); try { Cls cls = kb.getCls(sClassName); Collection colInstances = kb.getInstances(cls); lNumberOfInstance = colInstances.size(); } catch (Exception e) { theLogger.severe("Class not found"); } } else { try { Collection colInstances = kb.getInstances(); lNumberOfInstance = colInstances.size(); } catch (Exception e) { theLogger.severe("Class not found"); } } return lNumberOfInstance; }
static void loadDescriptorsFromClassPath( @NotNull List<IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl> result, @Nullable StartupProgress progress) { Collection<URL> urls = getClassLoaderUrls(); String platformPrefix = System.getProperty(PlatformUtilsCore.PLATFORM_PREFIX_KEY); int i = 0; for (URL url : urls) { i++; if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) { File file = new File(decodeUrl(url.getFile())); IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl platformPluginDescriptor = null; if (platformPrefix != null) { platformPluginDescriptor = loadDescriptor(file, platformPrefix + "Plugin.xml"); if (platformPluginDescriptor != null && !result.contains(platformPluginDescriptor)) { platformPluginDescriptor.setUseCoreClassLoader(true); result.add(platformPluginDescriptor); } } IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl pluginDescriptor = loadDescriptor(file, PLUGIN_XML); if (platformPrefix != null && pluginDescriptor != null && pluginDescriptor.getName().equals(SPECIAL_IDEA_PLUGIN)) { continue; } if (pluginDescriptor != null && !result.contains(pluginDescriptor)) { if (platformPluginDescriptor != null) { // if we found a regular plugin.xml in the same .jar/root as a platform-prefixed // descriptor, use the core loader for it too pluginDescriptor.setUseCoreClassLoader(true); } result.add(pluginDescriptor); if (progress != null) { progress.showProgress( "Plugin loaded: " + pluginDescriptor.getName(), PLUGINS_PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE * ((float) i / urls.size())); } } } } }
public String _toclassname(String args[]) { verifyCommand(args, _toclassnameHelp, null, 2, 2); Collection<String> paths = Processor.split(args[1]); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(paths.size()); for (String path : paths) { if (path.endsWith(".class")) { String name = path.substring(0, path.length() - 6).replace('/', '.'); names.add(name); } else if (path.endsWith(".java")) { String name = path.substring(0, path.length() - 5).replace('/', '.'); names.add(name); } else { domain.warning( "in toclassname, " + args[1] + " is not a class path because it does not end in .class"); } } return Processor.join(names, ","); }
/** * Returns all Groovy classes loaded by this class loader. * * @return all classes loaded by this class loader */ public Class[] getLoadedClasses() { synchronized (classCache) { final Collection<Class> values = classCache.values(); return values.toArray(new Class[values.size()]); } }
/** * Grabs local events and detects if events was lost since last poll. * * @param ignite Target grid. * @param evtOrderKey Unique key to take last order key from node local map. * @param evtThrottleCntrKey Unique key to take throttle count from node local map. * @param evtTypes Event types to collect. * @param evtMapper Closure to map grid events to Visor data transfer objects. * @return Collections of node events */ public static Collection<VisorGridEvent> collectEvents( Ignite ignite, String evtOrderKey, String evtThrottleCntrKey, final int[] evtTypes, IgniteClosure<Event, VisorGridEvent> evtMapper) { assert ignite != null; assert evtTypes != null && evtTypes.length > 0; ConcurrentMap<String, Long> nl = ignite.cluster().nodeLocalMap(); final long lastOrder = getOrElse(nl, evtOrderKey, -1L); final long throttle = getOrElse(nl, evtThrottleCntrKey, 0L); // When we first time arrive onto a node to get its local events, // we'll grab only last those events that not older than given period to make sure we are // not grabbing GBs of data accidentally. final long notOlderThan = System.currentTimeMillis() - EVENTS_COLLECT_TIME_WINDOW; // Flag for detecting gaps between events. final AtomicBoolean lastFound = new AtomicBoolean(lastOrder < 0); IgnitePredicate<Event> p = new IgnitePredicate<Event>() { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @Override public boolean apply(Event e) { // Detects that events were lost. if (!lastFound.get() && (lastOrder == e.localOrder())) lastFound.set(true); // Retains events by lastOrder, period and type. return e.localOrder() > lastOrder && e.timestamp() > notOlderThan && F.contains(evtTypes, e.type()); } }; Collection<Event> evts =; // Update latest order in node local, if not empty. if (!evts.isEmpty()) { Event maxEvt = Collections.max(evts, EVTS_ORDER_COMPARATOR); nl.put(evtOrderKey, maxEvt.localOrder()); } // Update throttle counter. if (!lastFound.get()) nl.put(evtThrottleCntrKey, throttle == 0 ? EVENTS_LOST_THROTTLE : throttle - 1); boolean lost = !lastFound.get() && throttle == 0; Collection<VisorGridEvent> res = new ArrayList<>(evts.size() + (lost ? 1 : 0)); if (lost) res.add(new VisorGridEventsLost(ignite.cluster().localNode().id())); for (Event e : evts) { VisorGridEvent visorEvt = evtMapper.apply(e); if (visorEvt != null) res.add(visorEvt); } return res; }
/** * Sets data configurations. * * @param dataCfgs Data configurations. */ public void setDataConfigurations(Collection<? extends GridClientDataConfiguration> dataCfgs) { this.dataCfgs = U.newHashMap(dataCfgs.size()); for (GridClientDataConfiguration dataCfg : dataCfgs) this.dataCfgs.put(dataCfg.getName(), new GridClientDataConfiguration(dataCfg)); }