static { log.debug("Populating descriptor map"); descriptorMap = new HashMap<Short, String>(); typeDescriptorMap = new HashMap<Class<? extends>, Short>(); Field[] fields = MessageDescriptor.class.getDeclaredFields(); log.debug("Found" + fields.length + " fields"); for (Field f : fields) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) { log.debug("Found instance field: " + f.getName()); continue; } if (!f.getType().equals(short.class)) { log.debug("Found non-short field: " + f.getName()); continue; } try { descriptorMap.put(f.getShort(null), f.getName()); log.debug("Mapping " + f.getShort(null) + " to " + f.getName()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { log.error("Unable to construct MessageType map.", ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { log.error("Unable to construct MessageType map", ex); } } typeDescriptorMap.put(ProtocolBuffer.HandshakeData.class, HANDSHAKE_DATA); typeDescriptorMap.put(ProtocolBuffer.CipherCapabilities.class, CIPHER_CAPABILITIES); typeDescriptorMap.put(ProtocolBuffer.RegisterKeyReq.class, REGISTER_KEY_REQ); typeDescriptorMap.put(ProtocolBuffer.RegisterLocationReq.class, REGISTER_LOCATION_REQ); }
/** * An introspection based equality predicate for GenericObjects. * * @other the other object to test against. */ public boolean equals(Object that) { if (!this.getClass().equals(that.getClass())) return false; Class myclass = this.getClass(); Field[] fields = myclass.getDeclaredFields(); Class hisclass = that.getClass(); Field[] hisfields = hisclass.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field f = fields[i]; Field g = hisfields[i]; // Only print protected and public members. int modifier = f.getModifiers(); if ((modifier & Modifier.PRIVATE) == Modifier.PRIVATE) continue; Class fieldType = f.getType(); String fieldName = f.getName(); if (fieldName.compareTo("stringRepresentation") == 0) { continue; } if (fieldName.compareTo("indentation") == 0) { continue; } if (fieldName.compareTo("inputText") == 0) { continue; } try { // Primitive fields are printed with type: value if (fieldType.isPrimitive()) { String fname = fieldType.toString(); if (fname.compareTo("int") == 0) { if (f.getInt(this) != g.getInt(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("short") == 0) { if (f.getShort(this) != g.getShort(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("char") == 0) { if (f.getChar(this) != g.getChar(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("long") == 0) { if (f.getLong(this) != g.getLong(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("boolean") == 0) { if (f.getBoolean(this) != g.getBoolean(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("double") == 0) { if (f.getDouble(this) != g.getDouble(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("float") == 0) { if (f.getFloat(this) != g.getFloat(that)) return false; } } else if (g.get(that) == f.get(this)) return true; else if (f.get(this) == null) return false; else if (g.get(that) == null) return false; else return f.get(this).equals(g.get(that)); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex1) { InternalErrorHandler.handleException(ex1); } } return false; }
public void buildThresholds(String sourceFieldName) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { maxThreshold = 0; Class<?> c = objectStore.get(0).getClass(); // TODO: implement ability to access private fields Field field = c.getField(sourceFieldName); String type = field.getType().getName(); for (int i = 0; i != objectStore.size(); i++) { if (type.equals("long") || type.equals("java.lang.Long")) { maxThreshold += field.getLong(objectStore.get(i)); } else if (type.equals("double") || type.equals("java.lang.Double")) { maxThreshold += Math.round(field.getDouble(objectStore.get(i)) * 1000); } else if (type.equals("int") || type.equals("java.lang.Integer")) { maxThreshold += field.getInt(objectStore.get(i)); } else if (type.equals("short") || type.equals("java.lang.Short")) { maxThreshold += field.getShort(objectStore.get(i)); } else if (type.equals("byte") || type.equals("java.lang.Byte")) { maxThreshold += field.getByte(objectStore.get(i)); } else if (type.equals("float") || type.equals("java.lang.Float")) { maxThreshold += field.getFloat(objectStore.get(i)); } else { throw new AssertionError( "fieldName = " + c.getName() + "." + sourceFieldName + ", type = " + type); } thresholdStore.add(maxThreshold); } // TODO: is this a good workaround? // if (maxThreshold == 0) { // System.out.println(Common.printInfo() + ": maxThreshold = 0"); // maxThreshold++; // } }
private final void from(Object source, java.lang.reflect.Field member, Field<?> field) throws IllegalAccessException { Class<?> mType = member.getType(); if (mType.isPrimitive()) { if (mType == byte.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getByte(source)); } else if (mType == short.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getShort(source)); } else if (mType == int.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getInt(source)); } else if (mType == long.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getLong(source)); } else if (mType == float.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getFloat(source)); } else if (mType == double.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getDouble(source)); } else if (mType == boolean.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getBoolean(source)); } else if (mType == char.class) { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.getChar(source)); } } else { Utils.setValue(this, field, member.get(source)); } }
private boolean packPrimitive(final Field afield, OutputObjectState os) { try { /* * TODO deal with arrays of primitive types. * * Workaround - provide saveState and restoreState annotations. */ if (afield.getType().equals(Boolean.TYPE)) os.packBoolean(afield.getBoolean(_theObject)); else if (afield.getType().equals(Byte.TYPE)) os.packByte(afield.getByte(_theObject)); else if (afield.getType().equals(Short.TYPE)) os.packShort(afield.getShort(_theObject)); else if (afield.getType().equals(Integer.TYPE)) os.packInt(afield.getInt(_theObject)); else if (afield.getType().equals(Long.TYPE)) os.packLong(afield.getLong(_theObject)); else if (afield.getType().equals(Float.TYPE)) os.packFloat(afield.getFloat(_theObject)); else if (afield.getType().equals(Double.TYPE)) os.packDouble(afield.getDouble(_theObject)); else if (afield.getType().equals(Character.TYPE)) os.packChar(afield.getChar(_theObject)); else return false; } catch (final IOException ex) { return false; } catch (final Exception ex) { return false; } return true; }
public static void keep_writeShort(Parcel paramParcel, Field paramField, Object paramObject) { try { paramParcel.writeInt(paramField.getShort(paramObject)); return; } catch (Exception paramParcel) { v.e("MicroMsg.MCacheItem", "exception:%s", new Object[] {be.f(paramParcel)}); } }
/** * Compares the values of a field for two instances of a class. * * @param <T> type of the instances. Type must contain the specified field. * @param instance1 first instance to test * @param instance2 second instance to test * @param field field to test * @return true iff the primitive fields are equal * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public static <T> boolean isPrimitiveFieldContentTheSame(T instance1, T instance2, Field field) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { Class<?> type = field.getType(); if (type == byte.class) return (field.getByte(instance1) == field.getByte(instance2)); else if (type == short.class) return (field.getShort(instance1) == field.getShort(instance2)); else if (type == int.class) return (field.getInt(instance1) == field.getInt(instance2)); else if (type == long.class) return (field.getLong(instance1) == field.getLong(instance2)); else if (type == float.class) { float float1 = field.getFloat(instance1); float float2 = field.getFloat(instance2); return ((float1 == float2) || (Double.isNaN(float1) && Double.isNaN(float2))); } else if (type == double.class) { double double1 = field.getDouble(instance1); double double2 = field.getDouble(instance2); return ((double1 == double2) || (Double.isNaN(double1) && Double.isNaN(double2))); } else if (type == boolean.class) return (field.getBoolean(instance1) == field.getBoolean(instance2)); else if (type == char.class) return (field.getChar(instance1) == field.getChar(instance2)); else throw new RuntimeException("Field content is not primitive"); }
private static Map readFonts(NodeList fontList, HSSFWorkbook workbook) throws ExcelTransformerException { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.entering( SimpleExcelRenderer.class.getName(), "readFonts", String.valueOf(fontList.getLength())); } Map results = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < fontList.getLength(); i++) { Element fontNode = (Element) fontList.item(i); String name = fontNode.getAttribute("name"); HSSFFont font = workbook.createFont(); NodeList children = fontNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) { Node child = children.item(j); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element childE = (Element) child; String value = XmlUtils.getElementText(childE); if (childE.getNodeName().equals("family")) { font.setFontName(value); } else { try { Field field = HSSFFont.class.getField(value); if (childE.getNodeName().equals("boldweight")) { font.setBoldweight(field.getShort(null)); } } catch (Throwable th) { throw new ExcelTransformerException( "An error occurred while processing " + value + " on the excel font."); } } } } results.put(name, font); } if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.exiting(SimpleExcelRenderer.class.getName(), "readFonts"); } return results; }
/** * 创建ContentValues对象通过Field对象 * * @param bean 数据结构 * @param field Field对象 * @param cv ContentValues对象 */ private void createContentValuesByFields(BaseDaoBean bean, Field field, ContentValues cv) { String key = field.getName(); Object keyValue = null; Class<?> clazz = field.getType(); try { if (BaseDBConst.KEY_ID.equals(field.getName())) { return; } keyValue = field.get(bean); if (clazz != null && keyValue != null) { if (clazz.isPrimitive()) { if (Double.TYPE == clazz) { cv.put(key, field.getDouble(bean)); } else if (Float.TYPE == clazz) { cv.put(key, field.getFloat(bean)); } else if (Integer.TYPE == clazz) { cv.put(key, field.getInt(bean)); } else if (Long.TYPE == clazz) { cv.put(key, field.getLong(bean)); } else if (Short.TYPE == clazz) { cv.put(key, field.getShort(bean)); } } else if (clazz == byte[].class) { cv.put(key, (byte[]) keyValue); } else if (Integer.class == clazz) { field.set(key, (Integer) keyValue); } else if (Long.class == clazz) { field.set(key, (Long) keyValue); } else if (Float.class == clazz) { field.set(key, (Float) keyValue); } else if (Double.class == clazz) { field.set(key, (Double) keyValue); } else if (Boolean.TYPE == clazz) { cv.put(key, (Boolean) keyValue); } else if (Byte.TYPE == clazz) { cv.put(key, (Byte) keyValue); } else if (String.class == clazz) { cv.put(key, (String) keyValue); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.e(TAG, bean.getClass().getName() + "【" + key + "】的值是:" + keyValue); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public Object get(Object owner) { try { // This is needed because until JDK 9 the Reflection API // does not use the same caching as used for auto-boxing. // See for details. // The code below can be removed when we move to JDK 9. // double and float are intentionally not handled here because // the JLS § 5.1.7 does not define caching for boxed values of // this types. Class<?> type = field.getType(); if (type.isPrimitive()) { if (type == Boolean.TYPE) { return Boolean.valueOf(field.getBoolean(owner)); } else if (type == Byte.TYPE) { return Byte.valueOf(field.getByte(owner)); } else if (type == Character.TYPE) { return Character.valueOf(field.getChar(owner)); } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) { return Integer.valueOf(field.getInt(owner)); } else if (type == Long.TYPE) { return Long.valueOf(field.getLong(owner)); } else if (type == Short.TYPE) { return Short.valueOf(field.getShort(owner)); } } return field.get(owner); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PropertyAccessException( String.format( Locale.ROOT, "Error accessing field [%s] by reflection for persistent property [%s#%s] : %s", field.toGenericString(), containerClass.getName(), propertyName, owner), e); } }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void setData( Object obj, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, float[] floatValues, String[] stringValues, Indexes index) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { Reporter r = null; if (BuildCraftCore.trackNetworkUsage) { if (!report.containsKey(clas.getName())) report.put(clas.getName(), new Reporter()); r = report.get(clas.getName()); r.clas = clas; } else r = new Reporter(); r.occurences++; for (Field f : shortFields) { byteBuffer.writeShort(f.getShort(obj)); r.bytes += 2; r.dataInt += 1; } for (Field f : intFields) { byteBuffer.writeInt(f.getInt(obj)); r.bytes += 4; r.dataInt += 1; } for (Field f : booleanFields) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(f.getBoolean(obj) ? 1 : 0); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; } for (Field f : enumFields) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(((Enum) f.get(obj)).ordinal()); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; } for (Field f : unsignedByteFields) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(f.getInt(obj)); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; } for (Field f : floatFields) { floatValues[index.floatIndex] = f.getFloat(obj); index.floatIndex++; r.bytes += 4; r.dataFloat += 1; } for (Field f : doubleFields) { floatValues[index.floatIndex] = (float) f.getDouble(obj); index.floatIndex++; r.bytes += 4; r.dataFloat += 1; } for (Field f : stringFields) { stringValues[index.stringIndex] = (String) f.get(obj); r.bytes += stringValues[index.stringIndex].length(); index.stringIndex++; r.dataString += 1; } for (ClassMapping c : objectFields) { Object cpt = c.field.get(obj); if (cpt == null) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(0); for (int i = 0; i < c.sizeBytes; ++i) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(0); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; } index.floatIndex += c.sizeFloat; index.stringIndex += c.sizeString; } else { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(1); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; c.setData(cpt, byteBuffer, floatValues, stringValues, index); } } for (Field f : doubleArrayFields) { TileNetworkData updateAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(TileNetworkData.class); for (int i = 0; i < updateAnnotation.staticSize(); ++i) { floatValues[index.floatIndex] = (float) ((double[]) f.get(obj))[i]; index.floatIndex++; r.bytes += 4; r.dataFloat += 1; } } for (Field f : shortArrayFields) { TileNetworkData updateAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(TileNetworkData.class); for (int i = 0; i < updateAnnotation.staticSize(); ++i) { byteBuffer.writeShort(((short[]) f.get(obj))[i]); r.bytes += 2; r.dataInt += 1; } } for (Field f : intArrayFields) { TileNetworkData updateAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(TileNetworkData.class); for (int i = 0; i < updateAnnotation.staticSize(); ++i) { byteBuffer.writeInt(((int[]) f.get(obj))[i]); r.bytes += 4; r.dataInt += 1; } } for (Field f : booleanArrayFields) { TileNetworkData updateAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(TileNetworkData.class); for (int i = 0; i < updateAnnotation.staticSize(); ++i) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(((boolean[]) f.get(obj))[i] ? 1 : 0); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; } } for (Field f : unsignedByteFields) { TileNetworkData updateAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(TileNetworkData.class); for (int i = 0; i < updateAnnotation.staticSize(); ++i) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(((int[]) f.get(obj))[i]); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; } } for (Field f : stringArrayFields) { TileNetworkData updateAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(TileNetworkData.class); for (int i = 0; i < updateAnnotation.staticSize(); ++i) { stringValues[index.stringIndex] = ((String[]) f.get(obj))[i]; r.bytes += stringValues[index.stringIndex].length(); index.stringIndex++; r.dataString += 1; } } for (ClassMapping c : objectArrayFields) { TileNetworkData updateAnnotation = c.field.getAnnotation(TileNetworkData.class); Object[] cpts = (Object[]) c.field.get(obj); for (int i = 0; i < updateAnnotation.staticSize(); ++i) if (cpts[i] == null) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(0); for (int j = 0; j < c.sizeBytes; ++j) { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(0); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; } index.floatIndex += c.sizeFloat; index.stringIndex += c.sizeString; } else { byteBuffer.writeUnsignedByte(1); r.bytes += 1; r.dataInt += 1; c.setData(cpts[i], byteBuffer, floatValues, stringValues, index); } } }
short getShort(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { return javaField.getShort(obj); }
@Override protected <T> void handleClonePrimitiveField( T obj, T copy, CloneDriver driver, FieldModel<T> f, IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> referencesToReuse) { Field field = f.getField(); try { Class<?> clazz = f.getFieldClass(); if (f.isPrivate()) { if (java.lang.Boolean.TYPE == clazz) { field.setBoolean(copy, field.getBoolean(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Byte.TYPE == clazz) { field.setByte(copy, field.getByte(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Character.TYPE == clazz) { field.setChar(copy, field.getChar(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Short.TYPE == clazz) { field.setShort(copy, field.getShort(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Integer.TYPE == clazz) { field.setInt(copy, field.getInt(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Long.TYPE == clazz) { field.setLong(copy, field.getLong(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Float.TYPE == clazz) { field.setFloat(copy, field.getFloat(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Double.TYPE == clazz) { field.setDouble(copy, field.getDouble(obj)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected primitive but was :" + clazz.getName()); } } else { if (java.lang.Boolean.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putBooleanValue(copy, field.getBoolean(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Byte.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putByteValue(copy, field.getByte(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Character.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putCharValue(copy, field.getChar(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Short.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putShortValue(copy, field.getShort(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Integer.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putIntValue(copy, field.getInt(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Long.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putLongValue(copy, field.getLong(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Float.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putFloatValue(copy, field.getFloat(obj)); } else if (java.lang.Double.TYPE == clazz) { f.getFieldAccess().putDoubleValue(copy, field.getDouble(obj)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected primitive but was :" + clazz.getName()); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Problem performing clone for field {" + field.getName() + "} of object {" + System.identityHashCode(obj) + "}: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Problem performing clone for field {" + field.getName() + "} of object {" + System.identityHashCode(obj) + "}: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Generic print formatting function: Does depth-first descent of the structure and recursively * prints all non-private objects pointed to by this object. <bf> Warning - the following generic * string routine will bomb (go into infinite loop) if there are any circularly linked structures * so if you have these, they had better be private! </bf> We dont have to worry about such things * for our structures (we never use circular linked structures). */ public String toString() { stringRepresentation = ""; Class myclass = getClass(); sprint(myclass.getName()); sprint("{"); sprint("inputText:"); sprint(inputText); Field[] fields = myclass.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field f = fields[i]; // Only print protected and public members. int modifier = f.getModifiers(); if ((modifier & Modifier.PRIVATE) == Modifier.PRIVATE) continue; Class fieldType = f.getType(); String fieldName = f.getName(); if (fieldName.compareTo("stringRepresentation") == 0) { // avoid nasty recursions... continue; } if (fieldName.compareTo("indentation") == 0) { // formatting stuff - not relevant here. continue; } sprint(fieldName + ":"); try { // Primitive fields are printed with type: value if (fieldType.isPrimitive()) { String fname = fieldType.toString(); sprint(fname + ":"); if (fname.compareTo("int") == 0) { int intfield = f.getInt(this); sprint(intfield); } else if (fname.compareTo("short") == 0) { short shortField = f.getShort(this); sprint(shortField); } else if (fname.compareTo("char") == 0) { char charField = f.getChar(this); sprint(charField); } else if (fname.compareTo("long") == 0) { long longField = f.getLong(this); sprint(longField); } else if (fname.compareTo("boolean") == 0) { boolean booleanField = f.getBoolean(this); sprint(booleanField); } else if (fname.compareTo("double") == 0) { double doubleField = f.getDouble(this); sprint(doubleField); } else if (fname.compareTo("float") == 0) { float floatField = f.getFloat(this); sprint(floatField); } } else if (Class.forName(SIP_PACKAGE + ".GenericObject").isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { if (f.get(this) != null) { sprint(((GenericObject) f.get(this)).toString(indentation + 1)); } else { sprint("<null>"); } } else if (Class.forName(SIP_PACKAGE + ".GenericObjectList").isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { if (f.get(this) != null) { sprint(((GenericObjectList) f.get(this)).toString(indentation + 1)); } else { sprint("<null>"); } } else { // Dont do recursion on things that are not // of our header type... if (f.get(this) != null) { sprint(f.get(this).getClass().getName() + ":"); } else { sprint(fieldType.getName() + ":"); } sprint("{"); if (f.get(this) != null) { sprint(f.get(this).toString()); } else { sprint("<null>"); } sprint("}"); } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex1) { continue; // we are accessing a private field... } catch (Exception ex) { InternalErrorHandler.handleException(ex); } } sprint("}"); return stringRepresentation; }
/** * An introspection based predicate matching using a template object. Allows for partial match of * two protocl Objects. * * @other the match pattern to test against. The match object has to be of the same type (class). * Primitive types and non-sip fields that are non null are matched for equality. Null in any * field matches anything. Some book-keeping fields are ignored when making the comparison. */ public boolean match(Object other) { if (other == null) return true; if (!this.getClass().equals(other.getClass())) return false; GenericObject that = (GenericObject) other; Class myclass = this.getClass(); Field[] fields = myclass.getDeclaredFields(); Class hisclass = other.getClass(); Field[] hisfields = hisclass.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field f = fields[i]; Field g = hisfields[i]; // Only print protected and public members. int modifier = f.getModifiers(); if ((modifier & Modifier.PRIVATE) == Modifier.PRIVATE) continue; Class fieldType = f.getType(); String fieldName = f.getName(); if (fieldName.compareTo("stringRepresentation") == 0) { continue; } if (fieldName.compareTo("indentation") == 0) { continue; } if (fieldName.compareTo("inputText") == 0) { continue; } try { // Primitive fields are printed with type: value if (fieldType.isPrimitive()) { String fname = fieldType.toString(); if (fname.compareTo("int") == 0) { if (f.getInt(this) != g.getInt(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("short") == 0) { if (f.getShort(this) != g.getShort(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("char") == 0) { if (f.getChar(this) != g.getChar(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("long") == 0) { if (f.getLong(this) != g.getLong(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("boolean") == 0) { if (f.getBoolean(this) != g.getBoolean(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("double") == 0) { if (f.getDouble(this) != g.getDouble(that)) return false; } else if (fname.compareTo("float") == 0) { if (f.getFloat(this) != g.getFloat(that)) return false; } } else { Object myObj = f.get(this); Object hisObj = g.get(that); if (hisObj == myObj) return true; else if (hisObj != null && myObj == null) return false; else if (GenericObject.isMySubclass(myObj.getClass()) && !((GenericObject) myObj).match(hisObj)) return false; else if (hisObj instanceof java.lang.String && myObj instanceof java.lang.String) { if (((String) myObj).compareToIgnoreCase((String) hisObj) != 0) return false; } else if (GenericObjectList.isMySubclass(myObj.getClass()) && !((GenericObjectList) myObj).match(hisObj)) return false; } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex1) { InternalErrorHandler.handleException(ex1); } } return true; }